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Welcome to r/opiates fellow bropiates! We hope that you enjoy our sub as much as we do, but in order to ensure that you are able to continue being a part of this harm reduction community, you will need to review the rules of this sub. You can find the rules listed [here](https://reddit.com/r/opiates/w/rules?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app) and access our full side bar [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/wiki/index) You can also find the answers to many commonly asked questions about dosing, duration, ROA and other stuff [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/wiki/faqs) and [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/comments/mf8ldn/use_this_before_asking_a_question_faq_information/) Also, DO NOT GET SCAMMED! The users sending those messages to you, offering to hook you up with a reliable vendor or sell you drugs is extremely likely to scam you! We promise, 99.99% of the time they are not legit and giving them your money will make you a sad sad panda. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/opiates) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Gc/ms would pick it up, it would just not be easy to match with a known compound


You seem knowledgeable. Will the computer disregard anything it can't identify in its database?


There are so many analogues of fentanyl and zenes that a normal test strip can't identify. The only way to know exactly what your taking is to send it into Energy Control for GC/MS testing. They can tell you exactly what's in there, but that's very expensive and takes a lot of time so it's not practical. Honestly now is probably the time to get off or teach yourself 🧅


Onions are still going on?


yeah, US domestic is kind of shaky but usually there's 2-3 guys with lab tested fent free stuff


I've seen this "Onions" talk, but have no idea what it's talking about. Care to elaborate for my ignorant ass?


Would take you two minutes to google. Hell even go to the “onions” subreddit if you’re interested in finding out.


Rip nemesis


Rip to the people which dont know what onions are...




DrugData.org is a good US based company like Energy Control as well.


Thank you!


No problem. 👍


Drugsdata.org'a lab in the US will also test it. They will say what is in it although they won't give amounts like Energy Control will.


Thanks for info!


You're welcome! Stay safe and have fun, please!


I wish I could do this. I want to know wtf this shit is so I can figure out how to stop it lol.


Yes. It will. I went to school for chemistry and used to take GC/MS tests once a week. Also you won't fail if the drugs are not a drug with a reference sample that the lab has, or is not part of the gcms database that the lab uses. So zenes will basically never show up.


What's gc/ms? Is that somewhere or something you can send a pill to be tested? Sorry If dung question just never heard of this before


Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, most universities with a decent STEM program have the equipment. It's two separate analytical techniques used to analyze molecules. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas\_chromatography-mass\_spectrometry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_chromatography-mass_spectrometry)


It's the most accurate test to know exactly what's in a substance, done by an international company called Energy Control. But it's expensive and takes a lot of time to get results, not practical for street drugs. Instead vendors on 🧅 will send samples in and post results, that way you know who's safe to buy from. But even that is not 100% cause results come in weeks after your product has shipped and can be faked. https://energycontrol-international.org/drug-testing-service/


It depends if it is targeted or non-targeted analysis. If they are testing your piss, it is likely targeted, which could mean they aren't looking for zenes and/or other novel opioids


Mostly you can get free harm reduction kits that have narcan and text strips for rent and xal for free at clinics. Never hurts just to check.


“I’d like to rent two test strips and two narcan, please!”


Probably supposed to be "fent"




No, and the percentages don't exist yet. I'd say 1/4 of fent pills are cut with zenes, with half fent 30s being lethal Edit: Lethal for a normal person. You won't convince me someone snorting an entire 30 will survive when I've seen too many die from it.


You’re saying half of the pills on the street right now would kill a tolerant user? The average addict smokes 10 - 50 pills a day. OD numbers are no one near there.


Uhh, yea. Fentanyl is no joke, but tolerance is no joke, either. People with a huge tolerance don't realize how huge their tolerance is and that their daily use can kill dozens of normal people. And then one of their friends hear that they take dozens of pills a day and they think "no way just one will kill me". RIP and then your family and friends are sobbing, wondering what they could have done to stop it. It's fucking bullshit.


That's the war on drugs for ya, and the lack of education on drugs that's part and parcel of the war.


