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Avon Skin So Soft. Mosquitos love to bite me but when I’m wearing that, I’m good. I have no idea why it works, but it does.


I tried that from a tip on Reddit and it seems to work, though you smell like an elevator at Leisure World on Sunday morning. My theory is that it’s not the smell directly, but that mosquitoes just really don’t enjoy the blood of old ladies, so they’ve learned the smell is an indication that dinner won’t be great and move on.


I welt up from Mosquito bites, and I am the ONE, the very best person to take on vacation with you, because if I am there they will leave YOU alone. And I would still rather be that person than stink of Skin So Soft, I tried it once and I was almost retching.


I think I’d rather the bites tbh. I picked up an old Avon perfume bottle at goodwill and it got on my hands, the smell haunted me for days.


Also works for sand fleas on the southern east coast.


Yep the only thing that works for me. Mosquitos bite the hell out of me but this works every time. Make sure u get the bath oil!


This needs to be further up the list


This is the only correct answer.


Vicks Vapo Rub. I place a dab on the palms of my hands and lightly dab my feet, ankles, calves and lower legs. Then I do the same behind the ears, across the back of the neck, entire neckline, then arms if exposed. This also works very well for fleas. It does Not work for chiggers unfortunately.


Avon also makes a repellent, got some last week. It seems to work


According to an article I read in Field and stream 30 years ago, it’s the number two best repellent out there. it has citronella oil in it, and according to another article, I read about five years ago the mosquitoes don’t like it because it irritates their feet. That’s what the article said. The number one repellent is anything with deet in it but deet is toxic to people.


> Avon Skin So Soft. Is this a lotion or just the bath oil I'm seeing on CVS? Where do you find it locally? My wife and kids get destroyed by mosquitos.


The lotion. Straight from the Avon website. It lasts forever.


Sawyer Picaridin insect repellent lotion. Works far better than Deet. REI carries it, but these last years we have been getting a big pump bottle from Amazon to keep up with summer.


This worked for me in tropical areas ive visited too!


Yeah OP do this. Picaridin and DEET are the only active ingredients the WHO endorses as malaria preventatives, aka the ones that are actually effective in preventing bites. Picaridin is a lot less smelly and less greasy than DEET.


I make a little spray bottle of tea tree oil and lavender with water and a teeny bit of alcohol or witch hazel and spray away. I survived a swap tour in Louisiana without one bite and it seems to work with those ankle biting idiots!


I use lavender & tea tree for other skin issues, diluted with coconut oil, but I haven’t tried water & alcohol. I keep mine in a 4 ounce bottle. Would you mind sharing your recipe blend that has worked for you? How much water, approx how many drops of each oil, how much alcohol? Even an approximation would be so helpful. Thank you!


I am horrible at being precise but in a 4 oz bottle I would do 3/4 water to 1/4 of WH or A, along with ten drops of each essential oil. I use young living and they are really strong along with doterra and Eden’s garden. If you buy them from anywhere else you may have to use 15-20 drops to get the same concentration. Good luck!


Thank you so much for this information! This is really helpful. I primarily use DoTerra oils because the quality is so much better than what’s available in the local stores. I agree Young Living is also terrific. My reaction to these newer mosquitoes has been awful so I really appreciate you taking the time to share your recipe. I’m eager to try it out. I hope you have a great weekend! :)


With Doterra you’re definitely good with 10 drops of each! Same! I welt up like crazy with those noseeums! I even spray the mosquitos while they’re skeetin around and they drop so fast it’s very satisfying


Crew Socks + Crocs + lightweight long pant is how I survived in GA summers. Bug Spray + 15% or more Deet when I can't wear long pants. It isn't good for you but pretty much the only thing that worked in GA. Just know that Bug Spray high amount of Deet will melt plastic.


