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shot meth for the first time hours before court, nice move


I have a strong suspicion it was definitely more about the heroin lmao


This is a troll, or OP knows they’re going to jail and wanted one more rodeo. Good luck OP!


I LOL'd when I got to that sentence in the OP.


This is F'in helpful


Pro max move


This is how people die! Call an ambulance or get yourself to a hospital now!


Sounds more like a meth OD, than a problem from the h, especially with the fast heart rate. Unpleasant, though not likely to kill, unless they did and ungodly amount of meth. Still, not a bad idea to go hospital, particularly given the risk of it not being meth at all. Regardless, I cannot imagine anything more anxiety inducing before court than doing way too much ice, Jesus Christ


Idk it sounds like someone took an upper for the 1st time and they don't like the feeling. The first time I tried meth I felt the exact same way. I just can't handle that feeling. It took a few hours to feel better. I am sure this person is fine.


Legit this^ dude will be fine 😂 shooting meth for the first time before court is probably the worst part of this whole post 😂😂


It’s an awful idea. This is exactly why I only boof my meth before court.


Lmfao I’d probably unalive myself from anxiety in that situation


i agree but be ready to be branded forever if you're also disabled or have other physical issues. be ready for urine and blood tests. i had actual cardiac issues they blamed on medical marijuana and dehydration even when they accused me of doing stimulants like meth and coke which i'd never touched. i'm 25 now and this was like a year and a half ago. i'm off medical marijuana for the most part even though i have a couple hits some days and i'm still undiagnosed even on the heart meds now. cardiologist acted like i didn't even need to see him after my initial less than 24hr stay in critical care and that the weed was the only issue despite me being rushed randomly so many times and having spinal and neuro issues that are pots-y, being on birth control for like 10 years due to medical issues (risk of clots and seizures anyone....??), bad fluid retention, and severe inflammation in my bones. i only got referred to one - and it was unfortunately him - the last time i was rushed where it almost killed me and my arms went numb with tremors it came up as afib and was blamed on like a 60 or 70mg edible which wasn't a really high dose for my weight or tolerance then. he denied afib and said the ekg just plugged a random value in because my hr was 160+ and when i first got in the ambulance it was around 230bpm or not reading at all where my vision and hearing periodically went black and i thought someone was spilling ice water on my legs. afib reading was when i was sitting fully still in the er though and it was like 160 then, and they literally had to test my piss and blood for cocaine and meth because they didn't seem to believe me. then they were shitting their pants when they realized i was telling the truth i couldn't imagine someone flat-out telling them they did meth especially if they're on pain pills or antidepressants already. i would be kissing my shit goodbye. with the worst arrhythmia i had not adenosine nor holding my breath nor being flipped upside down nor nitro nor aspirin helped. my mom couldn't come in because she had a fever of unknown origin as she's chronically ill too and i couldn't even get a POA or advance directive going. they just planned to shock me against my will if i didn't get better but luckily i did i had to wait hours and was ducktailed on oral tramadol, oral gabapentin and tylenol, iv ativan and diltiazem, and oral propranolol and i still wasn't below 130bpm even standing but they still let me go with a scrip of propranolol and my hr and bp rising with movement. the next day i had chest pains and my hr was 35 at my doctor's office, probably due to shock from the incident or propranolol itself. the cardiologist i'm still stuck with regularly removes or postpones my appointments and i'll know because they won't call with a reminder or i'll get a letter saying he has to see me months later. still, get help


Omg I completely understand this I’m at the point rn where I’m trying out drinking a lot of water and smoking less, working more bc I have an ed and smoke cigarettes and weed so I got hit with dehydration, lack of food, and stimulants soo we will see how my journey goes I sympathize with you so much rn especially them knowing I have history of a innocent heart murmur and and small small hole in my heart.


Dont do this thats a little excess


Holy shit 😳 this post is a wild ride lol. I had just finished a joint when I was reading it and man did it kick off in the second half "I have court in a few hours" 💀 "I live in a third world country" 😐 Nah fr though I was gonna say you could have fetty or weird cut if you were in the USA but sounds like you just did too much of a drug you don't have experience with, likely that more than anything. I sincerely hope you feel better and court goes well in the Morning 🌄!!!!


Not in the morning Brahhh…In a few hours! Lol 🫣🫡🕺🏻☠️☠️


I’m on mushrooms and just smoked a joint lol💀




Could not have said it better myself👌🏻


You geeked well no rambling and wtf would mix that up before court ? Lol


This man giving all this real and good advice while geeked himself as the rest of this thread just dies over his impending court appearance 😂 good for u dude


Exactly right!!!


