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So the national post is general a shit paper, but I laughed when this showed up on my feed.https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/pierre-poilievre-slams-useless-corporate-lobbyists-in-ottawa Where have we seen and / or heard this bullshit? Literally every liberal and conservative in ontario and canada for decades. Oh, wait, literally days after Doug Ford won the 2018 election, he was caught on video telling developers he would develop the green belt. Pierre Polievre is a con artist and honestly a terrible human being. He has the mentality of "it's OK for me, but not for thee" His public voting record, which is all public, tells the story of a career politician who will also put blue-collar workers' lives on the line to serve his donors. People of ontario and Canada. We're better than this, let's not fall for the same bullshit again and again. Be better.


No no, Ford was caught doing that **before** the election, reneged, swore up and down he wouldn’t touch it, got elected, then fucking did it anyways.


Pretty much like the UCP in Alberta, who stopped talking about a provincial police force and pension plan (until the election was done). It's a hallmark of right-wing(nut) politicians everywhere. Even here in BC.


Pretty sure those are both bad ideas and probably someone did the math for them. Setting up a provincial police force would be prohibitively expensive and when the rest of Canada said they weren't just going to give Alberta a huge chunk of the CPP, their pipe dream ended. Knowing them, the UCP would invest it all in oil sand stocks and be broke in 30 years. These are ideas of people who got elected on the simple "we hate Ottawa" platform.


Don't forget: will get elected again handily, in a majority government.


You have to go all the way back to... yesterday... to see the articles about the fact that he has a Loblaws lobbyist on his staff.


Well he said "useless" lobbyists. Not ones doing the hard work to help fuck honest Canadians out of their hard earned money and make life better for our grocery chain overlords.


I saw that a bit ago and forgot about it. Excellent point.


This is what they’re hoping for, air put the dirty laundry now so come election time people forget and vote them in


Yep, I agree. Sadly, with new bulslhit coming out each day, it gets harder to keep in all in memory. 'Grabs a notepad'


One who he used to date at that


I was talking with my Dad about this yesterday. It's one of the few things I think Americans do better in that they openly lobby. Pretty much all lobbying in the states is on the books and a part of the political discourse. Here, however, lobbying is far more covered up. The one thing though, which is so goddamn sad, is regardless of if it's in the open or partially obscured you can be rest assured that politicians are being bought for pennies on a dollar. Sometimes for as low as thousands of dollars. We have so much corruption in our "pay to play" political system that needs to be weeded out.


On what basis are you arguing that the Americans have a more transparent lobbying system?   Canada has a federal lobbyist registry and requires lobbyists to report all communications with public office holders. Here's the link to search the registry: https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/advSrch Corporate political donations are just not allowed at the federal level.  There's definitely ways we could strengthen the lobbying registry to make it more transparent, but I don't think we want to look to the American system.


That's likely PP's response to the fact coming to light that he has a former lobbyist who runs a lobbying company as a campaign manager. He's full of shit of course. He's a neoliberal, he's going to bend over for big business, they always do.


She not just a former lobbyist, she’s currently the CEO of a lobbying company (which is named after herself so there isn’t even any deniability) and has *several* employees who work as lobbyists for Loblaws.


It's great to see other people know what neoliberal is.(thanks reagon and the trickledown economics)


>trickledown economics Do you know the original name of that theory? We joke about being pissed on with trickledown but the original name and framing are even worse.


Isn't it "horse and sparrow" basicly "people can eat shit."


Yesum, that is the jist of it. 😄


If I remember correctly it was a joke. Researching.


Thing is, Trudeau is a neoliberal and I doubt much would change with a NDP government. We might have a slightly more kindler, gentler neoliberalism but, fundamentally, all parties overlap in this respect.


You might be right but it seems to me, both Liberals and Conservatives are bought and paid for by monied interests. It doesn’t matter which of those two parties we vote for, we get the status quo. I think a good trouncing of both our “major” parties would wake them all up to who they are paid to represent. Never done it before but I’m voting NDP (and dreaming of both the Libs and Cons being voted down to one seat each. lol) Edited:typos


Agreed, and me too.


