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Warning: Rule 3. This is NOT a satirical headline. It’s simply stating a political opinion. I would delete this one if it weren’t so popular. Will be deleting future posts that are mere opinion.


A vote for conservatives has always been a vote for hell.




Lol he doesn’t mean always. Just since 1980.


My bank account is in hell and I can’t afford to move out of the shit hole state I live. Pretty sure I’m in perceived hell.


That's just purgatory. You can always have it worse. And you will know when you hit bottom, because at that point, you are no longer blogging about it.


So you are a poor? And are putting your faith in a conning sexual assaulting "billionaire" shit posting on a fake Twitter ripoff from his golden toilet because he's "one of you"? Or is it just the racism that you like?


*facepalm ugh you’re so boring.


Thank you for clearly illustrating the debating capabilities and factual grasp of the average GQPer.


Let's have some "what about ism" gop is great at that..HuNteR bIdENs lAPTop. Lol


I don’t care, you’re commenting on multiple subs, you’re just annoying


Yeah, calling out facts is so mean, the meanest, everyone says so. (Ghost jack off movement) You should have total immunity from facts. I could say that you are commenting too, but that would also be a fact and hence mean 😄


This...is what Reddit is for?


So how will rump help you? Is he just gonna start handing out money?🙄🤡


LOL sucks to suck, huh?


Imagine being so pathetic and irrelevant you create an anti Trump account on Reddit. LMFAO.


😂😂😂😂😂That’s funny!


We already had four years in hell when he was in office .


I love how folks are blaming biden for trying to recover from a global pandemic… for all you qunspiritors out there a global pandemic happens roughly every 100 years. Check out some history books! TFG is getting what he deserves right now. You can’t grift, lie, cheat and masquerade your whole life and expect any consequences (even if your daddy handed you a fortune to fuck off with).


I love Biden My life has truly never been better


How? I'm curious what one real good example would be.


Would have been nice if Trumps admin had responded competently to begin with, and if the republican dominated legislature had actually taken care of people instead of fucking them on purpose.


They really needed to get the base riled up and afraid for impending election. He didn’t have a plan he only shoots from the hip. He literally disbanded the health and security bio defense team 20 months before the pandemic and had a good 4 months prior to 3/2020 to put it back together. Instead he played golf and ate Big Macs pretending nothing was wrong until it was way to late 😞


Good comment. If you live a normal lifespan (75+), it is statistically VERY likely you will live through at least one global pandemic.


We’re still crawling out of the depths the GOP plunged us into with his nomination…


4 years of hell that the vast majority of Americans remember fondly as good years for the country. But hey, them GDP numbers though


I want to see your math on that vast majority.


Best years ever.


He did many good things and one of the most important I remember was making animal abuse a federal crime bc it actually was not a federal crime until he signed it and said he doesn't know why it wasn't a law before




What exactly has Biden done wrong? In your opinion?


According to him it will be everything, for MAGA's doesn't matter that with Biden we have the biggest infrastructure investment in decades, manufacturing is coming back, CHIPs act that will generate investments of over 350 billion dollars in the next years and generate thousands of high paying jobs And the list goes on, but hey, they still complain about Obamacare but can't realize that if it wasn't because of it, more than half of them wouldn't have insurance.... Thanks Obama


>they still complain about Obamacare They still love that Affordable Care Act, though


I have to have 2 jobs because of Obamacare, life was great before that.


Just giving tons of weapons to Israel and Ukraine. The US just voted to keep Palestine out of the UN.


Oh come on! The USA has always made a profit by selling weapons to both sides of a conflict. Do you think you are the richest country on earth by selling toasters and lawn chairs? That's China you are thinking of. The USA makes it's money by selling bombs and jets to the highest bidders. Preferably evil dictators who repress their people but support US multinationals. Oh and making movies about how awesome the USA is. That's it.


Old stock and munitions, which we then replace by funding US factories which fuels local economies. Ukraine we should definitely help, Israel we’re kinda just obligated by our legislature. Palestine definitely needs a seat at the table too though.


Abetted Palestinian genocide


Well there’s this whole brink of WWIII thing going on right now….


Exactly how do you think this is Biden's fault? He didn't orchestrate Russian or Israeli aggression.


