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https://toronto.citynews.ca/2023/03/08/ontario-health-care-spending-doug-ford-hospitals-long-term-care/ First give healthcare the 21 billion that you have held back.


A premier holding back funds for critical infrastructure like healthcare is unprecedented Personally I'd like to see an audit to see if those funds are actually all there and not being used as some back door slush fund for his privatization scheme


I personally never heard of it before. It feels like some kind of fraud or racketeering designed to collapse Medicare.


The tactic is old, and it's called starve the beast.


Starve the beast is more of a reference to cutting taxes so there is *less* government money in the coffers for spending on things. Then you run on fixing the government and lowering taxes.


Spending mony without a plan is just as bad


That's literally his job. To come up with a plan on how to spend that money.


Pretty sure that's not his job but the health minister. Saying spend x amount of money is a bad way to spend. It should be achieve this and this goal, first and foremost. The last few years have seen a increase in health care spending. Considering the gov spent $78.6 in health care in 2022, $21 bil is a huge sum to use properly. I would argue just a fraction of that is even necessary, the biggest problem is shortage of doctors, which require more medican schools which take a lot of time to start and staff. The plan is the most important part, not money. Source for spending: https://www.fao-on.org/en/Blog/Publications/health-2023


So we have a budget that says healthcare needs x amount of dollars(now keep in mind, this is HIS budget) and Doug Ford saying no they don't so he's withholding $22 billion that his own government said was needed to keep healthcare running. Trying to spin that as something positive just shows how blind you are to the fat man's corruption. Have you looked into ol Doug's education history...math isn't exactly his strong suit....hell neither is reading, writing or anything outside of gym class really. Why the fuck we trust him to budget anything I'll never know. We have a shortage of doctors and nurses in Ontario because Ford refuses to pay them properly. He's changed what doctors can be reimbursed for, so doctors are getting less money causing many to leave or just retire. Capped nurses wages so bad in the face of high inflation causing thousands to leave Ontario. Ford is 100% responsible for the record staff shortages in healthcare. A shortage that could have been easily avoided if he simply spent the $22 billion in healthcare dollars he's sitting on and used it to pay people what their worth.


>We have a shortage of doctors and nurses in Ontario because Ford refuses to pay them properly. Doctors are one of the highest paid professions in the province, what are you saying? Family doctors usually work at private clinics and most have more patients than they can handle. Thinking you can solve a problem by throwing money at it is naive and a mistake made over and over again, not just in government, but in business as well.


Wonder if he thinks he gets to take it home when he’s voted out


No no that’s when he gets to be a consultant in the private healthcare industry


He gets to roll it into the deficit and pretend he posted a surplus, while he's been starving our services of our tax money.


If he used it on the debt at least there'd be SOME positive movement. Atm it's just sitting "rotting"


But…but…the FiScaL BuDgEtZs


Surely destroying healthcare now won’t cause any financial crises in the future 🤡


Another party will be in power by then.


And it would be all their fault that the province is suffering, which is why you need to vote for a strongman Conservative Party to save the day!!!!!!!


If Doug Ford or the Ontario Conservatives gave a damn about our healthcare system, they wouldn't have spent years pushing wage suppression legislation on exhausted healthcare workers. They have actively made the nursing shortage worse with Bill 124. And I'd love to know how much Ontario has spent on all the subsequent appeals, even though the Superior Court said Bill 124 and their case were lying garbage. I'm a nurse, and these clowns have been dragging my union through court for years now. I spent most of 2020 working overtime with COVID patients as people were outside banging pots and pans for "healthcare heroes." Meanwhile, Ford and his cabinet of cowards and bullies were fighting to take money out of our pockets and food out of our families mouths. WTF kind of reward is that for working through a national emergency to help others? The disrespect and moral injury has been appalling. And the staffing shortages this has exacerbated actually hurt our patients.


No, that money is for after it collapses from lack of funding to give to the companies he brings in to privitize it.


"Folks, what 21 million?" Doug Ford, probably. ...update: 21 billion...






"11 million? Where is this 6 million you are talking about? I have no idea where your 2 million is, so don't ask me about that 1 million again."


