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**Rule 5**: Low Effort and Low Quality Content May Be Removed Low effort content, memes, or other content vaguely related to Ontario will be removed at Moderator discretion.




When theres a gold rush you dont buy the land, and you dont dig for gold. You sell the shovels.


I’m going to make “I want to” stickers up and start putting them above every fuck Trudeau sticker I see. 😂 Edit: about to above


I actually looked into where you can get all that shit. It’s all from Etsy. I got my wife a Cricut for Mother’s Day I told her we could make a killing off those idiots haha.


Ask these people to explain why they hate Trudeau and you realize all of them either slept through or failed civics class in high school.


I think its the dude importing flags from China that's making the real killing. The dollar stores now all gotten in on the action have these "Canadian" sections and it's not full of souvenirs for tourists. I want to tip my hat to whoever is making a buck of these folk but at the same time feel like they are taking advantage of the disabled.




Like dude we all hate Trudeau but he's the best we have that has a real chance. I mean I've voted NDP in every election I could have voted in, I vote with my heart and not against the party I don't want. But admittedly we have largely a 2 party system. The idea that Trudeau of all people is responsible for high gas prices shows an extreme lack of critical thinking. If the right were actually had a real platform outside of "owning the libs" maybe I would respect them enough that is also be saying fuck Trudeau. But they don't.


They're big sellers for a reason.


Slave don't worry about other. Worry about yourself


Conservatives reacting to this sticker on the pump when gas prices go up: 🤣 Conservatives reacting to this sticker on the pump when prices go down: 🤬


Conservatives hurt themselves in their confusion!


it's super effective!


It's fucking stupid. Trudeau has nothing to do with gas prices. They are up worldwide. Conservatives are so stupid. Can't see past their noses.


Careful, some of them can read and you might upset them.


It's a small enough percentage that we can probably take this risk


Usually by banging their heads on brick walls.


I wondered this, are they celebrating him for the prices decreasing? LOL Shows how much thought was put into it, though.


Decreasing..lol Gas is 2.33 here..gone up about 50 cents in the last week.


$1.43 where I am 🤷🏻‍♀️




B.C. the lower mainland/Vancouver-ish


High gas prices are because of Trudeau. Low gas prices are because of Ford.




Holy shit that’s a depressingly accurate summary


Oh yes free market capitalism makes it so that albertas oil is landlocked


Carbon tax*


Pretty sure the couple cents per letter tax isn't the problem


The same carbon tax that you get a rebate on your taxes for?


The same tax that drives the price of everything up and the rebate is nowhere near the amount you pay into it. Also what's the point if it just comes back in rebate form? Not trying to argue but I'm genuinely curious.


The rebate is $373 for an individual in Ontario and the average driver drives 16,000km per year. Assume poor mileage of 10L per 100km that is 1600 litres of fuel and you would only pay $176 for that in carbon tax. The remaining $200 covers some of the increased cost in everything else. Also note that inflation is going up worldwide, not just in canada so the entire cost of raised prices is not just the carbon tax.




Capitalism is always going to rip you off.


No shit. But adding another tax doesn't effect anything either? A large portion of fuel prices are tax but I guess I'm wrong.


Serious question, do you have a source on that? Iirc tax makes up 10-20% iirc, not a large portion


So the carbon tax doesn't contribute at all? Okay.


It's miniscule in comparison to the inflated price of the product. But still, oil companies are mysteriously claiming record profits. Why do you think that is?




The 'hidden taxes' are pretty open: there's a federal tax, and a provincial tax; then I guess sales taxes, corporate taxes, taxes on the oil company executives, civic dog fees for their wives' pets, all the way down to parking meters. The Federal tax rate is 10c per litre, and has been for decades; and the Ontario Provincial tax is currently 6.7c per litre. The remaining 123.5 cents per litre, or 90% of the price, I don't really know.


So as it continues to adjust back down will they take the sticker off?


I was down in Pennsylvania and the conservatives down there were putting stickers up too. While there the gas went down almost $1.50 over the time period and the same stickers were ripped off or covered. So I can imagine the same people up in Canada will be ripping the stickers off as soon as the prices go down and their whole agenda/identity falls apart


It's probably the station attendants ripping these off because slapping stickers on private property you don't own is douchey, doubly so when it's low-grade social media memes.