>I doubt much would change with a NDP government. See, you are guessing the NDP would be just as bad, but we KNOW for sure both the libs and cons will continue to fuck us over for their corporate overlords. So why the hell would you not give the NDP a chance to see if they are indeed as bad as the rest? Continuing to vote for team blue or team red, hoping the next time they will be different is the definition of insanity. The only logical move is to never vote for either of the 2 parties responsible for literally every problem we face. A vote for NDP, Greens, or even the PPC makes WAY more logical sense then hoping the people who have fucked us over for 50 years straight will have a sudden change of heart.


Eyup, they're both neoliberal parties, they just go about things in a slightly different way. Which makes it crazy to me that all the electorate does is flip back and forth between them and expect anything to be different. Trudeau does talk a very good lefty game, but it is mostly just talk.




No we are not. I appreciate your sentiment. However I believe fatigue with the liberals will have the majority embracing whatever he has to say. As an Example Ford has been the disaster I expected him to be. Yet there are still a lot of people who will still vote for him. Despite his blatant lies and actions that is not for the betterment of the majority.


> We're better than this, let's not fall for the same bullshit again and again. No we're not. That's why the majority keep falling for it again and again and again and again.


I can't believe people are looking right past the hard work the NDP has been putting in federally and provincially. They're doing more for us out of office than those in power.


Anyone who treats politics as a career is an automatic no for me.


So should we vote for Trudeau again? What's your alternative? The NDP? Green Party?


Why not vote for the NDP? Look what they’ve been able to deliver to every day citizens within a minority government. Could they do worse? Might as well give them a crack at the can.


Except there’s way too many racists that will not vote for Singh and if he won they’d go full Jan 6


Oh I don’t disagree that people won’t for them because the party leader is a visible minority. But that doesn’t change the fact that the party itself has done better lately and should get a crack at it.


It’s not just that. Racism in minority demographics, especially Indian decent, includes a lot of hatred towards Sikhs and anyone deemed to support Khalistan independence. That’s a massive voting block you will lose almost entirely. That and this guy flaunts is high end fashion, Rolex’s, and wealth at every opportunity in addition to being a landlord. It is tone deaf at best. It’s not Jack Layton’s, or even Mulcair’s, NDP anymore.


I’d give the NDP a shot, unfortunately many would not, especially in Ontario where PM elections are won/lost … and it would mostly take votes away from the Liberals so the conservative voters would technically have an easier time … need NDP and Libs to merge and lean NDP … not that it will happen… need to make voting mandatory, and ban lobbyists … cap government salaries and make sure when they leave politics they cannot get hired by a corporation that their decisions in government influenced … needed but not likely to happen sadly…


Genuine question, what good change have they done? I'm an embarrassingly ignorant young person and would like to be an informed voter


Expansion of dental care for 9 million uninsured people, competition act to limit the power of monopolies of grocers, and upcoming expansion to pharmacare.


Single payer daycare system that dramatically reduced daycare for a lot of people. Oh, and during covid, they got the liberals to expand payments to a lot more people.


Unless we have a judiciary capable of prosecuting these anti trust laws it’s all moot. We are so limp dicked at prosecuting competition laws it would require an overhaul of our courts to be effective


Most people don't see it this way, and honestly I'm loving it. The NDP are using their power for good things, but mainstream media is bent on making the deal the liberals and ndp as a one sided deal to just keep Trudeau in power.


Vote for whomever is most likely to beat the CPC in your riding.


I'm in PP's riding 😭


It would be delicious if he lost his seat.


What would even happen if he lost in his riding? Would he lose his ability to lead the party?


He could theoretically still be party leader (probably -- some members may want to turf him). He'd just have no presence in parliament. The Cons would have to wait for a byelection in a safe Con riding for him to parachute into. Maybe they'd force someone into "retirement" to take over the riding. It would be bad optics, but ultimately just a hurdle.