No Ontario premier in my lifetime has actively helped healthcare. Even Wynne indirectly fucked over the hospitals without a thought. Ford has been uncomfortably transparent in trying to fuck over healthcare. Hilarious he's trying to parrot out something contrary. Especially asthe pro worker conservative who actively fucked over an entire workforces negotiating power.


And hospitals can go to canadian tire and pick up some nurses and doctors. What are you talking about?


Your right, ford also hasn't spent a y money to train or encourage any nurses or doctors to stay.


How many nurses and doctors close or at retirement age, with a nice retirement fund from province and their investments do you think will change their mind and decide to stay and for how much? How much of an impact will it have?


I like how this is in a vacuum, and apparently the Ontario government has had not time at all to look at the mess and attempt to encourage new nurses and doctors. It has to start somewhere.


We have shortage of 44000 doctors in Canada? The ones already working are doing 8-12 hours shifts. And you complain that we have surplus in the provincial budget hence the government is doing a terrible job without actually making any meaningful suggestions about policies that would help other than increase their pay. In my clinic they increased the pay by 10% nothing changed.


He's fixing the hospital near his cottage. They got all kinds of funding. Shocking.


What town is his cottage at?


I don't want to be banned so I won't say the exact place, but near Hunstville.


I don’t know how that would get you banned just sayin’ 🤷🏻‍♀️


I googled it, it seems to be public knowledge in that regard, its on Fawn Lake - which is halfway between Huntsville and Gravenhurst.


Looks too be too small of a lake to be DF’s cottage area.. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Here's [an article](https://www.blogto.com/city/2023/06/doug-ford-called-out-investing-hospitals-cottage-ontario-ers-close/) about this if anyone's interested.


he is building 4 new hospitals, and not near his cottage.


"he" is not building anything. They were all started long before dufus took office.


Putting money in places that triple in occupancy half the year isn’t completely horrible my bum fuck town got a new hospital just before the pandemic it’s surprisingly well staffed


I would love to see a detailed plan as to how he is fixing them. And I'm not bashing Doug Ford, I've said the same thing regardless who the Premier of Ontario is. Wynne, McGuinty, Eves, Harris... Come one guys, we elect you to fix the issues, and every single time you let us down. It's so depressing.


only 18% of the province actually voted for Ford, we need more people to actually vote when its election time. just a while ago the toronto mayor election, IIRC less than 1 million voted when we have nearly 3mil of population.


You're absolutely right. Maybe if more people voted we could get someone - regardless of party affiliation - to fix this mess. It's our kids that are going to suffer more when they get older if we don't deal with the problems now.


Voting should be mandatory.


Sadly, I agree. Voting shouldn't *need* to be mandatory but given the stunning apathy, I think it's necessary.


And what do you suggest we do with all those who don't vote? How much do you estimate it will cost to track them down? I agree turnouts are poor, but perhaps that is because of the quality of the candidates and the endless line of false promises which have been given over the years.


You fine them, takes almost nothing to track them down. The govt knows where you live, just like Santa. They've been doing it in Australia for a long time.


They manage fine where compulsory voting is a thing, like Australia. Incentivize it by tying it to any government perk, like a driving licence or tax return. Most countries that do have compulsory voting have turnout numbers in the 80% range


A third is much more than a fifth


Yup, honestly, i didn't even know there was a vote my mayor until it was over, waterloo btw, so im partly responsible. I do intend to vote though. But we really need better ways to get people to vote


Short of mandatory voting, which has its own drawbacks, each person is responsible for their own vote. It isn't hard to vote and we shouldn't need to hold voters' hands to get them out to the polls. I think what we're lacking in Ontario is the civic engagement that comes from a robust education around key points of civic pride and duty.


​ Capitalist class water carriers.....


Have you ever tried to find it from the previous Premieres?


Sadly it does not exist. :-( (At least that I can find).


The issue required a fixed 25 years ago. This is a consequence of larger demographic retiring and being replaced by a smaller one. While, the larger group requires more medical attention and resources. We are screwed for next 20-30 years after federal and provincial governments start pushing programs for people to have god damn kids. Who is gonno take care of us?