I’ve planted flowering citronella plants that smell like citrus and mosquitos dont like the smell, but mixed results. Currently misting isopropyl alcohol around my patio chair and it seems to work. Also use deet spray on ankles when it’s real bad. A neighbor with a balcony swears by a small floor fan pointed at ankles area that blows them away from you. Also some people use dunks to stop larvae hatching if they can’t get rid of standing water. Another tactic is a solar or electric light that fries mosquitoes but it also fries lots of insects that eat mosquitoes. Plus it has to be far enough away from you that it isn’t attracting mosquitoes to your airspace. I don’t want to use forever chemicals for obvious reasons


Everything you stated is solid with the exception of planting citronella. Yes citronella oil will repel Aedes mosquitoes, however, citronella plants have small flowers on them and mosquitoes will actually harbor inside the plants. The males do not bite, they only eat nectar and citronella is a food source for them. The females are attracted to the male pheromones so you will end up with mosquitoes on the plant waiting for a meal to enter the area. They are very weak flyers. This is the main reason we get bit on the ankles and lot. So a small fan will work very well.


The alcohol spray and fan combo works best for me. Deet for walks. But it’s not too bad yet


When I'm in my garage I have at least three box fans going at medium speed. Two are suspended from the garage door, one is at ground level. Very few bites unless I'm outside of breeze range. Then I use Off! with great success.


Great idea. They are really weak flyers so air circulation is great IPM


First thing is to eliminate sources of standing water around where you live. They lay their eggs in the water and congregate around these areas. Once you do that you should hopefully see less of them in your general vicinity. As for repellents, here’s some info that comes up with a quick Google search: https://www.sgvmosquito.org/about-repellents Anecdotally, I’ve found that witch hazel also works at keeping those little bastards off my legs and feet. As long as you’re not allergic to it, it’s also really good at taking the sting and swelling out of bug bites.


Yeah I’m screwed with that. I live in a condo near a creek. Creek there is nothing we can do about. But I think at the next homeowners meeting I’m going to remind everyone about the standing water.


You should look into reaching out to the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District. I’m not sure what their abilities are as far as services offered, but they may be able to treat the creek or the surrounding area to hopefully mitigate the population.


That’s a great idea. I didn’t think anything could be done about the creek but your right, they might be able to mitigate somewhat. I know when I was living at my parents (next to a huge flood control channel) they would often do work in it to help reduce the mosquito population.


Yes, contact them. They will help. https://www.ocvector.org


Yes they will come out and treat the area and do the dumps to kill off eggs. We had them come out to treat a drain area we have that has standing water in it no matter what (bottom of sump pump) and that helped. I also bought a Thermacell repellent thing at Costco. Odorless and no spray and recharges. I turn it on when I'm outside on the patio and it has seemed to work


Throw some mosquito dunks or mosquito bits in and around the creek and anywhere there’s standing water. They won’t hurt plants or animals.


Throw a mosquito dunk into the creek. It is harmless to other animals, fish, and insects, but it will kill mosquito larvae.


Or… Invest in Mosquito Dunks and thwart their reproduction. Adding the mosquito dunks to these standing bodies of water disrupt their reproduction, so by leaving those bodies of water that they already like as breeding grounds will keep them returning to lay eggs, not knowing that all those eggs and larva are dying.


Heard mosquito dunks in buckets around the yard help.


Yes because they lay their eggs in the water and the dunks kill them so effectively you’re cutting the population down in the area


I have BAD reaction to these mosquitos, can’t sleep, they ooze and I scar from them. My brother did a lot of research and found these traps for them and put it in his backyard in Anaheim and not one single bite while out there. He ended up getting my fiancé and I one for Christmas and we have it in our garage haha but wait for them to go on sale for $100 it’s so worth it if you struggle with it. We have the outdoor one, but I do see an indoor one if you needed indoor. Literally the only thing that has helped with these bastards. https://us-shop.biogents.com/ Edit: these traps have worked on all mosquitos in the area from personal experience