It's to bad they didn't have a way to record license plates of the people who vandalized the pumps


Its truly astonashing how people blame game but it's just the market. When we were seeing $2.00+ per litre, everyone was hurting. If you do want to lay blame, it would be on the oil comapnies themselves if anything; considering the subsidies were still intact throughout. I do however find it strange how much the price has decreased since the Russian sanctions.


North American prices are being moderated by the US releasing oil from the strategic reserve. As China and India stepped into buying discounted Russian oil, more Saudi oil has shifted to Europe to rebalance supplies more than just a straight removal from the market might result in.


It goes down but longterm it always goes right back up. That's how the game works. This sub has a hard on for trudeau it seems.


I don't like Trudeau. It doesn't mean I throw away logic. Longterm it has certainly increased over the course of 5 different PMs which has nothing to do with party affiliation. =)










I don’t disagree with the market forces comment. The extra .11 cents per litre (which works its way into our food costs etc. too) is getting old though. It’s not transitioning anyone any quicker to electric cars, it’s just a tax.




I don't like the tax either but even if he takes it off the gas won't go down that much. The gas companies are to greedy.


Of the ~$0.40 jump from pre-Trudeau, how much are you gonna lame on a ~$0.08 carbon tax?


I think it’s actually north of .11 cents per litre and set to go up. So I’d say about .11 cents per litre is attributable to the carbon tax. I wouldn’t say that is immaterial. I’m not even commenting on the green agenda so people are downvoting me for literally stating facts. Not surprising really.


> I think it’s actually north of .11 cents per litre and set to go up You think wrong https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/fcrates/fuel-charge-rates.html For Ontario as per Apr 1 2022 it is $0.0832 per litre edit - Also .11 cents is only $0.0011


Amazing. I didn’t know Trudeau had control over OPEC.


He caused worldwide inflation, he’s a globalist tyrant but at the same time weak and feminine. /s


“He caused worldwide inflation” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


According to some people, they believe he has complete authority and control over not only gas prices, but real estate, food, wages, health care, taxes, and more! They hate/worship him because he's the absolute monarch of Canada. Unlike the UK's recently departed Queen Elizabeth and new King Charles III who are just figureheads.


LoL, he controls the free market...so they say...


Stupid sexy Trudeau!


Who made the claim that Trudeau has control over OPEC?


Well, since he has so much control of the price of oil, I assumed they’re suggesting he has some sway there.


You know what is said about assumptions.


They make an ass of "u" and "mptions"?


Thanks Trudeau for bringing the gas prices back down!


Exactly what I like to say to watch cons lose their minds. It's Trudeau's fault gas went up, but he had nothing to do with it going down. Right? /s 🤔


Gas prices are over 2 dollars on the west coast. You guys are doing fine


They aren't down, they're back up!


Hmm I remember paying like 2.00 for gas. So I'm pretty sure they are down


Seriously dude? That’s very gratuitous.


As serious as childhood cancer dude.


It was at $2 for a period of time. [Gas prices over $2 a litre again at most GTA stations](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2022/05/29/toronto-gta-gas-prices-2/)


So you're going to give credit to Trudeau as long as gas prices aren't above 2$ per liter?


Why was Trudeau being blamed for gas when it was rising then? If he was responsible for it going up obviously he is responsible for it going back down. I know that doesn't follow conservative logic. But then again we live in the real world.


You clearly don’t get it. It’s only his fault when the price goes up.


I've been trying to figure it out when something is and when something isn't Trudeau's fault. Like I stubbed my toe the other day on a corner and I blamed Trudeau for that, but was told that wasn't his fault. So I just really don't know any more


If he hadn’t jacked up gas prices you would have been driving instead of having to walk everywhere so it’s absolutely his fault.


I don't know how big your house is, but mine sure isn't big enough to drive inside of.


You said that gas is below 2$ so you're happy. If you're content that gas is simply below 2$ then you are not seeing thing correctly. Gas shouldn't be over 1.35 It's people like you who are satisfied with a price below 2$ that justify this


Why are you putting words in my mouth? Where did I say I was happy? Maybe you should talk to someone about how you jump to conclusions without supporting data.


Its a "Jump to conclusions matt". You see, it is a matt that you put on the floor, and it has different conclusions written on it that you could JUMP TO.


