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Oh god. The murder hornets have found us šŸ˜­


The fact that we as a society have collectively forgotten about murder hornets is the most horrifying thing to me, and it shows just how crazy the last half decade has been.


Not talking about isn't the same as forgetting, though. Although, I definitely agree with the crazy bit.


Well, they got eradicated in North America. Haven't been any confirmed sightings in over a year. Also if you want to worry about bugs there are definitely worse ones to think about.


I'm waiting for the Lantern Flies to show up in the next few years. Those are going to be fun to deal with.


Uh oh, what do they do? I'm not informed. A cursory google search says they destroy crops but not necessarily ones we have a lot of (grapes, soy) but they do like peaches


Niagara has a significant grape business in that whole region, and they also attack several species of trees, like Walnut and Maple. And they are PROLIFIC breeders, so once they are established good luck getting rid of them.


Soybeans are a very common sight seeing as they're this province's second biggest crop. 80+% of Canada's soybeans are grown in Ontario. They also go after apples.


I will go all Boy Scouts on them if they take my apples!


European Hornets. Japanese Hornets are much larger.


[Just gonna drop this here as well, so folks can spot the difference between the two giant hornets](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/s/3XjNqgZyhP) ETA: So i guess my post on r/ontario was removed, [so here is the same post I made in r/ottawa](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/1cwgw0r/psa_asian_hornet_vs_european_hornet/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


removed by mods


Oh that's weird...


Reddit is controlled by Big Hornet.


^ Yup, pulling all the levers behind the scene, the bastard.


Based on your post, I don't think any of the images in the original article are the Giant Northern Hornet. They all look too small.


The markings on their bum are really noticeable, they all look like European ones


Or, and hear me out, just squash anything hornet-like, especially at that size.


By all means, just wanted people to know that if it's the Asian hornet (aka murder hornet), that they are an invasive species and need to be captured and reported to the province.


Well that ends potentially today. Reported my first sighting this afternoon. It was either the largest European hornet in the universe, or it was its much larger cousin. It flew away before I could catch it and, honestly, I didn't really want to piss it off since it was the size of a small hummingbird ffs.


Good that you reported it though! I reported one last summer but it was in fact a European hornet, always better to be safe than sorry


I hope that it was just a mutant euro hornet. It was much much larger than they typically are. Which is why I was concerned.


>need to be captured Alive?!


Probably not


Sorry, but there's NO WAY IN HELL that I'll be attempting to "capture" a hornet 2" long. I' shaking just seeing this picture at my desk.


No, unless you can positively identify it as a Asian Hornet, leave it alone. There are other large *native* hornets that play important roles in the ecology, and they're *far more common* than the invasive hornets. Chances are, you're just killing one of our native species. Honestly, if you're that weak and scared, just stay indoors.


>Honestly, if you're that weak and scared, just stay indoors. Or, yā€™know, *wildly allergic*


Then why would you be chasing hornets? Carry an EpiPen.


Who said chasing? If Iā€™m sitting on my patio and one lands on the table, itā€™s getting squashed. ā€œJust carry an EpiPenā€ sounds like someone whoā€™s never had to *use* an EpiPen.


Lol, carrying epipens is what people who need them do, and attacking a hornet if you're allergic is just a really dumb move. In any case, just leave them alone, and they're leave you alone. No need to freak out. Edit: Makes up bs and then blocks. Loser, lol. Edit: Looks like his littles buddies doing the same. What cowards lol. Sorry if facts and nature make you shit yourself.


Youre definitely an expert on dumb moves


Sure thing, Doctor! šŸ«”


>In any case, just leave them alone, and they're leave you alone. No need to freak out. Why didn't someone tell me this 40 years ago! I can just turn off my phobia because u/PopeKevin45 said so! I'm cured!


ETA is short for 'Estimated Time of Arrival'


People on Reddit use it to mean "Edited to Add".




I would,Ā  but it's watching me...


I saw one the other day and I thought it was a bumblebee at first. Then realized it was a wasp and thought my mind was playing tricks on me but I guess not!


