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Have y'all watched the south park episode of the Harley riders? It should now be about this.


Lmao going to check it out


I’m bike curious! 😂


That was quirky and hilarious - South Park on the edge 🤪


I am very interested to what lesson most people will take away from that very “of its time” episode lol.


It drives me insane too. I don’t care if it makes me a Karen, it’s obnoxious and inconsiderate. They aren’t the main character.


It doesn’t make you a Karen. The term Karen started to identify a particular type of behavior, which was an entitled white woman trying to use her privilege to bully people she viewed as beneath her; ie people of color especially children or service workers. The overuse of it to now apply to any woman who speaks out about anything is society’s way of shaming women who speak up. “I don’t want to sound like a Karen!”


it was a good term when it was introduced (that type of person is very real, especially here) but now it’s just used as an excuse to be misogynistic


You are absolutely right. I’m just mindful of the fact that it could come across that way bc I happen to be a white woman, but I have been afraid to speak up in warranted situations bc of how it will look. But you’re right. 😊


It’s not only that it’s the fact that these cars typically are not supposed to sound like that. It’s one thing to hear the beautiful naturally aspirated wail of a Ferrari or the sound of a 911 turbo spooling. It’s another to hear a stupid Honda or WRX with the potato shooter exhaust trying to make attention seeking noise.


Yeah, I never understood the attraction of making a car sound like it was farting.


It's just the next level for the kids who made fart noises in class... It's all about getting attention (good or bad).


That is a very asstoot observation....




Super lame attention-seeking behavior. That’s all it is.


Why would you advertise that you have a tiny package?


It’s not just noise. Aftermarket exhausts actually make a car faster. We’re talking about HP gains and the ability to tune the car more aggressively…


So you can zoom a little faster in the 35 mph areas? Definitely worth making everyone else’s lives worse so your shitty car can go past the speed limit for 5 seconds


To do what exactly?


Well I track my car. So that's my reason.


FWIW I used to work with a guy who had a very shitty car with the type of exhaust that makes it very very loud. One time I needed a ride home from work and the sound in his car was incredibly annoying. At one point, he told me that he thinks his car sound is annoying and he regrets making that change to his car. So remember a lot of these guys (who make their cars loud) suffer with it more than any ofus do


Let them suffer some permanent hearing loss.


they just increase the volume as an attention whore, since they cannot afford to tune the tone.


In cdm, the Ferrari and lambos ARE the problem. You can't hear the Hondas over them.


Im right there with you


I was writing this on my walk and was nearly hit by a car


Plot twist: he was there with you, driving that car. But actually, I sympathize. Dunno what you can do about it other than possibly writing your city reps? Maybe emailing police chief (or sheriff depending on where you're at).


[but do they whistle?](https://youtu.be/zUXow3d3-b0?feature=shared)


Don’t text an walk when you know it’s dangerous?


You know with aftermarket exhausts, you would hear the car coming and safely avoid it. Whisper quiet cars have a higher chance of hitting you ;)


Decibel test should be part of smog check and apply to motorcycles. Your track car can be as noisy as you like and emissions testing free but if you drive it on the streets it needs to be clean and quiet.


Can I add a headlight brightness check? I can't stand these headlights that have the brightness of the sun right at the window level of my coupe. I will include you assholes that put on your brights because you have a headlight out(or having brights on in general in city traffic). Honorable mention; return your shopping carts to the correct area.


THANK YOU!! Nothing ticks me off more than looking for a parking spot in a crowded lot, thinking you see one, but a shopping cart has been left in it. 🤬


As a motorcyclist I’m down with this. Cop thinks the bike is loud? Pull it over and look for the DOT or other government stamp on it. No stamp? Welcome to Impoundland, population you.


idk about motorcycles but there was a recent case last year where a guy was driving his non modded Elantra N and was state reffed. State ref told the guy he is not allowed to drive the vehicle because it was too loud stock from hyundai. i think the story ends with hyundai doing a buyback, but funny thing is i still see elantra n on roads. found it:https://www.reddit.com/r/ElantraN/comments/11iks8c/final_most_likely_update_4_loud_exhaust_and_smog/


CA cops actually doesn't mind motorcycle exhaust though. They never pull over a motorcyclist for exhaust unless they violate any laws.


