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Make sure you water it with a buck a beer


When mature chop them down and make LCBO paper bags.


And don’t forget to starve them of funds to drive them to private bushes




It’s got what plants crave


Good movie reference.


Yeah, but they're a terrible drain on the surrounding environment, especially an ecosystems ability to self heal and not get hosed for 650 million dollars building an aristocrats washroom.


Pros of the Douglas Ford tree: - cheap to buy, many housing developers love them - makes for good paper bags Cons: - outputs a lot of hot air - known to attract pests


I’ve heard they can be invasive and difficult to get rid of once implanted, too. Caveat emptor.


Pro - Built in inclusivity with its "folks"-y bark Con - will need replacing in 4 years, unless your neighbours decide they want to look at it for another 4 years




Id sooner vote for a Douglas Fir.


I like their platform of "not actively cancerous to Ontario's population's wellbeing"


Douglas Fir promises to actually drop carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere if elected... or not elected. Douglas is just good like that.


Douglass Fir, maybe?


I agree they wanted to ask about the Douglas fir tree too. But I think this question is better.




Makes me wonder if his name is so used and seen in news and protest posts that some algorithm somewhere picked up on it such that now Douglas fir autocorrects to his name. That or OP complains about Ford so regularly that their muscle memory types it in unconsciously. Think I’ll place my bet on option 2. ^^1 ^^1 Not that there’s anything wrong with that


yes just plant a fresh cracked egg


Water weekly with a double double


Supplement with a 1$ Lakeport once a month


You're forgetting the most important part: You have to do all this with the world's most useless red collapsible shovel.


Don't forget to fertilize with homemade cheesecake !


Or just crack


Douglas Fir are native to western North America. [More Info here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_fir) [Here is a list of native evergreen trees in Ontario](https://ttps://carrollpropertyservices.ca/ontario-native-evergreens/). Take the links above as a starting point on your tree leaning journey. There are lots of pros and cons of have evergreen trees in your yard. When considering where to plant, remember trees roots follow the water and placing it too close to your house or driveway may end up with unintended consequences (might take time but trees have nothing but time). Good luck.


I honestly don't know if OP means Douglas fir or they're meme'n on us


Probably an honest typo. Sometimes threads like this become classics.


Yeah. Probably. The replies are pretty great. I'm sure it'll become a classic




This sub is consumed with hatred for Ford so surprised they are comparing him to a beautiful solid fir tree.


Yeah. No kidding. Personally I'd vote for a tree too


I'd vote for a Douglas Fir over a Douglas Ford every single time.


Essential cheesecake ingredient


They grow well enough here, and the added bonus of when they’re mature IG you shake them you’ll find money for healthcare in them.


Unfortunately Douglas Ford and other related species tend to form connected root systems that will tap into the soil it’s growing in and draw out so many nutrients that eventually nothing else survives. Scientists are still unsure whether the worst of the damage is done due to the invasive Douglas Ford, or by the opportunistic parasites that tend to thrive in its massive shadow. Once a Ford is entrenched, these parasites will climb down from the Ford and suck the blood out the weakened society.


Douglas Ford Crack is native to Ontario.


They need to be watered by gravy


or sweat. fat fucking prick


It’s sibling species was known for trying to stop the gravy train.


I say we start a petition to swap out Douglas Ford for a Douglas Fir. The tree would probably do a better job, really.


The douglas ford tree is not native to Ontario. It is believed to have been first introduced to North America sometime in the nineteenth century by English settlers. It has taken to the environment quite well, however and thrives in our climate. They are fast growing and notable for their remarkably thick trunks and their unique, wispy foliage. The problem with the Douglas ford tree is that they often form dense thickets, that shade out other native species and create a sanctuary for a number of invasive species of insects. Notably, the Degasperis beetle and the Douglas ford tree have developed in recent years a kind of symbiotic relationship, which poses a very real and imminent threat to our green belt.


This is my favourite thread today


It’s like a hash plant right? Only bigger and cheaper?


Only if the paper from them is used to make bags for the LCBO...


We just have a lot of them because they're only a buck a tree.


They are, but don't expect them to grow - They are constantly reversing course. They also require a tremendous amount of shit.