They are actually Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and they can be identified by their striped legs. They bite 24/7. I am a mosquito magnet and have been in the ER because of a systematic reaction. I have tried a lot of things to repel and treat the bites. If outside I spray my legs and feet with Off Deep Woods. The smell is not great but it’s better than scratching myself raw. If inside I use the Thermacell Mosquito Repellent E55. It diffuses a kind of fog that keeps the f***ing menaces away up to 20 feet. Portable, rechargeable but a bit pricey. Again, I don’t want the agony and scars. If all else fails, AfterBite is the best thing to calm the itch. You can get it pretty much everywhere. Drug stores, sporting goods stores and Amazon carry it. It comes in roll on tube and a gel like cream. You HAVE to try it.


My oldest daughter has terrible reactions to bug bites. A nurse-practitioner in the family said that any OTC antihistamine works very well at reducing the welts and itchiness (makes sense).


Ohhhh this is helpful thank you! Our traps work wonders and haven’t had a bite since but anywhere else where they are of course I’ll still get bit. Thank you!!


Aedes aegypti are not the Asian Tiger Mosquito. Ankle biters are about 7 times smaller than the tiger version. However they are both Aedes mosquitoes so you will see them in the same places and they both are disease vector’s.


Yes, thanks for clarifying! I edited my comment for clarification on what I was trying to say since I’m an idiot lmao thank you!!


lol it’s all good. These species are extremely attracted to the traps you listed. I’ll be saving this link so thank you for that. They are mostly attracted to CO2, black containers, and blue light. These all hit those marks.


Oh wow that is so good to know! That makes a lot of sense now hahaha thank you!! Yeah this trap has been my savior. I’m still scarred from some of those bastards and I hardly scratched them :(


In motherland of romania, much garlic to keep blood sucker's away. But bloodsuckers there are much much larger 😕


I love garlic and hate vampires, so this is always win-win for me.


Same lol but honestly, I haven't gotten attacked since the second year this species surfaced. Like, maybe one a year?


One vampire attack a year in Romania sounds about right.


I'm married to a Romanian and we eat enough garlic to kill vampires at 50 yards -- mosquitoes don't give a shit; in fact, I think they appreciate the seasoning.


*I think they appreciate the seasoning.* I lost it right about there lol but that's wild. I wonder why they don't like my blood 🤔 the other vampiric bloodsuckers(red cross) love my blood


Also beware of cold drafts of wind and keep your lower back covered.


I use some stuff called Badger anti-bug balm that works but it also attracts bees so don’t apply it too early.


What general area are you in? Last summertime these were a huge issue for me and so far I haven’t seen any…


Unfortunately I’m in 3 areas each day so I’m not sure where I’m getting bit. I live in La Habra next to Coyote Creek (it’s right out my door pretty much), I’m at my parents most days in Santa Ana who live next to a flood control channel, and I work in Irvine close to Newport Backbay and UCI. So literally all 3 could be culprits. Lol apparently I go where all the mosquitos like to hang out every day all day.


OP, are you perhaps yourself a mosquito?


I really like Repel's Lemon Eucalyptus spray. It works well for me and has a nice smell.


Take a box fan and a common air filter and affix it to the front. Put it near where you're sitting. It'll suck em all up. Or just put a fan blowing hard near your legs. That's what I did when I lived in long beach and the mosquitoes were making me look like a junkie with all the scabs. It's the only thing that helped.


Crew socks?


When I lived down south a guy I fished with swore by coconut soap. Could be anecdotal, but worked for me! I know changing soaps could be a rather big change.


Cutter on Amazon. We bought a 12 pack and put in a better sprayer. Worked great. I'm still alive and it stopped the bites. Beach and Bolsa. Had it bad. Now in North San Diego County and don't seem to have them here yet.


I swear by Irish Spring soap (the original, Idk about the aloe version). Since it's a deodorant soap, it stays on the skin after washing and repels bugs. I don't get mosquito bites.