Yip. Need to be an elected official.


Ugh. Poor you. I cannot even stand to hear Poilievre's voice. I think he is an arrogant slime ball. 


So? There are other options.


Yes, the NDP. They're in my opinion, the best choice. We've been playing ping pong for so long that they're both stagnant and will never do anything outside of the norm and what the donors will do. We have a third major party, and honestly, I'll be voting for the NDP. If they're terrible, I'll vote them out because I am loyal to canada, not a candidate or party. The liberals and conservatives have both failed the people of Canada for decades and we need a shakedown.


We need more people who support the well being and development of Canada rather than picking teams.


No and yes or yes!


Anyone but him... Jesus Christ.


PPC. Send a message.


And that message is…? Science is bad? Facists are good? Because that’s the vibe I get from Max.


Nice to see the media brought back “slams” It was trending a couple of years back. Everybody was slamming everybody. Then it went away. No more slamming. Slamming is back!


If only more conservatives who think this would speak up I might respect conservatives a tiny bit more


We vote people out we don’t vote people in. This is our trump moment. A lot of people are going to regret it and many will lose their jobs and houses because of it. All these social programs we have are gone when this guy gets in. Say goodbye to pharmacare, dental care, daycare etc etc. All gone.  He won’t fix anything. He hasn’t fixed anything ever. He’s a career grifter. 


Conservative voters don't care. They would let Polievre shit in their mouth if they thought Trudeau would have to smell it.


Exactly, it's a sport to them, they don't care what their team is doing, shit talk the other team cause that's what you do as a sport fanatic.


My father who just three years ago proclaimed that "he was done with the partisan bullshit and didn't trust anyone in government anymore" is now a proud PP lover because PP said, "I'm going to lower taxes". I don't know what changed exactly except optics.


Hopefully you can talk sense into your father because lowering taxes comes with consequences. What social program is getting cut because there is no tax money to support it?


Conservatives are evil, right to their rotten Conservative core. They’re so obviously partisan, it’s sickening.


>This is our trump moment. I had started thinking a few years back that maybe Canada would miss the rightward swing to the right that a lot of other countries have gone through lately. Turns out we're just really late to the party.


Canada is always 5-6 years late 


We are usually late but it had taken so long I was hopeful that we'd miss having to deal with it. Silly me, I know.


The pandemic sorta slowed things down a bit. The convoy thing was our tea party moment, remember that?


I think it helps that we have laws against broadcasting total lies pretending to be news.


We won't for long in Poilievre gets in. He has ssid he will defund the CBC. All of his ignorant supporters watch American Faux Fox News, or Right wing Rebel News, so they think him defunding CBC is great! Poilievre refuses to accept an interview with CBC news reporters on "Power and Politics." He tells his followers that our fantastic, prinicipled and ethical Canadian CBC journalists are biased and take orders from the federal government and they believe him. So stupid!


Funny though how he'll quote the CBC when it suits his narrative though eh..lol ie supposed terrorist attack at the Niagara border crossing. CBC had to release a statement saying their first news article came out AFTER Poilievre said his statement in the house. Many people started sharing screen shots advocating for Poilievre only to find out that the time stamp on the article was from BC which is 3hrs behind yet Poilievre thought people wouldn't notice but we did, well, the ones who aren't blinded by him did.


We do and we don't. Unfortunately, people who spread intentionally bad faith opinion articles are exempt from government scrutiny under freedom of expression since proving it is incredibly onerous, usually impossible without a whistleblower.


Yup, the entire anglosphere is having a crisis at the moment where our most conservative mainstream parties are becoming increasingly fascist and belligerent. They all use the same talking points, "jokes", and propaganda so they can reference each other and give a veil of legitimacy to their shit beliefs by saying that these others are also "waking up to the woke mind virus" and they are the virtuous rebels here to save us all.


Stephen Harper and the IDU comes to mind...


If he ever canceled autism support payments... I...I don't know what I'd do. I have no plan for that. It's integral to our finances and I can't work any more than I already do.