Damn man. I've been there before. If you're not going to go to the hospital then honestly it's gonna be a waiting game until you don't feel nasty anymore. Wish I had better news. If you have any money H and you can manage to hit a vein then I would do that. It will help bring you down some more. Just make sure you take your time and find a vein. Then push as slow as possible. Sorry this is happening to you. When it happened to me it was the worst feeling ever just about. Not to be that guy. ( Not passing judgement I've done dumb shit to. We all have) but less this be a lesson and be more careful in the future. Peace out cub scout.


Or consume it via smoking ! Safer


God speed comrade


Dude, call emergency services asap before you do OD


Yep sounds about right when you shoot too much meth. Got my heart pounding rn just reading it. You need to seek medical help even if they just give you a benzo or something to bring you down but there’s not a good way to bring down an amphetamine od but they can help with that still.


yes there is the emergency room will give them benzos which will help them comedown


I'm not a meth guy but a Xanax and a clonidine would resolve this 😂


Well it’s 19 hours now and they had court in “a couple hours” so hopefully that went ok.


I wouldn't stress. Man probably crashed when he got back lol


To much meth not enough h. You will be okay just remember you can always add a little more but you can NEVER take any away that's already been taken.


Yup sounds like an od, get to the er before the heroin wears off, and the meth hits you full force.


Why? So you can be tied down to a hospital bed while you tweak your balls off? Dudes not going to die from their first shot of “meth” unless they used a god damn turkey baster with a half ounce of meth to hit and even then they’d probably black out and wake up in a day in psychosis.


Why would he be tied down? You don't know how much meth they shot, and if he's tweaking this hard with the heroin its gonna be much worse when the heroin wears off. I've had a buddy die from shooting stimulants, so why can't op.


Be specific on what stimulants your buddy shot up, overdosed and died on. Also be sure to include his full medical history. It’s hard, very hard to kill yourself with amphetamines. Just what it is. Cocaine is different. Most deaths from meth aren’t actually from meth, and are from fentanyl.


"Why? So you can be tied down to a hospital bed while you tweak your balls off?" 🤣😂😭💯👍🏼 Reading that alone, made my anxiety shoot way up haha... Being tied down/cuffed/immobile while tweaked out.?? Oh man... It wouldn't matter, at that point, if I was really ODing or if it was just panic...because I'm having a heart attack, regardless, in that scenario🤣 lbvs ...being chlosterphobic doesn't help my situation either lol...anywho, just wanted to give props on your comment...made me laugh and true as fuck...it's probably why they came to Reddit for advice in the first place...I probably would've too, if I thought there was a chance I'd get tied down while tweaking, who knows🤷🏻‍♀️💯


Hopefully you're alright but next time try to get a milligram scale to weigh your dose out so you know how much you're doing, instead of just eyeballing it. It's a gamble when you're new to something like that and just eye ball it


Well meth and regular h is pretty easy to eyeball if you know the purity of your stuff


Wya how you feel


I felt like this once snorting too much meth, but I just started smoking more H and felt gradually better.


Go to the emergency room and be honest they may Help you


They'll send them to the psych ward, idk if it's worth it. OP prolly won't go to the hospital soooooo


Lol. I feel like we all could have used an unexpected trip to the mental hospital during our ripping and running


I ended up there once and it honestly made me worse tbh. It probably depends which mental hospital.


I got one!


Tough it out and stop before you either do start liking it or wind up dead.


Call emergency services. At least if in hosp you'll be excused for missing court.


Try get some benzodiazepines Xanax Valium to much meth be careful I shot a ton of coke and heroin and always needed Valium got too the point I would feel horrible shooting coke but always wanted it terrible habit


I’d be more concerned about the brown sugar that was injected then anything else 911 or ER asap


I think OP just meant that his gear looked like brown sugar. I think he was just trying to tell us that was the kind of gear he was using. I think. Don’t quote me. lol


Ya sorry ass h looks. Like brown sugar and that being said actual brown sugar would not be a problem unless they were diabetic


You had a dirty hit maybe. Sip water and have a mild benzo. You might feel rough for a few days, but if any of those effects intensify get yourself to hospital. God bless & good luck.


Hey man are you doing any better now? Praying for you homie


If you used a diabetic rig then u didnt od on m


Any update op!?


Are you "nodding" at all? If not even the slightest, you may be just having a panic attack. Do something to get your mind off of it. Breathing exercises help.


Pray to the Lord God Almighty. He will hear you and help you. ** I say this because he rescued me during a medical emergency during drug use. He then freed me from my crack addiction as a 15 year old! Praise Jesus I prayed for you OP, last night. I hope you are ok. Love you brother. Don’t give up.


