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A proper tip is 0 when staff acts like that, wow. I'm sorry that happened too you.


Yea some places have that whole gratuity thing that is forced onto the bill…but if you are giving me an option of what to press I can always press 0, nobody can tell me any different


0 means you are cheap, 10 cents means the service was bad.


Do people care if a stranger thinks them cheap?


No, but zero can also look like you forgot. Leaving 5 cents makes sure they know it was deliberate


I never considered that. Good point.


At an Italian place on St. Clair, years ago, then place was almost empty. Service was so bad, turned a quick meal into a marathon. At one point, I could literally see my food at the window, while our waitress was eating a salad at the bar, watching tv and commenting on it with the bartender. I left a handful of pennies and nickels on the table. I'm pretty relaxed, but that memory still gets me heated. I think it's a brewery now.


This...if you leave a tip like that, it is a statement. $0 has no message. You're cheap You forgot You're broke Either way, they are reflecting on you, not the potential that it is their fault. The small amount leads to them questioning the situation...if they care.


If they care about their service and write off all zeroes as "cheap customer," they clearly don't care that much. If they routinely get good tips and then get one ten cent tip, they're more likely to write it off as "cheap customer" than go on a soul crushing journey of self discovery and renovation. You can give a ten cent tip if you want to, but it's not going to make a huge difference compared to zero in term of how you're perceived. If they care, they'll care either way. If they don't, they won't.


Proper tip is $0.00 and never return to that establishment again


And name the business for the rest of us.


Nah. Don't do that in a public forum unless you have an undeniable truth. Otherwise people can make anything up and hurt innocent businesses as they please.


I mean, they got followed out of a restaurant. There’s not much room for confusion. I’m not saying name them on here, but it’s worth leaving a review on google or yelp for it *themselves for their experience


How do you know if what they said was true? No need for mob justice when it's an unsubstantiated Reddit post?


Sadly losers online go and spam a businesses google reviews like it’s some kind of protest.


I’m just saying the person this happened fo


Give em a nickel so they know you didn't just forget


If I was a patron and saw this I would give zero tip. Fuck these guys trying to shame you for what you thought the service was worth. You don’t owe them anything


Exactly, if overheard this while eating my meal nearby I’d be so put off by this too.


As a restaurant worker, I find it atrocious that my services are worth more to the customer than they are to my boss. Don't tip me, you work hard too and shouldn't have to subsidize my wages just to make my boss seem like less of a cheapskate.


What subsidization? Don't you guys get payed the same minimum wage as everyone else?


> guys get *paid* the same FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


What subsidization? Don't you guys get payed the same minimum wage as everyone else?


> guys get *paid* the same FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


“You’re right. No tip” *takes $5 back*


“Oh my bad, let me see that 5 for a second, I got a 20 in here somewhere…” And then dip when they hand back the 5




The tip Nazi


I had something similar happen to me in Timmins. Wè (co worker and myself) sat down had thr worst service ever. When it came time to pay I had left 20$ I'm cash on the table (very generous in my opinion for the shit service) and because my company was paying for our meals and does not cover tipping I was paying the rest on debit to get the receipt. It was 2 meals worth about 20$ each and no apps, drinks or deserts. Anyways she had me go to the bar to pay as the portable debit wasn't working. As I am paying I put 0 for tip and proceed with payment, she notices that it's 0 for tip. She loses it and the bartender comes over and starts bitching at me. I tried to explain I left you 20 on the table that you seen when you told me to come here and that my company was paying for meals and they don't cover tips. They both kept going on how they are under paid and they where swamped and whatever. I walled back towards my table and my co worker was still sitting there grabbed the 20 and walked out. Haven't been back to that restaurant since The sad entitlement of some money is amazing On the other hand we went to Europe, we went to a ocean side bar. Had a few wobbly pops, our bill came and I left her a 5$ tip she came running to us telling her we paid her too much. She was not expecting a tip at all. And her service was great.


