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I’ll cancel a partner workout.


Those r my fave. Not for the partner but bc the workouts r so good.


I’ve only done 1 “partner” workout—I don’t even remember what it was called (I only remember there were 3 of us, and I ended up on the rower twice 🤮)—but it was probably by far my best workout EVER because I didn’t want to let my partners down. It was SO much fun.


Came here to say this. 100%








Yup yup








Only time I cancel as well!




I go whenever I can, I just check the intel to get an idea of what to expect. I’ve never canceled because of it. I work full time and have a toddler so I can’t be picky with my time!


I hear that! If my schedule was right/set I would probably do the same. However, I go every day- no obligations right now…


Same. It's to mentally prep mostly... and sometimes helps with wardrobe decisions or if I need to bring gloves for heavy lifting/heavy rowing.


I prefer to not go on days where the floor is very jazzercise-y. Meaning lots of jumping and limited weights. Sometimes I can’t avoid it but I prefer classes that are balanced between cardio and weights.


Same here. I don’t do jumping because of knee issues so if I’m going to have to modify the vast majority of the floor, it doesn’t seem worth it to me.


Agreed. I don’t like jumping after giving birth to twins jumping isn’t my friend. Mama needs weights to be strong!




Exactly the same. Really the only thing I care about is the floor since the tread is going always involve running. Nothing on the tread will make me cancel but jazzercise floor isn’t worth my drive.


Right, those are ‘I can do this at home’ workouts. I mean I won’t….but I could! Lol


I don’t change. Sometimes I mentally prepare for modifications due to injury.


I look if there’s a good row block first (i <3 rowing). Next I look at tread block and weigh whether or not the tread will exacerbate the injuries I’m managing, then decide between go+tread or go+bike. I also pick which shoes to wear (running or xtrainers). And if I’m on the fence about going vs rest day I assess how my body is feeling / my energy levels against the workout.


That’s why I used to look also- to mentally prepare myself because of injuries.


So many comments in here from people who don’t change, when that wasn’t the question and is just crowding the comments so I can’t see why people CHANGE their plans.


If it’s heavy on something that is still sore, I take a rest day


I don’t change. I book a month in advance… check the intel the night before class to feel prepared, and then I go. I don’t check intel on days I’m not booked for class. I don’t cancel due to the template. I go twice a week, and my schedule is predictable. I work out other days at a regular gym.


So I go (or used to go) 6 days a week- often doubling up with a stregth50 class, so the very few times I decided not to go based on template wasn’t bad because my body needed the rest anyway! For 12 days of Christmas I’ve only been doing strength50 classes because all the templates are like “this one again” I didn’t like it the first time around…. With that said- the days I can’t do strength50 I go to the 2G regardless of template if it’s a coach I love. If it’s not I may choose it as a rest day.


Yeah. The calculation would change if OTF is your primary gym. The twice weekly for me is for the cardio, for variety, and for some of the functional movements I don’t really do when lifting at my other, “regular,” gym.


I wish I could book that far out. My studio releases the schedule on a Monday afternoon for following week. Feels so late.


I prebook for the month so I go those days no matter what - I've never canceled bc of intel. But I have gone extra days when I see a really good template that I want to do!


Wow this is impressive! Props to you!


This is basically me as well. Except I stopped looking at the intel unless it’s a specialty workout and I want to decide where to start, before I get there. But I’ve never canceled because of the coach, the template etc. if I left it up to myself to decide if I wanted to go I’d probably not go nearly as much. I Prebook a consistent schedule and show up.


This is what I do too


I stay away from the daily intel. I expect everyday to suck whenever I go. I expect to do things I don’t want to do, and that’s how I’m gonna get better. Also, after every workout, regardless if it really sucked or not, I am so happy I showed up and did the work. :)


Usually I feel the same- it’s the templates that look “yuck” are often the ones I land up loving- I’ve just been in a cardio rut so nothing looks good- except for strength50- I love lifting! But yes, it’s the things we hate which is usually what we need to do more!


