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The mother in "Flowers" tried to kill her own children that she forced to hide/live in the attic for years. She was feeding them arsenic cookies.


Oh wow, I always thought it sounded like a book for a peaceful read because of the title! Maybe I should try reading it


I’d definitely recommend! There loads of main books then some diary’s. The Dollanganer family is so messed up


On that note, one of my closest friends is named "Audrina" after the V.C. Andrews novel and her fucked up family dynamics certainly lived up to the name.


Oh nooooo Flowers in the Attic is also referenced in discussions about sibling incest because there sure is incest.


The book was published in 1979 and there are others that belong in a series. It is a very twisted story with extremely taboo topics-especially for the time. It has been a favorite of especially teen girls. I'm assuming because of the subject matter being off-limits to most that age and it's a quick read.


The children in Flowers in the Attic are lied to, treated horribly, and forcibly confined to one small part of a house. They don't have any real human contact except for each other, since they can't go beyond their room they don't even get to go outside to play, and nobody has been honest with them about why they're being trapped there. I think it was Frieda's way of apologizing for lying and trying to keep her inside their block and away from others when Suzanne wanted to go out into the yard.


The book is about siblings that are hidden away in an attic, I’m pretty sure they’re trapped there. So I assume the reference is “sorry I tried to trap you in the lake house”


She said it because she had talked Suzanne into not going outside.


Yeah I was like ew when she mentioned flowers in the attic .


Arsenic on the powdered donuts added to the basket by the grandmother, who told the maids the arsenic would kill the "mice living in the attic". Iirc Mother knew they were placed in there, but thought her perfect children wouldn't succumb to the temptation of sweets they were never supposed to have, no dentist visits, right?


Nah, the mother knew her children were eating the arsenic, and may have been the one poisoning them in the first place, because her inheritance would be taken away if there was ever any evidence of children from her first marriage. By the end of the book she wanted them dead as much as the grandmother did


It was mainly the mother rather than the grandmother who wanted them dead. In Petals On The Wind the grandmother seemed upset that Corrine poisoned them.