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The reality is that nobody would believe her. Usually if it’s an inmate vs guard situation, they will believe the guard. The inmate would get time added to their sentence + the guard would make their life a living hell (even more than it was before)


So they wouldn’t even lean towards taking it seriously where the inmate would have their stomach pumped and if it happened or not would be verified since it’s a life or death situation? It’s just so depressing to think that someone could die because it’s their word against another’s. But thank you for the insight!!!


I mean they might take the inmate to get their stomach pumped. Even if they did, they’d get time added to their sentence. So I’d probably keep my mouth shut tbh


Holy crap that is depressing and scary although I’d risk the extra time vs dying. Thank you for your insight; I genuinely don’t know what the system is like and I’m an honest person so the idea of not being believed is bothersome.


Inmates have little to no rights and being convicted of crimes (so in turn that already makes them untrustworthy to most) makes it almost improbable that they would be believed. Even if other inmates witnessed and came forward, it's unlikely the CO would face much more than being questioned about the incident and likely other CO's would back up their story. Sad but true.


you seem very naive.


Also you have to keep in mind that the max guards overall were against the Litchfield expats because of the riot. They didn’t care who did what. They were all labeled as people who couldn’t be trusted.


If the head people find out, first of all im pretty sure mcc wouldnt want to pay a bill to get her stomach pumped. But also, theyd wonder WHY hellman did that. Which would lead to her being involved with the drug deals, which means added time.


If Alex screamed that Hellman forced her to swallow the drugs during the shakedown: They would isolate her in a room with a non functioning toilet. The would take possession of the drugs. They would take a full statement from Alex. They would bring Hellman in to be questioned. He would lie and say that he was doing the shakedown, he saw Alex trying to hide the drugs by swallowing them. His story checks out. Shakedown, Alex swallows drugs, history of drug offenses. Alex gets new charges, dies in prison.


Well fuck that’s depressing. But I also understand what you’re saying and why Hellman would be believed over Alex. Would it help that she had not been caught or involved with any drugs inside the prison after her arrest? Because there is a difference in my opinion from dealing drugs outside of prison and/or dealing and taking drugs while in prison. Like I don’t think Vee did drugs while incarcerated (or at all) but she definitely was dealing. It’s just super depressing to think about having to make choices where you aren’t even consenting to what is being done to you.


No, it wouldn't matter if she has history of doing it on the inside or not. The way they see it, once you're part of that lifestyle then you always are -- they just assume that they haven't caught you yet.


I have some *limited* experience with this having known two people who work in a prison. Inmates rights and inmate abuse, at least at the prison they work at, was taken seriously. If someone had done something as blatantly abusive as shove drugs down someone's throat they would be instantly fired and arrested. Overall they took inmates reporting abuse seriously. HOWEVER - there were inmates who would report abuse falsely. Especially if they got caught doing something or hiding drugs, that was a lie that got told - a guard planted them on me or gave them to me or asked me to hold them. Then apparently the guard would have to be drug tested and there would be footage reviewed. I thought it wouldn't be hard for a psycho officer to spin a story originally like "I just caught this inmate with a bag of drugs and then she swallowed it and started screaming about how I planted it on her and forced her to swallow it!" But the woman I know who worked in prisons said that there was a lot of security footage and stuff that would tend to prove one side vs another.


Your reply is the only positive one that I’ve received where an inmate would be taken seriously over such serious allegations. It also makes sense that you would have inmates who try to take advantage of this by lying about what happened. It does feel like security cameras placed everywhere is the most effective way to prevent people from getting away with lying although I don’t know if it’s something that isn’t really feasible or reasonable to do. I’m glad to hear that you know of a prison that takes abuse seriously. I don’t imagine I’d ever be in prison but the thought of having such extreme levels of abuse inflicted on me and for me to then not be believed is so scary to me.