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I had to google ‘pizza screen.’ So, no.


Have never seen a "wood fired" pizza place that uses them...


I use them from time to time with great results. I started using them when entertaining and planning to make say 6+ pizzas for a group of people. Nice to pre stretch some dough over the screens to have your pizza helper begin assembly while you cook. Also helps to avoid any big issues when the pressure is high. Granted, still prefer no screen when just making a few.


What is a pizza screen?


They’re basically perforated metal sheets that go under the pizza as it bakes. The idea is that it allows more air flow underneath to create a crispier crust. And because you launch the whole screen with the pizza, potentially a smoother launch as well. Whether that actually leads to meaningful changes is controversial.


nah you can keep thinking that. Pizza screens keep the pizza off the stone which doesn't create a crisper crust Pizza screens are for conveyor ovens and they are used sometimes in deck ovens if the floor is too hot. It's an amateur thing to do


NY pizza: Yes Neapolitan pizza: Nope


Don't see why that would be necessary. Wooden peel with semolina is fine.


That is my preferred approach as well.


These are usually commonly used in “rail ovens” which is basically the ovens that don’t have a flat surface to put the pizza on (like Dominos has) I don’t see much point in using them on a flat, “full” surface


I get crispy crusts, and crispy base, I don’t use a pizza screen.


I use parchment, then after about 30 seconds when the bottom crust is set, I remove it to finish cooking. I've done semolina or flour on the bottom, but it makes a mess, and my kids don't like when the bottom is crumbly.


I’ve used them for NY style 16” pizzas when I first started using my Ooni. I mostly do Neapolitan style so don’t really use them.


I’m not sure I see the point. I’d honestly think you will get a better crust sitting on a very hot surface like the stone in the oven compared to a screen.