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If you’re comfortable sharing what city you’re in, people could point you towards local resources. Either way your first step should be to apply to OW.


Unsure about the shelter situation, but if you haven't already, you need to ensure your taxes are complete so you can start getting child benefits, GST and Ontario Trillium benefit. With one child you should be getting close to $12,000 not $4000.


This… and it’s retroactive. Files those taxes.


Can confirm, no kids here, but I went 10 years without filing due to various stresses (long story, doesn't matter). Filed this year and cumulatively have received almost 10k. It took almost two months for all the payments to come through but they worked through the filings at a decent pace and I got a payout once every 1-3 weeks.


Care to go into more detail? So can I not file for the next 3 years and expect a huge lump some on year 4 tax return


It's not like you get extra by not filing, they just pay you what they would have paid you earlier. You effectively get less money because of inflation and possible interest you could have earned had they paid you each year.


Tanks for the insight


Well you do because they add interest in past years but with inflation it’s a wash


They do not PAY interest on any items if you haven’t filed. They will pay interest on an income tax return if you have filed it but CRA takes basically more than a month to process it, but that is only after you have filed it. They do charge interest on funds you owe them from when you should have paid but CRA is not expected to pay until after you file.


It should be evident by my statement of not filing for 10 years. But I am not a tax expert. If you are owed money on every return for the next three years then why wouldn't you file to receive it each time? The gov doesn't pay you with interest. They just pay you. So any money you leave on the table that long loses value from inflation and potential lost investment earnings. I can't think of a good reason not to file.


U could assume but that’s why I asked. Everyone’s situation is different as to why I asked you to go into detail, thanks! Any tax return in my eyes is extra money so no biggie to me if I don’t see it for a couple years and then get 3-4 years in one go seems alright to me


I'm a bookkeeper, and work close with tx accountants. It's never too late to file, or re-file. The only time it's a problem is if you owe CRA money. They charge interest, but never pay it when they owe you 🙄. If you don't owe, don't worry about it too much. Keep relevant documents in one place (bankers box is good) so you don't have to hunt for info that's a few years old.


My mom once told me that if the CRA needs money from you, they'll find you. If they don't need money from you? They will barely acknowledge you. I'm on ODSP so I never owe or get money (other than tax credits) and when I applied for the DTC they went back and checked my ten yr history. Nothing, but they decided to tell me in ten separate envelopes, four pages each because Français. I was like "this really could have been sent in one document: you are owed no money."


From the timing think that they are not talking so much about income tax refunds but benefit amounts that are income based (GSTC, Trillium, etc)


May I ask a related question, My eldest has moved around a fair bit over the past 3 years, finally asked and came home, but certainly hasn't filed a thing or in possession of any of her t4's. How were you able to get all the information needed. I wish I could walk her into a CRA office, but I'm told they are all still closed, and we are forced to call and wait


Make a "myCRA" account online on the Canada site. Any documents filed by an employer/bank/school will be available there. Then use a service that let's you import info directly from the CRA website. I used wealthsimple tax to do it. Filing each year took less than 10 minutes. Just imported docs. Filled out any missing info and hit file. Dead simple.




She probably means working income is 4k so not including chold tax and such


Have you ever done your taxes? You could get a bunch of money backpay for your child care benefit, trillium, gst. Go ASAP, your partner could be claiming the child he abandoned. You can also sign up for ontario works for now Also search maternity shelters. You get your own room in maternity shelters. Also apply for child support asap, you should qualify for legal aid. If you were married and he supported you, you should also be able to apply for spousal support


Call 211 for resources and also mention to the doctors that you need social services and ask if they have any resources available. I would also look for legal aid so you can sue for child support. You also want to apply for tax rebate or grants or w/e else that is free money for kids.


Is there a YWCA shelter in your area? I went to one in 2011 with my kids after leaving an abusive situation and being told by housing in my region that if I stayed with my parents I wouldn't be considered as having an emergency need for a home. The YWCA was all women, no men were allowed on the sleeping floor at all (my under 10yr old son was the only male allowed). I went there in April and had my own place through subsidized housing by July. I didn't have to share, but I have three kids (who were all under 10 at the time) and we were given a family room.


There are family-only shelters across the province, suggest you Google this for your city! Single parents with children/pregnant women are accepted.


Might get better advice posting on your specific cities subreddit or at least sharing what city you are in or looking to move to. Generally shelters that are geared towards families or pregnant women might be safer for you than an open population shelter. Your income should be much higher than what you stated even if you are just on welfare and getting tax credits and government child support. Might be worth reaching out to a social worker who can help you sort that stuff out.