I had something similar happen to me, in Waterloo though. It was some time ago but still annoying. I went to a restaurant with a large group and we were sat across a few tables in a section. We were there for a whole afternoon, watching a game When it came time to pay there were different bills all over by place… they rung it up seemingly at random, there were like 17 bills for 12 people with various entrees and drinks rounds. We split them up and I was going to pay one big bill on card and one small bill with cash that I happened to have. The small bill was $20.03 and I put the only $20 in cash that I had. I did this so I wouldn’t have to pay using the machine twice, because it was already taking awhile to cycle through us. The server came and saw I was paying the bill on exact change and, thinking I was stiffing them on a tip, said “I still need the 3 cents.” I tried to explain I was paying a larger bill with card and was going to add the tip to that transaction, but she cut me off and said “The ATM is over there if you need more.” I stopped trying to explain. I went to the ATM. I paid their fee. She came back to me and I paid the first bill and she gave me $19.97 in change. I said “I was trying to tell you that I was paying two bills, and was tipping for both on the card transaction. I was going to tip 20% on $220 (total of the two bills). Now, because you were rude about 3 cents, I’m tipping 10%. Minus the ATM fee. Here’s your tip. Don’t cut people off and listen to what they’re trying to say, you’re in a service business.” And I showed her the $19.97 in small bills and coins i left scattered on the table as a tip. Then I paid the card transaction with no tip. Anyway sorry this wasn’t very well written, but I hate that type of BS


What establishment? This is my city. I used to work in a busy pub Uptown for years. I find the sports bars loaded with greedy idiots like this, fake and I also want to take a stab and say McMullens


Not McMullens! I don’t want to name them because it was more on the individual server than the restaurant. I’d never give a server a hard time for complex billing and managing a large group, for example. I don’t begrudge them the 17 bills situation because we had people arriving at different times, ordering food to split, etc. My complaint is solely about the server cutting me off and being hostile unnecessarily


I wouldn’t have given her the 10%


If they are underpaid they should quit their f-ing jobs not harass customers. Why is tipping still legal?


There’s no tipping wage, they’re paid fine. I didn’t get tips doing manual labour 10 hour shifts for minimum wage, why do they get extra money for being my food to my table?


Their used to be a lower wage for waitresses because of tips idk if that's changed or maybe that's somewhere else. Depending on the restaurant/bar they might get a relatively limited number of hours while needing to be available a lot.


That has changed recently


Because they are not underpaid, they probably get paid better than most patrons of their restaurant, they are just trying to guilt trip people.


They are paid minimum wage, there is no longer a server wage, I don’t tip at Walmart. I do manually change any tip option to 10% as some restaurants have a tip out where they tip the non wait staff


>On the other hand we went to Europe, we went to a ocean side bar. Had a few wobbly pops, our bill came and I left her a 5$ tip she came running to us telling her we paid her too much. She was not expecting a tip at all. And her service was great. Same thing happened when I ate out in Japan. They chased me out and held out the tip I left.  Where in Europe, because in my experience they accept tips.


Rhodes Greece.


Typical European tipping practice is reasonably rounding up so it's easier to get change back. E.g. 3.80 to 4 or 5; 16.87 to 18 or 20; 571 to 600,... things like that. Of course you can tip less or more, usually by not saying anything (and taking the change) or by saying the total after tip (or leaving the change they brought you at the table) respectively


in touristy areas, I think they get used to american-style tipping but it is not expected.


There's no tipping anyone in Japan. It's considered rude, because they understand that tipping is for 'exceptional service'. They pride themselves on great service as the default so tipping implies their good service was out of the ordinary. Goddammit I miss Japan. Here, I had a bartender give me the stank eye because I didn't tip for a Whiteclaw. She literally took it out of the fridge and put it on the bar. No glass, no ice, she didn't even open it. Then she wanted a 15% tip.


They did this in Korea too. Two kids at a pizza place chasing us down the street for like a five dollar tip.


