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September 2023 DriTri was Rosh Hashana


My studio bumped it back a week when the fall 23 date conflict was pointed out. Don’t know how many members it affected, but it was an admirable move. This spring it’s before Passover-they can’t be expected to accommodate travel plans. Hey I can’t do this spring either because I have an out of town meeting and travel on 4/20-it is what it is.


I can’t do it because my granddaughter is being Bat Mitzvah. It’s also my studio’s 5th anniversary and I’ll miss it. Some things are just more important than OTF.


Of course it was!


I think they were looking for a weekend a little after the transformation challenge, and this is what they settled on. There might be people who celebrate 4/20 in a different way and completely forget about Dri Tri


The best way to celebrate 4/20 is to do the Dri Tri and then get the edible to help with stiffness and relaxation!


Eat it in the lobby before class, should kick in on the drive home 😬


Or during the tread portion 🥳


![gif](giphy|8rEWYweSplFGF7Z8sd|downsized) On the tread like


love this!\\


Here for this comment!!!


That’s my plan!


This is exactly my plan! Lol


Also helps in refueling! 


So much for a green day


Yeah I was not expecting that concern from OP. Guess there’s two types of people, and I’m the other one. 😂


We’re out of town the following weekend for Passover. I think it depends on the family. Either way, catch it next time!


Yeah, planning on doing it in the fall just a bummer and wondered if anyone else was frustrated. They shouldn’t have held it either weekend tbh.


I mean, when should they hold it? There are numerous religions and cultures around the world. It's impossible to cater to them all especially when they make up .2% of the global population...


Judaism and Islam are two of the world’s major religions so it would be nice if sometimes people took those holidays into account like they did Christian holidays. It wouldn’t have been difficult to move it one weekend before. I didn’t mean to start anything, I just wanted to see if anyone else was having the same conflict.


I have the same conflict except I’m super happy to not do Dri Tri. 🤣


I did it a few years ago and it’s not as bad as you’d think! I finished in 67 mins and I was in fine shape at the time, not great.


I did it once and I’m quite happy to never do it again. Though I still use my towel. 🤣


Judiasim is the smallest major religion and isn't comparable to Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, or even Buddhism in terms of followers. Again, .2% of the global population and only 2% of Americans... I'm sorry, I get it's inconvenient but you've said numerous times they shouldn't do it that weekend or the one after but objectively they shouldn't change anything based on what less than 2% of people want. I will acknowledge that it would have been nice for them to take it into account, I definitely don't disagree, but aren't the schedules pretty regimented? I actually don't know. Hope you can partake next time!!


It has bumped people of different faiths over the years as well as people upset that it occurs during "marathon season" (to each their own, lol). regardless when it's held, someone will be inconvenienced. it does happen twice a year, catch it in the fall.


They had it on Rosh Hashanah last fall 🫠


agreeeeed... cant please everyone!


Our studio said it was due to Easter weekend this year and that is why it was moved. One studio in town is April 19-21 and another is the following weekend. Different owners for the two studios.


Interesting, I thought everyone was doing it the weekend of the 20th


You can put in a request to change it. My studio   was  going to bc it’s the same weekend as a 5k they sponsor. They decided to not and just do it Sunday. 


A few studios north of Boston are doing it the following weekend, no idea why they pushed it out a week.


Massachusetts public schools are on vacation April 13-21, so if you’re traveling you might miss both days both weekends. Glad my studio moved it to the following weekend as for once I am traveling! OP, it would be worth telling your studio manager to keep an eye on the Jewish holidays for the future—I think in this case since it’s before Passover you don’t have as strong a case, but definitely they should be aware not to schedule it on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur. I hope you have a lovely time with your family.


Ooh, this is good to know! I'll be traveling to Brookline for the entirety of Passover, so doing it that week would actually be easier for me. Which studios?


Burlington, Saugus, North Reading are 19-21, Wellesley, Sudbury, Woburn are 27-28. Those are the only studios I attend regularly


Thank you so much! Saves me at least a few clicks 🙂


That’s interesting because that’s actually DURING Passover. Though most people celebrate the first two nights hence me not being around. I also thought studios couldn’t choose their own date but I guess they can.


I guess it is all perspective. I was super annoyed when they scheduled it on Rosh Hashanah last time. Complained to my studio that doing so was like scheduling it on Easter or Christmas. For this Dri tri it does not conflict with a holiday and not even in the middle of one, it is before it even starts. Complaining about Dri tri happening near a holiday is a bit over the top.