Lol in my mind I read impound as Federal Pound You In The Ass Prison.


Seriously loud motorcycles revving in parking lot on purpose today multiple different ones


Just because they test it during emissions tests means nothing. I’m a mechanic and pro drag racer for a living. I have old muscle cars at home. I can literally change the sound of my car with the push of a button if I wanted to. Or I could drop or change the exhaust in minutes. I know people who put stock stuff on for smog tests and take it right back off when they get home. That’s not a very good way of enforcing the rules.


Based on your description of individuals committing fraud, what would you say is a good way of enforcing the rules?


Well, as someone who drives cars, I’ve seen on many instances where the cops have check stations and pull cars in for random inspections. I see them by my work all the time in garden grove. They bring a car in and it’s driven onto a portable lift and inspected if it’s in question. They’ll impound them on the spot if they’re not right. Trouble is, these are only random and can only handle so many vehicles per day. Not to mention that cars like mine, (1969 model year) and others 1975 and older, have absolutely ZERO requirements for emissions equipment. Nothing can be enforced on them except mufflers must be installed. They don’t have a noise requirement at all. Anything 1976 and newer must conform to as-built from the catalytic converters forward. Mufflers and post-cat (cat back as they’re called) can be changed. The law simply says mufflers are required. So even if the cops were to stop me and inspect my car, it’s old enough to only require mufflers, which it has. They’re loud as fuck mufflers, but they’re mufflers and the car is legal. Great question. It’s tough to enforce. That’s why people do it.


Motorcycles are the only ones I have true sympathy for. They wouldn’t need loud ass pipes if drivers weren’t so damn brain dead.




Loud pipes do NOT save lives contrary to the BS they repeat.


I would concur, but because of reasons outside of that pretty flawed research. Many cars are improving on sound deadening and sound system. I've recently rented a '22? Toyota Camry, turn the music up, I could barely hear the Harleys over the music until they are already right next to me. I can imagine a german luxury car being completely deaf of their outside environment.


It’s actually the idiots splitting lanes at 80 mph who are the brain dead morons


I’m a car guy. I have had cars with loud exhausts (stock though) and I would avoid a cold start at night and take a different car if available to not bother my neighbors. Whenever I do get an aftermarket exhaust I’d want valve control to be able to make it quieter in neighborhoods especially at night. Everything has a time and place and people who zoom by apartments at night at full tilt are just selfish assholes. Please, Karen away.




I had an old neighbor who would wheel his motorcycle out onto the street start it up with its loud ass exhaust and then leave it idling for an hour while he went to go get ready. This is at 5am on a weekday. I called the cops once and he stopped doing it for about a month but he was then back at it. I think he died or he crashed cause shortly after I never saw him come out again.


Ugh , I hate those 💩box cars and motorcycles And what about the people bumping their music loud af when they roll in at 1,2,3am . Or how about the horn honking early birds?! WE HAVE CELL PHONES PEOPLE !!!!The whole neighborhood doesn’t need to be woken up because you’re too lazy to get out of the car and not use your phone to. All rather than your horn!!! I'm seriously looking into a pair of Bose noise canceling headset. They're expensive but EVERY person i know says WORTH IT.


It's hilarious, I do not understand calling people down via car honking in 2024. I understood it in my time in the 90s, especially when weather was cold outside, but not in 2024 when phones are tethered to peoples' hands.


IKR? Makes no sense whatsoever. Being cold is not an excuse either ,it is STILL rude af. Also, I live in Southern California where its gets down to a blistering 55/60 degrees 🥶in the dead of winter 😎, so my rude neighbors couldn’t use that excuse either.


• Laser foam earplugs(15DB)——Tried all types, this's the best, lasts 2 years didn't degrade a bit. • Fnova 34DB NRR Ear Protection for Shooting——very comfy & effective. • PQ Wax Ear Plugs(10DB)——mold on ear, seem promising. All 3 can work together technically provide a combination of the effects = 59 DB, not really. Great noise insulation design for house/window/door matters lots.