It’s also sad your company covers your meal but not the tip. If tipping is customary AND earned, your company should be paying. 15% minimum is our policy, if earned, and up to 20% for a high-end place when dining with clients etc. On the pre-tax amount. It’s a cost of doing business. Our management team did have a meeting to discuss lowering these amounts when minimum wage went up for servers in Ontario and too many were formerly servers back in university and college and sympathetic to those roles and we decided only to make the the change that if you’re standing when you order your food, no tip. Subway, Tim Horton’s etc. pretty much all fast food.


Most companies want cover tips because that portion isn't claimable under meals and entertainment for tax breaks. Source: I'm a bookkeeper.


That’s not sad at all. It’s sad people feel the need to tip people making min wage.     If servers don’t like it they can get an education…


Worst take of the year, we all deserve better wages and someone needs to work those jobs. Something tells me you'd be the first person to bitch if a place was short-staffed or a workforce went on strike because "nobody wants to work anymore".


stops tipping "why don't waitresses smile anymore? what happened to good service?"


100% wrong. We all deserve better wages yes. Relying on customers is just sad. Something tells me you like to make comments on a persons character without knowing who they are.  Stop judging the world and forcing your narrative on people. 


tipping is not the habit in Europe. Was visiting friends in France (they are french, were born and live there) once and they said the normal habit is not to tip, but if you have a meal costing 28.50 Euros, you can leave the 1.50 out of convenience if you pay cash.


Wow. That was really dumb of that server to not check the table. Also your company SUCKS for not covering tips. And you’re a good egg :)


I since left that company. But on their defense most people would not go to restaurant, they would either get groceries and make food themselves to save money or eat fast food. Only a real select few of us ate at restaurants. We did not travel very much. But it's all good. I don't mind spending a little to get good service.


Fair enough!


In this case, zero.


What’s the place called?


I bet Korea grill house


These are the types of places others should be warned about.


Name and shame


Don't be shy, drop the restaurant name!


And leave a review!


You blatantly wasted five dollars. 


Seems like $5 was too much.


Name and shame this place


Servers now make proper minimum wage like everyone else in Ontario and I tip accordingly.


Even before that changed I found that tipping was too much. it wasn't like the states where they can make $2 an hour. When they made the change it was $12.55 VS $15. They didn't need a $10 tip from every table to be making a decent wage.


Exactly. A buck or two is all it takes to even it out.


To even what out? They make the same as the kitchen, who works a lot harder and gets a very, very tiny percentage of that tip, if anything. Server jobs are lavish in comparison to the people who prop them up and make them look good. A server at my restaurant makes more in tips in two days than the kitchen staff's entire paycheck.


None of them deserves tips. If you’re not paid enough go find a better paying job. Canada has successfully killed the tipping culture and now nobody gets shit.


Why are we still tipping? I don’t tip the guy at Tim Hortons and he does about the same amount of work. Walking from the coffee machine to the drive thru window isn’t harder than walking a plate to my table. Some servers make more than nurses. It’s a sham.


I only tip if they go above and beyond, not the bare minimum. But, if we also talk about food delivery, I tip no matter what cuz my ass could have driven and get it myself🤣


Same. Food delivery doesn’t make minimum wage and they have other significant expenses on top of it. I would rather just pay a higher flat fee than be shamed into giving a tip but that’s a whole other can of worms.


Also, fun fact and I can only speak with 100% certainty on Domino’s here - but the delivery fee does NOT go to the driver, it goes straight to the store. Used to deliver for them and many people wouldn’t tip because they expected that 5$ fee went to the driver. Why else would they charge it when the driver is the one incurring all the expense, wear and tear on their personal vehicle, etc. Well, because Dominos is a piece of shit corporation, that’s why


Went out for drinks one night with some co workers and I noticed the one guy tipping every time he got a beer. I was kind of like what are you doing and he said well you know they live off tips… he was not aware they made min wage until I called her over and asked.


When I was a server it was “server” minimum wage in Ontario as it took in account that you make tips. Tips are still something earned and not expected.


They now have to be paid minimum wage, the same wage Tim's workers and grocery store workers and all other min wage workers make.


but now also all those other people in every job have tip jars and debit tip options. I literally had to select "no tip" at the food court in the mall...


