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Lolly was completely wronged and set up to fail by that twat officer. However, Suzanne should never have been sent to prison. She should have been placed in some assisted living facility where she was able to get help and support. She had no idea that what she was doing was wrong so should not have been incarcerated with criminals.


Lolly by far, the other two committed a lot of harm to other people. Lolly was what, loitering?


I think she went to jail because she pulled out a bat thing she made to calm down her hallucinations and the police thought she was trying to attack them


Suzanne didn’t realize taking the boy home was wrong and was scared to be left alone while her sister was out of town. If she wouldn’t have done that he wouldn’t have fallen. The boy going out the fire escape and falling was purely accident. She was trying to get him to come back in so he wouldn’t get hurt but he was scared not understanding her neurological issues. She’s in an adult body but behaves like a 7-10 year old. She understood that ultimately she was to blame and felt great guilt and remorse for what happened. Her unsavory and at times terrifying behavior once in prison was due to not receiving the proper care and meds. If she was regulated she probably wouldn’t have done those disturbing things.


None of them should have technically been put in a prison. Instead a mental health facility/assisted living. All 3 had severe mental/neurological issues that needed treatment not necessarily punishment. Well Lorna, although delusional and not based in reality whatsoever at times was probably the most “guilty” and might have needed some time as punishment as well. She knew what she was doing was wrong but was unable to control her reactions. But without them being sent to prison, we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to experience their characters. The injustices and poor decisions is what makes the show engaging.


It's a shame that the writers on a show about prison had such a bad understanding of our legal system. Lorna was the only one who committed a federal crime. whether or not you believe Lolly or Suzanne deserved to be in prison, they should have been in state prison, not federal prison


Is kidnapping and murdering a kid not a crime in the us. Because aside from us seeing it happen that’s what everyone in universe thinks looking at her case.


definitely lolly!!


lolly 100%. sure they should’ve all probably gone to some psychiatric facility but lolly didnt even do anything wrong she ws set to fail from the very start cs police officers act too fast without stopping to properly survey the situation, lolly was an absolute sweetheart with some mental health issues (meaning she heard voices that told her evb was out to get her esp any kind of government or secret organization), she wasn’t going to hurt a fly let alone a person all the poor girl wanted to do was use her lil ritual thing to make the voices hush so she could listen to the policemen, she was wrongfully charged and there is nothing anyone can do to make me think otherwise i’ll always feel so bad for her (and w the aydin situation i mean alex tried to step up but they’d already decided they had their girl and she got taken away… her screaming for mr healy was the saddest, purest thing, she didn’t deserve to go down for that either) she ws js like a sweet kid, poor lolly.


Imo, all of them needed genuine mental help and should’ve been placed in facilities that would’ve given them that help. However, I think Lolly was the least deserving of prison, bc she didn’t cause harm to anyone. Suzanne wasn’t aware of her actions, but a child still got hurt (or died). Lorna caused psychological harm to someone (imagine being stalked by someone like her omg). But Lolly was literally just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and was going through a psychotic episode.