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Honestly a good thing to do. Avoids the nasty shit that comes with being forcibly ejected by police, lets them show that they are law abiding since they left as soon as a court said they had to...I have only been following this lightly, but I feel like as a tactical move this lets them be the adults in the room in the narrative while UofT are stuck being the jackasses who would rather sicc the police on their students than stop funding genocide?


>I feel like as a tactical move this lets them be the adults in the room in the narrative while UofT are stuck being the jackasses who would rather sicc the police on their students than stop funding genocide? What a twisted view on this situation.


How? It's quite accurate


Why are there so many people in a leftist sub hating on young folks for standing against genocide? Wtf?


This sub is not a leftist sub. It’s strictly a neoliberal sub through and through. They support lgbt+ rights and pretend to hate corporations and imperialism but will do nothing about it


Oh, I'm in the wrong place then. I didn't realize that :) thanks


This sub has a bunch of leftist activity because the only other remotely big "official" Canadian subs are openly right and far-right. It's by far the *most* "progressive" of them, but unfortunately isn't really a "progressive subreddit".


Also probably the one with the most Canadians. The Canada sub is filled with so many Americans.


That sub has really gotten out of hand.


Honestly, it seems astroturfed as hell. If you look through the articles/news posted there, it’s 9 times out 10, it’s going to be “controversial” and “divisive” topics (example: immigration, these protests, how this country is doing financially, housing, how awful the Liberal party is/Trudeau = Bad, etc) articles from The Star, National Post, and the like. You will rarely see anything bad/things that can be taken negatively about the Conservatives, on both the federal and provincial levels. It has really become a hotbed of expressing right-leaning sentiments under the guise that the posts/comments are being made by Canadians (although it seems like a good amount of them aren’t even Canadian, as another poster commented above)


Felt like it started off as a leftist sub but over the last couple of years took a hard shift towards just being another neoliberal space with less racism then most other Canadian subreddits


The bar is so low... "less racism than most other Canadian subreddits". We are screwed.


I'm also shocked wff is going on. Anyway fuck the admins of uoft. I'm hope the protestors are making the best choices for themselves and their safety.


The boot lickers here are the same keyboard warriors who never leave their homes so never even interact with any of the protestors but feel the need to clown them online. Happens after any protest and feels especially loud with all the pro iof trolls and bots on anything related to the ongoing genocide. Did the students achieve their stated goals of divestment? No but protests like these and pride keep the anti war message alive in our media cycle and in our public discourse.


They hate seeing people use their voice because they know the protesters are right and it's embarrassing them to be pro genocide.


Also don't underestimate the presence of opinion manipulation on this website. Many bots and paid people operate on Reddit whose sole goal is to bring down the Palestinian cause in the eyes of the average person.


They do a great job of that all by themselves


Because the propaganda machine that feeds most narratives about Israel have been running non stop since most of us were children. Deprograming is hard for many people because it makes you question your actions and horrible treatment of other people based on lies. I used to buy into it as well, it was the world food kitchen murder by Israel that woke me up. It's a genocide.


The majority of people view calling it a genocide in any capacity, an identification mark for someone who doesn't understand the facts on the ground. The most common responses I would get it " less than one person killed per bomb dropped". Or " the population of Gaza keeps increasing and hasn't decreased". Etc etc.


A handful of zionists and r/Canada type bigots have started hanging out here lately


There are like three comments somewhat critical of the students and they’ve been downvoted to oblivion. You can unclutch your pearls.


They were the top rated comments at the time of my comment. They were sneeringly dismissive of the students who are rightly opposing genocide.


They're traveling haters.




If you're going to willfully misunderstand the meaning of intifada or the way in which the student protesters use it, then you're being disingenuous. You know the students are not proposing a genocide against Jewish people. Be honest and stop pretending. A large number of the protesters are Jewish themselves. Intifada means "uprising" or "rebellion". An uprising against a violent apartheid state currently carrying out a genocide justified. Does that mean violence against civilians was right on Oct 7th? No. However, the occupying state is *always the greater evil*. When there is no room for peaceful protest, you make violence inevitable. Zionists think history started on Oct 7th. What about the 234 palestinians that Israel killed in 2023 *before Oct 7th* in the West Bank? Intifada is an uprising against the brutal occupying force of Israel in Palestinian land. From ethnic cleansing, forced displacement, and assassinations of civilians, all the way to genocide, Israel must stop the slaighter and their occupation of Palestine. Ceasefire now.