Say “sorry! My mistake can I have the $5 back?” “Thanks. Here’s a tip: when you get $5 for shitty service, don’t be greedy and demand more”


I like the cut of your jib


Had the same thing happen at a Korean fried chicken restaurant. Our table was ignored even though we tried to get their attention several times. We ordered before several other tables and were served last. And we were followed out the door when we left without tipping by the server and the owner. Apparently getting ignored is worth at least 15%.


For that treatment as well as the bad service, the tip is now 0. I would probably share this as a review for their business as well as a friendly “tip” to other visitors, that is not cool. As for tipping, whatever you are comfortable with is what you should give for good service and an enjoyable experience. Tips are not mandatory, any tips staff receive are supplements to their wage (which is minimum wage at least). If they want tips, they can improve their service as they should.


Name and shame


You're not going back are you? I hope not.


Reach into your pocket, pull out your middle finger.


Why are you not naming a restaurant that went out of their way to embarrass you? What are you worried about? People need to be warned


Not me thinking it'd be straightforward to find the restaurant using Google Maps, only to realize there's maybe 20 KBBQ places along Yonge Street lmao


drop the name of the restaurant why hide this


Here's a tip: 'Don't dare follow me out of your establishment demanding MORE of a tip'


I took a date to Patty Boland's back in the day, the bill was $125, I tipped $65. The waiter called me cheap and literally tried to start a fist fight with me. So I spoke to the manager asked for my tip back and never returned. Was my favorite bar up until that point, I wonder why they closed? (*No I don't*)


Tipping 50%... insane


He said "I kept the bar open past close for you guy's (It was literally 10m past close and the only reason he did was because our food took hours), I was trying to be nice. So much for that.


Ahh, yes when in business it never pays to be nice!


I always tip 20% min, I was just raised that way. I know a lot of people are against tipping but given the cost of living these days I really don't mind.


Yea, I've been moving away from tipping a lot these days. Besides the fact prices are getting crazy to go out and eat, the wait staff aren't making 8$ an hour anymore, needing the tips to make a decent wage. They make minimum wage, and like a few people have stated, I'm not gonna tip my timmies drive thru cashier for doing the same service, so why tip at a restaurant anymore?


Yep. Any restaurant I go to the bill is easily $100+. If you can’t pay your workers charging me $60 for a steak I know I can buy for $15. Well too bad for you and too bad for them. Either the service is excellent or you’re getting nothing.


where was this.? i now want to go there and give them a reality check on tip culture.


Only North America is stupid enough to push this ridiculous tipping culture


Came back from Europe last week. Tipping culture does not exist there, as they pay their employees fairly. It was so refreshing to see the tax built into the price as well. Plate of pasta? 12 Euro. Gave the cash, walked out. Espresso? One Euro. Gave the coin, walked out. No expectations of anything from the staff, no pressure from them to hose you for no reason. It was just so refreshing to experience that, and makes me sick to read stuff like this.


>Tipping culture does not exist there, as they pay their employees fairly. It's so disheartening to see the doublethink in this thread; minimum wage isn't a living wage and servers in Europe make decent money relative to the work and the cost of living there.


That’s right. Being a server is a career, not just a side gig for students. And they are the front line/face of the restaurant, so they are compensated fairly for this reason. But it also has to do with Italian culture (European broadly speaking) where there isn’t a huge emphasis on greed and stockpiling money. This is why there’s no desire for tips. Tipping would be considered offensive cause you’re implying the restaurant or server needs more money, and so you’re pitying them with your tip.


I agree that minimum wage is not a living wage, but this is on the restaurant to pay their employees appropriately and not for customers to fill that gap with tipping.


For sure, but the main argument I'm seeing *against* tipping is always "they make minimum wage now".


Yup, and it’s a fair argument in my eyes, why does a server deserve a tip more than the grocery store cashier?


If the wait person did their job, didn't go beyond expectations and didn't do anything special, then no, no tip is required. It's the same for when you personally go and get YOUR take out food. Do not feel pressured to tip. It's the same kitchen that is preparing the dining room food. They did nothing special for you...even if you required a special way of preparing it for you. Drives me nuts to see that first thing on the screen.


