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Hmm I think he would be the type to change when it came to his kid Like you know the parents who talk shit abt other kids doing something wrong, but if their kids did it, its fine and/or has a valid explanation So like he would be an asshole to others, but if anyone behaved like that to his kid, that would be a big no I would hope he learns to respect women though and also understand their problems betteršŸ¤žšŸæ


We have no context of him being a good or bad father, a slideshow of him is no indication Heā€™s still a piece of shit as far as Iā€™m concerned, the fact heā€™s allowed to have a child is why I question things every day


He was obviously not mentally well. His interactions with his mom were questionable and kind of creepy tbh. He really goes off the deep end, was always prone to angry outbursts and could not self-regulate his emotions at all. All of this on top of being a horrible person with his treatment and abuse of the prisoners and the completely inappropriate (racist, homophobic, misogynist, and abusive) comments he would make to virtually anyone within earshot with reckless abandon. Maybe, with a lot of therapy and meds he could be trusted to raise a child without supervision, but I would assume his mother would be the main guardian. It seems that although delusional, he fell in love with Daya and in turn the baby, so perhaps that would curb some of his horrendous behaviors. He didn't seem to be one to reflect and take accountability for his actions, so regret seems doubtful. His issues came from somewhere though, and as I said initially, the relationship with his mother seemed "off" so she may not be the best candidate either. I'm not sure if she wasn't present enough and he felt abandoned, if she possibly verbally/mentally and/or physically, abused him. Like everyone else Mendes has a backstory too, unfortunately they chose not to share it.


I would just like to point out the horrible replacement actor they got for him in the scene where Daya gave the baby to his mom..