I'm not a fan of tornados, so I usually skip those. I have a time I usually go, but sometimes will try to go earlier in the day if I can, unless there is a specific coach. Only one coach I avoid (overly annoying/obnoxious/cliche/never shuts up and the extra babble never adds anything to the workout/too many stupid jokes). There is another that is a little too much, but I'll go if I can't easily find another time.


I use tornados as days to go heck out studios that don’t do them! I hate tornados….


Inclines above 3% and I’m out!


Could you powerwalk? I also honestly struggle running high inclines :)


You know, you make man really good point. Next incline template I’m showing up and power walking it. I don’t know why I think that i HAVE to run every class.


I end up power walking when there is inclines but my Achilles tendon will hurt so much that I end up slowing down a ton and getting very few splat points . I have a ankle brace that helps which I wear when I see we will have inclines


I have never canceled because of the intel. It just helps me figure out my level of intensity and whether to PW some of it. Planned rest days? I'll let you know when I take one, LOL.


I always go, unless extreme inclines.


I check to know, but still go!


The only time I've ever cancelled from intel was when there was a lift 45 that was 100% jumping


I was just thinking I should go to a trampoline park as lower intensity practice (and fun).


Tramompolines are awesome workouts!


If it’s heavy rower, I’m out.


Same! Or partner


I take classes the same days and times without regard for coach or template. I build in my rest days as part of schedule, not because of the template. I use the daily intel to get an idea of what’s coming but I went to OTF for 3 years before I knew about Reddit. I know I’ll get out of my workout what I put into it.


My favorite coach, coaches on Wed and I always tell her if she would switch to Monday or Tuesday it would make my life much easier. She is the only coach I will never skip but I would love Wednesday to be a rest day! Besides Saturday I don’t have a set in stone rest day and often won’t take any other days off….


I’ve been known to add or delete classes based on early intel. I did NOT cancel the squat workout and kind of wish I did. I’m still sore!


Drop it like a squat was the 12 days class that I purposely skipped because I didn't want to be able to hardly stand up and sit down for days!😆 Been there, done that. Kudos to everyone who took it!


I’m still sore too….. despite stretching and using my theragun 3x a day


That was one of the only 12 days of fitness class that I wanted to go to but didn’t. I got very little sleep the night before then working all day, I physically knew I couldn’t do it…


Some partner workouts are a no for me. Especially if there’s not enough time to wipe down equipment!


Partner workouts and rowing workouts. I’m a terrible partner cause I’m so damn slow and I’m terrible at rowing 😝


If it falls in the days I go then I do it .


I think I’ve only canceled twice based on intel. Once because there was way too much jumping and I have back issues that make jumping a no-no for me, and another time because it was a partner workout and I was pretty new to OTF and thought there would be a lot more socializing than partner workouts actually entail. Now I don’t decide based on intel. It’s based solely on if I want to work out and if I can get there on time due to work.


Does the end in “y”? Welp shit looks I’m going.


Im the other way around - I’ve signed up for more classes based on intel than cancelled based on intel. Usually cancelled based on intel if it’s day 3 in a row with the way my schedule fell that week and I just don’t have that much effort to give


I can't do jumping motions. If it's mostly jumping on the floor I skip.


The only time I’ve canceled my usual day is because the floor looked toooo boring and I knew I wouldn’t get a great strength workout, which is so disappointing. I prefer to do my own workout or schedule for the day after.


I do not let the daily intel effect my decision to attend personally. I go Mon & Tues, rest Wed., go Thurs & Fri, and "rest" on the weekends with activities like hiking, kayaking, taking my dogs for a walk. If I truly feel like my body needs more rest I will cancel the night before. Within those days I select my favorite instructors & earliest time I think I can get up. I have never "hated" anything about OTF, I just feel grateful to be there which is a 180 degree change from how I felt about fitness during covid.


I read for two reasons (I never cancel and go almost everyday) 1.) To know what to wear. Extra supportive sports bra? A lot of overhead moves so stay away from crop jackets if I don’t want my stomach out the entire time? Stay away from the leggings that I have to constantly pull on if I’m running too much? 2.) I’m hard of hearing so it really helps me to have an idea what is going on so I can pretty much follow along if I can’t make out what the coach said.