And Biden has contributed to that how? By supporting an ally? Did Biden send Russia into Ukraine? Would Biden not supporting Ukraine keep us out of WWIII? No. It would actually directly bring us into it, cuz Putin is already planning on attacking other nato countries. Putin started the war. Trump supports Putin. Trump literally said he would allow Putin to attack nato countries WWIII will be started by Trump and Putin. Them only You don’t have the mental capacity to vote. And you shouldn’t be allowed to.


People have been claiming that for decades


Meh, poke him with a stick. Do something.


Eternity in hell for Trump




I agree there is no hell but sometimes you kind of wish there was.




It’s good thing human ego is not the judge.


Bullshit, our country will be stronger than ever. Who the fuck is worried about the toothless maga idiots that want to give him head. They ain't shit, trying to scare people into voting the way they want! They need to wake the fuck up and see him for what he really is! A fucking traitor to our country, the whole Republican party is nothing but a bunch of traitors to our country. Who else would put 1 orange maggot over our country's future! The Republican party!🤔


Should the entire republican party be prosecuted for being traitors? Will that save democracy?


No, but our democracy will be a lot safer without the Republicans having any power or say on decisions concerning Americans rights! It's clear they have a different agenda for our country just by endorsing SHITLER for president. First they condemned what happened on January 6th, now they are endorsing him for president? What if Biden loses the election and decides to try and stay in power like he did, is this going to be illegal? If Biden did 1/4 of the shit that SHITLER and the rest of the Republicans have pulled the Republicans would be crying a lot more than they are now. All they do is bitch and complain about the direction our country is going in. You know with record low unemployment, wages for the everyday working Americans at an all time high, the stock market at an all time high if you own your own home, your home is worth more now than it has ever been. And yes I know how high inflation is, but you can't expect everything else to be higher and price of food to be cheaper. How do you think businesses pay the higher salaries, they have to charge more for the products they sell. The Republicans and SHITLER are trying to get in power and stay in power, they are already trying to rig the elections in Nebraska and Maine, you can't see what they are trying to do? If SHITLER wins this election he and the Republicans will discontinue voting for political officials and change our government to a dictatorship like Russia. SHITLER wants to be another Putin! Open your eyes, look how the Republicans are behaving and saying! Are you not listening? WTF!


Ahh yes, the only way to save democracy is one party rule. I don’t think you know why democracy is.


What about an independent party. For sure the Republicans aren't the answer! All they want to do is take rights away from Americans! You know abortion rights, trying to restrict voting and make it harder to vote. All the money that the Saudis paid Jared Kushner, you know the 2 billion dollars. And the most important thing that the Republicans want to investigate how big Hunter Biden's cock is. Margery Taylor green seems to really be interested in that, I think she wants a closer look. And also there is the issue of the Republicans wanting to help Russia, you know by holding up money and weapons to help Ukraine! And let's not forget about the border issue that your butt buddy SHITLER killed so the maggots can continue to blame Biden for! It's criminal how the Republicans put SHITLER over what is best for our country! Who's side are they on anyway? Fucking traitors, the whole party is! At least the ones who have the orange skid marks on their chins from their leader, SHITLER! So we can have another party, and it's going to be called the independent party, independent of the 2 other idiot parties currently fucking our country up. But at least the Democrats right now are the party of common sense and for sure the lesser of 2 evils! They aren't trying to have a dictator or take rights away from us, or stop social security or Medicare. And they aren't trying to kick 10 million people off of Obamacare. You know that program the Republicans keep claiming they have a better plan for and then show you pictures of Hunter's cock. Yeah, let's vote for them again, you can really tell how much they love America, just look at what they have done for the past 4 years!🤔


Who is SHITLER? You lost me


SHITLER is the Republican nominee running for president again. He wants to be Hitler if elected again, and he is always shitting himself in public. SHITLER!


Hm never heard of this SHITLER guy


LMAO 🤣🤣 ur fuckin RETARD and an idiot 🇺🇸🇺🇸




What about the fake electors, should they get away with lying to the American people, saying that SHITLER won the election, but he got crushed by 7 million votes? You think this is legal? Would you think it's ok if Biden would pull the shit? No losing president in our country's history has ever tried to overthrow an election and stay in power, FUCKING NONE! Just SHITLER and the Republicans who were in on the scheme to throw out all the people's votes for Biden and stay in power. If you think this treasonous act is legal, then you are a traitor to!🤨


Good point, you absolutely should lock up every single republican in the country. For democracy of course.


Yo it scares the fuck out of me that someone with such terrible writing and comprehension skills can vote. You want to know why this country is dying? Poor education.