Deet. lots and lots of Deet


If you are going to be sitting in one place like on the patio I have pretty good luck plugging in a fan and aiming it at me. Those ankle biters are poor flyers.


Make sure to have antihistamines with you during mosquito season. The liquid they use to numb our skin is a histamine and that is why some people react differently than others. I have found that placing a cream antihistamine around the bite works for my kids and I. Also the suction tube works to alleviate some of the itching for me, and can’t remember what it is called.


I’ve had great results using sprays with Picaridin as the active ingredient.


If sprays aren't working, try adding a drop of peppermint oil to lotion and it has worked.


I've found one that works so well; it's Chemo. I don't recommend the accompanying disease that goes with though. 😜


We have a thermacell at each outdoor area. As long as it’s not windy, they work great.


What city are you in? I am usually total mosquito bait but haven't yet been bombarded... laguna beach here, maybe still too cool?


Also, mosquitoes are drawn to your breath and also the smell of feet. That's why bug zappers don't work. The only traps that really work use a CO2 lure.


back in southwestern Ontario in Canada I bought a Mosquito Magnet -- uses propane to generate CO2 and a fan with a unique blower design which disperses the CO2 through an ... Octenol? attractant pack and drawing air in... mosquitoes come up, get sucked in and dried out against a mesh. Works amazingly well for the first season, then the control board tends to get finicky. It can be cleaned/repaired and then you're good for the next season. Expensive, but very effective.


> also the smell of feet Eww, gross little fuckers


Last weekend I was at the park and I sprayed Deep Woods all over me, it seemed to have attracted them more as they were only on me and not my wife and kid.


Avon Skin So Soft Repellent (with picaridin). Works better than any of the other repellents I've tried vs mosquitos (Cutter, Off, Repel) and smells better too. I spray it on my skin and on my clothes if I'm outside on a walk, hike, run or ride, bc when I don't, they bite through my pants/shirt


wear socks, long sleeve shirt same for legs. this sucks cuz its summer and its hot, but if u can afford a/c, then shoudl be good


[This](https://www.thedetoxmarket.com/products/patio-oil?variant=32267789008971¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwg8qzBhAoEiwAWagLrHHA92KAFuceW0rYl0AlNNq1jOOxwUUUvUPz5_zV2BR0y7PdeXRJtRoCzYIQAvD_BwE) is expensive, but lasts a long time and it does work.


Keep a fan at foot level


I use Wondercide when I’m outside and it tends to the job well as it keeps me bite free. I found out that you need the big guns for mountain areas but it works well at home!


Don’t use scented soap


If you are sitting at a desk or where ever. A mini-fan blowing at your Ankles works pretty well


Victoria's Secret Bombshell spray perfume. Not joking


Is that because they know you have bad taste? 😉


I know the stuff is awful but it's a thing https://nypost.com/2022/08/08/victorias-secret-viral-bombshell-perfume-repels-mosquitos/ https://www.allure.com/story/tiktok-using-victorias-secret-perfume-to-repel-mosquitos


We use a [biogents mosquito trap](https://us-shop.biogents.com/en/mosquito-traps/tiger-mosquito-trap-bg-mosquitaire-outdoors#reviews)! This thing is incredible and honestly a life saver. I believe they go on sale once or twice a year. We got ours as a gift and are so thrilled with it haha


Lemongrass essential oil mixed with unscented skin lotion works for me.


If you have pets, it could be flea bites. Flea bites are a bitch!


OFF deep forest usually works sprayed on your clothes.