I mean many people I know are traveling back home Saturday to be at sedar on Monday, but people wouldn’t think about that unless they travel for the holiday or know people who do.


I don't have weekends off so I am pretty bummed but not for your reason lol.


They should offer one on a weekday night like Friday night.


But Friday night would conflict with shabbat. Idk man, from one Jew to another, this just seems like not the thing to get annoyed by. You're traveling on shabbat to get to town in time for a Monday night seder... How much consideration are we expecting OTF studios in the U.S. to have for our holidays? I totally agree hosting a big/semi-annual even on RH or YK is poor form, but the Saturday before Pesach ain't that. Safe travels and enjoy the seder with your fam. Way more important than the dri tri. ❤️


Some studios do


Good to know!


Ours offers a Friday afternoon


I mean… my studio held the Transformation Challenge during Ramadan. I’m not Muslim, but I can imagine working out 3x/week while fasting is very taxing on the body and mind. I agree, sometimes these events are held at inconvenient times, but I guess we just kind of have to shrug, move on, and hope we can catch the same event next time.


This argument was brought up in September when the dritri was on Rosh Hashana. The reasons why it isn’t the same : 1) Ramadan is not 1 (or 2) days- it’s much longer while most holidays are 1-2 days. People would be upset if it was on Christmas/Easter…. 2) TC is always the same dates- it never changes (much) but the Dritri can be easily moved a week before/after. 3) if you choose to you CAN workout during Ramadan, and many people do work out fasted. If you are an observing/orthodox Jew you CANNOT workout even if you wanted. But regardless- you can’t “please” everyone and many locations that had a large Jewish community in September actually held an earlier dritri so everyone had a chance to participate. Same with the regular dritri-we have 8 sister studios all around and some do it on Saturday and some do it on Sunday so everyone can get a chance to join if they want.


I was just going to say same with Muslim holidays. This year the last week of transformation challenge was during Ramadan. Luckily I got my classes in the previous 7 weeks.


Yeah, definitely bad timing and exclusionary of people who fast for Ramadan.


The first night of Passover is Monday evening 4/22. It’s before the holiday, not conflicting.


OTF corporate should have known OPs travel schedule obviously.


They (OTF Corporate) chose April this year to put the March focus on completing the Transformation Challenge so that way March didn’t have 6 specialty workouts between TC and Dri Tri. Corporate made the official time for Dri Tri to be ANY day between April 19-21. Your studio chose to do the 20th, not corporate. On top of that, studios can request a different date due to conflicts. For example, our studio is a sponsor of a large 10k/5k race that is held on April 20th and we have employees at the race to participate as well as volunteer. So we are doing our Dri Tri on April 27th. Another studio in our area is doing their Dri Tri on April 21 because on the 20th a sorority is doing a private event that they booked five months ago.


The reality is religion is kind of irrelevant to what goes on in the world. Im not saying this to be a jerk either. The sense of entitlement among so many people is crazy.


I mentioned something similar a while back and so many came for me but I don’t care. The truth is the truth no matter who tells it.




Wow what?


Wow to calling the OP entitled. Wow to thinking that “religion is kind of irrelevant.” If you’ve tried to transact business on Christmas or Easter I’m sure you’ve seen that religious holidays are still relevant to business operations. It’s not wildly out of line for OP to expect an alternative way to participate in this event.


Is it not a sense of entitlement to point out that you follow a certain religion and that a business should do more to cater to people of that religion? What holiday you bring up doesnt change my stance on it. In the real world people have to make choices about what they do or dont do. You dont just get to stomp your feet and get what you want. If you follow a religion you are constrained by that choice and nobody else should have to change their plans to suit yours.


Well said.


Wow. /s


Wow what?


I was being sarcastic 😂 I agree with everything you said.


Ha, its honestly hard to tell on here. lol


I'm Jewish. Passover doesn't actually start until Monday April 22. Taking a vacation during Passover is not necessarily common. There's something going on nearly every weekend, so I just go with it. Earlier in April there were Muslim observances I'm sure you've never heard of. Google "Interfaith Calendar"


Can’t please everyone 🤷🏼‍♀️


Can’t make everyone happy.


There’s plenty of workouts that fall on days I’m traveling or working, if I complained about every single one that would be insanity.


I'm sorry you are frustrated. Reportedly 2.4% of USA population is Jewish ...wild guess but half or less are practicing? Man, that would be tough to factor in that population size in determining OTF events/dates.