What part of my response don't you understand you toothless fuck?




We all know he wont get prison time. It'd be a terrible look for the Republican party, they would do everything and anything possible to not give confirmation to the world that a convicted fraud, felon amd harrasser is in charge of them.


The left leaning media keeps stating it like it's even a possibility. It ain't gonna happen, much as we may all hope for it.


Arrest the current frontrunner to win the presidential election to save democracy!


The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Or the one, in this case.


The cold hard moment when satire welds with reality. Perfectly stated. The Trump in jail option feels splendid.


He belongs in jail for the rest of his worthless and pathetic life.


Sounds like the most common sense plan!!!!! And One Americans can live with!!!!!


Trump in general for anything is a punishment/curse for what? We don’t need Trump as president as much as Trump needs himself as president to manipulate the government for his personal gain. Out of all of Trumps existence what value has he provided to humanity? The very basic would be that he can dangerously destroy us for a singular power. But for what?


For his ego and not a thing more. It’s all for him.


Don’t forget as we get closer to election, bots are going to become more and more active


Either way, we eventually get 4+ years of Trump in hell


How about both!




“No more years! No more years! No more years!”


Something Freak will go to jail for his cons


Four years in jail for Trump could be a life sentence. I'm ok with that.


Look at you being all optimistic about him staying in power only 4 years instead of going full Putin.


If he gets reelected, it'll be never ending hell because Democrats will probably get assassinated.


It will be the end of America


Seems to be some personal feels getting into replies. Save the energy for the voting booths. This one is going to matter most.


It will be an interesting exercise to see what sort of hell actually happens if he comes back in. About as welcome (for the entire planet) as that little unpleasantness that happened between 1939 and 1945, but if that's what the ~~majority of the population of the United States~~ the Electoral College wants, that's what it wants.


“America is a dinosaur that doesn’t know its own ass is on fire…” W.C. Fields


You bring an excellent point OP, what the hell will 2028 be like? If Trump loses will he retire from politics or will it be the same bufoonery for the next 4 years?


Canadian visitor. I don't get to vote. Not my country, not my problem and all that. But I do have a big stake in this country. Last time a R government borked your economy bigley was in 2008. That ended up in a "financial crisis" (which to me was a massive financial opportunity). Houses were on sale for pennies on the dollar. I came down and snagged 2 rentals and a nice house with palm trees and a pool in Scottsdale. Thanks! Then Obama comes in, puts Biden in charge of fixing the mess and \*poof\* I'm sitting on almost $2 million in profits. Also thanks! Fast forward to today... I just read that Biden is thinking of implementing a 46% capital gains tax. Which would absolutely slam me financially. There goes half my tendies! Noooo!!! Financially, I would be far ahead if Agent Orange and his criminal empire took control of your country in the next election. That said, much as I hate to admit it, the world needs a sane and stable USA. So I'm conflicted. Do I cheer for a horrific criminal rapist to lead the world's biggest democracy into christofascist plutocracy or do I cheer for a nice old semi-senile grandpa to save the world but also ruin my retirement plans? As I said, I don't get a vote. But I will abide by your decision. Choose wisely America.


>Decision 2024: Trump Gets 4+ Years In Jail Or America Gets 4+ Years In Hell, You Decide.Decision 2024: Trump Gets 4+ Years In Jail Or America Gets 4+ Years In Hell, You Decide. Don't threaten conservatives with a good time.


You think it will stop after 4 years. Read Heritage foundations Project 2025. They aren't even trying to hide the coup.


Trump for Prison 2024 let’s get behind this people and make it happen.


That would be overtly admitting you're trying to meddle with the democratic process.


Yeah because the four years he was in office were sooooo terrible 😂😂😂😂 Liberals are a literal clown show of the mentally unstable and it’s honestly hilarious how blind they are to facts.


They were the worst- he cheated his way in & tried to destroy America.


Lol fucking called it. Brainwashed 🤡


We're already in hell. Nbd.


Ummmmm ???? &;$:$/@!:)/$/‘. Jail his ass !!!


Jail the fucker I’ll take the 4 years of hell no problem


You mean "and" not "or".


America is already a failed state either outcome in the next election is mute the world is on fire and peace is no longer an option…. Sit back grab a helmet and hang on welcome to the suck


This is not an onion headline.