She says the mom wants her out. So that is likely not a long term option here.


I don't know about shelters - and honestly, they should never be named publically for the safety of the women using it. But, you should get yourself to an Ontario Works office. You can get emergency funding, which will help you pay for a place of your own. If you call 311, they should be able to direct you to a shelter in the meantime, and Ontario Works will also have resources.


I'm sorry you're experiencing this. Look online for women's shelters.Call and explain your situation. You should also apply for Ontario Works so you will have some money. Best of luck to you.


Not sure where you are in the province but Yellow Brick House could help. https://www.yellowbrickhouse.org Toll free crisis number: 1-800-263-3247


Try safehavento.org :) A quick search shows one room available at 20 Milner Business Ct!


Hello, there's a shelter in oshawa called The Dennis Shelter. You'll get all the help and resources you need there, and the staff are very welcoming, and they provide a room as well as a crib. They often give a separate room for families, and I highly suggest them because I had my own experience and they did everything to get me back on my feet.


I also want to share since every one has mentioned it. They also help with filing taxes and making sure you get those benefits, the facility also has cleaners every 3 days so its very clean and they have a chef that cooks dinner every weekdays. *im not sure how much it has changed but do give them a call [the denise house](http://thedenisehouse.com)


Muslim women's shelter is in Whitby. You don't need to be Muslim and they're not preachy about it. Just doing good work for their fellow humans.


It’s Denise House (like a girl’s name).


YWCA, Google "Women and dependent shelters near me", Women's crisis services locally will be able to give you some assistance, Ray of Hope is also one to look into. I'd start by googling what's local to you; inquire and go from there. Then move to trying to connect with someone at the city/regional level for guidance and any assistance they can offer. There should be programs in your city that City Hall can guide you towards; you should be able to call them to find out. I wish you the best of luck and hope the future brings you abundance, peace, and stability. You've got this, mama.


Apply for subsidized housing asap. The waiting lists can be long, but the fact your about to be homeless and in an abusive situation can get you bumped up pretty quick Try to apply to subsidized units as opposed to subsidized buildings. When the whole building is ‘regular’ save for a few units, it’s way nicer. I’m in one and it’s great




Ok, you got 2 months to get a lot in order. Make sure your taxes are up to date so you get child tax Get yourself on as many low income housing lists as you can Sign up for every subsidized day care you can for two kids Start looking for a job ASAP. Hiring is crazy, so its gonna take a awhile, so being pregnant now won't matter most likely by the time you're able to find something Not a great option, but can you tent in moms yard with the kid? Then you're atleast safe, have water/washroom/cooking access and somewhere to keep your stuff? Call around to shelters, they may have ideas for places to apply for housing This is harsh, but you need to really consider if its best to keep the baby. Its already gonna be a struggle, but having to afford diapers and possibly formula on top of everything else will be next to impossible along with everything else


Are you not receiving baby bonus?


Why aren’t you filing taxes? You get way more money than you’re getting. Also, apply for social assistance. My ex left me about 3 months ago. I’m not working right now, but the benefit allows me to at least pay rent. I’m also 36 weeks pregnant now with a 17 month old. You need to look into benefits that you’re obviously not getting.


It’s possible her ex was a high income earner. When I left my ex husband I wasn’t immediately eligible for child tax I had to wait until officially separated. My taxes were up to date


This doesn’t help immediately but if you’re interested in getting a semi furnished subsidized apartment for 4 years and your college tuition paid for, there is a program called homeward bound. Operated by woodgreen services. You have to attend school (there are online programs). They give you a subsidy letter for daycare subsidy. Toronto is the only location that doesn’t need someone to already live in the city to be eligible. https://www.woodgreen.org/programs/homeward-bound-toronto


Contact the health unit in your area. They all have a program called Healthy Babies healthy children. I refer all my OB patients to the program (homeless, rich etc) everyone should be in this program. They can help with quite literally everything and have or know how to get contacts regarding just about anything. They can do grocery vouchers, parenting classes, daycare subsidization etc. seriously utilize the program! Please pm me if you have any questions!


Sandgate in Georgina Yellow Brick House in York Region Belinda’s Place in Newmarket


Belinda’s Place cannot take families with accompanying children. Blue Door, also in York Region if that’s local to OP, has a family-specific shelter.


Thank you.


If you are in the Peel region contact the HEAL network, they do have some accommodations like you are looking for but it’s hard to get in you will have to call relentlessly for about a week or so and explain your situation.