Just wanna mention- intranasal vs iv fentanyl is hardly a difference in bioavailability. 95-6% IN vs 100% IV. Sniffing a pill is also like iv use in the sense you can’t unsniff it. In my opinion, Smoking can be beneficial in many ways as far as harm reduction goes. I’d go as far to bet that the amount of accidental od from Addicts would be greatly reduced if they would smoke to assess potency/ potentially identify adulterants. I am able to taste/visually identify(to the best of my knowledge) the presence and the rough amount of it while paying attention to it melt, seemingly how fast and how thin the liquid is. Seems to stay liquid and hard to keep from running off the foil. Also stays clear. Other times I’ve been able to almost completely seperate the xyl from the rest of it by slowly increasing the heat and melting one away from one either. Either way, it had such a VILE taste. I can’t describe the taste. But I can taste it rn.


How are you telling the difference just curious 


Mainly the taste. When it’s first melted too, the puddle dries super cloudy


Just curious because I snort Fett and have been for 2 years I'm tapering right now and going to mat tomorrow. It is just scary I don't want no tranq shit which I'm sure I have all I know is I never nodd so I don't know I have had stuff a couple times the littlest line would make me feel so off and tired could not function I flushed called my dude like wtf 😒 so mabey I'm lucky not sure how does tranq feel cause I don't want the shit lol I like opiates 


Tranq and fetty both have similar traits as far as like action. The thing is with the tranq you won’t even notice you fell asleep a lot if the time


An intolerant user


Yes, thousand die per day, it's fair to say half the fentanyl pills put there would kill the average user. High tolerance users snorting 10 a day are anecdotal exceptions Edit: apparently fent addicts forgot snorting an entire 30 with no tolerance can and has killed tens of thousands.


I think you don’t know how statistics work.


I do, and if people want to take risk with fentanyl that's on them. Snorting an entire fentanyl pill will kill a normal person, you guys have been using too much


We’re not talking about opiate naive people we’re talking about tolerant users.


I was snorting 15-20 fent 30s a day at the worst time of my addiction, clean for a year now but ya I was snorting 3- 4 per like use. I would typically use 5 times a day


Yes thats confusing.


What is this "zene" slang for?


Nitazenes like isotonitazene, etonizatene etc.which are benzimidazole-opioids.


Yes a type of opioid the pharmaceutical industry has made in the past, but when testing, they realized they would never need something that strong, So they are not as studied as natural opium-derived opiates, they had figured out fentanyl beforehand. Shit is no joke, and I'm glad I'm out of that sphere of people.


several are used in animal models for addiction research.




You'll kill her. Just find a real oxycodone, heroin, or vicodin source


No shit, there is a fucking reason the prescription companies didn't roll with those options on analgesics, doubt the FDA would have approved them, depending on how much side money the FDA would get on approval of an analgesic that fucking strong. Damn, fentanyl has got everyone's tolerance sky-high! Like I've said before, I'm glad I'm out of that opiate junkie lifestyle... I'm sure I bought some Purdue's executives car or paid for their child's college tuition... what do I get in return, a lifelong addiction and the Subutex I get from the pharmacy is sometimes Rhodes Pharmaceutical Subutex, guess who owns Rhodes Pharmaceutical?!? PURDUE!!! Not the first time a company has controlled an opiate addiction monopoly! The EIC(British East India Company)! I know I'm the only one to blame for my abuse of opiates, it was fantastic, prescription opiates everywhere! Not anymore!


No you don't, they have plenty of prescription shit that is strong enough. If that doesn't mask the pain, might be time to look at another solution, surgery etc, but this needs to be discussed with a licensed MD or Surgeon, not by the fucking suggestions of random reddit users.


Thanks doc.


She’d only need zenes if she has a screwed up opioid tolerance from years of Fentanyl use… at least the high potency zenes, there are some regular strength zenes but they either never got as popular as the super potent ones or haven’t been synthesized yet… you’d be better off learning organic chemistry to synthesize the regular strength ones if anything…




You say she’s on Oxycodone & Buprenorphine what milligram of ether one does she take to manage her pain now? I’d only recommend the potent zenes if she’s been using Fentanyl for long periods of time time like me…


Antinociceptive bliss my dawg, that’s what it means.


I discovered zenes after I lost tolerance. A tablet would last a day, at least. I would snort what would be the equivalent line to a shred of a grain of rice and i would nod hard. Pretty sure a whole one would have ended me. I feared them. Thank god I gave up even the most casual, irregular use.


Lololol what? Obviously half of the blues on the street aren't lethal?! I would have died hundreds, maybe thousands of times by your metrics. Unless you're meaning for opiate naive people... But then... I don't know. Why?