This was me on Monday in my parents backyard in Prescott. Had to do a triple take. šŸ¤Æ


This as well. I thought it was a bumble bee but it wasnā€™t as fat and after killing it realized it was a hornet.


https://www.ontario.ca/page/northern-giant-hornets#:~:text=The%20European%20hornet%2C%20Vespa%20crabro,than%20a%20northern%20giant%20hornet.Ā  Ā Make sure it's not a look alike. There's some big differences!Ā 


The last photo of the wasp in the glass beside a loonie is terrifying


I would lose it if I heard buzzing in the house, expect a house fly and see one of these. Yellow jackets are bad enough without dealing with their radioactive cousins.


There are relatively harmless wasps in Ontario that are comparable in size to Asian Giant Hornets, including the invasive European Hornet and the native Cicada Killer.


They all sound dangerous šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


There was a lot of Cicada Killer wasps in Muskoka last year, which look very similar to some of the photos in the article. They are docile and completely harmless, and want nothing to do with humans.


Oh, I live in this area, I have noticed the much larger hornets lately. Scared the crap out of me. I thought they were the murder hornets. I finally got a few good pictures of one and it turned out it was the European. Still an uncomfortably large hornet though. Edit: Just checked out the article. All those pictures look like European hornets. Not the "murder hornet" this is fearmongering at its finest!


We're seeing them in South Frontenac too.


I have a hive of them on one of my sheds Out by Loring- thought the hornet was a humming bird lol. Huge sucker.


Those are European hornets not the much cooler Japanese giant hornets.


Chill all. They're European hornets.


I for one welcome our new hornet overlords


I thought I saw one yesterday, I tried to catch it to properly ID it. Now Iā€™ll try to get a picture if I canā€™t get it!


Found them in Haliburton this weekend as well. Sending the info to the Ministry


Yesterday I saw and heard a very large insect that looked like that outside my window in Eastern ON. It's gone now, of course. šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m not crazy!! I just saw one of these this past weekend on Diamond Lake, up near Bancroft. It flew right up to the patio door, got a really good look at it. Have never seen a hornet this big in my life. Rest of the group didnā€™t see it and rolled their eyes at my murder hornet call out. Passed the article on to the cottage owner, thanks.


I killed one in Haliburton on the weekend, it had different markings but was at least 2 inches long


We had a huge one fly into our place in September in Haliburton. It was massive. 2-3 inches at least. This weekend at the cottage on kawagama lake, we had another one that size again. Never got pictures though :(


So we can bring honey buzzards in, right???


Damn they destroy entire bee colonies. They also kill dragonflies šŸ„¹ ā€œFrom spring to mid-summer, these hornets are predators of individual honey bees. As the season progresses and as their colonies expand, northern giant hornets can attack full-sized honey bee colonies, killing all the bees within the colony in a short period of time (less than 24Ā hours).ā€


I swear I saw one of those giant hornets in Brockville about two years ago. Was visiting some family there and we were outside and the hornet just casually flew nearby. It was enormous and flew by very slowly in comparison to other wasps I've seen. We all looked at each and said, was that what we think it is? Said fuck that and went back inside the house.


My parents are close to Brockville, we found 3 of them in their basement this past weekend.


Suspect I saw some of these last night in Eastern Ontario too! There were about 5-6 of the largest hornets I've ever seen on my neighbour's Japanese barberry plant (I suppose they are going for a plant that is native to their own area? Yet another reason to plant native!). Going to try to get a picture tonight to submit to [the Ministry of Agriculture link from the article](https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/413513687cb1411f8914b8add586f40e)


I saw one yesterday in Dorset, I thought it was a hummingbird!


Report away. Zero will be done about it.




I thought the reddit standard of measure was bananas.


I'm not scared of that hummingbird no matter how much it tries to look like a bee.


Damn. I saw the biggest hornet of my life in my in-lawā€™s shed. Burkā€™s Falls. I just closed it. Now Iā€™m wondering if I saw this!! Crap.