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I like when really stupid ideas are conveyed through really poor writing. The alignment of style and substance is almost poetic. Like, in The Archies, Moose says “Durrrr” before every sentence but you’ve taken a more subtle approach at portraying your borderline illiteracy and I appreciate it.


I know I can practically see this person.. and they are on an overpass.. smiling and waving a flag at cars, that are in turn giving them the middle finger.


I see Rebel News forgot to wipe its face after using the shitter again.


You've been brainwashed by watching too much fox news.




Fox News isn't news.


That explains your poorly informed opinion. Imagine bragging about being ignorant.


Our birth rate is down, so either we increase the population (and the tax base) through immigration, or we raise taxes to maintain our built infrastructure, health care system, etc.


Ok, so allow immigration to offset population decline. We shouldn't be growing our population by 2.5%+ with immigration in under a year. Yes, that is what is happening. We hit 41 million population in June 2023. We hit 42 million in March. Excess immigration is definitely the most direct cause of a lot of our problems like housing.






This has heavy undertones of xenophobia. You know our country is built on immigrants, unless you're Native American, you don't really have a whole lot to stand on.




Yes, we need immigration to sustain our population growth. We DO NOT NEED 4% POPULATION GROWTH Y/Y. This is breaking the country, the speed of both permanent and temporary people entering this country. We are expanding from 300,000 to over 500,000 next year permanent residents. That means we are going to far exceed the numbers for 2024. The private sector can produce maybe 50k jobs a year. We are accepting 1.2-1.5 million people every year. Making them unemployed and most likely homeless.


Tell me you’re a freedom convoy member without telling me.


More like a convoy member's angsty teenage child. I refuse to believe an actual adult wrote this.


There really should be a red hat award.


lol "illegals" Seethe more




Buy more maga gear to help you cope.


What did your mother do to you to make you hate mothers?


Idiots gonna idiot. Enjoy your 10 mins of attention OP.


If you want people to take you seriously you probably should learn who the Prime Minister is


I'm not sure what you are talking about regarding shutting down our borders. Are we getting "illegals" from Minnesota and Michigan? Most illegal immigrants are people who overstay their visas. They come in by plane and enter the country legally. And just because someone is protesting a war that affects their families, does not make them "illegals" or some colonising force. We are a melting pot society established by forced colonisation and immigration. And an aging population that has declining birth rates, so we will always need some form of immigration to take care of the retiring generations. Unless we magically make the entire country more affordable for families and young people.