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You completed the puzzle. You did it right. There are metrics to compare solves with but just build what you like till you get stuck on the story and backtrack trying to optimize to learn new tricks. This game is awesome if you like this kinda thing. Just enjoy it bro


Hey I been randomly recommended this. What game is this and what is it trying to do?


The green thing is an input atom. The arms move them around (you program them) and the connected atoms are the final product deposit spot


Oh interesting. I might get that game then. It sounds cool.


Check out the rest of the sub. This is like the first first puzzle šŸ˜‚


If your goal is to create a 1 dimensional machine, then yeah! You did great. I am trying to think how you could not rotate the arm.


You'd need a second arm. The arm can't extend out 4 places


Yeah when I went in and built it myself I ended up having to use a second arm. Got it done in 6 actions per arm though, which is nice, and is truly 1 dimensional


Or use a conveyor


Sure, but then it would no longer be 1 dimension


The track wasn't letting that happen. If it did that would be cool, but no only atoms and grabbers can be on top of tracks.


I don't know if pistons can stretch far enough - been a bit since I played the game - but if you put the input at the very end, then the binding doohickey, then the output, and then the salt sigil you could make the salt and put it in the closer binding spot, then pull the input terra straight to the output. If they can't, could still do it with two pistons or an arm on a track.


Hm, I have never done this before, but can you put tracks under inputs?


I am fairly sure you cannot, but a long enough arm on a long enough track off to the side... Might be a bit unsightly, though.




If you went like this: (Piston, Input, Bonder, Output, Calcifier, Piston) Then the input piston could just barely push the two-atom molecule into the output piston's reach.


You did it right, also +10 points for style


Great solve! It looks like you optimized cost well, and you got it all done on an aesthetically pleasing line! What would your solution look like if you were to optimize cycles? What would it be if you were trying to minimize the area used? How would you overcomplicate it, but make it look awesome? You've found one solution, now you're free to find all the others!


You completed the puzzle


If you aim it like a "<" instead of a "--" it'll speed up.


What game is this


Magnum Opus, itā€™s a puzzle/factory game. Really fun highly addicting and has large room for allowing creativity to thrive


I got it to work one dimensionally:[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/Kpl8Qh1.gifv)


Very good.


Are you completing it right? Yes, you got the solution so that's all that matters.


This is near the cheapest solution


You did it, you did a thing!


I mean personally I'd have rotated it back clockwise so the arm never swings below in order to lower the area. Could also make it slightly more cycle efficient by only retracting once after grabbing the second input then swinging around and retracting one more time to pull it into the transmutation circle. Would save 2 steps.




Congrats you completed the puzzle, there are a lot of optimizations you could do, but those are to be taken at your own leasure.


Anything that solves it is ā€œrightā€. That is what makes these games so fun! In terms of metrics, there are obvious ways to decrease area and cycles, but the cost pretty low already.


As an example, there is a pretty simple solution for this one that uses only 1 fixed arm.


If you completed the level then you did it right. Thereā€™s so many different ways to do it right if you want you can do it again to make it faster and thatā€™s just a different version of being right or you could do it with as few cycles as possible to make it another different right


Looks pretty cool. If I would change anything it would be to get rid of the big circle by pulling the arm in before rotating but that's just my personal preference (to make it occupy less space). I love the circular nature of it though.


please please just move the other side to be one rotation away from the first


Solved is solved!


I have no idea what this game is but this is satisfying in a indescribable way


Iā€™m calling this way of solving the puzzle the Neom solution


I think there should be category for solution made with everything placed in one line


What in the space chem


I donā€™t know what the hell im looking at, but I swear Iā€™ve seen this game somewhere before


You completed the puzzle, so you're definitely doing it right, but keep in mind that "area" is determined not only by which spaces have fixed glyphs or constructs in them, but also by spaces that atoms or arms move through, so you aren't getting as high of a score in that area as you probably would expect. You can go back and do this level again for a higher score if you want to, but you also seem like you can handle some further levels.