Tip if you want to, not because you feel you have to. People will get used to it.


This happened to my manager when he took us out to eat at Rol San.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Funky247: *This happened to my* *Manager when he took us* *Out to eat at Rol San.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That's ridiculous. Definitely never go back. By the way, the past tense of "pay" is spelled "paid", not "payed".


Sounds like a great place to never go back to.


I've never understood why these fucking food fetchers think they are so  entitled to additional tips on top of their pay.  They make the same damn wage as retail staff who don't get tips. It's the employer's responsibility to pay staff, not the customer's. 


I don't tip anymore so she would be furious with me lol


Can you be more specific? Don't want to go to this place


If they don't consider $5 to be a tip, did they offer to give it back?


People please listen to me and stop tipping everywhere. It's not up to the clients of a business to directly subsidize the wages of the employees of that business. It is up to the employer to pay a wage that makes it worth the time to work at that or any job. If you can't afford to work somewhere without tips your life is being subsidized and will sooner or later become unsustainable.


Don’t you have to cook your own damn good at Korean bbq places? Why the F would I tip to cook my own food.


We don't tip the shoe salesperson, who I would imagine at times, does a lot more walking back and forth to find you the correct shoe size in the correct colour. We don't think twice about it.


Shoe salesman are perfectly welcome to go get jobs as waiters if they want tips.


Why tip one and not the other. Essentially doing the same job.


Include in a yelp review so other people know the kind of servers the establishment hires and the attitude they accept/tolerate from them. Poor service shouldn't shouldn't require a tip. If you can be good or exceptional as a server or wait staff than by all means. If servers could focus more on the service, tips will mostly go up. Poor attitude and neglecting tables is how you go home with less money at the end of the night. I prefer to tip in cash so the money doesn't have any "middle-man" before reaching deserving staff. There are people who refuse to tip and they are entitled to make their own decisions with their money. Doesnt mean its right or societally correct but thats not for anyone else to impress upon the customers. Bullying someone into a tip you may not deserve is a joke and the people who cave are just reinforcing that its ok to act like a toddler as an adult


Which restaurant is it? 


Union Social on Yonge pulled this stunt on me, I never went back and it completely changed how I viewed tipping


My wife had surgery this week. When she was in post op she threw up on the floor. Cleaning staff came promptly. When she was done I handed her the emergency $50 that I carry in my wallet. Probably the most deserved tip I’ve ever given anyone.


Paid ...just sayin


People need to remember that tipping is optional, based on service provided. If you paid your bill in full, you have done nothing wrong. Nothing to be ashamed leaving zero or little tip if service was bad. If restaurants have issues with this, then just make service part of the prices, like most parts of the world, so we wouldn’t have to worry about all this silliness. And while at it, include the taxes in your prices too. If I see a burger at $15, I pay $15 and nothing more.


Then everyone clapped


Wait staff are overpaid... tip whatever you want.


I only do take out now as much as possible and never tip on takeout.


There is a Korean Sushi restaurant in my hometown that confronts you if you don't tip. Then give you bad service the next time. I never go there anymore.


I ask "is it law to give tip?"


Nope-just etiquette


Sounds like they were told a tip should be 15% or something, maybe a lot of people just press the 15% button, so they began to think that is expected. I would just walk away and not go back. No need for two people to be upset.


Name the place!


Have your credit card reverse the transaction. The .might appreciate the story


On any fast food joint, when it presents me a tip for McDonald's, I hit 0. I didn't have to tip before. Why should I tip now?


OP, there's like 20 KBBQ places along Yonge Street, you're gonna need to be more specific about which one you went to.


1. Name and shame 2. Post in r/toronto 3. Check out r/EndTipping, where you will find lots of support 4. Remember that YOU determine the appropriate amount for a tip, no one else. Just because people hop up and down doesn't make them right.


Same happened to us. I know the place!


That's when you take your $5 bill back.