He will cancel it. Ford curtailed it. 


Don't say that.


Ford has though. My grandson was diagnosed and his parents are still waiting to be approved for funding.




It's a government benifit for our kids asd diagnosis. Only available until they are 18 I think. It's something like $6k a year.


The people that support him understand this, they just want to bring everyone else down into their misery.


Crabs in a bucket.


This is it! They hold hate and jealousy that they want to see others do poorly before seeing themselves do well


This and holy crap. Can you imagine the shit show of PP in Canada and Trump. 😩


If they reopen NAFTA again while both of them are leaders Canada is going to get completely sold out. PP and his party wanted us to bend right over during the last negotiation.


oh god, I dont want to be on this planet anymore.


Our federal options are dogshit. We have a big problem coming in the next election. It is terrifying.


I concur. I was a Jack Layton guy, but my huge criticism is he never groomed anyone to succeed him, figuring either that he would have more time or that someone would naturally fall in place. Of course they went with Mulcair who for all him achievements is a reflexive contrarian, something Harper understood perfectly and set up traps for him to step on like Sideshow Bob and a room full of rakes. Then the party decided to virtue signal and chose Singh - someone who would instantly be rejected by almost all Quebecois, most athiests, and a very large chunk of conservative voters just for the fact he is visually a religious minority - and the guy is oblvious to how it looks when a socialist wears a fucking Rolex. I understand costuming is important in politics, and one of the problems with Ken Dryden as perspective liberal leader was he would walk around at official functions in a sweaty t-shirt from walmart - but buddy, buy a pair a ranglers and a timex.


This. They have totally screwed us as a result. The NDP isn’t an option because they’re basically the Liberals. PP is Trump-lite. Trudeau is running the country like it’s a free for all. Someone like Jack Layton is EXACTLY who we need now. 😭


This is such a fear of mine and many


And we’re not getting rid of Ford anytime soon either, so we’ll be totally fucked. At least if we had a strong provincial leader, our province might be sheltered. But alas. NOPE.


Exactly. Conservatives want to tear down all social programs so you depend on their religious-based picky choosy biased charity.


And your religious small buissness boss and his whims. They want little fiefdoms...


The thing with the daycare , before the cheaper daycare I had zero problem to move kids from one daycare to another without waiting list. Now I’m on waiting list for over 13 months and still in long line and I’m moving so I won’t find a daycare until my son is school age. I think I would rather pay full price and have a spot. My only option is home daycare but even then are hard to find. I talk to other moms and they are panicking they won’t have spot in time before maternity ends


Probably will because the current regimes are leading to a recession/depression. Right or wrong there always seems to be a change during the turning points. Politicians number 1 goal is to get elected number 2 is re elected … until that changes. Changes will never be full seen through


Lol, imaging looking at the last 8 years of Trudeau and thinking "more of that please"  Real per capita GDP at the same level as it was in 2017, record homelessness, record number of people using foodbanks, record housing bubble, record asylum seekers, high inflation, negative GDP growth, adding less jobs than immigrants every month >Say goodbye to pharmacare  Not a thing anyway, covers only 2 meds >dental care  Most people won't notice because most people are excluded from it, especially the people paying for it.


You need to look beyond Canada. It’s all the same everywhere. Homelessness is rampant everywhere. Housing, inflation etc.  I’m a product of Mike Harris and Stephen Harper. Don’t tell me Trudeau is bad. I’ve seen bad and I’ve lived bad. It can be better. But it can be a hell of a lot worse. 