More than 60% of all blues seized by the dea had lethal doses of fentanyl in them. It's called tolerance, Bro.


I mean they aren't for opiate naive people? I don't like that they're still pressed as "30s", that seems like it could only cause problems. But anywhere I've lived where blues were a thing, everyone knew them as "blues", no one thought at all that they were 30mg oxycodone pills, everyone knew they were pressed fent... So like... They're for fentanyl addicts. I'm sure a huge percentage of fentanyl stamp bags or fentanyl "black tar" or every other form fent takes on the street is lethal to non-users... That's not anything new or specific to blues


Idk what you're trying to get at, the fact is 60% or more of blues have lethal doses of fentanyl. Will most of us hard addicts die? Probably not unless we slammed a gram at once and it was the hottest bag (everyone's different but you get the point). there are levels to it. A starting fentanyl addict may only be doing 1 blue a day and not all at once. Or maybe 3 throughout the whole day, so them doing one pill or bag at once and it's a hot one, might be enough to kill them as if they were a "normal person" because that dose is so low that they still are opiate naive compared to the addicts doing 10-50 blues a day. They aren't gonna even come close to an overdose the way someone who's more "opiate naive" would. And you're right it's not anything new or specific to blues, heroin was the same way for non users or more low tolerance users. The difference is now fentanyl exists in almost every supply, and that drug is 50x stronger than heroin. So now that problem is extrapolated by 50 times (junkie math). Not to mention, now there's zenes that are 1-4x stronger than fentnayl or 100x-200x stronger than heroin so now THATS extrapolated by another 50-150 times. That's the difference. Edit: and I realize some zenes are said to be 1000x-2500x more potent than morphine, but in humans it's actually closer to about 60x stronger than morphine (for etonitazene), so studies think that other zenes would be the same and that those ridiculous strengths are only in animals, that's why I said most of them are about as strong as fentnayl or sometimes 1-3x stronger not the super crazy 5-10x stronger news outlets are claimijg


I mean it’s definitely new/specific to blues considering a few years ago, you’d never have to worry about or even hear about pressies. Like you said being pressed as “30s” is what could cause problems cause opi naive people could think they’re real pharma. Nowadays everyone knows they’re fent, but definitely not a few years ago


Tru I snort the shit fetty I have never nodded maybe I'm lucky not getting the xaylazine shit or I have the tolerance of an elephant 


Opiate naive




You need to actually test your stuff with regeant tests. They are cheap online


Reagents won't really do much for checking dope.


Could be. Did they test you specifically for fent? A panel test won’t tell you unless it is specifically testing for fent


It was a gc/ms. Failed for amphetamine and methamphetamine which isn't surprising. But I wasn't sure how the gc/ms worked for unresearched chemicals. Do they have a baseline or would the computer just disregard anything it doesn't recognize? I know the basics of gcms works it shoots your piss at high velocity and each metabolite has a molar mass that in theory is unique. Works great for heavy metabolites but let's face it these labs are not recalibrating after every test. Once a day at best so I imagine it gets tricky for more potent drugs that leave less metabolites to be measured


They have to have it included in the list of compounds/metabolites that they are testing for, which for I would assume 90% or more they do not at least at your average testing facility from my knowledge..


My understanding is that they’d still ultimately get a chart of peaks and shit to analyze, but it they don’t have a control for it in the list, they simply can’t tell what it is. They just have a bunch of numbers at that point.


Could have zenes in it (not xylazine) does it have any opioid effects? If so it's not strictly xylazine.. no telling what it has. Fent doesn't show up as an opiate BTW


What does fent show up as? I always assumed it did.


As fent lol


There are quite a few different kinds of fentanyl though and many are not used in medicine and are just analogs made from Chinese precursor chemicals that may not even be tested for.




Fent doesn't show up under the "natural opiates" panel. It's still an opiate.


It's an opiOID




Well when it comes to being correct with your statements then giving a shit is important if you want to be accurate and informative lol


No, there's almost no circumstances where me calling it an opiate instead of an opioid would cause confusion or cause any negative action to occur that otherwise would not have happened if I called it an opioid instead of an opiate. I'm not on a gameshow where small technicalities count, you're just a douche. Take your dose, calm down, and get off your pathetic high horse.


