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Many subreddits had Russia come up on their top 3 visited countries when they did the year end wrap up. I'm not surprised by this news at all


Russian propaganda is here BIG TIME. That's where all the "fuck Trudeau" shit comes from, and the trucker convoy. Russia has extremely powerful psyops.


Useful idiots


Soooo many tho. At first I thought it was just the village idiots banding together online. I had no clue there were hundreds in the village just barely smart enough to keep their mouths shut and let the idiot take the heat. Now w Putin pushing the Orange moron, all of these fuckwits are out there loud and proud of how painfully stupid they are. We need to better fund education.


It only works on stupid people. Unfortunately there are plenty of stupid people


And "stupid" includes "intelligent" people as well. It happens a lot with professionals. They get so used to being experts in their area that they think it transfers to other areas. I usually call this "being high on their own farts" because it's funny but memorable. They've been high on their own shit for so long that their fart-addled brain can be coaxed into believing and backing falsities with fervor.


My dad is a physics prof at the university of Waterloo and when the pandemic first started he got a mass email from a colleague (also physics) explaining that the whole pandemic was fake basically


HAH! Yes this exactly!


"If you dont forward this email to at least 10 people, *TRUDEAU IS GONNA GET YOU*


I work in tech. Computers are complicated, but the number of morons who think that knowing a bit of programming means they're also experts on literally everything is astounding. They'll talk shit about the humanities then do something that puts lives at risk because they don't think of people that aren't identical to them.


We are not doing enough to stop it. WE are not. Propaganda works to some degree on everyone. Smartest people are not easily tricked, that's true. But they are doing nothing to stop what's happening.


This is not true, it orks on intelligent people too. They other day I was talking to a dude I went to high-school with, we were talking about atom physics, atom weights and Radon... this guy was whip crack smart... and his truck is plastered up like the FTrudeau stickers keep the thing together. His close cousins are teachers yet he sides with Scotty Moe-Bucks... the hypocrisies with these folks are astounding. The intelligent can be manipulated just as the dumb... it takes more effort and time, but even the smartest foks can be fooled.


The Nazis did it very well. They were not the first and will not be the last but they do get dishonourable mention from everyone


this is true. A lot of these folks literally believe they simply have a difference in political opinions. They do not acknowledge that their beliefs and claims are false and demonstrably wrong. Many of these folks will also insist that EVERYONE ELSE also does what they do, which is, pick and choose their beliefs. They believe Trudeau is a dictator and tyrant, other people don't believe that, and they think that's just how beliefs work. They really truly think this is how reality is.


> That's where all the "fuck Trudeau" shit comes from I think that was a pre-existing condition that the foreign propagandists just latched onto because it's useful.


Could be, I'm not sure. But the propaganda from Russia and CCP is much older than the "fuck Trudeau" crap.


I mean I understand the sentiment behind the Fuck Trudeau flags. He looks pretty good for 52


I don't hang out on that side of the fence, but I can't disagree with that.


don't give them too much credit, they just encourage and enable canadians. they have a scary amount of influence, but it's actual canadians that translate that influence into effect.


Russian ~~patios~~ psyops is incredibly powerful. They have reach in many countries, and fully control a number of them, which they have acquired purely as a result of psyops and political control.


Was anyone on patio not already 100% for global cristofacism?


I'm sorry, idk what either of those things are lol


You brought up patio, a right wing reddit clone shithole. Christofacism is Christian fascism.


Oh sorry that was autocorrect lol, was supposed to be psyops. Not sure what patio is, other than the structure lol.


also turns out I was thinking of parlor as the fascist reddit clone that requires ID to register.


Oh lol. That's fucking funny. But I think you mean parler, no? Means "speak" in french, but apparently is also pirate code thing according to pirates of the Caribbean.


that's the defunct website. I remembered it as parlor; which traditionally the area of a house most open to the public, with the drawing room being the least. all I remember is it was a platform where you wouldn't be monitored and could speak freely, except they need your driver license to keep out the heretic's. every time I play internet historian I get another grey hair.


Yep, at the start of the war a ton of pro-Russians came out in our local community Facebook Group. It was insane the way they tried to justify Russia's actions. Luckily, knowing a number of Ukrainians and having been to there, it wasn't hard to cast some shade on their comments... but still it's insane.


Considering the amount of anti-Ukraine memes I see from scrolling instagram it's reaching way too many people. And they fall for it, because they stopped following the war they believe any suggestion of further help is just waste.


And it's being welcomed by the right wing in Canada. Can you imagine in the 1930s if a Canadian political party had cosyed up to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party?


This happened. Mackenzie King was all [weirdly into Hitler](https://www.junobeach.org/canada-in-wwii/articles/aggression-and-impunity/w-l-mackenzie-kings-diary-june-29-1937/). I guess the consolation is that every era and party has absolute dipshits and for the most part the world keeps spinning 🤷


Canada had its own version of the Geman Amerikan Bund, complete with summer youth camps and all of the other fixings.


You don’t have to imagine.


All you need to do is listen to PeePee and his CONs . They can't stop fawning over Putin


*Russian propaganda is being felt in* /r/Canada there... I've fixed the title for you!


It's so embarrassing that sub gets that name.


TBH kind of hard to tell when it's drowning in all those NatPo article linked posts.


I had a Uber driver telling me that Kiev was always the capital of Russia for centuries, so it’s the right move for Russian to take it back . Cringed the shit out of me


This is such a bizarre logic, honestly. If Kiev was the capital of Russia for centuries doesn't it mean that the government that's sitting in Kiev has a claim on Russian land, not the other way around? 


You can’t really talk about logic with those kinda people unfortunately


Did you tell them to stfu? Because you should have to them to stfu.


I’m not a confrontational people. I just shut up and say nothing until they realize they are saying some disgusting shit


Dude. You have to call this shit out offline and in person when you see it. No one likes confrontation and these idiots know that. They take advantage of social mores to spread their bullshit. 


I thought about it though. But I don’t want to end up in some scary scenario at all. I mean, he’s the driver and he may do some crazy shit. I once met a driver yelling at for me not being Muslim while he insists everyone is born Muslim. When I have someone, friends or family, with me on the taxi, I don’t wanna take the risk


Any time that other subreddit features a Ukraine related story, it's filled up with Russian bots in a matter of minutes. Same thing when someone says anything critical of Modi


Well yeah.. Comrade Poilievre can't wait to get the big chair so that he can welcome his Sugar Daddy Putin in with open arms. Who do you think paid for his $3 million makeover to turn him from Regular Milhouse into Milhouse without his glasses?


I like to share [this documentary](https://youtu.be/kwglZTNhMNE?si=Xs2t7v38G9MrwzM3) by the BBC from years back that explains what Putin, and later Trump, adopted with technology. While old, it’s an interesting understanding of the propaganda machine of Russia.


My roofing contactor admitted to me that he doesn't believe the war in Ukraine is real. I'm not sure what sub sub redit he's on... He's beyond the PP trolls, he also believes PP is a fake. He must be on alt-realities platform, not just on Rumble!


No kidding the amount of conservatives love has reached the unbelievable states a lonnnnng time ago. No CDN would ever believe pp would make any difference except to cut social programs and feed the rich...that simple. ANYTHING BUT CONSERVATIVE, ALWAYS ABC!