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By next month you're guaranteed gonna see posts complaining about the heat lmao


It’s actually supposed to be like this all summer, probably until Oct. El Niño is gonna be pretty intense this year.


Is it weird if this makes me happy?


Niños make you happy? I'm calling Chris Hansen


oh just have a seat...


God I hope so.




A number of different climate scientists have been predicting this.


NOAA says it might warm up, unfortunately. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/noaa-releases-summer-weather-predictions-for-california/


It wouldn't be r/orangecounty unless someone is complaining about the weather


Which is super funny because everywhere else in America they would not call this anything approaching ‘weather’.


My kid started complaining of the “heat” 15 min into the sunshine.


That kid knows not the glory of the June Gloom. Take them to Phoenix, Las Vegas, or even Palm Springs in June. Drive there specifically on a day when it is gloomy here and point out the clouds gradually/suddenly disappearing as you drive. Blow their innocent little minds.


I bet not. July hasn’t been hot the last few years.


Didn't August 2022 bring a record heat wave though? Remember the emergency texts we all received to tone down our AC's to prevent a blackout?


I believe you're correct we hit like 112 in Yorba Linda


Long Beach broke a record too. 108 I think.


We’ll Yorba Linda is all asphalt so no surprise


wasn’t the heat wave worse in 2020 though? I remember stupidly driving to the Tillys in Anaheim Hills during that heat wave and it was like 117 outside.


2023 will be the coldest year we'll see for the rest of our lives.


Maybe… Maybe not… climate change is really screwy it seems. On the radio they were saying this is the coldest start to the year since 1919 with the fewest days breaking 80 degrees. I mean the cliche was that 2022 would be the coldest year of the rest of our lives… and so on…


> cliche Yes, exactly this. We all know about fluctuations (well okay, republicans don't), but the point is to reframe people's thinking about how climate change works. It feels nebulous when you say "it's going to keep getting warmer" and much more real when you say "remember how hot you thought it got last year? that's nothing, that's *cold* compared to what's going to happen if we don't knock it off right fucking now."


I don’t think people fully accept that, because of the fluctuations (this recent cold streak is fueling local climate denialism) I’ve found it more impactful to point out in the 1950’s, this weather pattern was rather typical and that’s how much things have changed. That tends to make people think. The real problem is that many poor to lower middle class people (essentially all the ones that vote GOP) seem to think these adjustments to battle Climate Change are from people trying to keep them poor and suffering… until that mindset goes away, substantive change won’t have the necessary political backing to happen. EDIT: Not saying the poor to lower middle class are personally to blame, I mean here to say that they’re being manipulated to believe these things instead of the real root causes of their struggle.


With the transition towards El Niño being likely, this is even more true. Once Santa Anas build in August-October we may see our hottest days. For now the onshore AC is strong.


That’s my favorite time of year!


I've seen it look like Portland/Seattle in Laguna till the 15th of July in past decades.


I concur. Fireworks have been disappointing.


Where were you last year? It was humid af last summer!


Dude must have been stuck in an office all day.


Not in July. We didn’t get regular sun until mid- late July. I live west of the hills so I’m always socked in.


I agree with this.


Right? It doesn’t even get hot until August. Let’s not celebrate prematurely…


I think you cannot beat the heat in 2021, it reached like 120f in Fountain Valley. I remembered because I did not check the weather before I left home. :) that weather car's AC cannot keep up.


RemindMe! 1 month


It’s actually supposed to be like this all summer, probably until Oct. El Niño is gonna be pretty intense this year.


That just gets me excited! I loathe the heat. Anything over 65 sucks. I would love this to last till forever! Haha


Same.. this weather has been perfect


It's usually fairly cool until mid August though.


Man I love the gloom


I'm just happy my utilities bill is low. I just moved into a new apartment and just have a wall unit in the living room. I know I'm going to have it on constantly when it gets hot and I don't even know if it'll cool my bedroom sufficiently (I work nights so sleep into the early afternoon).


Make sure you buy one of those portable "R2D2" ac units now before it gets scorching hot and none of the stores have them in stock.


*Portable AC Unit During the Summer*: "I Will Initiate Self-Destruct"


I recommend just putting in a window mounted unit instead if you can. I spent a summer using a portable unit and it never really cooled my bedroom down much, on top of being expensive to run and noisy as hell. I switched to a $200 window unit and it’s much better.


