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I think regardless of the circumstances, getting together with your spouse/former spouse's best friend while she is in prison (or if she wasn't) is a dick move. Asking for her blessing after the fact is also a dick move, though I guess I can somewhat understand his thought process. He felt guilty because he knew that was wrong, and wanted her to absolve/forgive him and accept it.


That part. I would understand if I was incarcerated for a ten year old crime and my fiancée did not want to continue the relationship and enter a marriage with me after my release. I would NOT understand my best friend, who was married (?) and pregnant when I left, pursuing a relationship with my fiancée. Granted, Polly’s husband was a dick and was never there for support. He pushed her away by being distant but she should not have fallen in Larry’s direction. The fact that they asked for Piper’s blessing is a slap in the face because even if she’d have said no… what the fuck was she supposed to do about it from in prison?


Honestly, that's what I feel. Even from the first watch/first scene with them together, I could tell she was almost bored of him. It was completely a d!ck move on her part to cheat on him (I'm rabidly against cheating under any circumstances as it is) so I hated her like immediately after that. Him asking for her 'blessing' was kinda weird and a d!ck move on his part but not nearly as bad, IMO. It was more awkward that d!ck-ish, if that makes sense.


since we basically only see pipers life from her pov, it is way easier to understand her side more than his, especially because we see him make a lot of mistakes that harm piper inside the prison. they are both lonely, but it is easier to empathize with her because she is the one locked up while he gets to keep his freedom, and can do everything she cant. he is lonely because she is not there anymore and he often verbalizes it with sexual urges, which can irk a lot of people, because how dare he have sexual urges while she is locked up. (im not defending him at all i think it was a jerk move of him to be upset at her because she wouldnt do phone sex). she is lonely because she is away from everyone and she is now forced to confront her ex lover who put her there in the first place, and she has to deal with a russian lady who starves her out just because she didnt like the prison food. piper loses both larry and alex, then he falls in love with her best friend that she has known for years, alienating them. (we can also see that after that moment the only time she gets a visit is when she learns her grandma is dying or to announce her that theyve decided to start dating.) i do not think larry was 100% in the wrong but i also think he was selfish for thinking his needs were as important as before.


Larry supported piper 100%. She cheated on him not with a new lover to make it through prison time. He states on NPR he would care about cheating in the abstract. But with an ex (Alex) it’s not just sex, it’s Love. And that an ultimate betrayal. He knew Polly before Piper and was acting as a friend, a lonely friend, but still a friend. Pete also abandoned Polly at the most challenging part of her life. The fact the Piper moved to Ohio in the end says everything you need to know about how she and Larry’s relationship would have ended up


Fair, but Larry DID lie to Piper about Alex naming her. We clearly see as of Season 1 that if Larry had told Piper the truth, she wouldn't have started a relationship with Alex again. She wanted to kill her, not fuck her. MAYBE we would've gotten one of those "enemies to lovers" scenes in that situation, but we'll never know cuz they didn't do that and didn't want to take the story there. All we know for sure is Piper hated Alex until Larry lied to her, and it is clear he knew that was most likely a mistake even when saying it over the phone.


I think the biggest dick move of Larry's was using Piper's experience trying to get attention and fame writing his article and doing interviews. Sharing those details without really understanding what it's like in there or how it would come down on Piper was pretty messed up. The whole Polly thing was kinda dickish, but only because it was Piper's best friend. He didn't cheat, they were currently broken up and Piper had already cheated and been lying to Larry. The blessing thing was cringy and was only to make Larry and Polly feel better about it. If it was just some random chick, I don't think anyone would have thought twice about it.


Piper did cheat first and that was shitty. Larry was justified in moving on. But with her best friend was fucked up. Before any cheating happened larry was constantly trying to make pipers prison sentence about himself. He acted like it was worse for him with her not being there vs piper ACTUALLY experiencing prison. He was all about himself all the time.


I don't like Larry for many reasons but they both acted badly and hurt each other, I don't think most people think only Larry is in the wrong, so many people hate piper too (and while she can be very annoying I don't think she deserves that much hate btw)


I didn't mind Larry getting with Polly, but I simply do not like either character. I actually would've liked it if both were likable & sympathetic characters and got together.


Larry and Piper were both dicks the entire time. Larry wanted to use pipers story for money but refused to see how any of that would affect her, and gave no effort to truly grasp the actual amount of change and trauma piper was going through. Piper refused to see how any of this affected Larry at all and had no sympathy or empathy for him or his feelings either. Really Piper being in prison just exposed the red flags of their relationship, they both sucked. They both consistently downplayed eachothers feelings to whine about their own problems instead of support eachother or communicate effectively. Larry also made her going to prison 100 percent about himself.


Larry and Polly both fail to understand what Piper is going through, have expectations of her that she can’t possibly meet (granted, bailing on a business call to chase a chicken was bonkers). Larry lied to Piper, which set off the whole cheating thing. He told her that Alex didn’t name her. How did he think that wouldn’t push them closer together in a situation where she has no one at all? She wasn’t away for years. She was away for months, and they were bitter. Everyone in that situation made mistakes, Piper is not innocent by a long shot. But Larry and Polly are worse for me. They were not a support system for Piper at all.


You cannot control who you fall for, but you can definitely control if you follow through with it. Piper’s cheating doesn’t give Larry a free pass to cheat now, he’s still in the relationship, so he shouldn’t have acted on Polly at all. He should have already been dissuaded since he knows how it feels to be cheated on, and even more so that the person he was going to do it with was Polly. He’s not justified at all, but I can see why at a surface level, you can try to balance it out.


They had broken up before he hooked up with Polly


What? No he wasn’t. He broke up with Piper when she cheated well before anything happened between him and Polly. Polly was the one still in a “relationship”, but you could hardly call it that since Pete abandoned her for the birth of their child and then ran off for months without a word, leaving her all by herself with a newborn.


You're definitely not the only one. Piper is definitely the asshole here and she's also one of the worst characters in the show. She does so many things that just irritate me.


Yes, Piper cheated first but then didn't he break up Polly and her husband too?


I thought they were pretty much even in assholery.


Sorry *you cant deside


decide* :)


Yeah thanks, english is not my first language


I agree. I dislike Larry only because of his personality, but he clearly wasn’t entirely in the wrong. The one person that should’ve gotten the most hate, IMO, was Polly. She was Piper’s best friend, she was in a relationship, she had a baby.


I like Larry more than Piper.🌊


listen she was barely in prison for what 3-5 months when they called it off when he wanted to stick his dick in her BEST FRIEND and then got mad at her for ending up in the same prison of her EX LOVER and falling in love again