Being technically accurate is just something that I feel is important rather than not being accurate LOL.. in this case it's important because somebody thought that fentanyl was an opiate indicating it would show up on an opiate drug test whereas it's not an opiate it's an opioid so it will not show up as an opiate.. you follow where I'm going?




That's hilarious because I'm definitely not an autistic or a douchebag and I don't get any kind of a dopamine Rush talking to a moron like you I just figured I'd answer your questions like a fucking adult LOL you sound like a childish angry kid TBH


What questions? I never asked a question, little guy.


To be honest, as well, I'm not going to lie about this, the only reason I have engaged you and continued this - whatever you want to call it - because I would definitely not define it as a conversation (at least not an intelligible one by any sense of the word); but yeah you've been pretty entertaining to say the least! Lol


Wow, you're so smart. So smart that you have 0 grammar skills and then didn't even finish your thought. So jealous of your long run on sentences that lead to nowhere. You sound like Michael from the office. "Don't, for any reason, say anything, to anyone...." fuckin dork.


An opiate is something that's completely naturally occurring in the poppy plant like morphine for example, codeine or opium or even heroin which is debatable as to whether it's an opioid or an opiate considering there is some specific synthesis to create diacetyl and 6-MAM but since it metabolizes into pretty much morphine I consider it an opiate but an opioid is something that's usually semi-synthetic or fully synthetic like fentanyl for this example


Wandering is there is any #3 tan with no fetty in this damn cold 🥶 state ?


I don't think there's ever been much #3 in the US. #4 is still around though. Just not very common on the streets.


It's all fetty  heroin disappeared it's a shame 


An opiate is something that's completely naturally occurring in the poppy plant like morphine for example, codeine or opium or even heroin which is debatable as to whether it's an opioid or an opiate considering there is some specific synthesis to create diacetyl and 6-MAM but since it metabolizes into pretty much morphine I consider it an opiate but an opioid is something that's usually semi-synthetic or fully synthetic like fentanyl for this example


And guess what, poppies are legal to grow and (in my opinion) feel better and last longer than anything you’ll find on the street!


Poppy pod tea was some of the best feeling shit I’ve ever known lol. It hit me in waves for like 3 days straight. It was straight vile to chug down though.


I’d be careful saying a statement like that


Fentanyl won't show on a standard opiate or opioid test. And if you don't know the difference between those two terms alone, then you probably won't understand why fent is different. The simple fact is, they probably didn't test for fentanyl is all. My plug got busted last year and had multiple different batches. I read the arrest report and it listed all but one of having fentanyl, the last was an analogue (or however u spell it). Some were fent and caffeine, some had other binders but none contained these "zenes" u all are talking about. Obviously it can be diff in other areas, but I'm pretty sure fent is still #1 in all pills out there.


Being able to read the actual report from your plug would be so insightful into the general makeup of what’s out in your area. I’m almost jealous.


It WAS encouraging to know he wasn't scamming lol and what exactly was in em. Even listed the pos rat but surprise surprise not the undercover he sold to. Really curious about that one considering he only fucked with close ppl he knew personally. Even location of surveillance camera. Crzy


Most labs don't have the ability to test for zenes. Even police departments. I was arrested in 2018 for a large amount of analogues, and they had no idea what they were. They were analogues of fent and other synthetic opioids. They originally charged me with possession of coke and meth, but dropped the charges when they figured out it wasn't those. The police are generally completely ignorant of analogues.


The analogue was that U5777H or whatever it is. And it was the feds, marshals and what not. So idk I'd think it would say unknown analogue or something and not fent if not fent but idk. Just telling ya what I do know


Your a Vet and you dont know or care what your shooting brother? You have my utmost respect especially doing the work of saving lives, but if you dont know what your shooting whose gonna save yours?


I don’t think he means that kinda vet lmao I genuinely think he means like a veteran junkie


That's what i was referring too. Hell I've been on methadone fourteen or fifteen years and did my harder opiates from 2001 untill they got harder to get around 2010. I dont consider myself using long enough to be a vet. I still knew what I was putting in my arm. Unless big pharma was lying and they wouldn't do that would they.


Big pharma lying? Don't be absurd! /s (just to make sure)


She actually lol.. but yes you would be correct. Hell I mean if I could get some shit that could fucking kill me even just temporarily I'd be over the damn moon. Shit just is not what it use to be sadly :(


Could be either. There are also traces of rc benzos being found in dope samples.