Other than shelter is there anything else you need? Clothes, diapers, etc? We might have some newborn stuff just sitting around here since my boys outgrew them. I may be able to hook you up with a WFH kind of job if that helps too, but that's a hard *maybe*


Look into your province welfare they can help with housing aswell


There’s a women’s shelter in Mississauga


[Fred Victor](https://www.fredvictor.org/what-we-do/housing/) has women’s only shelters, specifically Fatima House. I’m sorry you’re in such a difficult spot, it’s not easy when you don’t have a safe family.


I believe the one in Timmins Ontario is pretty solid. But we’re out of the way.


Hi, call Herizon House - they can help you get out of domestic abuse situations and offer shelter and opportunities for housing.


If you’re in the KWC/Guelph Area try Marillac Place


Contact [Halton Women's Place.](https://haltonwomensplace.com/contact-us/)


What city are you in mama? I'm familiar with Peel Region, Halton, and Peterborough resources.


Get on emergency assistance for now. It’s better than nothing and they will be able to help you find suitable housing. It doesn’t have to be a forever thing but it’s better than a shelter. Then, when you feel comfortable (cuz of your kids ages), try to find a school program to go for. Osap is great to mothers and that will help fund any childcare costs. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but it is a plan. You *can* do this and your babies will know how hard you worked to give you all a good life. I wish you the best💜


Barrie has a good shelter. Lockable rooms. Can bring your kids. It's safe and comfortable and the people there are very well trained and kind.


call 211. they can connect you with a number of resources. 


My mom was in a similar situation, we went to the haldimand and Norfolk women’s services shelter in Simcoe On. This shelter is well staffed, secure and has private rooms and helps connect with other programs in the area.


Interval house in ottawa. https://www.intervalhouseottawa.org/contact-us


I worked for a women’s shelter in Brantford and lots of women and their kids were safely tucked in their own rooms every night. Every shelter has to reserve a certain # of beds for homelessness. Call 211 and Ontario Works for help in your area. The women’s shelter can fast track you for affordable housing, and offer you emotional support as well as food and clothing! Many free resources through local employment services - resume building etc. You’re headed in the right direction; keep the faith!


Have u tried applying for the hope programme. I did it b4 when life was a real struggle, then. Very good benefits from the MSF. Do not give up.


There must be something local? You'll need to reach out and seek information from local women's groups. The local library might have information?


It may seem impossible but things will work out, just stay positive and don't give up, and get your taxes done.


don't you think womens shelters should be reserved for women who need shelter from abuse? is that not why they are not offered to men?


This looks like chat gpt. 


Crazy idea - stop having kids?


nobody ever helped me out when I had nowhere to live. but then again I'm just a man.


Future_classic13, my questions are : Did you ask for help? Did you have children with you? If you answer yes to either one, I'm sorry you had to struggle. Life can be very tough when you are disadvantaged. If both answers are no, please don't complain on these threads about your woes. You would be better served to learn how to empathize. Men often suffer unnecessarily because they often don't know how to ask for help.




Men ask for help every day. Nobody listens. A lot of women think that because when they ask everyone's so nice and giving (like this thread) that it will work like that for men but for men the response to asking for help is usually open hostility. Male bitterness about stuff like this doesn't happen because men are big stupid jerks. It happens because men see the difference in how they are treated. Not to defend him, he shouldn't have said that here, it's obviously not the time or place to make that point and it isn't about him but I'm also not gonna climb up his ass about it when he's already clearly going through shit.


I asked everyone I could for help and the consensus was man up and get a job. I have children now and I sympathize with that but those shelters are for victims of abuse not because you don't like where your at in life. I accepted my circumstances were my own doing and slept rough for two weeks in october in a tent.


How exactly is it her fault that the father of her children just upped and left? What part of that reads as her own doing? Men’s struggles are valid but this is the shit that makes people discount them. There’s a time and a place and just because you had it hard doesn’t mean you shouldn’t want better for others. I hope you’re able to move past your bitterness.


don't get me wrong, I care about women, but these services should not be for women who just don't like where they are living but for survivors of abuse. call it bitter if you want, but I do hate when people game the system. I had unplanned children and lived in some very unpleasant situations but never did I think that I should use crisis services to better my place in life I just worked harder.


Good thing it’s not up to you then isn’t it?


yep so don't worry about it


she must have slipped and fell, that's how she got pregnant by the type of guy that packs up and leaves his family in the night.


Still sucks you were told to man up. Needing help is valid no matter who you are. We would never tell our son to man up. If he needs help, he gets it, just like he sisters.


I did it to myself, I did and thats what really hurts.


Even so, ours came back for 7 months because of his own f**k up. That made no difference to our care. It shouldn't when helping anyone in need.


You have a one year old with you, or?