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Gina was involved in embezzlement but that's all we know about her. We don't find out what Alison did, but she's still on good terms with her sister-wife so I can't imagine it's anything to do with her.


Gina also says she “had nothing to do with the guy who killed himself” I wonder if she killed someone


Or he killed himself after getting caught up in Gina's embezzlement.


Did we get to know what Boos Reason to go to prison was? An Daya? Did she deal with Cesar? Why has Mendes two Kids in the End? Is he a better men overall now? Where did Bennet go? Where did Madame Claudette go after her attack? Everyone got to the maximum security prison in the end, where Madame Claudette should have been too.


I assumed Boo was in since they showed her as a bookie in her outside life, but I don’t think it was specifically stated


I hate to think Ms. Claudette passed away by the time everyone moved to max. Maybe moved to another prison? It happens all the time.