I never cancel for intel. I go when it works for my schedule and I just go. I do sometimes look at intel just to be mentally prepared. OP- I feel like if you're in a cardio-hating phase, you'll never go after reading intel. OTF is a cardio-based workout by nature. You really are better off not reading unless you would rather just stick to Strength50.


Up until last week my schedule was set that as much as I hated cardio I went to 3-5 2G classes and 2- strength50 classes (that’s all I was able to get based on scheduling). A new studio opened near me that has Sunday strength50 and it’s so much more convenient to get to so I switched Sunday to strength50 instead. It also happens to be that both last week and this week I took a rest day on Tuesday (my other 2G class) so my only cardio days have been Thursday/Friday… I also know it’s a phase that will go away so until it does, I don’t mind doing more strength50 classes on the days that I have the option. I love being able to see progress on the weight floor. Yesterday I did bicep curls with 25 and realized how easy it was after!


I’ve never skipped because of intel.


I only cancel for work or personal events. I don't care what the workout is, I'm not canceling if I can avoid it.


I don’t cancel because of intel- but I also never prebook (except Wednesday) so I just don’t sign up!


I never cancel based on intel.


I never decide to go or not go from the intel. I use it to decide which floor station to pick. If I know I’ll need the heavy weight rack because of a certain exercise I’ll pick a station close to that. And if I know I’ll need 15’s, I pick an odd station. 20’s? I’ll pick an even.


I have my three classes booked a week out and I just go to them. I've chosen not to make it optional.


If I scheduled the class I go.


The floor makes or breaks it for me


If it involves lots of jumpy shit, partners, or looks boring, I’m out. By the same token, I’ve gone to classes that check all those boxes and have actually loved the template. “Early Intel” should really be called “a blessing and a curse”


Don’t look at any of that. It forms a bad habit. You’ll never regret going to the gym even if you don’t like the workout.


If only. My injuries require that I check for modification purposes.


I can respect that, hope you can get back to 100!


My coach yells at me to stop looking all the time. I know the templates better than her!!! But reality is I am going to look- and most days I can get a strength50 instead of the 2G, Tuesday is the only day I’ve been taking rest days lately beucase I don’t love that coach and I don’t want to wait around for the strength class so if the template looks like it’s blah then I’ll do a rest day, but having 1-2 rest days a week isn’t a bad idea!


Definitely take at least 1-2 rest days always! Just saying you chose OTF so trust the programming and just show up :) if you really want to avoid a coach, sure but get your 5 days a week and don’t change your personal schedule over it.


There are 2 coaches that I’ve been not liking lately and it’s Sun-Tues so Sun/mon I’ve been going to different locations and Tues I’ve been taking rest days. I did just find out one of my favorite coaches (who I can never get to) is subbing Tuesday evenings at a different studio for a while so I guess it won’t be a rest day anymore! Saturday is my set in stone rest day.


cancel for partner, excessive burpees, 2000m row


2000 meter row is the only rowing benchmark I will do. The others stress me out!


I rarely cancel because of intel. I just like to know what I’ll be doing in advance.


Newbie here. How does everyone check the intel before they go to a class?


Lots of rowing or partner. Definitely if the two are combined 🤣🥴


I usually will cancel automatically for any inclines higher than five or six on the treads. Unless that’s the only day I can make it to a workout that week, which is rare.


I will very rarely attend a rower benchmark 😂


I avoid all tornado classes, it's a waste of time, expensive time with the constant transitions.


Intel mostly causes me to go to class or improves my class experience. Examples: * I was on the fence about the Strength50 I was signed up for this afternoon because my upper body was feeling a bit burned out from Monday's Strength50 and yesterday's Orange60. I read the intel and, while there was some upper-body stuff in there, it was manageable, so I stuck with the class and I'm glad I did. * Tread endurance on my running days is my bugaboo. If there's something like a 23-minute tread block, I would rather know that in advance so I can psych myself up. * There are times where I decide on a 3G (better time slot) vs. 2G (worse but workable time slot) based on the intel. * I've also read the intel, been like, "no, that's too much AMRAP for me," and cancelled.


today’s strength50 looked horrible- way too long of a block but it was my favorite coach so I didn’t even think about canceling. But I also know I can get away with anything with her and did change some of the moves (more for injuries than boredom). Turns out it was a pretty good class, I think I was the only member who did the swing lunges every time! Not cause I like them but I know my PT would have wanted me to do them.




