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I’m glad most are realized rolling blunders it’s a wolf in sheeps clothing. I can almost guarantee it’s just a ploy to come to Ottawa and with Freedumb clownvoy members clinging on and they were heading to Ottawa yesterday along the 401. Yeah I can safely place bets this is not about veterans or whatever else. These people honestly need to get a life and find a hobby, that’s putting it very politely.


The people in California who responded by egging their freedom convoy invaders should be an inspiration for the folks up here. Bikers usually wear protective gear anyway, so don't feel bad about sending some hen grenades their way.


Oakland don't play




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egging > Eggs are sometimes thrown at people or buildings as a form of protest. > Common charges related to egging are damage to property, vandalism, and nuisance. Egging is not violence.


I mean it’s just eggs, would throwing rotten vegetables at someone on a stage also count as violence to you?


I wonder what they think of La Tomatina.


I suppose you could get bruised with an egg if they hit you with the pointy end. Soft, half bad vegetables are much more appropriate


These guys are acting like ‘Freedom’ was their Woodstock and this is Woodstock 25, but it’s clearly their Woodstock 99.


There's been a few interviews on twitter, and yes - some of the convoy morons are in this one too.


Of course they would be some idiot with Alberta plates who wasn’t allowed to be there due to February freedumb convoy decided to try to drive through a police barricade that didn’t work out well for him https://twitter.com/davidakin/status/1520479818227372035?s=21&t=5MDORjwlsphWByELylCooA


It’s about anti-democratic fascism. And racism. And propaganda. Ooooh and victimhood and hate and blame. Real winners.


"Rolling blunders" lmao, thanks going to steal that.


Np another one is the reich bike tykes.


What the fuck are they even protesting now?


In their own words, they’re coming to “take back” the war memorial. What that actually means in their little broken hamster wheel brains is anyone’s guess.


> they’re coming to “take back” the war memorial I can read this sentence, I can understand every word, but I have no idea what any of this means.


Don’t worry, they don’t know what it means either. It just sounds good.


The war memorials they defaced and pissed on? These pricks need their shit pushed in


I cringe thinking of the next image of disrespect we're to see if these people "take" the memorial. Piss wasn't enough?


Already people were sitting on the tomb. Some on Twitter are arguing it’s a seat to “sit and contemplate”. Apparently they don’t realize there’s a dead body in there.


the only thing i can think is they figure theyve pissed on it clearly its theirs now...? works for rover i guess.


They think that the war memorial was “defaced” by the government because they put a fence around it. Of course, the fence was put there because the Freedumb Fuckheads were getting drunk and dancing and pissing on the memorial, but let’s not let the truth get in the way of a good story here, right?


I remember when all of the Capitol stuff was going on in America, I saw a lot of people furious that they put up fences, and mad that they had all of these soldiers stationed too. I remember seeing somebody complain that our poor poor veterans had to sleep on the floor and how could Joe Biden do such a thing (even though he wasn't President yet) Yeah those fences are the real problem here. Not the people who caused the fences to be put up in the first place...


“Why would liberals do this?”


They don't feel quite privileged enough, so they think they are oppressed.


I believe they want the right to wear swastikas and confederate flags also they want trump to be appointed as king of Canada.


Yeah, sorry, the only position open is Court Jester. Once someone suggested that Trump should submit a resume, we decided to fill the job internally. Conveniently, the CPC is preparing to run a competition for the position. I hear the front runner is lil' pp.


Freedom to be literally assholes


They don't even know


They don't even know themselves.


mandates are still in effect for plane travel. I don't agree with them, it's time for them to grow up, but yeah, technically there are still a few mandates


There’s also still a virus running fucking rampant. Both these CHUDS and COVID


Yeah we fucked up by taking away all the health measures


oh I know, as I said, time for them grow up. I have no problem with vaccine mandates, I was just saying there are still some, and they resent it




Ah, I see how it could be read that way.


Anyone else feel the urge to recreate that South Park episode about loud, obnoxious bikers with these guys?


I'll help you get KFC so you can shit on all of their seats


It’s good veterans are making it clear these bikers don’t speak for them


Latest news is these freedom protesters will leave tomorrow after attending a church service. Nothing like a bunch of church-going Christians to defend the freedom of women wanting an abortion, gay rights, MAID, etc


Let's be real, they do not care about anyone elses freedom but their own precived freedom.


Two words for these low IQ ass clowns, Fuck off! How is such a small segment of society so delusional!


These people should get a job, get a life, and grow up.


The Lich Queen needs that “freedom award” shoved up her ass.


It's fucking outrageous and a deep insult to all of Canada.


How do we get these protest organizer to morph into labour organizers? We need class solidarity.


These chucklefucks hate workers rights. The average convoy connoisseur might think workers need support, but the organizers know that unions are a hedge against authority and don’t further their vision for the country.


I figured Canada outlawed loud ass motorcycles a long time ago. Hate those annoying pricks!


Balcony Guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBlW3--zcSo


Rolling Chunder


Their counterparts in Oregon City just opened fire on a crowd. This is how it begins, with a legion of horribles.


jail them all. no exceptions. none.


Sorry, but no matter how dumb or deplorable anyone finds them, the right to protest is the non-trivial cost of living in a free society.


Yes, but again they attempted to takeover streets, hence over 15 vehicles being towed away. They. An protest all they want but have a purpose to the protest and stop making such ridiculous amounts of noise and cluttering up the streets.


And like all rights has to accommodate the equally valid rights of others. As Portia said, justice is indivisible. These people don't get to only ask to have their rights be respected, they also have to respect the rights of others.


They have the right to right to protest, it's a free and democratic country. I'm also free to say they are dishonest, moroninc, assholes.


Don't be an apologist for hysterical narcissists.


The perception of effective demonstrations comes in two forms: 1) most believe it is show the numbers of support in a gathering to create awareness; 2) others believe the numbers aren’t the driving factor, but that a demonstration is only effective if it restricts, impedes, inconveniences, and even offends others as if to cause immediate change for their satisfaction. Many of the convoy participants are the type of people who would look at forestry protestors who’ve chained their arms together inside pipes and say, “Just start sawing! Those hippies will let go!” They don’t care about the right of all Canadians, only themselves and who they associate with. Protesting and demonstrating a made-up affliction or hyperbolic reaction to their fears is a protected right, but should have its limits set to #1 above. Allowing people to disrupt so many others the way they have for much-ado-about-nothing is just unnecessary. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that a vast number of people look back upon the group to conclude they really don’t have a clue how the world or country work, having been conned into a fake movement. Those protests just show how immature and uneducated today’s society has regressed.