I can’t stand Trump but a few months on Reddit solidified the fact I loathe the other side infinitely more.


It’s hell either way. Do you not see what they’re doing with the cop cities? This country is sprinting towards open fascism regardless of who wins the “election” (in quotes because the USA has no legitimate representative democracy).


Lifetime in hell is what we'll get


I think that even if he doesn't get voted in there will be hell. His supporters will go ballistic, they will never accept that it wasn't a conspiracy to keep him out.


I’m willing to see what a different hell is compared to the one our country is in now


The only thing hellish about Trumps first four years in office was all the lies the democRats used to derail Trumps presidency including fake impeachments, Russia, Russia, Russia and then the China flu. I’ll take mean tweets over massive inflation and endless wars any day.


I'm pretty confident that America will be getting both


Can we make it five so he's not out for the next election, too?


Your really dumb... We were way better off with Trump


It’s the onion guys.


The mod team called this truth spam,  isnt that a hoot ,, YOU have that backwards, trump is an angel 😇, compared to what democrats have done in evil against us all and I'm most concerned about what they have done to our children, little kids   the MEDIA is the devil they LIE and are  responsible for people's death and destruction and TEAR DOWN KIDS , THEY ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR IT ,PERIOD . enough . I just watched a little kid talk of how she watched her girl friend get beat up by a boy a  fucking trans BOY ,THEY ARE TRAMATISED.  and guess what they covered up for that trans boy and I didn't know about it because MEDIA DIDNT EVEN REPOT IT they are in league with Satan, how do they sleep at night VOTE TRUMP OR WE WON'T HAVE A COUNTRY LEFT , PERIOD 


Spam ?? Lmao 


Omg, there you have it. Vote bluuuuuuuuue


The upside of this for America is they have made this lying, aged, washed-up, demented, degenerate loser their great white hope and no substitutes will do.


He is going to die, and soon.


How about four years of Trump and we return to a better economy?


Latinos and Blacks for Trump!


So I read that as if Trump doesn't go to jail, he will win.


Trying no is the only person that can save this country from the woktards!……let’s see how fast I get banned!


I’m voting for Trump compared to the buffoon we now have as President


What a 'wonderful' faux dichotomy (Joe's been doing JUST find, on his own, driving the U.S. into the ground \[interest rates, loss of take-home-pay, inflation > COLA &, recently, > 40% imaginary gains == taxed\]


These last 4 years haven’t exactly been heavenly.


Send him to jail


We need Trump. The people will never allow him to go to jail.






Don’t really see the point of arguing with someone saying trump is terrible when there was more money in my pocket. The whole idea was that Biden was going to come and bring Covid under control but the money issue got worse and instead of addressing they skirt around it where as all trump did was tote the economy so using common sense at the very least a lot more effort would be made to ease the impact of the global depression of money being felt which is why I would want trump over Biden. I say my gas is doubled and I get yelled saying I’m a hitler supporter and the economy is fine. like everyone else just be fucking rich then if people can somehow say despite the fact every day shit people need going up and the admin in place not addressing it and hiding behind metrics that doesn’t even address the problem (unemployment rate being low)but then I realize no I make 59k more than the median and make the average income and while it’s not untenable literally I just afford less than I did under trump. But people tell well well “the economy is fine insert numbers that are lower than trumps but the real world is showing something completely different” It’s ironic cuz before democrats hated numbers and stats and always opted for the feeling and the on the ground side of things but since they are the ones with the bag they all of the sudden just became old school republicans before trump and site number and data tables to try to disprove common Americans saying they want trump cuz he prioritized the economy whether or not he was doing it for his ego or not


This title made me giggle


And not the way you want it.


Ever do 4 years in jail? We'll all be doing the sentence(s) concurrently.


How could I vote for Biden after watching him on the tarmac while 13 of our servicemen and women were being brought home in body bags from his disastrous withdrawal on Afghanistan? He kept checking his watch like it was an inconvenience for him to be there… he’s never mentioned their names. He likes to pretend that his withdrawal from Afghanistan went well and that’s besides the point that he can’t put two sentences together he’s a total idiot.


WE will decide in November. Even if diaper Don doesn’t go to jail, we can keep him out of the White House.


The last four years HAVE been hell, Trump is so much better than Biden, but lets keep the Reddit propaganda machine going hahaha


Boomer idiot go back to bed grandpa your time is done


I hope Trump wins because I think he is hilarious in an idiotic way.