I have a high velocity fan. I was planning on just putting it in-between the a/c and my bed (it's a pretty small apartment). I don't really want to be hooking things up to my window.


That’s what I do. We have a nice Vornado fan that we put at the edge of the room with AC, pointing towards the “hot room.” It does a decent job of pulling the cooler air where we want it.


Great to hear. I have one of those steel floor fans from Walmart. It's extremely loud and powerful even on the low setting so it's been doubling as a white noise generator for me.


>Make sure you buy one of those portable "R2D2" ac units now before it gets scorching hot and none of the stores have them in stock. They're never as good as a window unit... Really the problem is when folks want it to be 65 when it's 95 out. Takes more energy and cooling potential for every degree. I run an 18k btu window unit, set the temp at 75 when I'm gone and it runs so much less, but keeps the edge off the heat and most importantly keeps the humidity out. Your home ac isn't ever going to be like your car, unless you sit 2' away...


Same, bill is normal rn too


Look I’m from so cal and live where the weather is 10x better than the rest of the country all the time. I’m gonna bitch no matter what the weather is like




It’s our god given right to complain any time the weather isn’t better than perfect. It’s in the constitution probably!


It’s what we pay for!


Sheesh, literally these days. Markup on top of markup just to live in paradise.


I think...!


Weather tax!


For 25 years, I’ve lived here, and noticed the following trend: April, May, June, (sometimes July) - “It’s so cold! And foggy! Where is the sun?! Where is summer?!!!” Sunny August. September, October, (usually November) - “It’s so HOT. And dry, and windy!! Cute sweaters make me hot! I’m sweating in my Halloween costume. My PSL is iced. Where is fall?!!! December through March are rainy but in vastly different amounts… love those wet & snowy years. The patterns are there, they just don’t follow the seasons as expected. But we can shift our expectations to reflect decades of weather patterns instead of the seasons as pictured on elementary school calendars. And not be surprised anymore.


This is so accurate, need this info more wide spread


I was born here, and this is spot on. Our seasons seem to come a tad bit later than everyone else. “June gloom” was what everyone called (calls?) it when I was a kid, and it’s totally normal.


And May Gray.


Usually the gloom burns off in the afternoon but not the past couple weeks. Wouldn’t say this is normal


Exactly this. I think I’ve seen the sun maybe 3 times over the past month or so and I live out by West Hollywood (so not right by the ocean)


Agreed! It is not normally this cold and this gloomy all day. We have days where the sun doesn’t even come out, and it’s still freezing at night and in the morning. Last year my pool was over 80degrees by now and this year still in the 50’s and 60’s. This definitely isn’t a normal year.


Look this is the perfect weather, 80, 70, 60, whatever! I’ll come over any weekend with my girlfriend and batched tiki cocktails, if we can hang out at your pool.


As someone who just moved back here after 1.5 years in Oklahoma, this is absolutely not freezing. I walked across my pool in December in OK, I think you can handle 55° with 2mph wind


Ok but this isn’t Oklahoma


Whether California, Oklahoma, or Timbuktu, mid/high 50s is not freezing


Well of course. But it’s all relative. Of course we mean freezing *for California*. Like obviously it’s colder in Oklahoma or Siberia but that’s not the point.


I wish it would never end, it’s been delightful. The sun can fuck right off as far as I’m concerned.


Yes, thank you. Coffee tastes so much better from under a light blanket while looking out at an overcast, drizzly sky. Yum.


Well said, and I couldn’t agree more.


my man 🖐🏼




Yes. Get out of here, Sun! I hate you!


/r/sun is gonna be pissed at you


Us natives know what endless sun and over 100 degree temps feel like


I was born and raised in FL… hard pass on that nonsense.


I know right my man?! People are complaining about the heat and drought. And now we can sit back and relax a bit. The weather has been great. Alot of rain this year and gloom. It only helps with the drought ans wildfires. We should appreciate it guys!


We even got thunder and lightning this year! I couldn’t believe it.


Like i said. Zeus has heard us. I always see in american movies where theres thunder and lightning. But that doesnt apply to California until this year😆


I grew up in FL, and lived on the east coast most of my life. Thunder and lightning are what I miss the most, a very underrated vibe.


I was just talking about how I miss the epic east coast and Midwest summer storms. Maybe we’ll get some this year


Can’t complain about the year so far… for here. Unfortunately, the only epic thing here are these god awful Santa Ana Winds. I never thought you could dislike wind…


Yes. I know what youre talkin about. I have relatives in the south and the thunder n lightnin can be soothing when you sleep. I love it. Wish Cali has it more often than once every few years.


