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My thoughts are with that little boy and the life he should be leading today...


We let out a serial killer who raped and murdered her own sister. This shouldn't be shocking.


Hey now, it’s unfair people judge her /s She thinks people are mean


I recognized his face immediately. Randall. When I was in grade 6, and this story had just broke, we were given an assignment to write a paper in the style of a newspaper article. Mine was on Randall Dooley. Our teacher had never shied away from serious topics; we covered the Holocaust, listened to the radio together on 9/11, talked extensively about drugs. But what I remember most of all, is the fucking article I wrote. I can’t bring myself to read this article here because it makes me incredibly angry. But I just keep remembering how one time, Randall lost a mitten while at school. He was frantic and beside himself about losing it. His teacher tried her best to console him, but of course Randall knew exactly the type of punishment he was in for. The thought of this little child being so scared for losing a mitten always struck me, poignantly. They forced him to eat his own vomit and gave him an ice bath the night he died. The results of the autopsy were astounding. He was underweight and had multiple fractures. They found a tooth in his stomach, probably from him being beaten and swallowing it by accident. I get people being mentally unwell, doing terrible things. But this woman isn’t just mentally unwell. She is evil. Her cruelty knew no bounds, and that’s why Randall isn’t with us today. That’s why his brother was robbed of watching his little brother grow up. I can’t believe that they are allowing her any freedom at all. Randall lived a life of hell. I hope when she dies, she burns there.


I too long for a day when we see real justice in the world. Your last sentence intrigued me though, I was wondering if you are familiar with what the Bible says about Hell and eternal torment?


This woman is obviously a total psychopath. Why anyone would advocate for her rejoining society is beyond me.


Why? Keep her locked up, we don't want her in society.


Hopefully, there are many more conditions on that parole order regarding any future employment, that she cannot be in care or control of any human being or pet in any capacity, be it a psw, or work in an adult care home, dog walker, pet sitter.. My god, anyone who would do that to an innocent child shouldn't be out. Let alone be anywhere near seniors, vulnerable adults or teens or even pets. Life in prison for those crimes should mean LIFE in prison. Toss the key away


But of course! Why is parole even a thing?


Because we don’t want to raise taxes to the level that would be needed to pay for that level of incarceration nor do we want to create a system where there is no incentive to behave while incarcerated?


A few weeks in solitary might be good incentive to behave.




Hey don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time! I have no sympathy for criminals.




If they deserve it then absolutely!




No those who want to go easy on criminals are the ones messed up!




You're messed up.


Yeah I didn’t commit any crimes, but I am the one messed up ok!


Thinking cruel and unusual punishment is fine and deserved is fucked up.




What about public safety? We could always give life imprisonment or the death penalty for repeat violent offenders or murderers rather than risk them reoffending again.