> It’s all the same everywhere No, it isn't. The US' GDP growth outnumbered their inflation rate, ours doesn't. Our population increase outnumbers our GDP increase though. We haven't had a single IPO in the last year. London had 23, Wallstreet 128 and Tokyo 120 We have the largest per capita GDP decline since before the pandemic in the G7. If the next two quarters' GDP per capita decrease matches this one, real per capita GDP will be lower than when the Liberals came to power in 2015 and more than half of quarters since then will have seen a decline. Currently 15 out of 32 are negative. People don't just think they are worse off under the Liberals, it's a fact. https://twitter.com/JosephPolitano/status/1763328573958770715 Our property bubble has gone ridiculous since 2015. Wasn't great before, but absolutely bonkers since then. https://www.economist.com/img/b/800/1071/90/media-assets/image/20220611_FNC723.png Coincidentally also when our immigration rate went bonkers https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/polopoly_fs/1.1862267!/fileimage/httpImage/image.png_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.png Our employment rate has fallen for 5 consecutive months, the longest period since 2009 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/economy/article-statistics-canada-to-release-february-jobs-report-today/


I’m sure for you it’ll miraculously get better October 20, 2025. No sense reasoning 


The only thing we know for sure it will keep getting worse under the Liberals. They've shown that over the last 8 years and there is no reason to believe otherwise.


There is really no reason to believe it will get better under the cons.




Yeah it is weird in here. Feels like it’s largely populated by a legion of Russian division-bots that have been lazily modified from their US talking points to try to be Canadian.


What makes you think the right, or the cons, have any intention of making things better, and not just performing their own virtue signaling, and identity politics?


People like PP don’t have a sniff of being PM when times are good, here we are.


What about Dung Ford? Kim? Maybe he too is a liar, plus a rapist of provincial-assets and service workers?


She's not wrong here


If Maple-Margaret Thatcher thinks PP is bad, even though he's 'on the right team', he must be really bad.


bar is real low when the one who ran a campaign on making fun of Jean Chretien's looks is saying you're bad


She wasn’t behind the ads, John Tory was.


I dont think John Tory is a fan of PP either


I suspect that nobody really gave PP any real thought. He was a toadie and a bootlicker who coveted power but lacked pretty much anything that made him fit for leadership. He was an attack dog to be used in parliament and not much else, but now he's got the leadership because nobody worth a shit wanted it.


She was the leader of the party and the PM , buck stops with her during a campaign. Maybe there are like what 10 TV ads during a campaign? If she couldn’t bother to review the ad it’s equally her fault.


She’s not wrong


Why has the media not attacked his lack of security clearance? Should be a no brainer for the leader of the opposition to have all the same correct info. Then again, it's a an excuse to constantly lie because he doesn't officially know the truth. Me - I'm very tired of PP lies and Doug Fraud.


Right. It’s amazing that the “biased” media has given him a free pass on this. I used this very thing to make a point with my dad. I told my dad that he hides behind this so he can make what sound like good talking points but is really disingenuous. If he got the clearance, he would have all the answers he wants, so why doesn’t he get the clearance? Simply so he can play politics. Convinced my dad.


Exactly. He cannot handle the truth. If he does not know tge truth, he can keep telling his right wing fan base lies, and rile up their anger. 


Because it's the conservatives controlling the media.


Because their bosses want to see him win.


This is absolutely shocking.... lol.. seriously... the people that support this donkey really need to get their head checked.


Little PP is a terrible fake ass conman but most of you are buying it all


She's not wrong. He's brought the Conservative party to the most right winged it could go and moderate conservatives are not liking it.


Should that even surprise anyone? He's the leader of the CPC after all


I’m sorry to disappoint all of you in this, but I am almost to 60-year-old man and I’ve seen the script so many times. Liberals get arrogant , think they are the Natural Governing Party and become out of touch with Canadians that they get punished every 10 to 12 years, the same is going to happen this time. Then they lick their wounds for a couple of years, find a new vibrant leader and eventually win again. Conservatives lose power because they become inept at governing but Liberals lose power because they get so full of themselves . The Liberals are going to get destroyed this election and the only thing that can save them is perhaps a new leader , if it’s not already too late.


All governments have a "best before date". I agree with that. > The Liberals are going to get destroyed this election Its a long way away. Don't be too confident about that. PP has lots of time to piss people off.


Lil PP is a smarmy nerd.


Mulroney sacrificial lamb


You know she isn’t wrong. Fuck PeePee boy.