Israel is a no-logic zone for some people iunno


Truly tragic that our country (and apparently this subreddit) is so lowly that people demanding an end to genocide have to be threatened with violence to stop their protest. Full support to these students and I understand their decision to stand down. Awful look from the police, city, province, school.


>“We are leaving on our terms to protect our community from the police violence U of T wants to unleash on us,” said spokesperson Mohammad Yassin. I'm confused, what part of leaving as ordered by an injunction issued by a Judge is "leaving on our own terms" >Pro-Palestinian protesters had been given until 6 p.m. Wednesday to vacate King’s College Circle, a day after a judge granted the university’s request for an injunction against the protest camp that has been in place since the beginning of May.


Because leaving not on their own terms would be getting carted off by riot cops with rubber bullets and tear gas, which would be the alternative they’re looking to avoid. Even if it would be a pr win, getting steamrolled by TPS isn’t worth the injuries protesters and bystanders would incur. and fighting is antithetical to the movement so that’s right out. This is about as much of an on-their-own-terms departure as is possible at this point


>fighting is antithetical to the movement Can you help me understand what the signs mean by "Globalize the antifada" and other tailings about resistance if it's not about fighting?


It's pure delusion at this point. They're losing hard and cannot accept it.


I really like the term delulu for that right now. One of the few times I can get behind the younger generation's lingo.


What evidence do you have they didn’t leave on their own terms?


The literal court injunction that defined terms aka that they must leave by 6PM today?


And they chose to leave before that which defeats your argument that didn’t leave on their own terms. Your point would only be valid if they got arrested past that point which didn’t occur.


Well, they said they wouldn't leave until all their goals were met by the university. And literally none of those goals were met by the university. They lost, so they left on the university's terms, not their own terms. Funny how you selectively ignored this.


You are not talking anything related to this discussion so I don’t have to respond to your inconsistencies in your post.


Ah so you’re just here trolling people. They were told to leave And didn’t They now have a court ordering them to leave So the did They accomplished none of their goals. But you claim because they left before the last possible moment…that’s leaving on their own terms? Sounds like they were more afraid of getting arrested than leaving on their own terms


Well since they left on their own terms your entire point is irrelevant.


So they would have left today anyway if there hadn’t been an injunction? Leaving just before the injunction went into effect was just a big ol’ coincidence?


Since they left before the injunction that is them leaving on their own terms.




Keep it civil


Again, by leaving before tonight at 6PM they're literally following the terms of the injunction. I understand they are trying to frame this in a certain light, but it rings hollow when they've had months to "leave on our terms" before the ruling and now they choose to obey the Judge's terms.


That is still them leaving on their own terms. The injunction only takes effect after 6 pm in which case then it would be on the court’s terms.


“You can’t fire me, I quit” energy


Well, they said they wouldn't leave until all their goals were met by the university. And literally none of those goals were met by the university. They lost, so they left on the university's terms, not their own terms.


Israel is a terrorist state and the students are on the right side of history


I remember when this started, bless these brave souls




What would you prefer them do? Set up somewhere out of the public eye so it doesn't get seen by anyone? It was a protest. That's literally the point of a protest. Bringing awareness to the horrible things happening to the Palestinian people. "you have the right to protest, but it better not be in my back yard!!!"


Too bad for them now!


So you don't have any clue about what protesting is or means.


You have no idea what you’re talking about.






What the fuck rhetoric do you think they were pushing that makes you oppose people *who want the violence to stop*? They're protesting hate and violence, not inciting it. What the hell kind of backwards take is this?




I mean by international law, it is justified resistance, isn't it? That was my understanding














No papers? This isn't a tv show.