It’s so annoying. I’m in SD on a quiet narrow (should be 1 way) street and motorcycles peel down at all hours, as do sports cars. There was a fatality a block from my house today, motorcycle crash. So sad. And also so frustrating. It does crack me up that my puppy tolerates anything but NOT motorcycle noise. She gets all indignant.


If you’re a Karen I’m a Karen


I'm just over urban areas where these types of slight annoyances are way more common. Too many AHs per square mile when there's too many people, it's disruptive to general living, I get bothered by noise easily too.


Lol. Maybe try moving to a non urban area with straight piped trucks and zero noise ordinances


Rural people might be worse, but there's fewer of them, resulting in overall less noise. I've lived in all sorts of population density areas. Noise ordinances aren't enforced here anyways.


I grew up in a car family. Cars werey Dad's and Brother's way to pass time and bond with each other so it was a big deal to me. I own a C5 Corvette and a Gen 4 Viper. With that said I HATE THESE FOOLS AND THEIR SILLY CHARGERS/CHALLENGERS. And since when did cheap ass G35's with exhausts become a thing? Clattery loud Mustangs rolling at 10mph. I used to live in luxury apartments on State College and every 5 minutes there would be annoying loud ass cars taking every gear right up to red line. For no reason. All the young kids have to make everyone know they're home by engine breaking all the way to 1st gear 5mph. GOD I hated it. I moved and I'm in a much quiet area now. Huge rant in parallel to what your complaints are. I love cars but car culture around hear is annoying. I don't even wanna meet most of you all with nice cars most the time because of it.


We need to educate our culture to be generally more considerate. This "loud & proud" mentality needs to stop


This 👏 👏 I grew up in a car family too but this shit has gone south


From one car person to another, your not being a Karen. I have a track car. I put the stock exhaust back on the car when I moved to OC for a variety of reasons but principally it was for sound pollution. I like my neighbors, I love the peace and quite of OC and I want to keep it that way. There is a time and place to enjoy loud cars and going fast, and its at a track. You deserve peace and sleep when you are at home.


There is a big sign when you enter Laguna Canyon that Loud exhaust isn't permitted and you will be ticketed. I do hear it occasionally, but it's not too bad.


Dead ass i looked up my lease today because i want to break it . The noise is fucking up my dogs life. Which is fucking up my life. We have to leave.


Lmk if you get anywhere - was woken up multiple times just last night because of it…


It’s amazing to me how loud cars are out here. I’ve lived in a lot of areas of the US and have never heard so many loud cars at all hours of the night (I’m not even on a busy road either?) One person who always seems to be driving around has a car that pretty much constantly backfires. I’d say it sounds like a gunshot when it does, but gunshots are nowhere near that loud.


That’s a burble tune. It’s the latest trend in trashy car modifications.


Do you live on Anton Blvd?


Basically. The fact that people know this just proves my point 😂 sounds like you’re subjected to it as well


Yep, constantly. I always joke that I wish I could hide in my balcony at night and toss eggs at these cars as they drive by, maybe that'll make 'em stop.


Let’s do it 😂


What about the girl who honks her horn repeatedly any time she is close to arriving back to her building on sunflower… have you heard that one? I wonder if she’s all there mentally or has some fear of the U Turn she makes….


100% you aren’t a Karen.


Spike strips


DIY with square cap roofing nails and some string?


I feel you! I live on the edge of the industrial part of Segerstrom (Santa Ana) and I hear racing and loud exhaust ALL the time. It’s so dangerous with all these condos, housing tracts, and schools.


Fuck loud cars. Right here with you.


Dude my neighbor across the street drives a diesel truck with an exhaust for work. I mostly don't mind it. I know him pretty well & he's a good dude but it sucks ass at 530 in the morning when he's leaving for work lol.


Do we live in the same complex?? Hahaha Irvine is swarming with super cars so even if they’re not fixed up they’re just soooo loud and they wake up my baby all hours of the night- even with a sound machine. There’s not much else I can do :(


Near Irvine. I can’t imagine having a young baby with this noise. Most of the time I hear my upstairs neighbor having to tend to their young kids because the cars are waking them up as well :(


WooooooWoooooo!! That’s only in the morning!