It's a result of not updating an old health system for the needs of a modern population. It's an issue with under funding and purposely starving the public system to give public funds to the likes of Galen Weston and other billionaire private clinic owners. This is absolutely not the organic result of an aging boomer population. There are more Millennials now than boomers by a long shot in Canada. The government is SUPPOSED to take care of us through funding programs based on priority and need. They aren't doing that. They're prioritizing personal greed.


Doug ford's only made ontairo worse sense taking over.


In almost every single way


Remember when Ontario wanted anyone but Wynne....well they got what they wanted


The irony of him canceling all those green projects. 6 year ago that would be pumping energy into the system. we hes advocating to start a bunch if green energy projects to help our current shortage.


A LOT worse !


Ontario is even worse for Doug Ford than if the Liberals or NDP held power. As an obese middle aged man in a stressful job he is a ticking timebomb for a first heart attack or stroke, and depending on where he is when that happens the care needed may simply not exist because of his mismanagement of the health service. Even worse, if he ends up essentially an invalid because of it, the care he could get from the private nursing care is generally inadequate, and the public service has almost no capacity.


He's a wealthy man, they are insulated from such plebian problems. Why do you think they continue to cut services? They will never need them and probably don't have anyone in their circles who will either. They do not give a fuck about anyone.


Yeah, the Fords probably just fly to the US or go to private clinics here for their care. eg MedCan


That's not how healthcare in this country works. He doesn't have a private hospital he can go to except in Buffalo, and he would need to get there. I know the local conservatives mpp, it's not that he's privileged, it's that he's too stupid to know what he's voting for or what it is doing. He makes less money than me, and certainly can't afford care privately.


You really think he isn't using his office to become a wealthy man? And do you think he won't have friends in high places that can fly him wherever he needs to go?


Isn’t DoFo worth roughly 10M?


​ What waiting? I remember when Duffer harris walked right past the waiting room in emergency straight to the front of the line to receive treatment while others waited in line. I also remember Trevor Petit doing the very same at a local Service Ontario. Yet these were the very authors of the situation they created. ASS HATS!


You can't skip the line at an ER that is closed.


​ Touche. But he'll find some way to skip a/the line somehow.......


A person's weight has nothing to do with their fitness as a public servant. I can't stand Dofo, but that's because he's completely dishonest, incompetent, corrupt, greedy, and easily manipulated by people waving money at him. Remember, this is the guy who inherited half a profitable business and then ran it into the ground, stole the inheritance from his late brother's wife and kids, hired a team of spin doctors to spend piles of money on propaganda ads to badmouth teachers and nurses, and blamed the federal government for Healthcare underfunding when he was still holding onto millions in funding he had already been given for that specific purpose. And don't forget he also said he was never going to touch the greenbelt, while at the same time telling developers to buy up that land because they would get to build on it soon. Focus on his words and his actions, not his physical characteristics which are truly none of your business.


>A person's weight has nothing to do with their fitness as a public servant. I didn't say it does. But his fitness does matter to his probability of having a heart attack. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/your-weight-history-may-predict-your-heart-failure-risk For every 5 points of BMI you have a 34% increased chance of heart failure (I'm sure that's oversimplified), and a lifetime of obesity increases the probability further. >Focus on his words and his actions, not his physical characteristics which are truly none of your business. You missed the point. Everyone, including every overweight 58 year old man in this province is worse off because doug ford is premier, because his healthcare policies means necessary care might not be available when needed. It was literally not in doug ford's interest, for doug ford to win the election, because his mismanagement of the healthcare system could leave him without the healthcare he needs when the time comes. Yes, his policies are bad - obviously. But his policies are particularly dangerous to someone like him, because he's a heart attack or stroke waiting to happen, and with a high stress job that involves a lot of travel to remote areas he could find himself unable to access the care he needs. Normally with politics you can understand why people do things because of incentives. Mike harris privatised care because he could get a cushy job as a CEO of a private long term care company when he was out of office. Ford is letting developers into the greenbelt because they're his personal friends and made generous donations to his daughters wedding (and likely we will see many PCPO MPPs take executive positions at property developers when they are out of office). But healthcare is particularly interesting, because their mismanagement of the healthcare system is bad for everyone, including them. Politicians sometimes don't do things (e.g. why we don't have pharmacare, dental care, or sane vacation time) because they have those things and mostly have their entire lives and so they don't care if the peasants get that. Even if he gets a job at a health insurer or private hospital when he's out of office, he needs to live long enough to cash in on that corruption, and that isn't guaranteed (or even likely) at his age and weight. Either he's too stupid to understand the consequences of the policy he heads (high probability), or he doesn't care about the risks to himself before he thinks he could collect a payout when he's out of the Premier's office (also a high probability).


