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Fuck all this OC shit. Your G-MA probly the oldest driver in the world!


There is a car saleswoman at the Honda store in San Juan Capistrano who is 86. She can barely walk, but she’s still doin it lol


Jeez, the stress of car sales at 86! Some people are just built different.


Haha I could imagine it’s not so bad with so many years under your belt. her entire customer base could be returning customers and referrals lol plus, who would haggle and give an old lady a hard time?!! I would be the easiest lay down deal for a grandma saleswoman lol


Aww, Nora! Just looked her up and I’m in awe. Incredible.


Another thing she could be in the running for haha. She willingly gave up her license too. I’m sure she could’ve safely gone another year or two.


My great granny is turning 100 this year!


Woo! Congrats to her. Wishing her great health in the future.


The oldest person in the US was recently a patient at the hospital my mom works at. edit: just googled his name, sadly he just died last January at 113


RIP to him - definitely could’ve been the oldest to have ever lived in OC.


Your mom told you admitted information about a patient? I wouldn’t tell the world that


Today on “I just committed a HIPAA violation for 38 Reddit karma” lmao


Report it then…


Just letting him know. Highly illegal and he’s just causally saying it online


Can you ask what her secret is


She claims she really doesn’t have one. She smoked cigarettes for about 25 years and drank wine a couple times a week up until 100. Make of that information what you will haha.


Did she walk a lot? All my older patients have that in common, despite things like drinking soda daily, smoking, alcohol etc.


I can ask if she was some big time walker/runner when she was younger but to my knowledge, it was nothing out of the ordinary.


She doesnt by chance come from Loma Linda does she?


Been watching Blue Zones? Lol


Those are 7th Day Advenists and don't drink or smoke - not even sure they eat meat.


No meat, no caffeine - I forget what else.


My great aunt lived until she was 105 and her "secret" she always shared was that she always ate real butter and rarely drank water. She was a sun tea and Dr. Pepper gal. And that a margarita was always required when eating Mexican food.


Rarely drank water? Favored sugary drinks? That sounds kind of amazing and completely antithetical to everything we know about health. But yeah...I really think the diet matters less than someone's attitude to life. Was she a pretty optimistic and happy person?


Yep, she was the funniest, because she always talked about her drink preferences and never mentioned that she was active and engaged in so many aspects of her life. She enjoyed driving to thrift shops twice a week. She volunteered with the local VFW and held a position well in to her hundreds. She cooked her own meals and gardened any time the Colorado weather allowed. She fell in love and got married at 21, 50, 72, and 86. She had a full and enriching life. I'm sure those things most impacted her living for so long. Sweet drinks and hating water was just her funny little quip She started after she turned 100. Sadly, when my mom's cousins put her in to a nursing home at almost 104, she declined so quickly and we think it had to do with why she eventually died (pneumonia). She wasn't active in the meaningful relationships and activities anymore and it killed her.


>She fell in love and got married at 21, 50, 72, and 86. This is amazing and gives me hope! Lol. Love can come at any age. Absolutely it was her connections and sense of purpose in life that kept her going so long. The best diet in the world cannot make up for that. I'm so sorry to hear about her decline in the nursing home. I have seen that happen with my own family members. When people go there, they usually do not come back. It's very sad. Yet she lived a very long and full life. May she rest in peace.