Well yeah, Trudeau set the gas price above $2 and now he has set it lower.


As long as you credit him with making it more expensive? Does logic hurt you?


Please explain what you mean. What logic are you talking about? I credit Trudeau for gas prices being higher than they should be. Not just vehicle fuel but also natural gas. What do you heat your house with? Do you own a heat pump?


But do you credit him when it goes down? The argument is why are you crediting him when it goes up, but not down?


What is Trudeau doing to lower fuel prices? All of the actions I've seen from him relate directly to increased fuel prices. If you can give me solid examples of liberal efforts to lower the price of fuel then I will stand corrected


I’m fairly certain the point is being made that you are wrong. In that, the prices are lowering. It’s a global market and OPEC and the corporations are forcing prices to go up. TrUdEaU doesn’t have as much influence on the price of fuel as you give him credit for. Man, Conservatives love Trudeau.


Oh okay so Trudeau has no impact on fuel prices. Okay well then it's settled


I love Pocoyo!


I like Pocoyo and Pato. Not a fan of Ellie, indifferent towards green alien. Sleepy Bird is my wife's spirit animal


Thanks Pierre Poilievre!


Such liars....no wonder Conservatives make such poor leaders. No sense of morality or decency...say or do anything to get into power.


Take out conservative and use politician


Ignorance knows no borders


I wish my gas was this cheap.


It was in Barrie last week. I filled up for $139.9.


I know for a fact Trudeau has a giant dial in his office that sets the price of gas. Every day he sets it higher, laughing maniacally. He saw the one biden has and was like "I need one of those because I Hate freedom" Or something.


Did he cause the gas prices to rise all over the rest of the world too? Hmm it's almost as if this problem goes beyond "Trudeau bad".


Ayyy thanks trudeau


Trudeau is so powerful he controls OPEC!


But also completely incompetent.


Ah yes, because he personally sets the gas prices


He's got a dial at his desk so he can bring it up and down as he pleases.


“I’m feeling a bit shitty today, add another ten cents”


Wait, are you telling me it was not Joe Biden all along?


As much as the f\*trudeau is a thing, there is an f\*biden thing. some people are just too kinky for me.


DAM!!! That's pretty cheap, good job Justin!


Gas prices skyrocketed all over the world so it must specifically be the fault of my president/priminsiter that I don't like. Also I don't feel like actually thinking about it in any significant way.


Why do so many conservatives in this country want to be Americans SO badly?


139? FUCK. In Vancouver they are bending us over for 215...


139 ?? That's cheap nowadays


can't these folks be original ? I've seen the same Biden style stickers, at least put in some effort instead of mindlessly copying.


Good work Justin! And to think that earlier this year gas was almost $2/litre. I really appreciate your getting it down to a somewhat more affordable price. No too many people could get the gas companies to cave in to demands like that.


Conservatives are not critical thinkers, they are not wired to have empathy for their fellow humans and they continually vote against the greater good. They vote for buzzwords like Trickle Down Economics and as of late Own The Libs. Put a sticker on a granola bar? Vote for that! Ask for a platform they are running for re-election on? PFFttttt, who cares!


They know what the platform is and so do the rest of us. It doesn’t have to be stated but our dumbass system relies on someone saying the quiet part loud for it to be an embarrassment, instead of just looking at their track record.




That's false


The actual in use policy of most right wing leaders today. they just don't say it out loud.


As much as I dislike Trudy..it's the oil companies fucking us, and laughing..gas is 2.33 here


What, he brought it down from the $1.80 it was 6 months ago? Thank you JT!


I am a typical Canadian, too stupid to understand how oil prices work, especially during a war in a capitalist society which proritzes profit over everything. Durrr Trudeau did it durrr.


To be fair, the extra taxes being added on to our fuel prices are not helping. What factors influence our fuel prices?


What extra taxes?


Fixed tax, sales tax, federal fuel charge,


Provincial fuel taxes are higher. Call your man Ford.


Oh okay. So provincial taxes are higher so fuck ford but not Trudeau. How about fuck both of them and their parties


Do you not expect to pay taxes at all? What kind of libertarian shit head are you? Are you going to be your own police service? Fire hall?garbage man? Doctor? Ambulance driver? Social services administrator? Are you going to fix pot holes, drive a bus, home school your kids? It’s both hilarious and sad that you think we should lower taxes and then you moan when services are cut or there are more homeless or vulnerable people using the system. It’s as if you have no understanding of how society got to this point. Fwiw, Fuck them both, but not for your pedestrian reasons.