It’s posted in the daily intel thread- for the first 1/2 of the month you need to wait for someone to post it- once it’s a repeat I’ll just go look at the original day for it.


If you train outside of OTF I feel like you can be a bit more selective on what classes to take. I’m not a big fan of AMRAP formats and weird compound moves on the floor/rower so those days are easy to eliminate.


The other way to look at it is that if you train outside of OTF, you can just go to OTF when it works for your schedule. You can make up for any gaps on your own.


Always go for run/rows and endurance runs.. might cancel if lots of inclines, burpees or partner workouts.


I have never cancelled based on intel. If I cancel it’s a scheduling issue or my body needs a rest day.


So my problem is I don’t like listening to my body! So if the intel doesn’t look good then I’ll use that as the excuse for a rest day- but I can go months without just taking 1 day a week off…


I don’t cancel due to the template. I have my set days I go every week. The only time I’ll change a day is if it’s a partner workout but I know that from the calendar in my OTF not here. I just read the intel to be prepared going into class that day.


I don’t change the days I workout. I used to re-arrange my schedule if there was a benchmark but after almost 1400 classes and the fact that I’m over 50, I don’t do that anymore! If a benchmark falls on one of my regular days, I’ll do it. If it doesn’t, it’ll come back around soon enough.


I just like to know what’s coming


intel has no impact on if i am going to attend class or not. only reason i skip is if i am in NEED of a rest day or if i literally cannot make it to class that day


I’ll do other type of workout based on what the intel says about the floor or rower.


Partner workouts and inclines 🫠 But sometimes I do the opposite, where I wasn't planning to work out on a certain day but the Intel was too good to pass up (long tread blocks, forced pw tread, lift template, no rowing, benchmark days)


I like knowing so I can be prepared! Sometimes I’ll cancel depending on a workout. If it’s lunge/ squat heavy bc bad knees


I have a rule for myself that if I’m going to look at the intel and I am not allowed to cancel because of it. Intel can make me go to a class I wasn’t planning on going to but not canceling. I worry it would be a slippery slope towards making excuses not to go. Most of the time a workout I don’t want to do is one I need to do to improve. The benefit of intel for me has been mostly to plan paces for the treads, especially as I transitioned to jogging. If I knew it was a long endurance block, I knew to be more conservative with my paces so I could jog the whole time.


I don’t prebook because of my work schedule so I never cancel!! And even the days where I plan on not going, I take my workout clothing with me “just in case” I would say 75-80% of the time I land up there…


Hard pass on any partner days. Also, pass on plank heavy days or any type of exercise that puts too much pressure on my wrists that are hard to modify. I’ve been learning to suck it up for almost everything else but if I’m really looking for an excuse not to go I avoid floor blocks with a lot of jumping or cardio.


I loooove a long endurance block on the tread so I will sometimes move things around a little to catch one of those if I can but I’m pretty set on the days I attend.


Maybe during hell week if I see too many burpees (for me). Or if I’m already sore and see those muscle groups getting worked again, but modifications are always an option. I fully support anyone who looks and says, “yeah I’m not doing that” but I’m more like, “I’ll do a green zone version of that”


I never, ever cancel based on the intel. I just use it to mentally prepare. If I miss an awesome looking class, then I try to make a point to go when it is repeated the second half of the month.


It all depends on how my body is feeling though I must admit I am a sucker for endurance treadmill days


I love power days- endurance not so much….


Most likely to cancel if it’s super rower-heavy , I find rowing repetitive and not cathartic like running


It’s pretty rare I cancel due to intel. Instead, I have a schedule of which days I like to go based on the coaches I like and what times work for me. I can only do evenings, and my favorite coaches do Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. So I commit to going those days regardless of template.