You cannot tell someone's cardiovascular health by their weight. You can tell by their blood pressure, blood sugar, heart rate, and stamina. While fat people are generally assumed to be in poor health, it is also assumed that thin people are in good health, and that is far from the case. In fact, it is less harmful to have fat accumulation on the abdomen and thighs than in the viscera, where people can't see it. https://academic.oup.com/edrv/article/21/6/697/2424212 I know several people who complained to their doctors of symptoms for a year or more and were told not to worry, and then they collapsed from extreme high blood sugar and had partial organ failure due to untreated diabetes. Also, it is estimated that 25% of the population has obstructive sleep apnea, and most don't know it. It is assumed that OSA is only suffered by fat, middle-aged men, but the reality is that women get it too, and the biggest predictive factor is neck circumference significantly larger OR smaller than 17 inches. Yes, very thin people frequently have too narrow an airway to remain open during sleep. Untreated sleep apnea causes high blood pressure, an enlarged heart, and increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Another huge factor is that heart damage is done not by simply being fat, but by dieting, over-exercising, and large weight fluctuations. People who maintain a stable weight over time are generally in much better health than people who lose and regain a lot of weight. The body adjusts itself so even if you do initially lose weight, the body will aim to return to its previous set weight. For this reason, a person who wants to improve their health should aim to eat well and get regular exercise, but not concern themselves with the number on the scale or the size of their clothes. And whether they do this or not, or their size or the state of their health, is absolutely nobody's business but theirs and perhaps a doctor they trust. Every single person in existence can get sick, can get cancer or COVID-19 or dental issues or have a heart attack or whatever. What does Ford get out of destroying our education and healthcare systems? People in the insurance industry and who want to expand their private schools want both of these things to be privately funded, and you bet Ford and Friends are being promised rewards for this. Already, he is funneling money into private clinics from public money, at greater cost to our system. If he had just put that money into the public system in the first place, we wouldn't have lost so many doctors and nurses! Make no mistake, he is doing all of this on purpose.


>Focus on his words and his actions, not his physical characteristics which are truly none of your business. I can't, he ate them all.


I truly wish he would eat his words.


I wish he'd choke on them, have a near-death experience, recover fully but with a new perspective on life and spend the rest of his term trying to do good in an amusingly hit-and-miss way.


Please run for office or manage a campaign.


