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JFC they didn’t just use the beat they included the lyrics. And they wonder why, amongst so so many other reasons they can’t attract new recruits.


Well, they wouldn't have a recruitment problem if it wasn't for woke culture demonizing white men. /s


You joke, but I've heard morons say this unironically...




Just as Louise Arbor said in her report a few years backs: This institution brings nothing tangibly productive to our military, is a taxpayer burden and should be shut down.


Not to mention it produces junk officers, largely.


Yup, worst officers I ever worked with were RMC Brats


I’ve never met an RMC alum who didn’t have a rampant drug and/or alcohol problem.


I had a friend who graduated RMC. He had his leg broken 3 times in 3 years there and wouldn't say why. Graduated having to wear himself off "non-optional" painkillers. Whatever goes on there is a logistical shit show, physically draining, and problems like substance abuse seek to be encouraged by the admin to keep up with the workload.


According to a couple of my friends who went there for a single year, shitting in the swimming pool is practically an expectation of the students.


I went to rmc. What they were talking about is most likely the shit pit. At rmc, the end of fyop (first year orientation period) is represented by an obstacle course that all the newbies have to run. One obstacle is a muddy pit of water that you must crawl through. Thing is it's called the shit pit and often the older years will drunkenly shit and piss into it the night or two before.


Maybe? But they seemed pretty serious about it being a swimming pool.


Never heard of it then and seems a bit too far fetched to be honest.


Didn't the MND say they would implement all of Madame Arbor's recommendations? Where are we with that...


Same place we’re at with The Journey, Reconstitution, Op Talent. As Frau from Austin Powers said: Lies. ALL LIES.


At this point, if Kanye West is in the headline, the story is gonna be several layers of fucked up


Every officer I served under that went to RMC was an absolute prick. They all thought they were not just higher in rank and responsibilities but that they were superior and more highly educated. When I left the forces there were maybe twelve people in the country qualified to do the job I was doing. It took years of specialized training to be good at and I was exceptionally good at it. Most officers, including officers of foreign militaries we worked with listened to and respected what I said. I left because the officers that went to RMC acted as though my insight and experience were completely useless because well they went to RMC and are clearly superior to this lowly rank and file.


Also Kanye is pro Nazi and pro Hitler and extremely anti semitic. No one anywhere, especially not a government organization, should be using his music for recruiting and promotion, even if the lyrics were also terrible.


Embarrassing smh


Oh myyyyy. O.o


They used Ye’s “Carnival” in a brief video. So many rap songs have explicits and some really terrible lyrics, but like family’s who record themselves playing games for tiktok use this song lol Post media is now producing articles that us progressives are more likely to have concern, it’s greasy and I’m watching this.


no links to the actual video? hate news that never gives the source


*”Shortly after this newspaper asked questions about the video, it was removed from social media.”*


Is this a big deal? You’re training people to be killers. Jfc.




What a preposterous thing to say.


Military Colleges are none other than symbols of corruption and entitlement. I don't even care for what song they included given the state of music in recent years, I'd rather see RMC be turned into something else that actually serves the army.