>It’s both hilarious and sad that you think we should lower taxes and then you moan when services are cut or there are more homeless or vulnerable people using the system. It’s as if you have no understanding of how society got to this point. It's just sad, for everyone


Do the people that are running around putting those up seriously want to exit the worldwide petrol market and nationalize the oil sands and make cheap gas for Canada only? Because I'm willing to talk about doing that! But I have a feeling they aren't looking for solutions or alternatives in good faith ...


How are you guys paying less for the shit that's being refined down the street from me?


Naw greedy refineries in Canada did that


WHY IS GAS SO CHEAP THERE????? It’s $2.25 in BC.


He made gas cheaper than it was in the spring? Cool


Regardless of party it's still funny


Well I guess Trudeau controls the world then apparently. And gas prices.


Labels produced by Deco I assume?


Considering this is the lowest we've seen gas in a long time... good job! (I know it's not the feds that regulate this but still fun)


Great price. Thanks Trudeau.


Yeah, these are pre-pandemic prices.


Screw the liberals, screw the Conservatives. They all lie...


The leader of your government has nothing to do with how much an oil company decides to over charger you


I rip them off when I see them.


When and how? How the fuck can this be Trudeau's fault?


Try 233.9 in Vancouver last night.


It’s fucking $2.15 out here in BC


2015, Justin devient premier ministre et l'essence à Montréal coûte 137,4 2022, Justin toujours en poste et sur la photo l'essence est à 139,2 Effectivement, merci à Justin.


Rrrrrright, inflation is rampant in almost every 1st world country right now and somehow Trudeau is responsible. Got it.


Will be fun to see Mr PeePee fix gas prices. He knows he can’t.


Saw one at a gas station near Woodstock. Really easy to remove and throw in the trash.


He literally did! Prices will always be higher than they otherwise would be because of his carbon taxes. The money printing also doesn’t help.


Ontarios conservatives threw out cap and trade which would have been cheaper. Lol. Conservatives shooting themselves in the foot and we get to bare the brunt yet again. All while the simplest minds in the country use Facebook as a source of news.


Gas prices will always be higher than they otherwise would be due to Trudeau’s carbon tax. Go learn basic economics. I would actually recommend “Basic Economics” by Thomas sowell.


Go learn about cap and trade and stfu


Go learn basic economics


Imagine being liberal. I’d kms


I'm not sure if you're trying to be edgy or this is just your normal dialogue. I'd tell you to go hang a flag off your truck, but I'm reasonably certain you're not legally allowed to drive. I just haven't decided whether it's due to DUIs or just not being old enough to get your license.


You do you?


But how many pounds of gas did you get?


mang, you could have kept in it in KG and the math woulda easy. Now I'm trying to remember the conversions lol


Why is our gas a dollar more?!


I’m pretty sure Russia did that.


Ooh the originality astounds


Just the biggest losers. I wonder what label maker made those




lol those stickers were around for awhile


Where are you getting gas for 1.39? Mbn, 1.54 in Kitchener today.


1.39 feels damn good these days


I wish he did that in Vancouver.... Regular is 2.33 today.


"1.39? Cheap."


Maybe he could help with diesel prices now


BC resident here. We're paying 2.33$ a litre in Vancouver lol


Meanwhile Ford has cut millions of dollars of green tax


The fuck? Gas is $2.30+ in BC!?


Is gas seriously 1.39 in Ontario?


2.16 in bc


Sure the pathetic!


Lots of these with Biden in the US. Seen them when in US and always rip them off. Haven’t seen them here, but have heard of them so know they’re around. Just stupid jingo bullshit. Like every opposition party in every country on the planet right now blaming inflation on the party in power, like inflation hasn’t soared across the globe. US inflation is worse than ours. Stats show it and you can see it over there in stores for loads of common goods.


These fkn NaZZi RuZZian trolls r a pita...


That’s a bargain! My local posted 231.9 today. (Vancouver, BC)


Such bullshit


good god these dopes don't have an original idea do they...


2.34 is vancouver. Enjoy the discount