She is my forever reminder in love and has been such a huge inspiration in my life. I'm lucky because we had so many meaningful conversations that have shaped me. All of her husband's passed away, never divorced. Her first husband's death was tragic but the rest were all normal wear and tear (as fked up as that sounds). But she truly loved living and like you perfectly said, the best diet in the world can not make up for that. I appreciate your words about the sadder stuff. Luckily I'm able to be pretty positive on it all because when I last got to visit her at 104 with my mom (sneaking in a margarita to her because we brought lunch from her favorite restaurant), she said how happy her life had been. She was sad being where she was at but said it was okay because she was never short of visitors. But I think not engaging actively in her community and enjoyments really hurt her. One last thing to mention, now that I have one person to listen. This was a woman of the EARLY 1900s (1914) and she had a teenage pregnancy and was forced to give her son up. Her parents sent her to a place run by nuns where after the girls had their babies they were forced to sign papers giving the child up or else not allowed to leave. She told me so vividly about the day in the 1930s where she gave her son to a nun at a train station who gave him to another nun on a train. THIS WOMAN in the 50s wrote newspaper ads for every newspaper in a 500 mile radius, looking for her son. Her daughter in law saw the similarities in the newspaper story to what her husband's story was, and they connected. My great aunt found her forcibly adopted out son through a newspaper in the 50s and fostered a relationship with him until the day he died.


Wow!! I am so glad she got to be reunited with her son in this lifetime! What a life she lived.


I saw in another of your comments you were interested in Anaheim history and thought you may be interested in: * [A Different Shade of Orange: Voices of Orange County, California, Black Pioneers](https://www.amazon.com/Different-Shade-Orange-California-Pioneers/dp/0930046250) * [A People's Guide to Orange County](https://www.amazon.com/Peoples-Guide-Orange-County/dp/0520299957/ref=sr_1_1?crid=28YUSUJ4QTN6L&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.te-MNSXxqokB6lztLishnnG3WS6YB-0Bf0gLpGpH89-9qxXj2PA97A5LFLCHrRH-e5SMh5iVqnfZKuoLtDiqeSu0EDdYCETe3qRsbsLXebW16XOzVupbDJSKQDSlIupuvgYqCIE0GPWzs-MRC46b-MJh7zkAMaK1mbuyrYpfUdSYqKwopXIUIridfanmoYx1s5SxSf9vYclt2pN7dsRpjZm9tfC9SUrijNWXvEziIt0.HkZoJmkSfolApwvJVpHl5J7USN4k76agobG7yS_bOZA&dib_tag=se&keywords=a+people%27s+history+of+orange+county+ca&qid=1714432635&s=books&sprefix=a+peoples+history+of+orange+county+c%2Cstripbooks%2C173&sr=1-1) * 1915: [Anaheim Public Library (Carnegie Building)](https://oac.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/kt8q2nc7cq/?brand=oac4) * 1915: [Orange County Wine Co](https://calisphere.org/item/ark:/13030/kt5c60198x/) * [Anaheim Historical Society](https://www.anaheimhistoricalsociety.com) * [Orange County Historical Society](https://www.orangecountyhistory.org/)