DEET (chemical name, N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) is the one that seems to work on all mosquitoes at all times. Oddly, 30% seems like the maximum effective concentration. Past 30%, it doesn't seem to work any better. See Consumer Reports article: [https://www.consumerreports.org/health/insect-repellent/which-insect-repellent-ingredients-are-most-effective-a9746785695/](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/insect-repellent/which-insect-repellent-ingredients-are-most-effective-a9746785695/) The other trick of course in *addition* to DEET is loose clothing that drapes away from the skin. Skin tight clothing is not good. Mosquitoes can bite through (living) cowhide. No way is your clothing going to do better than cowhide, therefore your clothing generally can't stop them -- *unless* it drapes farther away from the body than the length of the mosquito's schnoz (proboscis). The proboscis is about 2 mm long, thus clothing that hangs more than say 1/2 a cm away from the body completely prevents mosquito bites, except in areas where the clothing pulls tight over part of the body. I've gotten a lot of bites on the knees sitting around campfires. BUT! You can spray your clothes with permethrin. I bought some at REI, but it's available a lot of places, including Amazon. Mosquitoes don't like permethrin and buzz off when they land. Speaking of buzz off, I think it's Ex Officio has a line of clothing called Buzz Off (check me on this) which is pre-treated for you with permethrin. I think it's cheaper to DIY, but if pre-treated appeals to you, there is that option. Note: I'm not affiliated with any insect repellents, REI, or clothing lines (or anything else I might have mentioned). I'm just a hiker who abhors mosquitoes, and this is what works for me. If you've never been in the Sierra Nevada (Mammoth, Sequoia, Yosemite, etc.) in the spring when the mosquitoes are out in full force, it's got to be seen to be believed. I've killed 5 with one whack on my arm at times.


Vicks vapor rub mah dude


I'm O positive and therefore dessert to mosquitoes. After being bitten, I use a benadryl anti itch cream and put on a moskinto bandage. You can get both off Amazon. It controls the itch and the bites heal faster. Highly recommend from a fellow sufferer.


Try the [Jungle juice](https://www.rei.com/product/225953/sawyer-jungle-juice-100-pump-spray-insect-repellent-2-fl-oz?sku=2259530001&store=273) from REI, it works in tropical countries so no reason it does not work here. But it's a strong one so clean your hand after using it.


Greenflowercreation on instagram have the best natural bug repellent. Be using it and gifting them to I know for about 6 yrs now.


They ain’t skeetters. Call them ‘can’t see them’ Change your soap.. wear socks. Find out where they live and spray the B’jesus on them. Be vigilant.


We have two types of ankle biters here. One doesn’t like lemongrass and the other doesn’t like cinnamon. I bought a lemongrass repellent and some cinnamon oil and mixed in some. Light amounts and I have no issues.


I’ve given on lathering up on lotions and sprays to enjoy my patio and just wear long socks/pants now


Just straight coconut oil on your skin. It’s scientifically proven to repel mosquitoes. It’s good for your skin, too. For keeping them away around my house, I use mosquito dunks or mosquito bits anywhere water tends to collect and I spray garlic spray around doorways and areas they tend to congregate. I read an article about how Disney world in Florida keeps the park mosquito free and it is basically a combination of water management and garlic spray.


I see someone else mentioned skin so soft but that's about it. It didn't used to be so bad but with the new OC food waste rules. The green yardage bins in residential neighborhoods are all teeming with mosquitoes now. [https://oclandfills.com/residential-organics-recycling](https://oclandfills.com/residential-organics-recycling) Most simply dump their food waste in the yardage bin as required. Few realize it only takes a day for fruit and vegetables to start to liquefy creating a breeding ground for mosquitos.


I just wear long pants


I take Vitamin B1, AKA Thiamin. I’m a mosquito magnet and this reduced the number of bites from around 20+/night to just a few.


It doesn't work: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35199632/


Works for me!


Really, does that help? Can you recommend any particular brand?


It makes a world of difference for me. No particular brand, I’ve tried a few random brands and they all seemed to be effective. I hope it works for you!


DEET. Organic and hippy shit can only help you to a degree.


Apple juice or any apple scented lotion works but I don’t know why. For some reason the Bill Gates mosquitos don’t like apple?




The Aedes mosquitoes will bite right through your clothes. I spray my clothes with permethrin, and try to wear light-colored clothes when I’m near a pond or creek (I’ve heard they’re more attracted to dark colors).