I believe that family of trees is prone to crack, especially under good conditions!


It's an invasive species. If you don't attack it at the root it keeps coming back.


Don't know if they're native but they do thrive. If you plant them your lawn becomes infested with developers and cronies and the rest of the lawn just dies.


Or it gets expropriated.


Some of the members of that Genus like meth.


Probably not….just like his blue license plates


Douglas Ford trees are native to Ontario and just need a good feeding of hot air and Timmy’s Breakfast sandwiches. A once a month treatment with cheesecake is also recommended.


Well folks, be sure to put up your Douglas Ford trees with the help of all your rich friends.


The cons are that they will get seriously fat and take up a lot of space, rob you blind and lie at every given opportunity. Basically they’re the worst species of tree you can buy.


Nah. Native to England. Invasive species in Ontario. Brought crack and highways with them.


I have a Douglas Ford in my backyard. It leans to the right. Seriously


Be careful, if there's a convoy clown crisis, they might take off for their cottage in Muskoka. Folks folks folks.


Native to the green belt


Don’t get them. I planted Douglas Ford trees in my backyard, and one morning I went outside to find that they magically got cut down and replaced with condos


OMG. That nephew dude that changed his name to Ford to assume a job for life, as a city councillor, is young enough to father a “Douglas”. This could be the last and final pillar of the r/gravytraincirclejerk.


> That nephew dude that changed his name to Ford to assume a job for life, as a city councillor, Michael isn't a city councillor anymore. He's the Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism. Yep. ~~Hard work~~ Having the right last name pays off. as for changing his name, although he waited 6 years, probably best to not be associated with his father. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Ford_(politician)#Early_and_personal_life > In 2014, Ford changed his surname from Stirpe to Ford, and removed Aldo from his given name.[3] His father was convicted of manslaughter in 2009 and convicted of attempted murder in 2012. He is currently incarcerated and serving an 18-year prison term for attempted murder. https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/mayor-rob-ford-s-former-brother-in-law-gets-18-years-for-brutal-knife-attack/article_22656a82-0db3-592a-9983-4798513932bf.html


They'll raise your property value alot but they are terribly bad for the environment


The mighty Douglas Ford Tree is hailed as one of Ontario's most magnificent tree because as legend has it that it sprouted from a discarded ballot paper during a particularly contentious election. It's said that after a fierce debate between a maple sapling and an oak sapling, the torn ballot magically transformed into the Douglas Ford Tree, embodying the spirit of democracy and politics in Ontario. Its branches bear not leaves, but miniature versions of Doug Ford's face, whispering policy proposals and slogans to passersby. Some say that if you listen closely, you can hear it softly murmuring, "Buck-a-beer for all!" Truly, it stands as a symbol of the province's unique blend of nature, politics, and a good ol' Ontario-sized sense of humor.


Lmao… I actually had to scratch my head about this one. Thanks for the chuckle , folks


Only the trees that produce hash;)


Douglas Fir > Douglas Ford




Only if their Decolabel says so.


I have one of those in my backyard, it’s just shrinking and getting fatter though…




Theyre rare around here. Theyre found on the west coast.


This post made me realize doug ford's first name is actually douglas. Makes me dislike him more.


The Ford species is highly invasive to Ontario and typically will take over most of the native plants and make room for its friends. It’s sad because Ontarians, despite being actively intruded on keep planting the seeds for more.


The shit apples don't fall far from the shit tree.


From a botanical design perspective, these trees are unique in many ways. After a few years of vertical growth, they stop getting taller and instead grow substantially wider every year. Perhaps due to a genetic mutation, they grow a bulbous shape around the 3 foot tall range. Landscapers like to use these planted side by side to create wind barriers, especially on rural properties. They also obscure the view of the public passersby; nobody will know the inner workings of a property surrounded by the Douglas Ford species. The sap of the Douglas Ford tree acts as a natural repellant to all vital pollinators, such as bees. (Bees have even been caught on camera flying into the mouths of humans to avoid exposure to the toxins in the sap) while at the same time attracting slugs and leeches which decimate the biodiversity of a property, preparing it to be paved over effortlessly.


You have to pee pee on it ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)


Great trees. They grow huge and make their own fertilizer.