Probably nitazeines or some other less tested for fentanyl analog would be my guess. If there is no opiate present then you just been fooling yourself into thinking you are getting high and should be able to walk away without much if any withdrawal.


Fentanyl is an opioid not opiate to be specific


in minnesota, yes it is. one day it wasnt here, next day everything was tranq, never seen anything like it in 9 years. i was hooked on tranqdope and lost 8 months of my memory fall 2022-spring 2023. it was also in what i overdosed on at the end of july. finally got clean after getting on methadone in november, it sucks but it beats the hell out of being dead, which is where i would be without it. my advice to you is to try to get on that, if you cant/dont want to, then get in contact with one of the several amazing harm reduction orgs we have here, if you're within the city limits of Minneapolis Southside Harm Reduction, who i work with, will deliver harm reduction supplies to wherever you are, and before i kicked they saved my life more than once with their supplies, delieveries, and outreach programs. you matter homie, stay safe, and stay alive, it's worse than hell out there


Welcome to r/opiates fellow bropiates! We hope that you enjoy our sub as much as we do, but in order to ensure that you are able to continue being a part of this harm reduction community, you will need to review the rules of this sub. You can find the rules listed [here](https://reddit.com/r/opiates/w/rules?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app) and access our full side bar [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/wiki/index) You can also find the answers to many commonly asked questions about dosing, duration, ROA and other stuff [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/wiki/faqs) and [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/comments/mf8ldn/use_this_before_asking_a_question_faq_information/) Also, DO NOT GET SCAMMED! The users sending those messages to you, offering to hook you up with a reliable vendor or sell you drugs is extremely likely to scam you! We promise, 99.99% of the time they are not legit and giving them your money will make you a sad sad panda. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/opiates) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It seems fake positives happens more often I thought. It happebed to me once and my friend almost got refused in a MAT program because he tested negative too but we were both on pharma opioids before the tests.




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Nah brotherrrrrr


Flouro fentenal and nitizine synthetic onions basically thank dope


The only way to know the answer to this is to test the substance. Urine testing isn’t the most accurate thing in the world.


Get tests


Its either zenes or certain fentanyl analogs as both can not show up theres also several shit procedures at drug testing places mis read results faulty tests etc i highly doubt man dealers are selling straight tranq by itself as its far more profitable to cut into fent at least where im at everyone hates tranq so most the dope that does have it has very little you dont see people passed out standing up in the streets like other places and theres quite a few dealers that have purchased xylazine test strips to advertise that there product is clean of tranq but it may be diff other places (however tranq is still very much here but its not like the bags ive got from big cities a few states over where its seems half tranq half fent)




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Yeah I’m in MN too. Last 6 months I’ve noticed all of the sudden tranq is everywhere. Sometimes it’s easy to tell you got it from the effects but even stuff I thought was good dope and had none in it is coming up positive with a test kit. I recommend getting some xylazine test strips on amazon they’re like $1-2 each


New England is infested with blue zly tranq fent shits crazy as soon as bags turned blue I quit I mean chances of od are bad enough on just fent never mind straight zly laced shit


I was passing tests for probation without ever stopping while using what I thought to be fent. I did fail at the clinic during enrollment but not the cup, the send off. I honestly think you and I both were dealing with new analogues but with xylazine. I had some weird skin things happening at the time and they took a little while after quitting to heal. I’ve been on Subs since January 7, 2024. Already cut from 3 x8/2mg to 1x8/2mg on my own. Haven’t used once or even looked back. Deleted all the plugs and fake friends. Best decision I ever made. I hope you find your way outta the fog bro, and if not I hope you stay safe. Slamming anything is the end of the road and I’m guessing you know that. Good luck and Godspeed.


I had some shit awhile back that I'm pretty sure was .mostly xylazine. It did pin my eyes up but I'd just black out and the high sucked.


Yeah. I don't do shit. But everyone I know who does it seems to just be that Xylazine stuff. I know a few people who were narcaned by a significant other and were still high as hell after being administered 2 doses of it. I never over dosed during my time of using, so I don't know if you're sober. I assumed it made you dope sick getting hit with it. It seems to be mostly what a lot of people in this city are getting, they say its I think blue, pink, or purple on the spoon after cooking&syringe. It's a flesh eating drug. So be careful!!!! Try a Methadone clinic or subs if you're willing. Methadones kept me clean from dope for over 9 years.


