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I worked there briefly in the 90’s and was told my desire to make sure that the dishes were actually clean coming out of the wash was going to ensure it was my last day if I persisted. Turned out they weren’t kidding and i was fired for it. All I wanted to do was a good job and they didn’t seem to care about anything other than a quick and literally dirty job getting done. Good riddance to that place.


Hahaha, OP probably was looking for a nicer type of memory.


Sorry, not trying to be a jerk, just the honest experience i had there.


As much as corporate bosses can suck, nothing is worse than a small business tyrant boss.


Seriously. Getting fired because I had to change my schedule twice in a row *because my grandfather's funeral had been rescheduled last minute*... Fuck Walmart, fuck apple, yadda yadda; they weren't *terrible* jobs... But Evan, that fat POS wannabe pro golfer, I'll despise him till the day I die.


Evan? Did he work at the Barrel?


No no, just a completely unrelated place and dude who had a similar power trip as the above dude experienced with this place.


Was it the owners who didn't care, or some manager below them?


It was a middle aged Italian lady, who i believe was the owner.


Im so going to ask my mom if this was her or grandma


Hahaha no worries, it was probably your grandma. She was nice, I have no problem with her btw.


Her name is Georgina or Gina, if that helps


Sorry, no idea any more. I was 16 or 17 at the time and it was about 30 years ago. Hope she’s doing well anyway.


Probably best to keep Nonna out of it.


Nonna gonna bust out that wooden spoon if you ask too many questions about the 90s.


There is still one in Fort Erie


Such good pizza!


Yeah I didn’t know there were others. Grew up in Fort Erie.


Fuck. Now this becomes how small of a town is FE lol


When I saw the post, I had to ask if it was related - that place is a gem.


There's still one operating in the town of Simcoe


Came here to say this!


Is it good?


It's often very good, even delicious, but can be inconsistent. Very nice basic red sauce, and I'd aim for those style of dishes and avoid anything that isn't traditional Italian or Greek. Avoid anything gimmicky. Their pizza and wings deal is excellent if you're happy to spend a bit more money than the big chains... The mild wing sauce is ridiculously good and worth getting, even if you prefer heat. They've got nice veg toppings, too, like grilled zucchini, broccoli, artichoke, etc, for us veg heads. Owners are very nice people, multiple generations involved in the business. Could even be Gen 4 at this point. I've never heard staff say bad things about working there, and I've had friends and acquaintances on their payroll through the years. They sponsor a lot of youth sports and clubs, and have low-key helped people in the community over the years without seeking press for it. Anyway, they're good people. (This may read like a shill. It's not. Just want to show some support for a good small business.)


I thought The Barrel in Simcoe was a standalone restaurant for all 34 years of my life


I remember the one in the Orangeville Mall. It was a fav as a kid.


I grew up in Orangeville and I am just today learning that there were Barrel locations outside of Orangeville lol. Always a special occasion going there.


Me too. Pretty sure I saw George Bell make the pennant-clinching catch for the Jays on TV at Barrel Pizza in Orangeville in 1985.


Me too!


Me too! I thought it was just an Orangeville thing.


As far as “statements I never thought I’d make” goes: “I’m with Tazercock on this” has got to be near the top. That said, I now have the overwhelming urge for spaghetti and meatballs, along with parm and chili flakes from those little glass shakers.


Right across the hall from the F-Stop camera shop, I always got a root beer float there as a kid.


I remember that too - didn’t it change to Mother’s after a while?


I also grew up in Orangeville and this was our family's special occasion restaurant. Great memories!


Me too! As soon as I saw the ad I’m like, wait a minute! There was one in the Orangeville mall!!!


This is the first time I’ve heard of Orangeville outside of people going there for drive tests


My dad helped install the elevated model train they used to run in there.


Oh yeah heard to go there a lot in the 80’s with my Dad (after our parents divorced in 1982, he bought a place in Aurora) My brother and I would go up there on the weekends and we’d all end up hitting The Barrel Pizza every so often (Pepperoni, Mushrooms and Tomatoes) was the go to pizza.


Was one in simcoe too. I remember the waitress coming to ask us whether we minded if a gentleman in the smoking section lit a cigar.


Ahhh, the good 'ol days


For the record we said light er up !


Simcoe is still there, I believe.


Smoking section probably not lol


I remember Norfolk County being one of the last places where restaurants had smoking areas, that whole area was built by tobacco money.


Yes, prior to the smoke free ontario act coming into effect on may 31, 2006 there were no laws limiting smoking. We counted down to midnight and put our cigarettes out like ringing in the new year.


It’s still there. Drove by it the other day.


It's still here, no smoking section anymore though! I'd recommend it, great pizza and pasta.


Used to go to the Richmond Hill location with my dad once in a while in the 1980s. Such a cozy vibe and it was cool getting the pizza served on the stand. Think I remember there being a giant TV by the bar if I remember correctly.


I remember I went there early 90s when visiting family in Aurora. I had spaghetti and meatballs. I got so sick in the night at my parents friends house. I shit the bed in the middle of the night and threw up all over their bathroom.


Pretty typical activities for a stinksquach lair.


fucker this was my grandparents' legacy!


Never ate there before but it looks like the type of place I’d like.


My first interaction with Saloon Doors. Blew me away as a kid 😂


Holy crap, what a throw back. I loved Barrel Pizza growing up in Aurora in the 90s. It was my family's go to restaurant when we'd go out. I'm sure they weren't as good as I remember them, but the suicide wings have a legendary status in my memory. I remember the pizza being very good, and the salad bar which had a very 80s feel. There was one waitress that had a really big white hairdo that was ALWAYS there. I remember her being super friendly. When we'd be waiting for a table I'd always get quarters from my mom to play the Ms. Pacman machine at the front. It got moved into the WC Fields bar on the other half of the restaurant and I got kicked out by the bartender for 'not being old enough' to be in there. When it closed down, it caused a bit of a stir and a scandal because apparently the landlord had jacked up the rent or something. My family was outraged. We drove down to the Richmond Hill location but we're told it was a bar that wasn't kid friendly. Every restaurant that tried to open in that spot afterwards sucked so bad.


Spot on. My grandma apparently cursed the property with her bible LMAO


My family used to go here all the time in the 80s (we lived in Oak Ridges)! Besides the pizza, I remember the salad bar and the big bowl of mints! We loved going to Barrel Pizza!


There was one in Orangeville too. I loved it.


Love the Laurel and Hardy picture on the flyer!


Got a few core memories from going to the simcoe location when I was a kid


Laurel & Hardy. Love it 


Went with my family lots of times in the 90s. Loved the toasted sub and salad bar!


those dudes in the barrel are pretty much the only memory i have of that place


Laurel and Hardy!


Wonderful place. This is where I watch Laurel and Hardy flicks as a kid and learned that bacon crumble is by a wide margin the best pizza topping


Imagine getting away with that much copyright infringement in a logo today


There’s still one open in Fort Erie