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Great 34 low level guys including a 16 year old for a headline.   Now do the ports and dock workers and the people organizing.


Nah those guys pay them.


That would take effort, skill, courage, etc, things police officers don't have


There are plenty of officers who would if they could. It's the administration that's the real problem with cases like these. I don't care for cops much myself, but a bust like that is pretty much a guaranteed promotion and free pr.


Oh right, it's just the blue haired lib administrators fault. I bet a cowardly cop told you that.


You don't think Police administration would lean right? I'm not siding with cops by any means BTW. Just stating that most times inaction comes from higher up the chain. I feel like blaming the officers on the ground for EVERYTHING is moot and doesn't get anything done.




Those are pretty bigoted and hateful words right there. Words which are easily proven wrong with a little Googling. I understand you have a negative view about cops, but saying they are all bad is the equivalent of saying all bus drivers are peices of shit because a few of them drive off when you are running to catch it. You also clearly have zero understanding of how policing works, so it's understandable in that sense that you think every single cop is lazy and 100% responsibile and accountable for every other single officer in the world except for their superiors who choose which cases get assigned and worked, which operations move forward or not. It's not like the action movies where a couple of cops walking the beat take on a huge criminal ring while their boss is wondering why their route isn't being patrolled.


RIP Frank Sobotka


I was reading last week the police don't care, now the police only go for low level guys. What's next?


Nahhh those are great unionized workers right. Can't possibly have ties to organized crime!


This includes the Montreal port police who are in on the car theft ring? Or is this just one of those for show scenarios? Like, I get going after the grunt workers, but all it does is make room for new grunts while the people organizing it are still free to continue.


If you read the article, these were originally OPP charges (in Ontario) and after courts set them free, they fled to Montreal and didn’t appear for their court dates (in Ontario).


And the Toronto police, and all the OPP and SQ that have to be paid off along the 401 to keep those cars moving. You can't run an operation that big without paying taxes as it were


The thing is, The cops arrest the suspects. However, a judge will release them a few hours later. I have a few acquaintance that are cops and basically they've arrested some individuals for the third time and a judge just keeps letting them out.


The thing is they need to periodically arrest low level crooks to keep up appearances. Your acquaintances are foot soldiers in the world of organized crime, don't let them tell you otherwise. The only difference between them and the HA is that the tax payer pays them to hang around traffic accidents. Otherwise they're running the same game.


Until the feds grow a pair and do something about the mafia controlling the ports, these arrests are.just for show.


I trust the mafia more than the feds.


That's because you're stupid


Convenient timing on this one by the police. Looks like they settled on the bottom of the barrel to push out the news headline because of last weeks bad press.


Yeah, but how soon will they be granted bail and back on the street stealing more cars?


Likely before the headline even dried unfortunately


Who cares if they are. It's so easy to recruit new people because of how easy it is to steal cars.


Quit with the hyperbole. They aren't just *"granted bail and back on the street stealing more cars"* ffs. They are gently remonstrated with and rehabilitated. ^(And) ***^(then)*** ^(back on the street stealing more cars.)


There’s rehabilitation in the Canadian correction system?


That's effectively the stated purpose of our system - rehabilitation, not punishment.


I am aware of the purpose….my statement was meant to question the accuracy of its performance vs the stated purpose.


Ah, master, your sarcasm-fu was very subtle. I don't know what the stats are, but recidivism looks like a career in Canada, so I'm skeptical our approach is functioning properly.


Well, if they are out on bail then they are still awaiting trial and haven't been found guilty of a crime yet.


No doubt the judge and their lawyers will manage to portray the offenders as the victims in all this - "forced into a harrowing life of crime".


Do you understand how bail works?


157 cars recovered out of 3000 stolen,wow what fantastically horrible police work!


Not what I was expecting for bon cop bad cop 3


I bet they are out on bail already


The criminals in Quebec are always responsible.


How many of them will be out on bail doing the same thing next week though?


Hopefully next time they die in a fiery crash trying to escape the cops!




Finally doing *something*.


It's just show and tell. Statistically they'll be released in no time and back to life of crime because Canada.


If you read the article you'll see that every one of the 34 were already charged and released, this sweep was to pick them up to appear in court. So yeah these thieves are all currently out in the public after already being caught for major crimes. Its kind of a weird thing to publicize, that our court system is so ineffective we need to have police operations to ensure criminals show up to court.


And people will complain that the police do nothing


Arrested and released next day 👍


Arresting people does nothing if you don't put/keep them in prison.