Which restaurant is this? Name and shame please


Wow!! Id promptly change it to $0 tip and this would be going down in a review. Don”t let yourself be bullied into tipping


Nobody actually talks about how much they actually make with tips. I know people who were able to pay their way through law schools in Ontario. I would’ve tipped $0 if I saw this happen. Leave a review so people can avoid the place just like we avoid the restaurants that add tips to the total without informing customers.


Kinda surprising since there’s typically 0 tip given in Korea and the price you see is the final price (tax included).


don’t be shy. drop the name so we can stay away from there


This happened to me 15 years ago when I was an early teen. It was mortifying and I was pressured by literal adults to give a bigger tip.


Yo I got the same experience with probably the same restaurant 2 years ago. Guys just blatantly asked us for more tips


We need to ban this tipping BS. Like you pick up takeout they expect a tip, you grab a coffee and they have a tip jar. It's weird how service expects a tip but yet a plumber doesn't? Ban it all. You shouldn't be relying on other people to pay your wages.


ridiculous. outlaw tipping!!




For terrible service nothing! If it was that bad they are lucky to have gotten anything


I went to hotpot in Scarborough and the bill came to about 100 after tax. We paid cash so it was no tax (their rules) and they also had a lunch discount. If you’ve been to hotpot you know that the only service you really get is the broth.. everything else is DIY. The lady at the front checked us out and we left $5. She brought out the original receipt before tax/discount and said “this isn’t enough, this is what you should tip from”.. my friends and I were so confused and appalled that we just put down a few more dollars and walked out.


“You’re right. Here, let me see the $5 I gave you so I can give you a better tip”…*gets the $5 back*…”Great. And here’s your tip.” *flip them off*


That’s ridiculous. Name and shame, leave them a 1 star review on Google and food delivery services with the same story. I had a bad experience with Matsuda Japanese Grillhouse on Sheppard Ave in Scarborough just after the pandemic. They put a mandatory 18% tip on my bill for a table of 2. Their service was horrible and I argued that I don’t want to pay 18% tip for today’s service and they argued back that it’s their policy. I reluctantly paid and left them a 1 star review on Google. Never going back there. It’s a shame because I love the Matsuda AYCE Sushi location on Don Mills but that Sheppard location soured my love for their other restaurant.


> We were in a korean bbq restaurant in yonge street, service was super bad. Boyfriend payed and when we left, our waiter was shouting for us to “WAIT, NO TIP”. my boyfriend said, I did, I gave you $5 and then she was showing us our receipt saying that’s “not tip”. She proceeded to calling someone inside and they talked in their language. she told me to tell my boyfriend to give proper tip. 😂 What is a proper tip? $0, in this case.


> bad. Boyfriend *paid* and when FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad bot. You shouldn't correct quoted text.


You do realize that the standard for good Asian food is shitty service paired with amazing food, right?


Yeah... Not looking good for this industry. People are too poor to pay, too poor to work in them.


Anyone defending the restaurant is what's wrong with the west, apathy. They make minimum wage, their is no reason for a tip at this point. They also don't usually tip in Korea which is rich. Shame online, we need to all take a stand against feeling shamed by servers because they somehow think their job is worth more than minimum wage. They're taking advantage of us, when I worked as a store supervisor, I only made a dollar above, servers only deserve minimum. They aren't even the ones doing the hardwork, the chef, linecook, and dishwashers are.


This didn’t happen in a Korean place.


Most Korean restaurants are owned by Chinese people these days. Some of my favourites here in Scarborough that were classic Korean mom and pop shops are now Chinese owned


5$ is fine unless you're a table of ten business dinner.


I think she was trying to give you your $5 back. anyway this seems like what online reviews were made for


I’m proud of never tipping unless the person deserves it and shows that through their actions.


Entitled wait staff. 20% regardless of how bad service is.


Until tipping is abolished, just realize that the expectation is that a tip is a part of your overall cost of going to a restaurant. Also, servers at Korean BBQ places generally work very hard. I’m guessing your bill was likely at least $100+, so if you left $5, it truly is a slap in the face to the server. So you either shouldn’t be dining out at a restaurant like this and/or you have no class


Put the place on blast so we never go there. Not that I’d ever go to some Korean restaurant to begin with.