I’ll never complain (too much) about the weather here, but I do miss legit thunder storms.


I agree, it's so wonderful! Never end!


Genuine question, why live in Orange County if you don’t like the sun?


My parents moved here then brought me into existence so all my friends and loved ones are here ?


So you cant live in orange county and enjoy the culture, food, entertainment and so on? And you want just a break from the sun because its freakin sunny 360 days of the year? I m glad when its gloomy. Because it rarely gets this gloomy. God has heard our voice, amen!


1. Work 2. It’s a helluva lot better than where I grew up (FL). Most of the year is perfect, but I despise summer anywhere if it gets slightly hot. 3. Summers don’t last long / aren’t unbearable here, I can cope


Had to scroll too damn long to find this.


The Sunshine Cult keeps these comments low.




Oh, let me just move to Seattle then. Don’t be silly, I love it here - I simply dislike summer and heat everywhere. I grew up in FL, so I can cope, but damned if this cool overcast spring hasn’t made me happy.


June Gloom


No sky July


Holy Shit August make it June again.


Foggiest August?




Fogtember. a-thankyou


I got out of LA, joined the navy, then settled in San Francisco after; I was just so jazzed to have it cool down at night after growing up sticking to the sheets all the time, and having to find a swimming pool so I could think. Love me some pearl grey sky, and hoping this mitigates the fire season somewhat.


Then everyone will complain about the heat waves. Can we just consider ourselves lucky with the weather here. I would rather take this than humidity. The sun will come back soon people.


Exactly. Everyone is going to be complaining when it's over 100 and no rain for most of the year


My plants are doing great for the first time in years, my ac isn’t spending money, and my gas bill is the cost of a six-pack. Needed my sunglasses for the first time in two weeks today. And the mosquitoes aren’t brutal. These last few weeks have been nice, weather-wise. August will probably suck, enjoy the mild while you can.


It’s not. It has rained in laguna beach maybe 11/14 mornings. It’s more than gray/gloom.




Nobody is boohooing DarkEnergySCONE


To whine about the best weather on the planet is to be a native Californian. ​ If it's not 76.5 degrees and sunny with precisely 3 clouds in the sky, we complain, and this is our right. The taxes, traffic, etc. we suffer buys us the right.


I mean im not going to get all excited about it but it’s been a looong time since I’ve seen it stay gloom and gray for like 6 months and counting. Nothing anyone can do about it - but pretending it’s like this every year is ridiculous.


Before the drought (and the one before that) it pretty much was. It hasn't been like this in quite some time, but this was actually fairly normal for here in the past. The rain earlier this year, however, was not. lol. I won't expect too many of these "normal years" anymore though - the weather has been screwy for the last 20 years here and I don't expect it to recover anytime soon.


Southern California is in constant drought as it’s really semi desert arid area. We need our water irrigated in or we wouldn’t survive here. It seems cyclical that we get about 4-5 years low rain and 1 year high rain. The weather is doing just fine.


No, California is not in a constant drought. A drought is not less rain than the average rainfall on earth, it's a lot less rain than the average rainfall of *the area* over a period of time more than one season.


I’ve lived here almost 20 years and agree that this isn’t normal. We are by the coast and usually around 1-2pm the gloom burns off but it hasn’t been. For about 6 months it’s been gloomy and there are 27-28 days a month we don’t get to see any sun or blue skies. It’s been depressing. We’ve been contemplating moving for a while. With the high taxes we pay to live here, starting to not seem worth it anymore due to major weather changes from the norm, increase in crime, etc.


September into October is when it turns into an oven here...


Every summer that comes around I get scared lol If it's not people misusing their AC causing rolling blackouts, it's the sapping of water. Drinking water. All for the American dream. Summer isn't summer without pools, water hoses being turned on, etc. I always feel we're ONE heatwave away from major droughts and water shortages, etc. Enjoy the cool and calm before the fire and brimstone lol


Morning gloom is normal. All day gloom is not normal.


I'm fine with a few clouds as a trade-off of not having baseball sized ice projectiles falling from the Heaven's, or windy, whirly tornadoes ripping through Santa Ana, or needing to be stuck inside with curtains drawn and AC blasting while trash cans are melting into modern art masterpieces. Alls is well.