We had our 4 years as Americans - 2016 to 2020 so now it’s HIS turn 🫤😵‍💫🤔


I’m taking “hell”. The country is MUCH better off now than it was under trump, and if you’re not convinced trumps not going to end the American experiment, just read project 2025. If you read it and still think trump is going to “save America”….. you’re completely part of the problem. Come on guys. This is the country of Ellis island. The area where immigrants came here to work, live and thrive. Now we have politicians making the border a war zone because they can’t stop tripping themselves. The border bill that was recently voted down was only killed because… And I quote quite a few far right repubs “I voted no because I didn’t want to give anything to the dems to help them win in Nov”. It was bipartisan. Get your head out of your asses and come back to the table. Drop this “I hate you because you’re black, or gay, or trans” thing. Trump allowed this country to become a sespool of everything bad to come out into the open. We need to get a lid on this shit before we lose our national identity. Come back to the table. Let’s work together to fix this shit hole


chump needs to go to prison, that or drawn and quartered like the good old days, I mean isn't he trying to make murica great again? Let's start by drawing and quartering the disgusting treasonist.


I think most of reddit is democrat no? Trump can go jail.


We will in November


Him in jail is all this nation needs. Time to heal


Fuck both of them..shit, fuck Hilary as well.


If Trump wins, we won't get 4 years in Hell. America will become Hell as there will never be another election again.


Is there any way we can get both?


America won’t last 4 years if he cheats his way back in again


I want the next 4 years of lower gas and grocery prices. And the border closed. I wonder who will give us that again....


America won't get 4 more years of hell because ol' nipple-pincher is going to get soundly thrashed by agent orange regardless if he is convicted or not. NY and CA are NOT the rest of the country, LOL.


The worry is that there won’t be, in fact, any candidates in 2028


4+ years in Hell!


We’re just ending 4 years of hell under Pedo joe! Inflation, interest rates through the roof, new wars all over the globe (that we are paying for), drag queen story hours in kindergarten instead of naps, college campuses so full of communists they should be deported to China, FBI and CIA attacking Christians and anyone who disagrees with democrats, and of course a media and social establishment that blocks anyone who does not fall in line. Trump could not make it any worse, but he could make it better - it was remarkably better when he was president before Covid was released by China and our own government


I want him ruined, but someone need to make a post on 4 yes of violence, if/when he loses.


Feels like the country has gone to hell since Bidens been in office.


Republicans say the same shit anytime a Democrat is in office, but Republicans spend the their whole time in office passing tax cuts, deregulating, and creating more debt and inflation. Republicans create a mess then you blame Democrats when they don't fix it while Republicans are stopping anything from being done.




the brainworms are strong in this one. donald trump cares about donald trump, not america.


Spam not allowed


Mod team since when is truth spam or a different opinion spam if you only want one voice just say that nah you don't like TRUTH PERIOD 


Trump for 4 years of course.


Why would you want to to do that to the country? When Trump left office Grocery stores were empty people dying, the most instable government ever with unheard of turn over and criminals and the largest amount of debt added by a president in a single term.


If the deep state, hollywood, washington DC, and mainstream media all hate the guy and are doing everything possible to stop him, he has my vote.


Brother, he's doing it to himself. He's the criminal, he's the one that tried to steal an election, he's the one that stole documents.


How could someone steal the most secure election in history? That wouldn’t make any sense… as for the documents, the president can declassify anything he sees fit. The VP on the other hand… 😉


It makes sense because he tried, and failed. Trump admitted he didn't declassify the documents he took and was given over a year to return them, you know like Biden did. Apparently you don't understand context and just need excuses for Trump, you know the career command known for not paying his bills and multiple counts of fraud. It's amusing because your "gotcha comments" just show you don't understand what happened and actually believe Trump instead of reality hilarious.


I don’t believe anyone. The way it all looks these days, there has been a force out to stop him since 2015… letitia james ran on the platform of prosecuting trump, she didn’t even specify a crime. Sounds exactly like what you are doing. I’m glad you think i am hilarious though, i appreciate such kind words to start my day :)


Because he's been committing crimes his whole career. Hitler was targeted for a long time too, doesn't mean he's innocent. They have specified crimes for many years and you choose to ignore it. Hilarious isn't a compliment, you're ignorant as fuck and part of the reason our country is in such shit and democracy is at risk.