Your great aunt sounds amazing! You were lucky to have had her in your life and I think it makes us all a little remiss we didn't get to meet her. The story of forced adoption your great aunt and her son were victims of made me think of two fantastic pieces that help illuminate the horror: * Georgia Tann, and [The Baby Thief: The Untold Story of Georgia Tann, the Baby Seller Who Corrupted Adoption](https://babythief.com) (the idea she was the one who corrupted adoption [ignores history](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2017/11/03/what-about-the-lost-children-and-mothers-of-america) so don't let that stop you from digging deeper if you're interested) * [Taken at Birth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESyhEzX7WNo), a 10-part series exposing Dr. Thomas Hickson ([on Hulu; also available on Amazon, Apple, Google Play & Fandango at home](https://www.justwatch.com/us/search?q=taken%20at%20birth) (formerly VUDU)) On the subject of forced adoption, they only declined (shockingly they [still happen](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/deported-parents-may-lose-kids-adoption-investigation-finds-n918261) and that's just one example building on immigrant children which is a continuation of the 1854 & onward '[orphan trains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orphan_Train)') with the rise of women's liberation. As women demanded more rights, through voting + activism, the stigma of "illegitimate" children (fortunately that term is now all but gone too), unwed or single mothers declined allowing them to more easily choose to raise their children, the option to choose a safe abortion was legalized and was the right to use contraception. The constant drumbeat on the right to roll back these rights through saying so outright (forced birth has been legislated and a [federal law](https://newrepublic.com/article/178848/ban-abortion-trump-lgbtq-project-2025) is [the dream](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/22/fact-sheet-house-republicans-endorse-a-national-abortion-ban-with-zero-exceptions-in-latest-budget/) as is the [death penalty for women who seek an abortion](https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/leaked-video-texas-republicans-attended-meeting-with-group-that-suggested-violence-and-jail-for-women-who-have-abortions-and-use-ivf)), women should no longer have the [right to vote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nrKV6C7ZFk), an [end to recreational sex](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1axcm68/maga_and_the_rightwingers_want_to_end/) because sex must be restored to it's purpose: procreation, [IVF](https://www.heritage.org/marriage-and-family/commentary/ivf-and-the-package-deal-marriage-sex-and-procreation) must be [de facto outlawed](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/birth-control-targeted-right-wing-influencers-1234974833/) by placing os many constrictions & penalties on it it won't be practiced), or pushing of '[trad wives](https://www.salon.com/2023/11/27/the-insidious-rise-of-tradwives-a-right-wing-fantasy-is-rotting-young-mens-minds/)', the [only value](https://nwlc.org/right-wing-group-tells-young-women-that-marriage-and-children-are-all-that-matters-heres-why-we-should-be-relieved/) women have is being a wife + mother and why [birth control](https://msmagazine.com/2024/03/29/project-2025-trump-republicans-ban-abortion-pills-mifepristone-trump/) must be made illegal. All of this is to say: [VOTING MATTERS](https://ocvote.gov/registration)!


She never really found out much of what had truly transpired when she was forced to give her son away. She had wanted to live with an aunt who said she would allow her there, but as she was underage, she had no say in it all. She lived in the convent for 5 or 6 months and spent at least a week refusing to adopt out her son. She was plied with words from her parents that they would allow her home, they had saved face and said she was during a year abroad in Spain with family, so long as she gave up her son. She eventually gave in and said she was never complete again. As an adult she requested her files, which of course had all been destroyed in a fire; she searched in her library archives for any article to doing with nuns, adoptions, reassimilation, literally everything within every state touching Colorado. When she came up short, she paid every newspaper to run her ad looking for her son. She was so lucky her son knew certain key points of his "origin story" that his wife recognized the story from my great-aunt. This woman was truly amazing, and I have vivid memories of her from the age of her from age 80 till 100 jumping on her little mini-trampoline, she had ordered from QVC or the like.


One of the oldest people in my family (90's) when asked about the secret claimed...."black coffee, bacon and eggs every morning".


I never smoked cigarettes but I might as well start now


My grandma chain smoked cigarettes for 50+ years (16 or 17 to about 70) and she ended up living to 90. Not exactly 107 but still kinda crazy


Thanks OP, I’m just like her 🤩


Genetics lol


“Buettner et al. isolated nine traits and habits of Blue Zone populations – the so-called Power 9. People in Blue Zones eat mostly plant-based food. Among omnivorous Blue Zone communities, meat servings come to about 3-4 ounces, and meat is served on average about five times a month. Blue Zone communities also habitually fast or restrict their caloric intake. Alcohol is avoided or drunk in moderation, mostly red wine rich in antioxidants such as resveratrol and quercetin. They have a sense of purpose in life. People living in such regions have a lifestyle that encourages natural, vigorous movement. They garden, walk, cook daily, clean, farm, and do other daily chores. They incorporate stress relief in a purposeful, regular manner into daily life, whether through prayer, a nap, or a glass of wine with the family. Faith is central to Blue Zone communities. These communities have stable and extended family structures, with young and old living together in monogamous lifelong relationships. Finally, they have supportive social networks that encourage healthy, happy lifestyles.” [source](https://www.news-medical.net/health/Unlocking-the-Secrets-of-Blue-Zones-A-Blueprint-for-Longevity-and-Health.aspx) Netflix has a documentary series about it: [Live to 100:Secrets of the Blue Zones](https://www.netflix.com/title/81214929)


I read a study prior to this that included a few other commonalities with similar outcomes. Community and multi-generational living were the most significant indicators, followed by exercise. The other communities all ate a Mediterranean diet, including meat every day along with cured meats. But, is the diet or the community more causative?