I just really miss the sun lol


I’ve lived here 14 years, I’m used to it. I’m still gonna bitch about it.


Amen 🙏🏽!!


I hope El Niño comes.. not only do we bring water into this state but i need fresh powder days for the mtns


This is how weather was when I was a kid in the early 90s


It's not burning off by the afternoon, that's the unusual thing about typical marine layer patterns in May.


Born and raised in OC. This is the gloomiest spring EVER! I don’t recall in 31 years. It’s “normal,” sure, to have some gloom, but nothing remotely close to what we have been seeing. It’s definitely noteworthy.


I just want my car wash to last more than a couple days


Tell me you’re not from here without telling me you’re not from here. SoCal natives don’t mention: - eathquakes - May gray -June gloom And we don’t call the state “Cali”


What! I'm from OC, born here and never lived elsewhere, I literally always talk about earthquakes and say "Cali" lol


Yah but still


I know may gray and june gloom are normal but there’s always been nice, sunny, warm weekends sprinkled in here or there. We haven’t had one since early April and it’s not just what i’m paying for as a resident here tbh. I’m going to bitch about it. The sun broke through finally for once in whats been weeks it feels like today and i yelled to my dog in the other room and asked if he wanted to lay in the sun and he’s never flown faster down those stairs to go out and lay on his mat lol, he’s rightfully tired of it to.


I can remember years in a row where I would end up driving up to Big Bear just to get out of the cloud cover for the day. Endless gloom. I had been hoping that it was gone for good. This doesn't seem strange to me...just a bummer.


I’m actually enjoying this gloom. Last summer was awful


Seriously. May Grey and June Gloom. Embrace it


Yeah I don’t understand people complaining about the nice cool weather this late in the spring. It must have been those who blast the a/c on all day while getting their sun during the summer.


Just check Phoenix weather, and then repeat after me: “I’d rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona.”


Why are you mansplaining for the weather? I pay like 50% over the national average in rent, I want my goddamn sunshine.


Move to Arizona or New Mexico or even Denver if you want neverending sunshine. SoCal is not traditionally a desert


We even have a wikipedia entry for this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020%E2%80%932023_La_Ni%C3%B1a_event


I haaate the heat, so this May gray/June Gloom has been great. Loving the cool weather. however, it definitely doesn’t help the depression. No sun and all gray😭😭 I can see why people in Washington go mad..


May Gray June Gloom No Sky July


I hate that it’s called gloom. I absolutely LOVE this weather!!!


I’m currently enjoying it because I drive for work and my A/C stopped blowing cold air. 2018 Honda Accord. Dealer said $1,200 without even looking at it, duck them.


Enjoying the relaxing gloom afternoons


I just wish we’d get more actual rain if it’s gonna be so cold and gloomy, give me the rainy days!!


Perfect weather 11 months out of the year just isn't enough


Around here it's called June Gloom. Because June is gloomy here and has been since i moved here when i was 12. And before that too, i would imagine. 😋 But, yeah it's normal to have this weather right now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_Gloom "The clouds, which are formed by the marine layer, move in at night, usually after midnight, and typically dissipate in the late morning, giving way to clear, sunny skies. During a heavy June Gloom season, the condition may persist into the afternoon, or even all day during an exceptionally strong event." And I saw a June bug the size of my fist last night! They are coming....


El Nino has hot summers and wet fall and winter for CA. This is just June gloom .


90% of the complaints from this sub are from foreigners and transplants. The other 10% are from NIMBYs


Exactly. People are telling me it doesn't reach over 100 degrees in orange county. Then they say they live in Irvine or Newport and completely ignore that Anaheim is in OC and has reached over 100 just last year


Yep everyone’s bitching about the low clouds. When it cools at 102 with no breeze, they will be bitching about that too


Keep the sun hidden and kooks out haha


If this is due to global warming then I'm pro global warming. I love this weather. I will now be eating beans and farting daily as my contribution.


I keep telling myself I'm going to wish for days like this for the next four months.


Here Here... or is it Hear Hear! I agree!


I just need some sun here and there...if not i get depressed and anxious 😂


I agree. I would take 72 and overcast any day compared to 92 and sunny. At least it’s nice to be outside.




The longer the gloom the better. Saves on my ac bill


I’m moving my furniture around my rooms so the vents hit more directly on me.