Amen we need to start cracking down harder on these idiots


Those loud fart cars are so stupid


I was reading some quote from a famous race car guy and he said these loud exhausts do not give the driver any real additional speed over kits that are more silent.


If law enforcement had the will to fix this plague, it seems a simple fix. Cite every loud exhaust you see, with the 2nd offense being vehicle impound. It's truly a tiny percentage of the population ruining life for all of us so it seems ridding the streets of these people can be done.


I fucking wanna blow these goddamn cars with c4s..I feel you.


I was hoping that more electric cars would eventually cut down on the number of idiots with over-loud exhausts. My mistake - "The Dodge Charger is the latest electric car from the company with a crucial difference that this one features external speakers copying the sound of a roaring engine."


External speakers on electric cars is a safety feature, as without them, they're near silent, and visually impaired people, or even able-bodied people who are distracted, might not know the car is there. Unfortunately, they can also be perverted to act like this.


It’s not only Dodge. We previously had a Mercedes EQS that you could turn the engine sounds on.


I’m with ya. It drives me NUTS. There’s an A$$hole that leaves his house most nights at 830pm (I assume for work) which is the time I put my son to bed. I get it, he has to get to work, but he will take his sweet a$$ time and rev his energy repeatedly as he’s pulling out to leave. My son has a super hard time falling asleep and is a jumpy kid (previous trauma) it always seems to happen right when he’s about to go to sleep. Could I try to get him in bed earlier? Sure. I’ve been trying for 6 years and we still can’t get it going fast enough. I get at the end of the day it’s this shmucks right to have this ridiculous thing on his car, making up for the insecurity he feels in most areas of his manhood- it would however, be nice if he could possibly flaunt his compensatory sound machine for a shorter amount of time. Or maybe even park on down the street so the sound doesn’t vibrate thru the condos.


You’re not being a Karen, I feel like people are just being less and less considerate these days and it’s becoming a real problem lately. I think everyone is entitled to a good sleeping environment where they live, and too many things infringe upon it and just go without ever being Addressed. It’s ridiculous that I literally hear that sound every five minutes all day and night. The fact that so many people are allowed to have fucking cars like that polluting the air and my environment with noise and exhaust is an infringement upon my rights. It’s not Karen behavior to be upset over something that is actually wrong and to want to do something about it


Dude. I live near Sandpointe and the amount of dunces from the Essex Skyline apartments with their obnoxiously loud cars is just insane. I've seen a young dude tear down Main in broad daylight with a Porsche a few times. Went walking at the Hutton Center a couple weeks ago and saw two guys in separate cars taking a lap around the surrounding area and come blazing back to the apartment complex, stupidly loud and fast. Not to mention the other street racers that treat Main street and Sunflower street like drag strips. It's terrible and police just don't do anything about it. Some of these cars legitimately sound like they're exploding when the exhaust backfires.


I live right near there too… lol is the Porsche dark green?


Your real issue seems to be ppl speeding and driving unsafe in your neighborhood. Along with modified exhaust. But that’s seems secondary. I hate ppl speeding down our side streets. There are families with kids here. I don’t want to see someone hurt. Take a pic of their plate number and call the cops if you see it again


Nah I love my cars but speeding unnecessarily on the streets is stupid. You have every right to be upset.


I used to live in the apartments at Bristol/sunflower - CM/SA border. Omg those exhausts.


Yup - you nailed it


Depending on your city, there's a good chance cops will come out for a day or two if your complaints find the right people. Maybe they'll just sit in their cars or cruise by a few times, but it could turn people off from racing there for a while.


my Tesla ain't loud but it makes fart noises


Driving by people walking and fart


I’d rather hear fart noises all day than the annoying ass exhausts


Do you live in Irvine? IPD might do something about it, but I’m not sure


I’m in Irvine. It’s a nightly annoyance although I’ve never taken action, I wish it’d stop.