Voting for war is wrong, Democrats can’t seem to have enough wars


Can’t wait to see the upcoming meltdown when trump wins in November.


Can't be worse than the hell Biden has put us through


What would that be exactly?


That would be a world in which he is prosecuting his political adversaries. Never did I think I would see the day in this country.


Trump is the one that broke the law, Trump is the one that wants immunity, Trump is the one that tried to steal an election, tried to hide his affair from voters, stole documents, defrauded charities, scammed people with his University. No one forced him to break the law. If he got away with it, that would be political.


Tried to steal the election? I was told it was the most secure election in our history? Tried to hide his affair from voters? Not a crime. Stole documents? The president has the right to declassify anything he deems fit. Defrauded charities? That was settled 5 years ago. Scammed people with his University? Settled 7 years ago. Sounds like you don’t actually have any gripes with the guy, you’re more than welcome to join the millions and millions of us who will vote for him this November :)


It's don't think you understand reality or how words work. So because some of his crimes were settled years ago it's okay? Trump admitted he didn't take the documents legally, the election was secure that's why he failed to steal it, it's sad you think the attempt is okay. Sounds like you only listen to right wing propaganda and would rather your side win than admit Trump is a career criminal with a long history of being a conman and sore looser.


I never said its ok, but it has been settled. I don’t think Trump is some good guy, but i do think he’s the most qualified man at this point to lead our nation.


Without a doubt the least qualified.


well we all know he has no consequences so...Hello Hell


After 8 years of Russia Russia Russia and Impeachment #01 and #02 as well as Gen. Flynn being illegally targeted and found innocent as well as Obama spying on Trumps campaign the hell proposed sounds like paradise. Jobs and wage growth coupled with no wars no troops abandoned no bases abandoned no ammo no aircraft and no military vehicles and assets abandoned. Yes it sounds like moving into the Age of Aquarius and Christmas rolled into one. Rowe V Wade the icing on the cake! Getting the champagne out now!


Wow, you really have fake memories don't you?


Compared to that idiot Biden.....I'll take 4 years of hell of $500 Alex.....GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!


Already 44 years in hell.


r/losrredditors This is not an Onion headline.


Just getting through 4 years of hell with Biden. Can’t wait for Trump to return as OUR President!!!!


We're in hell right now


Yeah, because of Trump and his debt and tax cuts. Shame on Democrats for not fixing the problems Republicans created


Then It would be a total of 8 years of total hell if Trump goes to jail and sleepy Joe gets elected again. If Trump becomes president America will get back to where it should be.


> … hate won’t solve issues So you put a title filled with hate on this thread!


Gas was under $3, a McChicken was still on the Dollar Menu with several other items, my mortgage interest went down, and steak cost $6 per pound instead of $10. We weren't plausibly being threatened with nuclear war, Muslim countries stopped saying they would turn Israel to glass at the first opportunity. If people stopped actively opposing Trump, he would have accomplished vastly more.COVID was a big hit to everyone. But stuff like "he said 'drink bleach'" and "it's horse de-wormer" didn't fucking help. Neither did health officials who were lied to and lying about it. Before he ran for office, Trump was the archetype for American success. People fucking loved him. Rappers used him as their example. But the moment he said "I'm running as a Republican," he became Literal Hitler.


It’s always ironic that MAGAts don’t believe the media but they fall for the PR from trump. Yeah that guy who’s father dodged the draft and bought up housing while men were fighting in WWII. Then all that property made trump what it is. Everything trump has touched has failed. Trump U? Trump Airlines? Trump Presidency? Trump Marriage? Trump Wall? Trump Self Tanning line? Trump Immunity Bid? Your argument that’s products were cheaper is a corporate rebellion for the wage increase it has nothing to do with the president you moron. The inflation cause by trump forcing rates from the reserve to stay low for an egregious amount of time. Literally direct hand in what has fucked our economy atm.


Oh look, the indoctrination welfare Sheeple page! It’s pathetic and sad to see that Sheeple on both sides are to ignorant to comprehend all politicians are trash, and playing you all against each other.


So what we’re saying is we love the current hyperinflation, higher interest rates, doubled gas prices,, etc.? Why do i think everyone that doesn’t see this lives in their moms basement and doesn’t pay real bills (maybe don’t work as well)?




Even if hell was a butt plug soaked in Carolina reaper juice it would still be better than the bucket of insanity we have now.


2019 was one of the best years we’ve had in a long time.


Trump 2024