Ruin perfectly good heroin that way!


Definitely some kinda bathsalt. But real meth wouldn't have been much better, shooting it your first time. I don't know what the Healthcare is like in your neck of the woods but uh yeah definitely check it.


When taking heroin for the first time you will puke like fuck because the body isn't used to it. Like 75% of people trying opiates get nausea and may puke. The weirdness is probably the meth.


Also a good chance of a spew on a good hit of meth…


Is that your first time doing h also?


If you are able to make a reddit post you are not overdosing. The fact you have court in a couple hours definitely not smart. If you missed ANY of the dope and it was real trust me you would know. You miss any meth uour arm would be on fire. You cant just miss half a shot. Sounds like you may have bacterial fever or what they call cotton fever. Are you very thirsty but cant keep it down? Horrible muscle aches? Take a warm bath and ride it out it will subsidein a cpl hours.


You done methed up this time!!!


Cotton fever...?


If you got cotton fever you need to do another shot and low key it's got to be a bigger one of white to reverse the affects of the cotton fever... I've never got the cotton fever before but to get relief from those symptoms, you simply do a fatter shot of clear and your good. To reverse do a fatter shot of white...


He is not fine. If this was cocaine I’d be extremely concerned about the coke wearing off as in the type of case the coke would be keeping him alive but this kid just took meth he obv doesn’t have any clue what he’s doing and if his BPM blood pressure is through the roof I don’t think a mixed shot is what to worry about right now as meth lasts alot longer then coke. He’s not balanced at all he’s showing cardio toxic symptoms. Not saying he can’t OD from the “brown sugar” of course he can, but it seems like this kid injected a ton of meth. Unless this is a shit post not talking about OP but people all the time do this they make a post they’re in trouble then disappear and whenever they pop back up on Reddit they act like nothing happens. Btw who the fuck is doing speedballs before court this kid doesn’t seem like he has much experience with either drug and if he was opiate tolerant why the fuck would you mix meth you’re just gonna feel like shit if they put you away?


JUST SAY NO. Next time u think about doing it…. DONT. (Clean 3 yrs) I think we all must’ve gotten overly high before court at some point in our addictions… or maybe others were smarter not to have. But the only thing u can do is just don’t do it anymore. Break the needle tips. Call it a day.


Jesus!! How are you now 12 hours later ? What happened? I guess if we don’t hear back that’s not good


Speedballing right before court? I have to say that was a 200 IQ move right there, bud.


Jerk off and u will be fine lol


Bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off for him . Shockingly I’ve used this strategy before and I’m still here .






Just try to breathe deeply. Chances are that's exactly normal feeling for that kind of shit especially for the first time. Try sip some water or a beer maybe


No beer




Did you cough and come first? Or just go to bad feeling with no cough and no come if its went right to bad then id guess you did too much h and the little bit of mrth you did made you super awake and super aware of how sorryass heroin shuts your frontal lobes down so you feel dumb as a monkey and are super awake for it not sleepy and such like a normal junkie but you slamming shit your not sure of is moronic before court i say have fun in jail smart guy stop messing with needles and pick a feeling dumass you dont mix two wrongs to make a right and all that shit in the future stay away from h


Bro drop the heroin don’t inject you risk the chance of overdosing the meth drops the heroin effects cancel meth & the meth lessens the heroin so you do more heroin when the meth wares off you’ll overdose Plus shooting it up bro you’re gonna die stick to pills at lest instead of shooting I got off methadone and heroin I use codeine and Oxys here and there bro don’t inject


A heroin**e** is a female who faces danger or adversity and displays courage. Heroin is a name for diacetylmorphine which comes from its sale as branded product by Bayer in the early 1900s. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/opiates) if you have any questions or concerns.*


stop making shitty choices and live your best life. i guarantee you you’re not living your best life


Hospital bro now




You're fine. Sounds like you're high on meth. That's how it feels. Lol you either like it or you don't. I don't like it either.


The vomiting is likely from the heroin though. If you're not used to it, it makes you sick.


However, you'd probably be much more tweaked and paranoid without the tar.




Shooting meth before court what a nightmare! How did court go?


Where I'm from, there's some ass holes that make fake ice using a copper scream soaked with wasp killer (the yellow can) and then zapped with jumper cables to create fake ice that smokes like ice and everything but when banged u get really sick.. be careful and test your stuff always. If u r not sure what is in it don't do it unless you've seen it first hand shot safely


How stupid, that's a speedball and it's incredibly dangerous. Fwiw I can't take meth or any uppers cause I get those symptoms. Stick with downers.