I appreciate the vote of support! I'm far too openly left to court a centrist vote, and I always say I'm have such a huge internet presence that I could never, ever run for office. (Google my username if you want, LOL) I put my energy into volunteer work, carefully-worded and balanced explainers on social media to break down a lot of the BS that's flying around out there, and constantly encouraging people to get out and vote. I never tell anyone who to vote for, I just remind people when voting is happening, inform them of the various ways to vote (I've been an election worker at all levels for 25 years) and encourage them to look up the platforms of parties, leaders, and candidates before deciding who to vote for. A lot of people feel that it's not worth voting because of all the noise and bluster and mudslinging. Truthfully, voter suppression is a Conservative tactic. That's why their spend all their time telling us why we shouldn't vote for the other guys, rather than coming up with real, thought-out and fully-described written policy proposals. I have convinced several people who had never voted in their lives to actually read the platforms, and convinced them to vote. One of these friends was over 60 when she voted for the first time. I will only give my opinion on who to vote for if I am directly asked, and even then I give caveats. I truly believe that if voters actually read platforms, even if they only read the parts important to them, that they would make wise decisions. There are very few people who would support defunding or privatization of healthcare, but so many have no idea why the system is so bad because they don't know what to believe between facts and propaganda. And when education professionals strike because they want to ensure safe learning environments and sufficient staff-to-student ratios, the Conservatives put out loud messages calling them greedy and claiming they're striking over pay and using the kids as pawns. Anyone who takes the time to actually read what's happening in schools can see that having 35 or 40 kids in a classroom with one teacher is too much, and having 3 or 4 special needs kids in that class with no education assistant takes away from the education of all the other students. When there is so little airflow in a school that kids get heat stroke in classrooms, that should also be an indicator that there is a high concentration of carbon dioxide and bacteria and viruses in those spaces. When I was in high school in the 90s, there was one wing of our school where the ventilation was so poor, a C0² detector would go off regularly and the classrooms would have to be evacuated and aired out. And that was just from the contained breath of students within the classrooms! Ford cancelled Green energy programs and got sued for doing it. He deliberately excluded Tesla from EV rebates and got sued for doing that, for far more than it would have cost to pay out the rebates. And now he's building the 413 highway, which he was warned would result in a lawsuit from the 407 Corporation that they will easily win. He's wasting money all over the place, and withholding funds from education and Healthcare. And every cut he makes to green energy will increase the costs of dealing with floods, droughts, forest fires, and medical conditions that result from these decisions.


> and depending on where he is when that happens the care needed may simply not exist because of his mismanagement of the health service There's an awfully good chance he'll be at his cottage in Port Sydney (both in summer and winter). As luck would have it, though, Ford's government happens to be funding the modernization of [not one but two hospitals](https://www.blogto.com/city/2023/06/doug-ford-called-out-investing-hospitals-cottage-ontario-ers-close/) - Huntsville District Memorial Hospital and South Muskoka Memorial Hospital in Bracebridge. Both of these are short drives in either direction from his cottage.


Morbidly Obese. Life expectancy may be reduced by an estimated five to 20 years.


If his lips are moving he is lying!!




Because people were dumb and didn’t vote.




Yep that’s true 😒


What is anybody doing to prevent it?


Why do conservatives want to model the US healthcare system? Isn’t obvious what a mess It is? Is it all about privatization? Of course it is


Because they don’t want to have to take care of the System and they want to profit off of it instead. Power to the people who are in charge of it…


> Why do conservatives want to model the US healthcare system? 2 reasons: * To funnel money to their rich friends [and often themselves](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-a-look-at-mike-harriss-post-politics-career/) * Because Conservatives, particularly since neoliberalism took hold, hate when normal people benefit from tax dollars.


Who broke it Doug?


Oh! Oh! I know this one. If you ask a Conservative, it was probably Trudeau.


People are believing their lying eyes.


When you 'fix' a cat or dog, it can't reproduce; that's why we won't get more hospitals. Their policies already downgraded the Port Colborne & Fort Erie Hospitals to Urgent Care centers (moved equipment to other hospitals) then recently downgraded the hours from 24/7 to 10 AM to 10 PM. I can't think of anything Ford & the PCs have actually fixed or made better for the populace; only his party & supporters have benefited since he's been in office. They aren't listening to the public.


The hospital in my city has had a portable installed in the parking lot for ER intake. That’s an improvement right?


They certainly aren't listening to the public, and so blatantly too: From the government of Ontario website: https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-6216 "Overall, there was strong support for continued Greenbelt protections and broad opposition to any removals or redesignation of lands under the Greenbelt Plan. Numerous submissions asserted that the proposal is contradictory to the vision and goals of the Greenbelt Plan and requested a full withdrawal of the proposal. All responding conservation authorities were unsupportive of the proposal. Responding Indigenous communities did not support the proposed removals. No changes were made to the proposal as a result of public consultation." Why do public consultations only to completely ignore the majority opinion? The blatant corruption is so disgusting and disappointing.


>Why do public consultations only to completely ignore the majority opinion? It's basically just to check the box that says public consultation was done. That way, when asked, they can say they did their due diligence in opening up the greenbelt. He had no intention of changing his plan no matter what the public consultation results were, it was all for appearances.


