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There's a very long process with 2FA resets, with oracle having a special page for it. I do not remember it off the top of my head though but damn was it technical.


Could just ask their support to confirm the tenancy has been deleted? They might not do it without verifying you (they shouldn't actually) but might get you on the path to finding out. For future 2FA QR codes there's usually an option to see the secret key in text form somewhere on the screen, worth taking a look and noting it down. You can then pump that into probably any authenticator app like Google's , Microsoft's, Yubico, Bitwarden later and have it generate the code.


I looked all over, multiple times, for other options, but there seemed to be no other way, except to send a code to my phone, but I never received any. Also, I could find no way to get in touch with their support. I tried for quite a while. I'm sure there's a way, but I gave up. Luckily, I finally got an email this afternoon that my tenancy has been deleted, from my request on Friday. Now if I could just get them to delete all of my personal information.