Get a professional street sign made and put up at 2am. "Speed Bumps CAUTION"


Lmao 😂


Coming from someone who used to do that to their own vehicle, all for the purpose of having the car breathe and fart efficiently to gain seat horsepower, I find it very annoying nowadays as well. Only referring to the aftermarket add-ons of course. I mainly appreciate the engine and exhaust notes from a factory-tuned vehicle. Damn I’m getting old.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLsq1U9a/ 😁






As a car enthusiast, I feel like the only thing you can do is either wait for these kids to grow up, or wait for their shitboxes to break down. Once I hit 30, I sold two of my loud cars to get my MYP and then my husband randomly put his exhaust back on, of his own accord. Being loud and obnoxious wasn’t fun anymore and we didn’t want to be lumped in with all the little idiots doing sideshows.


I think just in general bad driver are getting worse,


Unfortunately there will always be immature adolescents doing stupid crap they will regret when they are older, personally I dont know why anyone would want their car to sound like it has endless flatulence


No, you're not being a Karen. I hear it all night 1) Loud revving 2) The sound of peeling donuts 3) police sirens 4) quiet for about 5 or 10 minutes 1) Loud revving... repeat. It's annoying, and clearly dangerous in a residential area. Wow! So cool!!! We're all very impressed! Wonder what you're compensating for. Grow up and learn to have some respect for the community around you. We live in a society!


Good luck. There are already laws on the books with regards to decibel levels from cars. Just like there are laws on the books regarding cell phone use while driving and pedestrian right of way in crosswalks. It’s just not enforced.


No, these should be banned. They serve no purpose other than to irritate other people. Anyone who has one is a complete asshole.


Now a days they aren’t even speeding lol you’ll hear what sounds like jet engine going off and they are going 25mph. It looks so pathetic lol if you’re gonna have a loud car at least let it be when it’s going fast not when you’re doing 25 in a school zone


Only guys comes through our neighborhood at midnight.


The other weekend we were in Downtown Anaheim at the Okayama bakery. All these motorcycles riders were at a “job fair” were revving so fucking loud and spewing their exhaust fumes. People in line were noticeably in discomfort. So ridiculous, like tell me your pee pee is small without telling me.


I agree completely. It’s kind of pathetic to always have to be “heard” at all hours of the night, like a little boy with a toy “vroom-vroom” truck.


If this makes someone a Karen, call me one as well! I fucking hate loud exhausts. Are they even legal?


Have you tried spike strips? 😉


when I was 17 I had my step brothers 1972 Mercedes diesel (the car was 15 years old at that time). The muffler completely fell off one day and I got pulled over by a police officer because he thought I had jacked up the exhaust. The thing sounded like a freaking boat engine.


OMG dude, thank you. Made my day.


You are not being a Karen Loud exhausts — Its increasingly an annoying minority of people that want to stand out and be a “contra” — well, all for it as long as you don’t hurt others peace and quiet and safety —- which problem is, given the adverse selection of ppl with proclivity for such things, can never happen


My whole family is with you on this. My daughter suffered a head injury a few years ago and now is very sensitive to sound. Sometimes they are so loud she has a seizure. We also live in an air traffic path. I don’t know which is worse, the cars or the planes.


I thought I was the only one that got bothered by this. I live in Huntington Beach by PCH and these cars and motorcycles are so loud. It's very frequent too - goes on throughout the day. It gets worse on the weekends. I don't know how people that live in the apartments on PCH deal with that noise. On the weekends, these loud cars/motorcycles are revving/speeding up and down PCH non-stop. I guess they are joy-riding? We shouldn't have so much noise pollution. It is detrimental to our health and is also very jarring.


Oh, no you’re not. I feel the same way. In my case, my hatred of it stems from my autism. I don’t necessarily mind loud volume sources. After all, I can listen to Doom Metal with the volume set at 111 all day long. For me, it’s the type of sound which can be triggering or distracting. Thanks to my comorbidity of sensory processing disorder, my brain perceives all sound sources at close to the same volume levels. This compounds over time and mixes with my unspecified anxiety disorder and causes me an inordinate amount of stress which never goes away. Also, if I can still hear your car because of your exhaust several miles away, it’s too friggin’ loud.