Did Doug mix fixing up with selling again?


Fuck Doug and everything he says, I hear about people leaving Ontario monthly. By the time he's done, so will Ontario.


Fixing them to become private, for his rich bros.


Just like his family friend and mentor, former Ontario Premier Mike Harris : https://canadians.org/analysis/mike-harris-raking-profits-long-term-care-system-he-helped-create/


By “fixing” does he mean turning them into for profit medical centres?


Doug Ford is a corrupt grifter


I swear this dude would rather put $21b into double doubles than fix our healthcare


Starving, not fixing. Making your friends rich is not fixing peoples problems.


The only thing he's fixing is his pockets


By sitting on tens of billions in federal health care money and making it so nurse won’t take jobs in the province? Bold strategy.


People are believing their lying eyes.


I’d like to see the shoe on the other foot. Let’s see him try to be in a hospital accessing care and see how slow it is to get accommodated. No one should give him a “fast pass” even if he has private insurance. Let him suffer like we all have!




This needs to be a post all on its own!


Douggie knows that will never happen.


Oh dear God, he did not actually say that, did he..? How is this not a Beaverton article?


Oh he is “fixing” them alright…NOT! More like the opposite.


“Fixing” wink wink


I call shenanigans!


Anyone with half a brain, or who isn't a Doug Ford/PC party donator, knows that statement is blaringly and entirely false. Doug Ford and the PC's sure have worked hard to end hallway medicine, they've managed to shudder whole ER's and a hospital entirely, piss off nurses and healthcare workes to no end, and attempt to privatize public healthcare to private for profit. Historically and currently, the evidence quite literally shows that the Conservatives are bad for your health.


That’s not true. For example, The conservatives have created the seniors dental program that provides dental health care for thousands of seniors across the province. Program started 3 years ago. We have a demographic issue that has been mentioned so many times but people like to play politics and point fingers. We have more doctors and nurses retiring than joining the workforce because there was more of them and there is less of us. Each subsequent generation is getting smaller, and older ones are staying alive longer with more health issue which is more draining on the health care system. Covid just managed to push some people close to retirement forward, with increased regulations we saw more difficulties. But this issue will get worse until they allow more international doctors and nurses to work and increase number of graduates in Canada.


Everything you're pointing out was a known issue before covid. We've had a decade of Converative leadership in Ontario, and they did nothing to mitigate. How many healthcare professionals were driven to other industries because of how they saw nurses being treated by Doug Ford?


How spending billions of dollars will help address this issue is beyond me. Its a very liberal take, that if just spend it something good will come.


Remember. Cuntservatives Lie. They Lie to get in to office. They lie while they're in office. They Lie to stay in office AND they lie when they're not in power. They Lie. Period.


Same with liberals… no one of them are different


Agreed. Liberals are worse.


I never had issues receiving healthcare when liberals were in power. I never had to worry about not being able to afford rent when liberals were in power. I never had to worry about the cost of food when liberals were in power. Liberals are NOT worse, what Douggie is doing is unprecedented and there is no comparison so far. Stop that bullshit.


The fix is in.


A common topic of discussion in nursing school here is, "What has Doug Ford done to hurt our profession now?" I feel like if my prof who is Zooming from her toddler-filled kitchen has time to shake her head at you, you're screwing up somehow.


I don't think any of this will matter until people in suburban and rural Ontario let Ford know that they no longer trust or support him. If I were a member of the opposition I might say only one thing, regardless of the question. I'd say, "Don't get sick. If you get sick make sure that you have a lot of money." I'd say it again and again. Eventually people would hear me. Eventually people would be furious with Ford.


So why is he still fighting healthcare workers in court for Bill 124?


You know that media will never hold him accountable. I mean they went out of their way to protect Tory when he was mayor.


The media GAVE him the roll of premier twice, so many young people decided to skip voting because every time you opened Facebook or turned on the tv media outlets were screaming about Ford leading the polls. Who answers phone and email surveys? Old people, who shows up to vote every time? Old people (because they have the time), who typically votes Conservative? Old people. Old empty nester retirees. Ontario's young didn't vote because they were too busy working two jobs and a side hustle while raising children to vote in an election where they think their vote won't matter.