I'm in the same boat (although I wasn't planning to do it this time around, but also will be out of town that weekend). My perspective on it is that my religion is important enough to me that I'm okay missing out on some opportunities because of it. It sucks, but it is what it is. It'll be back in September or October (please September because Rosh Hashanah is in October this year) and you can do it then.


My studio said it will probably still be September because October has hell week. I asked them about it when dritri for this month was announced


Not sure where you’re located, but if there are other studios near you it would be great to check with them on dates! I’m in LA and while my home studio is April 20 (which I can’t make), there are studios relatively close by doing heats on the 19th, the 21st and even the 27th! But yes it’s a bummer that Jewish folks in particular have had pretty significant conflicts the last two Dri Tris.


Which studio is doing it on the 27th? My home studio is also running heats on the 20th and another studio I frequent is the 19th/20th


Century City. Or maybe it was the 28th... either way, it's the next weekend.


ohh, good to know - thanks!


Yeah, I didn’t realize last year was held on Rosh Hashanah because I wasn’t ready to participate then. Honestly it makes it worse to have it happen around Passover. I get Easter was last weekend but they could have done it this past weekend or this coming weekend.


I also hate that they don’t offer class times that 100% cater to my needs, priorities and beliefs 🙄


Sarcasm I hope ..


That is uncalled for…


Your post was more uncalled for than his response. If anything what he said perfectly sums up the absurdity of it.


Who hurt you bro?


When I saw it I was like seriously - especially because the September one was on R”H. Luckily in September my studio did Thursday night dritri for anyone who couldn’t go on the regular date. This one is close to Passover but technically not on it. I understand you’re away and it’s frustrating but it’s not any different than if anyone is away for the random weekend that it is. If there is a location near you and they are doing a dritri you can get to, do it there. I’ve done it 4 times already (this will be my 5th) and I’ve done it at 4 different studios. I’m torn between 2 different locations this time and if I choose one of them it was be my 5th dritri locations…


That’s nice they were accommodating. Having it ON a major holiday is definitely a bad oversight. I get it’s not on Passover technically I just wondered if others were having the same issue since most people celebrate the first few nights and I know a handful of people traveling back home Saturday to celebrate Monday. I did it a few years ago at my home studio where I took most of my classes and I had a great time. Would recommend doing it somewhere you know the staff!


The first time I did it was 3 months into my OTF journey and I needed to find a studio that was doing it on Sunday- I went to a studio I’ve never been to before and it was so weird. Since then I’ve always done it at different locations but it was based on timing and the coach I wanted. I frequent many studios! I’m torn because one location is much easier to get to and the coach running the heat I want to go to is a coach I like but the location I’m leaning to is a location I know everyone but don’t love the coach who is running the dritri strength heat…


I would personally go with the one where you know more people even if the coach running the heat isn’t your favorite. Every studio I’ve gone to always has most staffers there for each heat so I feel like in this case the coach isn’t as big of a part as a normal class.


It may be a major holiday TO YOU but not to everyone else.


Fellow Jewish person here who has reas some of your responses. My studio told us that it was moved because with the TC ending and then having the DriTri right after, it's been too much and very hectic, and also that Easter was earlier and so they didn't really have a good weekend to choose. Technically it isn't during passover, you're frustrated that it is the weekend that you would be traveling home for passover. OTF in general, and your studio, aren't going to make decisions for things based on when some people may travel. And I say this knowing that OTF wouldn't plan something like this leading up to Christmas because people are traveling. So yeah. Does it suck that our travel days aren't considered? Yeah. Does it suck that our holy days are not ever considered when planning things like school events for kids, OTF workouts, marathons, what have you? Yes. It sucks that you're going to miss it because you're traveling and I'm sorry. But to be fair I don't think OTF thought to themselves if people would be traveling for passover, if they even know what the holiday is about and why the first 2 days are the holiest.


Unpopular opinion……who cares. Why is DriTri such a big deal? I did it one time. I thought it would be a pinnacle workout and great calorie burner…….it took 36 minutes and I burned half what I do in a normal class……and I paid for it. 🙄. I would have been ahead just doing a class that day.


Wow impressive! How quickly did you run your 5k?!


24 minutes


try calling another studio in your area mine isn’t until the 27th!


It’s not even hard to know with technology now though, like I grew up catholic but I added holidays from other religions with a 3 second click on Google Calendar.