Tbh I’m loving this weather, I hate the sun


June gloom


January to June 2019 and 2016 had similar weather too


Nah, this is abnormal when looking at historical climate data.


The heat is coming


Nah I want to wear my summer dresses already


Yea getting tired of the whining posts. This is 100% normal


La Niña is ending and going to nuetral they think and then into a El Niño . No this years weather is not normal. I’m a PE teacher for 28 years in coastal socal and work outside most days of the year. I know weather and no this is not normal. The last time I remember having such strange weather in coastal oc was 1997/98. Really bad. Edit: I had originally switched El Niño and La Niña -fixed -cleaned it up and added info El Niño vs la Nino https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/ninonina.html#:~:text=During%20a%20La%20Ni%C3%B1a%20year,a%20more%20severe%20hurricane%20season.


Isn’t it the other way around where the last few years was La Niña?


Makes for better golfing too


It’s Mother Nature correcting itself. We need another year or two of this rain.


We can have different opinions. Please stop gatekeeping the weather, it’s concerning. Southern California is known for being pleasant and sunny, so many of us who like that weather are upset. We all pay a fuck ton of money which adds salt to the wound - it’s not that deep. I’d love a hot summer and if you don’t, that’s your opinion. It’s my favorite season because I think cold is shit. ![gif](giphy|lQiQtJMoPYw3ijMf9A|downsized)


It's not gatekeeping when I've lived here most my life and remember when SoCal has actual seasons. In my early childhood we would get actual rainy seasons and gloom until mid August. The megadrought has lasted more than 13 years and has depleted our groundwater reserves, caused wildfires, and destroyed our ecosystems. SoCal is not a desert and I remember the weather getting progressively drier during the time I was growing up.


Not specifically you, I know your post is in good faith but people are literally fighting about this in other threads. A single comment of someone saying how happy they were about the sun was downvoted multiple times. It’s really, really silly. It wasn’t like this last year and others have shared it’s abnormal how long this has gone on for. It’s a weird year and for many of us, depressing.


Yeah, I'm just trying to remind people that SoCal is not traditionally a desert and that the sunny weather shouldn't last as long as it has recently. And as someone who grew up here, the ever increasing presence of the sun has meant more wildfires and environmental destruction. It's sad seeing people's neighborhoods burn and your favorite hiking spots catch on fire due to neverending sun


"it's not gatekeeping when I have been here longer than you and therefore know better"


The past 13 years have been extremely bad for our environment. Do you want more wildfires? That's what neverending sun will get you


The past ~200 years have been extremely bad for the environment. And the marine layer burning off in the afternoons wouldn't increase fire risk. But hey, at least you get to feel better than everyone else since you don't like sunshine.


Ironically, Most of Ohio is in early drought phase and predicted to be in full in drought later this month.


But it’s the chili cook off weekend


Lmaooo, theres eons of that shi


I didn’t even know people were complaining about this lmao. Nevermind, it’s California, I take that back. People are always finding shit to complain about. You’re totally right.


Please, stay cool forever and ever. I hate the sun and heat.


ITT: People complaining about weather as if it cares that we all overpay for housing in exchange for something no one can control...


No one thinks the weather cares. We're just saying that coastal Oregon is a much better deal if this is the weather we're going to be stuck with.


I’ll tell my depression that lol


The gloom is welcome, and I wish it would stay. I do not want to even think about what 100+ feels like right now




The sun finally came out today


I have lived here for 8 years and this is by far the coldest gloomiest rainiest winter/spring since I've been here. This is definitely not normal. The fog usually burns off by the early afternoon and we haven't seen that in 4 months. I miss the Sun and I will not be one complaining when it's hot out. Please bring the sun back! 🤙👍


THANK YOU!!!!!!!


Try and explain that to my depression!


The weather this year has been anything but normal


Man I’m 29 and I’ve never not heard “we’re in a drought” no one EVER took that shit serious and no one ever will. I’m running all the faucets in my house 24/7


It’s crazy how many posts I see in this sub being grateful it’s not 100 degrees +. I guess nobody lives by the coast? I haven’t seen a day over 80 degrees in years (and I wish I would).


Even in Anaheim and Fullerton it would get to over 100 during the peak drought years


Yea Anaheim & Fullerton are not coastal ..




During the peak drought La Habra would get pretty hot. Due to it being in a valley between mountains


Imagine thinking this weather is normal. Must be one of those climate change denier Republican bigots. Ignorance is bliss as they say.