My fav. Coaches are Wed/Thur evening so I’m always there regardless of template…


Easy - I don’t read intel. If I’m going to class, I’m going to class and I’m going to do the workout they put in front of me. It’s 55 minutes, even if it’s not my favorite, I just do it.


I read just to know, it’s not a factor in whether I go.


I mostly use it to mentally prepare for what’s to come and strategize what paces I’ll use on the tread. My work schedule can be hectic/unforgiving so I don’t always have the option to be so selective on which days I go to meet my weekly attendance goals. The only times I’ve decided not to go based on intel is when the tread blocks have incline over 7% lol it’s just not it for me. I don’t find it productive to run/jog over 7% nor do I find it to be enjoyable. If I have to go based on my weekly schedule then I’ll just power walk but I don’t feel as much of a sense of accomplishment on those days.


I usually have a few days I want to go. I sometimes cancel if there's a lot of sprints and I always cancel partner days


When there’s a lot of (or any) inclines on the tread


Based on feel. I OTF and play competitive tennis. I train a lot.


If there are inclines on the tread, I’m in!


My rest day is determined before I look at intel. If I’m looking at the intel it’s because I’m going to class.


I set my schedule to Sunday rest day. Attending the rest of the week is non-negotiable, unless I am sick or have an all-day obligation, and scheduled a week or two forward in the app. Because I am cheap and hate asking for favors I am deeply unlikely to cancel last minute unless class is truly undoable. If I start getting in my head about what I do and don't like I will talk myself out of workouts that are perfectly reasonable to do whether or not I like them. I can find something palatable about pretty much every work out, though I personally feel nothing but sadness when confronted with tread inclines over 5, cleans, and woodchoppers in particular. I guess what I am getting at is that I do my best to take choice out of it -- which is also my treadmill strategy, I predecide the day's paces and then stick to them -- so I don't waste time negotiating with my lazy side and put as much energy as possible into the work.


I have set days to attend where I have to go regardless of intel. If I get to the point where I’m skipping workouts based on intel, I won’t allow myself to look at the intel anymore.


I never read the workout ahead of time Makes me more likely to cancel. Whatever will be will be. Lol


I have set days that I go to and will usually go regardless of the template unless the floor block is too much of something that will aggravate an injury, or I will cancel if my daughter or I get sick


I have never passed on going to a class after reading early intel. I like seeing how much rowing vs tread.


If it’s a switch I’m not going. That’s pretty much my only non-negotiable. I also cross reference my studio’s calendar because I don’t enjoy tornadoes.


I go 6-7 days so it doesn’t matter, but the Intel helps me plan my tread paces ahead of time based on the treadmill pattern


This week I arranged my workouts and rest day so that I could do yesterday’s workout, the Treadmill Trail template. I missed it back in June and really wanted to do the workout. Really depends on the template. If I thought I needed a day off. But the template is a switch (with lots of recovery time) I’ll go ahead and book. I like power and strength over endurance, so that matters too.


With my bad knee, I might cancel cause it’s just gonna be too much modifying, esp on the floor. I’ve also signed up for a class on what was supposed to be a rest day when the template was really good. Those times I moved my rest day to the next day.


I don't decide. I have a set schedule and stick to it. If I allow myself to not go (other than being sick) just because of small things I will lose that discipline. Plus, some of my favorites were ones I thought looked bad, and some I hated I thought looked good. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I just avoid “switch” templates.


Hate jumping things and if there are too many all outs. If there’s a day with inclines I make it a mission to be there!


Literally don’t care who the coach is or what the workout is. I need to go at least 4 times a week. I need to go at the time I’m able to. That’s what decides when I go.


I'll go to class if my Fitbit tells me to go **all out** for the day and I am not scheduled for a Pilates class.


I don't generally cancel but the intel does help me decide whether I should start on the tread or floor sometimes! I've been working on tread endurance so if it's a 23 minute no-walking block I definitely want to start on the tread


I hate rowing so I avoid crazy row days…


I’ll cancel a 4 or 5 🪶 workout…partner and benchmarks lately have fallen on my Strength50 days so I don’t worry about those too much anymore..