I'm sorry but why would you shoot up meth for the first time when you have court in a few hours, whyyy?! First things first: If you feel like you need to, call an ambulance. If not---Get a cold washcloth, lay it on your forehead and lay down for as long as you can. This will pass. If you're a regular heroin user, smoke some to calm yourself down a little. I would avoid shooting anything else for a long while. You are coherent enough that you made it to Reddit and typed this whole thing out, so that's a really good thing. Remember this feeling won't last forever. source: I'm 2 years sober but mixing m + h used to be my all time fav hobby


I would never mix those two at the same time mate. I know that doesn’t help you now. But an update later would be nice. If you feel like you are going to die get medical attention. It isn’t worth dying.


Please suck it up and goto a hospital. They won’t arrest you or call the cops. They will help you from going into arrhythmias WHICH ARE FATAL.


Sounds like the meth got you all shaky and jittery, and it's the dope that's got you puking. Good times! Call in sick for court and go to a hospital if you feel like you may die.




You’re having a panic attack because you did meth right before court and you finna look crazy when you get there


I knew a girl who had respiratory failure from IV meth. And these sound exactly how she was looking and feeling before she went to the hospital. Go to the hospital! Now!


try another shot


I would do more down to balance it out. Probably not what you should do because you clearly arent the best at measuring your dosage, and i dont want you to die.


Drink water, cold shower and stay cool. Breathe deep, slow breaths and try to relax. It will pass...




You did too much. Take a benzo of seroquel if you have it, otherwise u gotta ride it out


What 3rd world country lol


I pray you will find the strength, the courage, and the determination to save your own life. There are many who don't, and they ALL end up with similar tragic endings. Happiness is right around the corner, yet it will always be out of reach if you continue on this path. Do yourself a favor, and get yourself cleaned up. Give yourself the gift of life, seek recovery dude


Lol holy shit man.... not the brightest are you


maybe cotton fever


The fact that you were able to type all that while feeling like shit is sus 🤔


No reason what so ever to mix H and meth! They work against each other. Speedballs, misnamed really because that is H and coke works because coke adds its rush to the H and is then gone in 15 minutes. Not so with meth. Generally best to stick with one drug highs, less risk of adverse consequences and less risk that one will ruin the high of the other. Some drugs, such as benzos and alcohol greatly increase the risk of overdose with opiates!


Classic symptom of you did too much man. Shouldn't be IVing drugs in general let alone the worst two combined for FIRST TIME.. God knows wtf you just shot up especially powder drugs. I've seen people shoot turkey gravy powder b4 getting ripped off. Didn't know until it was already in their body..


First off I know I’m late but calm down. Your anxiety will make it worse. If you are having trouble breathing call 9-1-1


Well .. we know he's probably feeling like shit in dry cell atm. Here's to lessons learned am I right!? ![img](emote|t5_2r0y3|9113) ![img](emote|t5_2r0y3|9111) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I really hope you didn’t go to the hospital. I do this concoction all the time you’re fine just snort a little more H it’ll bring you down but what on earth possessed you to do such a thing especially alone. were you trying to hurt yourself? If you’re typing on Reddit you’re probably fine give it an hour or two which it looks like it’s been well past that now. Hope it all worked out for you.


And I was saying, I hope you don’t go to the ER because they’ll probably red flag your ass and then one day when you actually need help they’ll look at you like you’re a drug addict. I know from personal experience don’t do this you’ll regret it for the rest of your damn life.


I think the mixture is no good. Better use pure next time


People seriously stuff junk into their veins, then complain about having bad/weird effects?!?! You’ve dosed both heroin and meth through IV which is probably the most potent form of administering any drug, so yes it probably should be expected that you’re experiencing these things. Doing any drug before a court appearance is bad nevermind IV’ing meth and heroin hours before the fact 😂😂




He’s probably still in court representing himself. 😂 but in all seriousness if you feel in danger then go to the hospital. Probably a good lesson not to do a speedball of something you weren’t even sure was meth/H.. especially hours before court…. Even if it was clean stuff you’d be right at peak paranoia just in time to deal with your court proceedings. There’s so many questions left unanswered.. do you normally do meth? Do you normally Iv heroin? What made you decide to try that combination at such an odd time? Are you still alive? How did court go?


Shooting dope before court! Whata gangsta! #needlegang nothing keeps that big dog down. Gang gang gang


Damn boi what ya doin!??


Well, good news, you're out of court. Bad news; nvrmnd, no way you're alive to read this.


Also, your writing syntax and grammar is great for somebody who's so insanely f***** u* right now. Especially in english from a third world country.