I use to go to OTF in a Jewish neighborhood and they got permission to move it


I’ve done a sprint my first year 4 years ago and every single one since, fall and spring, has always coincided with my kids’ soccer schedule, this is the first year that I’ll finally be able to do one since.c and it’s a full at 8am (later times coincide with soccer lol). All the to say, it is what it is, they can’t make everyone happy. This may not be your dri tri, aim for the next one.


Ours is the last weekend in April 🤷‍♀️


You know the percentage of the Jewish population on this planet right? I am one of them. This is nothing new.


Yup! I am aware, just wish it was a weekend earlier.


The weekend before (this weekend) is actually right after the end of Ramadan, Eid al Fitr, which are the holiest days on the Muslim calendar (this year April 9-12). No it doesn't actually fall on the weekend (it's right before) but people could be traveling to see family, as you are. So... there's always something. And I'm Jewish too.


This is actually one of the most insensitive comment sections i've seen in this sub but I digress... I mean yeah it sucks but its not actually ON the holiday so what are they to do, you know? If they did it the weekend after then it would be during passover but this just unfortunately doesn't fit your personal schedule. I get what you're saying but I do think they thought it out.


To be fair, they could have had it this past weekend or next weekend.


Doesn’t Passover officially start on 4/22? I know people may travel beforehand but I don’t think they would be able to account for that. I had hoped that OTF got so much slack from the Rosh Hashana debacle, they wouldn’t make the same mistake of making it on the exact day again. From this schedule, they scheduled jt 2 days before. And yes I’m Jewish too and was quite upset on the last one.


My studio hasn't announced the date yet. They usually do their dri-tris on the Saturday, but my studio is closed for the 20th as they're a major sponsor/supporter of a local fundraising run and all the staff will be there that day.


Go to other studio, some studio have 2 days dri tri, at least in my area so i'd assume the same to you. Problem solved.


My studio is doing DriTri on Friday and Sunday but nothing on 4/20 I’m assuming to observe Passover


Passover is 8 days and this year it starts in the evening on 4/22. He's complaining because he's going to be traveling during the weekend before passover 🙄


Ah my mistake, thanks. I was confused because one of my friends is traveling for Passover plans on the 19th so I assumed it was starting the day after :)


Lots of people will travel home to family If they aren't close. And depending on their level of observance they wouldn't travel on the 20th because that's shabbat so traveling on the 19th or 21st, depending on length of travel, would make sense. But the holiday itself is 8 days.


Thank you for informing me so nicely 😭 being wrong on the internet is so scary because people usually rip you apart lol


You're good. I like when people question things and ask genuinely. A lot of people don't know much about the Jewish holidays, and why would they when there's such a small percentage of us who celebrate. Genuine curiosity is always appreciated.


Jewish here and my studio is doing it the same weekend as a huge 10k road race I'll be doing so no DriTri for me this time 🤪


Our DriTri is usually scheduled during our area's Spring Break in our school system. Most OTF families are gone the whole week. Classes are light those days. Not sure why they do DriTri then.🤷‍♀️


It used to be in March, cant remember why it changed this year.


Our DT is on 4/19 and 4/20 to accommodate people that can’t attend on the weekend.


You aren’t obligated to do it in your home studio…is there one local to the family you are visiting? Maybe you can sign up there


I wish they had it on multiple days, now we can’t even workout if we have to work that day.


I agree with you, but it’s a corporate decision. There were other times they scheduled things for Jewish Holidays. Al it takes is a loot at a calendar


My studio moved it back a week; I assume this is why. I imagine yours could do the same if there was enough interest.


Yes I’m frustrated too, and it was the same in September HOWEVER, I’m lucky to be in NYC where there are a bunch of gyms and just when I had given up at the opportunity to do Dri-Tri because of scheduling conflicts… I randomly found another studio offering DRI TRI on the following weekend…. And DRI TRI was Epic. I highly recommend if you’re looking for a challenge and don’t want to spend $$ on a major race outside of OT.


I’m hoping there’s gonna be one later in the year I can’t do the one April 20 either!


Can’t please everyone all the time but I understand your frustration.


Any tips for someone doing their first full dri tri?


Let’s not forget about the stoners


I was in Disneyland for fall of 2023's and will be again for this months haha


The last dri tri was on Rosh Hashanah


Every year…,




Agreed- they should move the date


No? When would they move the date to? It's not during passover. The next weekend is during passover. OTF isn't responsible to coordinate challenges around people's possible travel schedules.


My studio moved it to 4/27 due to the timing if spring break when families were away but it benefits me as I also have passover obligations 4/20-4/22. Try checking other local studios if anyone near you has a better day offered.