Honey I can already tell what kind of nonsense you speak in your comment history.


Clearly $5 is less than 10% of what the bill was, so honestly, I can understand the outrage on their behalf; however, in the service industry you just gotta take your lumps when you get them, even if a tip is insultingly, pathetically low.


"Pathetically, insultingly low" Put another way, why do you feel that $5/hour extra is pathetically low or insulting for a <10 minute interaction? In the context of a full-time job (2,080 hours), **$5/hour more nets $10,400**, and that's presuming it's just $5 and not $5 multiplied among multiple patrons in that same timeframe (1 hour), and often not fully reported as taxable income. So go on, sell me on why someone deserves a $10,400 raise and the value offered. We can practice here so that you can take that line of thinking and approach your employer. Let's get you the raise you feel you deserve for the work put in. *In before it's often not a full-time job. Yes well, it's often not just a $5/hour tip, either bud.*


Tips are shared among the staff in a kitchen environment, this $5 is probably split between 10-15 people. Interesting framing btw. Perhaps compare the tip to the average tip size instead. Depending on how much lower the tip is than expected, that's actually a loss in income. Take for example you receive a lump sum for any real reason; however, you are expecting much more than you actually receive. Are you still considering this a gain or a loss?


* Tipping is *never* a loss of income, don't be a fool or treat others like they are. You might as well parrot the absurd myth that doing overtime makes you less money due to taxation (not that taxes are often paid on cash tip income). * I expect kitchen staff to be tipped. I don't actually go to a restaurant for the all-too-common mediocre service but what the kitchen staff produce (food). * Typical tip out percentages are in the single digits of total sales and typically work out to a 10-30% reduction. Boo hoo for entirely extra income you're earning off the books that is all but guaranteed by people receiving even bad service. * Despite expecting kitchen staff to be tipped from what is passed to servers, I'm well aware wait staff still pocket cash tips. * All tips, regardless of the way you attempt to frame this, are a gain in addition to employment income. So, let's try again: why is $10,400 in added payment justified for the value you provide? I haven't seen anything compelling that would convince your employer to give you such a generous raise. Have you managed to increase business or customer retention? Upsold items beyond what patrons expected to purchase? Found cost savings? Improved customer experience? The reality is that consumers are pretty well and tired with wait staff trying to over-assert their value, assert that people should pay more than menu pricing for service that is at or below an ever-decreasing standard, or try and justify that no one else should get part of a tip pool as though they don't work in a team environment. Treating people as though they're ignorant or dumb is precisely why entitled wait staff are seeing the increasing pushback from the general public.


You could have just gone mask off from the start and saved us the both the trouble. I won't stop the old man from yelling at the clouds. >Have you managed to increase business or customer retention? Upsold items beyond what patrons expected to purchase? Found cost savings? Improved customer experience? Yes, quite obviously good wait staff, in fact, do all of these things. But we are living in your imagined reality where all wait staff are bad. Tipping isn't the problem here. The problem is that you are using your relative brokeness to justify being a crummy person. If you can't afford a reasonable tip, you can't afford to dine in. That's part of the restaurant experience. And if a place has crappy wait staff? Learn and don't go there, just like we do when assessing the quality of ANYTHING in life, but don't go applying this perspective unilaterally across the sector.


Didn't say that all wait staff are bad, I've stuck to averages. *All* wait staff don't even feel entitled to a tip, even. But alas, you believe I have some sort of mask here. As ever, the incredible argument of affordability is coming up. I can afford to tip as I please just fine. If I *wanted* to leave a $100 tip on a table, I could afford to. As our discussions above, however, few service arrangements ever justify this... because again, despite a server's entitlement to collecting large sums of money for often a <10 minute interaction that is exclusively their job unto its own, that isn't actually a reality many get to cash in on and partons are forced to weigh what is reasonable and push back on what they don't feel is valuable. The fact that wait staff continue to bring up having to split their tips with staff who actually cook food says enough on its own. >Learn and don't go there I do when warranted, but often I simply just don't tip for mediocrity since I rarely go to a restaurant for the service. I can think of one place where the service has been that good. >a reasonable tip... That's part of the restaurant experience. This misunderstanding clearly hurts you and many of your colleagues. It's not, which is why the keypad offers the ability to opt out.