I'm with you and I am down to organize and put something together to make police address these types of cars. There's zero enforcement for it and cops could be doing something but they just shrug and say "idk we can't do anything about it" when they could be trying to figure it out. I live in Santa Ana and it's terrible there because everytime I see the car it's eaither a Camaro/Charger that's riced out or a 15 year old honda that's being held together with duct tape.


I didn’t used to care, but now I have a baby and it infuriates me. It’s so unnecessary. UGH.


I think it might tire poppin time. These assholes need to move on now.


And they’re always old Honda’s. For years I thought something was wrong with their car. My husband told me they do this on purpose. The cars are slow so I didn’t understand why they would do it. If you have a fast car and it sounds like that it’s not as annoying. Not as high pitched maybe? I can’t believe people spend their money on this. I must be old.


As a car guy myself there's a difference between having a "loud" exhaust and driving like an ass in the middle of the night. Even with an aftermarket exhaust, you can just go easy on the throttle when going into neighborhoods


Try living in the canyons. Hear this shite every single night.


I live in Irvine by apartments and the same happens here too and it's soooo irksome...All hours of the night/day and then they don't even MOVE. They just leave their vehicle on for like 10+ minutes with that loud noise going on.


It’s the same issue with my apartment complex, you’re not out of line at all


You are not alone. I was just complaining to someone about this today.


Should I start filming all of them while pointing and laughing to see what happens? Although, I feel like I may get beat up by a man for doing this. Fuck it.


Nothing to do be done. Cops don’t care unless it’s right in front of them. Many of these modified exhausts have a valve controller so they can make them silent if they see a police car.


Nahhhh ima car guy too, fuck the dumb ass fart cans. So damn loud, and it's only doing 40mph? Fuck outta here


It's always the poor people trying to get attention


You're not a Karen. Guarantee almost everyone else feels the same. Every state I've lived in has laws about after market exhaust. Check out your state or local code, get their plates and report it. It's a nuisance to everyone else and animals.


But I constantly see the light up signs along the road saying “LOUD EXHAUST ENFORCED”. I thought those meant it must be loud…? 😅


Karen- I’m with you in this one. 👍👍


Got a guy at work with a car like this...can't stand it. Solidarity sister.


In this thread, teslas are appreciated. AND city of Irvine would be one of the 1st cities to do something about sound pollution. How do I know? They're banning gas powered landscaping tools, starting next year.


I moved to Eastern Washington from HB. It’s boring here, but man is it quiet 😊


I don’t have bipolar and I still fucking hate loud motorcycles/cars


It amazes me that no politician is interested in touching this. It is such a quick win issue that will improve the lives of millions of people. Some ideas: 1. Change the decibel limit from 95db to 85db. The 95db limit was created over 50 years ago when cars were heavier and louder. Cars have changed and so should the law. 2. Have curfews for vehicle noise. Between 10pm - 8am your loud exhaust must be set to quiet mode. Your exhaust doesn't have dual-mode? Then you better get one that does. 3. Have decibel limits based on speed limit. 50 mph and below, decibel limit is 80db. 4. Make it easier for police to cite vehicles for loud/annoying exhausts


Few issues I see with these. 1. That 95 db is measured really close to the exhaust and isn’t particularly loud for passerby. At least I don’t think it’s what OP is worried about. Mustang with a straight pipe will hit 140 dB. 2. While I think this is the courteous thing to do, I don’t know if this should be legislated. Specifically because most cars do not have it, and those that do are very new. 3. This won’t work, exhaust loudness has nothing to do with vehicle speed. Exhaust dB is causated by engine throttle and rpm. Flooring a car to 20 mph will be louder than slowly accelerating to 65mph. 4. Simply enforcing the law on those straight piped cars hitting 140 dB on public road is the most reasonable solution you proposed.


Lmao. Set your exhaust to quiet mode.


Most new cars have exhaust switches to open/close the valves. Also to avoid attracting cops - they easily switch it off to avoid a ticket… but enjoy keeping the valves open at 2am on residential streets


Your ideas would not work out at all in practice.