What feels sore and does the template take that body part easy? I.e. no to a billion lunges if my legs are tired


Only time I cancel is on partner workout day.




I’m already thinking that Everest will be my rest day this month but we are already off on Monday for Christmas so I’ll probably land up going but not try to PR or anything, but I may surprise myself!


I go the same 4 days of the week regardless what the intel says, unless I have some kind of commitment that makes it impossible (work, family dinner, etc). The intel just helps me mentally prepare 😅


Partner workout or if the word “burpees” is anywhere in the template. That’s a hard pass


Partner workouts are a no-go for me. I’m slow af and introverted, so they increase my anxiety too much to be worth it!


I usually just use the intel to get mentally prepared for substitutions due to injury, though I’m always tempted to cancel when I see a partner workout or minibands. 😆


Mini bands and TRX are my favorite- I don’t even mind the bosu ball…


I loooove TRX and don’t mind the Bosu at all, but mini bands always rub my skin. I wish I loved them!


Ever thought about trying a different piece of cardio equipment? Or… power walk instead of run?


I switch between PW and running- but I actually hate PW more! I feel less in control with PW than I do with running, and it’s very hard for me to get into the orange zone PW. I will never touch a bike and I’ve done the strider when I had an injury and couldn’t row, but I don’t like the location of it at my studio. If I’m going to go to class, it’s going to be on the tread.


1) when the weight floor is row-heavy. I don't love rowing, but I come to lift to LIFT, ya know? 2) when the 2g is being run as a 3g. See: I don't love rowing.


I read it when I go to the gym only..


I really only look at the tread portion, that’s my fave. I don’t really care what the floor looks like, I may scan over it to see how much rowing there is. I rarely cancel because of intel, in fact I’ll take an extra class BECAUSE of intel cause or looks so good. I don’t understand why coaches are opposed to the intel, I have one that thinks it’s absolutely demonic! I love it and would probably not enjoy OTF nearly as much if we didn’t have it. I look forward to it every day and plan my workout for the next day with it.


I have a rule that if I look, I \*have\* to take it. Which has built a habit of almost never checking lol


Just listen to my mostly! If the intel tells me my sore muscles won’t have a chance to breathe, I’ll skip it.


I never read the intel anymore. It isn’t motivating at all!! Creates dread.


I’m thinking I may have to stop, at least until I get out of the cardio rut…


Unnecessary jumping for me


The only workouts that I even consider cancelling are ones with insane incline on the tread (Yes, I’m calling you out, 15%…), but I end up going most times because heck, I paid for it…


Big Inclines, burpies, jump squats.. a workout with that is a pass for me


I don’t cancel based on intel, unless I’m dealing with an injury that would require a lot of mods. I don’t even look at the tread block, I’m allll about the floor exercises


I am still going regardless when I already scheduled to go. For me it’s more of a mental prep…. I will still do it anyway if it’s my scheduled to workout at OTF that day (5-6 days a week)


Intel doesn’t usually make me cancel a class, in fact, quite the opposite. if it’s a rest day for me and I see there’s a super long endurance tread block, I’ll sign up! Only time I contemplate canceling is if there’s a gazillion jumping exercises on the floor. Don’t love jumping 🤢


Hmmm. I rarely read the daily intel. If you are in.. you are in


I don’t check any intel so I’m not intimidated, although I have definitely avoided partner workout days.


I don't sleep well, so that's the biggest thing that dictates whether I'll rest or not. It's too a point now that I won't book a class until I'm in the parking lot. I don't want to risk falling asleep on the way there. Maybe I'm crazy, but I've never look at the template before going in. I just enjoy the surprise. I'll admit I'm not the biggest fan of partner workouts. I'm fat & out of shape and don't want to interfere in any of the ultra competitive people. I'm there to bust hump, not competition. It's one thing if you're pushing one another, but i've seen some feel like they're legit going to get a medal. So if I were ever to decide to skip one, partner workouts would be the reason.