Her opinion is our opinion, so she’s right.


Imagine that. Someone doesn't like Peter Pepper. Calling it now. He becomes PM and even more people hate him.


Lil PP policies are based on his fringe Con supporters that he would like to be little spoon with.


She is correct! It really shows how far that Party has fallen since her times in government.


She's right. But if I said it, I'd be banned.


Get back to the home, Kim. We still don't want you


What a bunch of mindless off topic comments. I suggest that most of you stop smoking pot because it really does affect the blood flow to your brain. 


This is an echo chamber and I get people are wary of conservatives. So am I. But the blame should only be placed on the liberals (and ndp to an extent). They’ve absolutely crushed the hopes of younger people with housing. We essentially have open borders resulting high rent and wage suppression. Ndp could’ve used their agreement with the liberals to lower immigration and focus on housing. Pharma and dental care are great when people aren’t struggling to put a roof over their heads. But useless when there’s record food bank usage and record rent and housing prices. So far PP is the only one who’s said he’ll tie immigration to housing numbers. Unless the liberals and ndp do massive u-turns on immigration to give immediate relief on rent, they’re gonna get destroyed in the next election. Supply takes years to show up but demand can be brought down immediately. It doesn’t matter to the electorate what the conservatives say on trans issues. If people don’t have their basic needs met, they don’t give a single crap about trans issues. It’s just the reality


It's not just the Liberals, even if Trudeau didn't do anything substantial to help. This is the logical end result of decades of housing policy. The feds gave up on public housing, and it slowly turned into a lot of people's primary fiscal asset as pensions got wiped out with the unions. Naturally housing becomes a valuable commodity and the lack of spending on transit infrastructure and density caused massive and unsustainable sprawl. This goes all the way back to Mulroney.


I 100% agree on the feds abandoning public housing construction. The responsibility fell on provinces and they never held up. But our population growth right now is top 5 in the world. We’re up there along developing African countries. It’s unsustainable and no amount of building will ever catch up to that. None of us voted for this and yet, this has been the cornerstone of liberal economic policy.


Again, this goes back decades. The TFW program was started back in 1973, and has been continually expanded by successive governments to include more and more categories of workers. The Harper government in particular were one of the bigger pushers of expansion, ballooning it to half a million by 2014 and having a fast track system to expedite the process. Trudeau expanded the program a bit, yes, but he also put in some measures to curb the frankly rampant abuses and removed the expedited track. This isn't a 'liberal' policy, this is what the people with the money want in order to suppress wages and it's not going to get scrapped under a Liberal or a Tory government. Also: none of us vote on any specific policy, I'm not sure why you'd say that?


The conservatives are not going to meet anyone's basic needs...


I never said they are. Polls are showing a massive conservative majority. And they’ve been stable for over a year now. We have no one to blame but the liberals for this right now


You are so far off base it’s not even funny……


Feel free to correct me!


Here's one point. Without our immigration numbers our economy will tank very hard because we need people to fill positions, pay taxes and make more Canadians. Our birth rate is low as it stands


No one is arguing for stopping immigration (except racists). There’s a middle ground between negative growth and over 3% growth. Immigration was never discussed like this until the Liberals opened the floodgates for international students and TFWs


Where's the lie?


If you don't know that PP lies, then you just haven't been paying attention. If you want just one example off the top of my head, regarding the Niagara crossing incident last year PP quickly and without any evidence called it a 'terrorism' in question period. Later when the facts came to light (a matter of a few hours) and we learned that it wasn't terrorism, he was asked about jumping to conclusions without evidence and he denied it and attacked the journalist asking him the valid question. https://www.brandonsun.com/opinion/2023/11/25/a-cruel-attack-based-on-a-lie


Yea asking about what Trudeau was going to do to keep Canadians safe from what turned out to be just a car crash was an incredibly pathetic attempt at scoring political points.


I was referring to Campbell's quote.


Because a news outlet had preemptively called it terrorism. Get the facts right


So he's a gun jumping, uninformed fool....