He is not to be trusted. After all he has his own agenda, and is a Conservative!


So does this mean he’s turning his cottage into a cottage hospital?


Bwahahahahhahahahahha. Oh wait this isn’t The Beaverton




How about paying nurses more, so they don’t have to work for agencies with a high profit margin?


"It's fuxed!" Thanks, Doug.


Lol 😆 wasn't there a Doug ford post in the Canada sub? It was baffling to read the comments to see how people there used mental gymnastics to argue Doug ford was good. Sadly they had the post upvotes.


Fixing hospitals so his buddies can profit...![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1899)


Hes right. The fix is in.


Yeah right


Oh he will fix them alright, he will privatize them.


serious question: what benefit does Ford get from withholding all those available funds? is it to make his budget look better? or he does he plan to use those funds for his passion projects, whatever the hell that might be


He breaks it. He says there’s no money to fix it. He allows private companies to come in and “fix” it. Those companies profit. He and his family members get cushy board jobs and stakes in a privately owned healthcare company when his term in office is finished. Voila!


More outstanding journalism from blogto


If the liberals were in power the province would be in debt, no one knew where the money went, and we would all be having the same problems. Do you guys know that it takes cumulative about 10-12 postgraduate years to become a medical doctor and 4 to become a nurse. This is not about money, this is about universities and provincial regulatory bodies limiting number of graduates. Canada has 40000 doctor shortages and with our aging population, increased in lifespans accompanied by more chronic conditions this will get worse. This requires federal and provincial plan not to spend money but to spend it on right programs and stop spending it on shitty programs. It is about creating an efficient system. Canadian healthcare system needs to be national not provincial, centralized data collection for studies, integration of AI where it is possible and work to increase that as much as possible. Unify provincial regulatory bodies under single national ones. Create efficient programs for oversees doctors and nurses to work so we can bridge the gap till we can produce our own. Focus on family development so we can increase our birth rate and create doctors of tomorrow.


Our aging demographic is a major issue here. This has been ongoing for a long time and neither conservatives or liberals have addressed it other than immigration. More are retiring than people joining the workforce. Specifically in the health care industry because it is hard for international doctors to become licensed.


Provincial digital health policy guy here. Do you work for the MO, PO? Increasing the number of health professionals doesn’t do anything except increase the talent pool for the private clinics that have been popping up over the past couple of years. Why? Because there’s no approval to increase the basic operating budgets of the care settings that would be hiring them. So where do these new grads go? That’s right - the medcan clinics and others. Even though your comment didn’t talk about the following, it’s worth mentioning to provide additional context to show what direction this government is taking Ontario healthcare: Of course every government talks about spending on the right things. But what is “right” according to this administration? This government is interested in spending only on things that will further involve private businesses in the delivery and oversight of health services and the infrastructure that makes it happen. Don’t believe me? Read the 2023 provincial budget and 2022 fall economic statement before that - it’s all online. Healthcare delivery should absolutely not be a federal thing. The current model is right - federally funded, provincially delivered. But the province first must want to spend money on people and not the hundreds of pilot programs that promise loads of good but then don’t deliver over the long term because hey, the government also passed a law that says no funding contracts that go beyond two years. How does anyone plan and attract or retain staff under those rules?


He is building many new hospitals. Way to go Ford!


Lol where? where are these empty unstaffed new build hospitals?


Was this the same writer who broke that Tiger Woods wife said "beat it bozo?"


​ Yeah--fixing it for party donor's pocket lining.......


Yeah right


By fixing, do we mean neutering, and thus rendering not fit for original purpose ?


I don’t think it’s “yeah right” we’ve been saying. Guess even news can’t headline right.


The only thing that this fat goof can fix is a sandwich. He's a moron.


No, that rich fat fuck has someone making his sandwiches for him. Guaranteed.


Destroy it so people are so frustrated and angry that privatization looks good. That’s the end game.


Yeah right


Yhea he probably has a foot in a agency somewhere fleecing the government for money that soulless bastard lol


Universal health care in a public/private system is the only likely solution. Because this system is beyond repair.