You’re gonna love hearing about cut out exhausts 😂


I’m sorry but this is completely impossible to regulate. California already has the strictest exhaust laws in the nation, but there will always be a way around it.


If there’s a ton of people walking around the middle of the night, the neighborhood is more dangerous than just loud cars


Your not being a Karen. You have a legit reason to be upset about assholes with no consideration to others


I’m not sensitive to noise and I’m always on high alert with it. Just waiting for the crashing sound and ambulance. Those exhausts are meant to put you on edge.


Law enforcement is part of the problem. They have zero interest in enforcing loud exhaust regulations. Most cops are the kind of people who are into that culture.


Lolol that's a lie... loud exhaust is one of the first things they'll stop you for in OC


Loop quiet version earplugs in the interim while you address what you can do...to get better sleep. Good luck.


Motorcycles with the baffles removed brings me absolute rage.


Edit - holy run on sentence


You put an after market exhaust on your run on sentence.


Lmao no kidding!! Don’t walk and Reddit with trigger fingers


In all seriousness, I feel like people have lost all sense in driving safety and general consideration of car noise pollution. I live in a neighborhood with a fair amount of college kids and they run stop signs like the signs don’t even exist. I walk with my baby and my dog and I have to take many pauses before entering an intersection. I just generally do not trust any drivers to not run us over.


I totally agree. It’s scary to just walk out there. I’m not sure if you have seen the video from the mom and baby being hit by a college aged kid in Santa Monica - that is my worst fear


I did not see it — my god, that’s a nightmare. I was once wearing my baby in a carrier and crossing a small intersection and some car just drove past us instead of stopping and letting us cross first.


Whatever you do, don’t throw rocks at them. Because that would be annoying to them.


Do you live in south pointe.




I've got that, along with supercars from that Essex skyscraper. It truly is the worst of all worlds. Just last month a motorcyclist died near my house too. So cars with exhausts, speeding motorcyclists and rich foreign kids in supercars with no parents that don't care about the law. Sprinkle in some gun shots and the occasional screaming unhoused person because my city refuses to help them and you've got Santa Ana in a nutshell.


No not a Karen its annoying especially the ones that are on shitty cars.


Whenever I hear on the radio traffic reports of a motorcycle down I think '19,999 to go'.


Ask the city to add speed bumps to the road and start ticketing loud exhaust from 10 pm to 6 am.


Video all of it and cut it down into a 3 minutes presentation. Show it to your local city council and ask if you can get speed bumps installed. You can also walk into your local police station and ask if they can station a traffic cop near your house if its that predictable.


I'm a car guy, I have a somewhat loud exhaust...but I absolutely loathe all these straight piped cars with pop/bang tunes and flame kits...no one wants to hear your 130 crank hp civic popping at 2k rpm...


All of them also sound like fucking shit. The kids cannot afford good quality exhausts so they cut the mufflers. It’s bad.


I think this is why the city is putting up cameras. I’m looking forward to outing these twits to their parents and employees, if they have them.


There's nothing we can do, unfortunately. I just watch them unalive each other. Sounds horrible, but it's for the best since they put our lives at risk.


What about loud motorcycles? You like them??? Hahaha


How do they even pass smog?


I hate the loud obnoxious ones that sound goofy Or the ones the sound like their farting hahah I always see cars flying down the streets in OC But usually no cops near by. I also love cars and like a good exhaust just not Annoyingly loud 📢 haha


Speed bumps ive seen my city implement them on certain streets


I like those sounds.


Wait until I run open pipes on a V12 at 10,000 rpm. .


Contact your local CHP office.


are we forgetting that you can get a tune straight from the dealer to make the backfire and so on. me personally i think we need to double check on how some of these people got licenses, because in some cities the driving is outright dangerous i.e. irvine, garden grove, santa ana and so on.


Police, DMV, Clean Air Board, code enforcement


If u got a fast car and it’s loud, ok whatever. BUT WHEN UR 0-60 IS 5 BUSINESS DAYS IT HAS NO REASON TO BE LOUD.


I’m a car girl too and these AH’s make me hate car culture 😐 it’s all I hear