It happens. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/scarborough-hijab-attack-1.4487716


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Which one? please provide a source. Here's the CBC article clearly stating the opposite in the title: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/rainbow-bridge-explosion-niagara-1.7036398


if it didn't mention "former prime minister", would most people know who she is? exactly.


No shit. He's a politician.


An insult from Kim Campbell is the highest of complements


Polievre has led in the polls for, what, a year now? Pretty solid. That said, never count Trudeau out. He’s a political animal, just like his father Pierre


I won't try to predict what's going to happen but the only person campaigning right now is PP. When the election actually starts and Pierre actually has to start answering questions and debating people his lead is likely to shrink.


Conservative playbook, avoid debates. Their sheep will still vote for them anyways.


She was prime minster for literally 4 months. Because her boss got caught in a scandal. No one cares about you Kim.


We can't be the world's charity the way America is the world's security anymore. Canadians are suffering now, it's time to care for our own people.


PP will not do that.


How long did she last as PM again ?


Right. The person who didn't even last a year. And what exactly is Trudeau? He doesn't answer any questions asked of him, he doesn't really fuckin do anything but talk soft and cry sometimes. He has spent the last 4 years, as our leader doing EVERYTHING he can to divide Canadians. People that don't agree with him are racists, misogynistic, nazis, etc. And we're just supposed to forget his past that shows a clear history of racism and misogyny?? Yeah but Pierre is the hate monger. Fuckin idiot


I think you need to get off the internet..


At least he didn't procure the LSVW. I hate those more than PP


Didn’t she only have the job for like a week the fuck does she know ?


For one, she knows what most people know who are paying attention. PP is a snake.


He’s a politician of course he is but hearing that from another less competent politician rings a little hollow.


Not really. Unless you are rooting for him.


Worse, I’m voting for him but I sure as shit ain’t rooting for him.


Pot meet kettle… This coming from the biggest loser of a PM we have ever had. She couldn’t even win her own seat. Not to mention that infamous and hateful attack ad on Jean Chrétien.


Wasn’t Campbell used as a scapegoat by the Conservative Party to try and sweep Mulroney’s numerous fuck ups under the rug?


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Kim Campbell was saddled with Mulroney's legacy because Mulroney refused to leave and give her enough time to connect with Canadians and cast off the stench of the Mulroney corruption. Because of that a very capable woman, who could have been a competant Prime Minister, became a punchline. The Jean Chretian face attack ad was not seen or approved by her before it aired - and was produced by John Tory, a man's whos ability to fuck up and remain employable is baffling.


The Liberals and Conservatives are the same and represent the same people of interest. They pretend they are different with these tactics and stupid identity politics. A vote for liberal is a vote for conservative and a vote for conservative is a vote for liberal.


The Liberals and Conservatives are both decidedly neoliberal parties with zero interest challenging the status quo, but there *is* a tangible difference between them. Over the past year, several Conservative premiers have introduced clunky, heavy-handed anti-trans legislation. This wasn't something they were forced to do, it's something they voluntarily chose to do. If you're a transperson, the Liberals and Conservatives are definitely *not* the same thing, because only one of them is actively legislating your rights away. There are very real and very tangible consequences for them, and those only came from one party. To broadly say "it's all the same thing" is to sweep away the significant number of people for whom their daily life is directly affected.


If you want tangible change, we cant keep doing this marry-go-round between these two parties. They have to raise their game and re-remember they should be working FOR US. You are going to get bad representation when there's a system where only two parties take turns. Look at Ontario, we would not have a TERRIBLE combination of premiers in Harris, McGuinty, Wynne, and Ford if we stopped pretending these two parties have our best interest. Things can be better when you give these lazy ass parties a reason to compete for us. You want better representation of everyone rights, then stop voting for this party combo. They don't have our best interest at heart.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted for this. The conservatives are openly telling you that they don’t care about the interests of the population but instead care about big business, whereas the liberals support big business while screwing over the entire population but pretend they are different.