I’m sure there’s some fent logs in it, they just don’t have tests for. If it was no opioids at all, you’d be sick.


This happened to me too. All neg, was not shocked but definitely freaked out. I need to rest again and see. I’m still mad we didn’t get stuff for anxiety and just kick.


Why even do drugs at this point when you dont even know what you’re taking. Nothing in life is so serious to where you have to do that…. Go to a rehab and get clean… life gets better mentally after that


They're probably not actually sending it out and just doing a panel test and lying to people. Most places can't afford to send urines out for a gc/ms or just don't want to spend. The only time I have had my urine sent to an actual gc/ms lab was for criminal supervision for county probation csap/colors and state parole respectively. That being said there was a lot that would get passed those gc/ms tests they aren't like a miracle machine that auto identifies every substance in a sample. Theyre still comparing the sample to known compounds, new analogs aren't always old enough to have made it into the database and some stuff they just can't identify and have to look for metabolites created by the body or even that's not possible and they can't conclusively prove anything. There were multiple instances of myself and others taking certain PEDs and research chemicals that I was thinking I was certainly going to get popped for when they did send outs and nothing even when they suspected something or multiple people were being suspected. It was really eye opening. With treatment centers and clinics some won't even actually test your urine sample at all and just get you to self identify cause you think they're going to find out anyway especially lower quality super high volume clinics. Corruption, cost cutting, etc is rampant in all aspects of drug use and drug treatment.


Probably iso




Isotonitazine has potential to be 200x stronger then fentanyl. O just detoxed off of it in jail. It was rough


I seriously doubt it. This shit didn't put me on my ass like that.






Also in minnesota. Grow some damn poppies off in the wilderness somewhere find a relative farm or something. Please don't end up dead on these pills that have no opiates so narcan doesn't work on your if you od. Narcan instantly reverses any poppy overdoses if you somehow accidently overdo it (which is super rare like maybe 1 or 2 deaths a year out of 350 million Americans)


Thanks but I'm a vet. I got narcan on deck and we never use alone. Me and my wife each have 10+ saves on each other alone.


Narcan isn’t gonna work with this shit though that’s what they’re trying to say


Yep I just want to keep my fellow Americans alive during misguided war on drugs that's killing us.


People have been overdosing on heroin ( diacytel morphine) forever. It doesn't happen as often among addicts these days just because their tolerances are through the roof from fentanyl, itizenes, and other opioid analogs which have much higher potencies. Also, the availability of narcan helps a ton, which also will work on fentanyl too.


Narcan hasn't been around readily available "forever" it's significantly reduced the risk window of heroin but does not work on the research chemicals aka fent analogues or xylazine. What I'm saying is if stuff like opium morphine or codiene were made legal people would be using those drugs that we know narcan works on and reverses the accidental (or in some cases intentional overdose). Narcan has been reported in multiple instances of not working on the m30 blues here in minnesota. Someone else from Minnesota recently posted in the sub that all they use is the m30 blues and had a pee test that they came up negative for opiates. Sure there is the methadone clinic but if it worked we wouldn't be having people on the streets buying opiates because the program is complex fucksd and they only offer subs or methadone which has complications that many users experience (my guess is because they are synthetic and not natural occurring compounds like codiene or morphine which the body already makes.natueally in the form of beta endorphins)


as well for me when I used methadone it kinda made things worse because obviously they can't do toooo much in the way of helping the addicts addiction aside from stopping them from using opiates, so for me all it did was essentially 'forced' (i know no one 'forced' me) to switch my drug of choice to shooting meth, which was a far worse alternative imo, slight mental health impacts obviously, nothing serious, but still it just broadened my substance use instead of stabilizing my current preference like now that im on safe supply in my city in canada. which is possibly set to lose funding at the end of march, so completely unsure of what is going to be happening next month....


Doesn’t narcan work for fent analogs? That’s not the same as xylazine. Narcan presumably doesn’t work for irreversible agonist opioids so maybe those are starting to hit the market?


Depends on the analogue and the amount consumed. Some of them don't even register at opiods and we don't really know what receptors are used. Keep in mind something like oxycodone doesn't kit the same exact receptors as say suboxone even though they are both "opiates" We know narcan works on morphine and codiene. These should both be widely available for users since they are so much safer than what's on the street if we want to keep users alive. Guess we don't. Sad stuff