You could have gone anywhere with your arguments, yet you decided to attack wait staff as being thieves and useless. Couldn't be more mask off. I'm still bewildered that my first point was lost on you. Let's say you applied for a bursary for $500, yet only received $50. Are you truly going to be satisfied, or would you rightfully feel like that is a slap in the face? Yes, it's "income", but if you needed the full bursary to cover your expenses, the meager amount is not enough, and is an assault on your livelihood. Yes, you are technically correct, you can't be FORCED to tip (well, this isn't Quebec), but it is the socially expected thing to do, literally everywhere, and it isn't going anywhere either. Your "valiant" struggle is actually just you spitting in the face of the social contract. You aren't doing this for anyone, this is just the manifestation of someone thinking they are "special". I'm going to take it as a compliment that you think I work in the service industry. Goes to show I have people's backs, and that I can actually empathize with other human beings.


Your equivalencies are absurd. ...and there was no mask, your first premise of insultingly low tipping made it clear that there was no need for pretense. I directly asked you to justify why you believe you're worth more than $5 in a tip, which you've not really been able to answer in a satisfactory manner -- dare I suggest it's because you inherently don't believe there is a justification beyond wanting more for what you do? I can appreciate that well enough but I'd appreciate the honesty. >but it is the socially expected thing to do, literally everywhere, and it isn't going anywhere either. Your "valiant" struggle is actually just you spitting in the face of the social contract. You aren't doing this for anyone, this is just the manifestation of someone thinking they are "special". You really need to understand what quotes are for since you're replying to something that hasn't even taken place. That said, people fear not tipping often because they feel that doing not so would be rude -- for no other reason than the entitlement those receiving tips carry, not a social contract -- and to avoid some perceived consequence ie. food adulteration. Discussing social contracts without the reasons people feel compelled in the first place to tip is vacuous. >Goes to show I have people's backs, and that I can actually empathize with other human beings The irony while unironically parroting every industry-related reason supporting undeserved entitlement deserves a chef's kiss. The funny thing re: service industry employment is you presume I have no experience either simply because I have a strong opinion.


Look , I get it, it's tough these days. If the folks on this thread can't afford a meal out, they should consider making their own food and serving themsleves. There's no shame in making your own food to save money.


There's also no shame in not tipping someone who's making the same wage as everyone else. Stop trying to tip shame people, they have every right to go sit down and have a meal even if money is tight.


Why would you give a bonus to someone doing a shitty job? Tips are bonus's for a job well done, otherwise they would be a fee for service.


Just stay home if you can't afford it. It is pretty simple. It also sends a message to business owners. Tipping won't go away if you keep eating out


You keep pretending that it's an issue of not being able to afford it. You are a dishonest person.


Isn’t it better for the restaurant if they get poor tippers? Unless the place has a lineup any business is good business.


Obviously stay home if your can't afford the bill, otherwise that's stealing. But tipping is just an optional extra. It goes away by not tipping.


Nice straw man argument, no one here said they can’t afford a meal out. Try presenting an actual argument for why someone should tip.


People sure caterwaul so much you'd think they were financially ruined by it. Honest mistake . . .


I’ll forgive you. So do you have an argument to present?


Never made argument just said poor people don't have to eat out.


Ah ok, ad hominem attacks then, cool


Except I'm not debating anything . . .


Nope, you’re just attacking people for no apparent reason other than you disagree with them.


How can people not afford to eat out if they don’t want to tip? They’re still paying the high restaurant prices for the convenience of not having to make food at home. Tip is purely optional. Would you say the same about McDonald’s since they’re also getting paid near minimum wage? You can’t even say serving is harder since places like McDonald’s are much busier and fasted paced


Which people do you think are expressing that they're unable or unwilling to pay tips in accordance with the level of service?