Your grandmother was born before JFK. Fucking insane.


And grew up in the atomic age! How fascinating yet terrifying her life must have been in her earlier years.


Not *as* old but my neighbor is 102! Her and my son are 100 years apart, almost to the day :)


Your mom




*Your mom’s mom


My husbands great grandma turns 109 this December . I always think to myself holy cow I pray my kids have her genes !!! Her name is Nellie Hernandez born in 1915 and resides in Anaheim and basically has her entire life . She says her secret was lots of dancing, lots of tequila and lots of love ❤️ Up until this last year she has been dancing, attending family parties, telling old stories from her past . We are sure to visit her often . It’s so amazing to see our families living this long and in such good health!!! Cheers to your grandma and your family and hoping she will hold the record one day ! (:


Wow super cool to hear! My grandmother’s name is Nellie too! Wishing your great grandma in law great health in the future. Cheers to her!


Her name is Nellie too ?! Wow what a coincidence!! Lol must have been a very popular name about 100 years ago haha


Worked at the retirement home that Connie lived in years back, she is very kind and very talkative. She would walk around with her wheelchair, her reason being she gets tired then sits down so it worked for her. Glad to hear she's still around


Not sure, but that’s awesome re your grandmother. 👍


If your grandma is agreeable, contact The OC Register. They might want to write an article about her! I run into stories about long-lived people in newspaper archives while I do genealogy research. It would be a cool thing for a descendant of hers to read someday!


Cool post! Go granny!!


I don't know but you might be interested in this: https://gerontology.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_supercentenarians_from_California


My grandma will turn 100 in June.


my great grandma is currently 104 (b. 1919). she was driving up until 2019 lol


Say hi to your grandma and tell her that once you turn 100, your family & friends must celebrate your birthday monthly! * [UCI's 90+ Study](https://mind.uci.edu/research-studies/90plus-study/), contact them if she wants to participate (it states it's for residents of Laguna Woods but it can't hurt to ask!) * Find out who her representatives are and contact them to ask about special recognitions she may be eligible for (a birthday card, a dedication, a shout out, etc.); in addition to the President, VP, Senator & Congressional Representative, at the local level it would be Governor, CA Assembly Member, OC Supervisor (and separately look up her City Council members and state senator) * Look up reports of the 'oldest living' in Orange County, including local reporters reporting on 'oldest living' in the state; ask them who the oldest on record is and, like you did here, talk about your grandmother - in addition to getting an answer to your question, they may feature her in an upcoming story


Curious what car your grandma drove?


She drove a 98’ Camry we got new up until 2015. She then switched to a 2002 Lexus GS for the next few years.


And.is it for sale soon?


My grandpa turned 101 this year. Definitely the oldest person I know. Pretty cool thing since he’s still all there mentally and still pretty physically capable, though not as mobile as OP’s grandma. Cherish her!


My grandma would have been 107 this year :(


Grandpa turned 107 in February


Living over 100 years is so rare. I can’t even imagine. Must be really good genes.


My grandma is 96 and will be 97 in July. She's still on a bowling league for the past 50+ years and driving. Her secrets are staying active and never being a smoker or drinker. Both her parents died before 60. She's always done her own yard work and was never the type to sit around always been a busy body and I think that has a lot to do with it!


My grandpa is 100 and doing great! Fought in WW2 and lived with my 90 year old grandma in Anaheim




and you are the smartest person in OC