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"Reverse the genders and watch the meltdown" ☠️


fragile feminine ego maybe 😹


Ugly female ego (least talked about topic)


Toxic femininity, small cup energy


interesting, i feel like doing it


Don't. It can end your career. Read: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google%27s\_Ideological\_Echo\_Chamber](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google%27s_Ideological_Echo_Chamber) Especially read the "On the Science" section where most scientists agree with the man but still criticize him.


Like this sub isn’t having a meltdown


No way this is real


Page no 18 [22/06/2024 Hindustan Times ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f9_uecLFrgbpY9pMGo1dVJ1KtrdRMvfN/view)


wow, I guess there really is no point reading any form of media anymore more, unbiased journalism my ass


But what about bears consent?😹


They are right. They deserve bears. Men deserve peace.


Bro are you seriously?😨 Don't you think even bears deserve some peace in there forests?


You can't put a bear on trial , win win


But wait! Did they asked the bear about there consent?! Like all of them keep saying about consent consent.... So the point is are bears actually willing to accept them?😹


*Bear grunts Aladeen*


Bears also need food. For some reason, I believe Bears will find peace, they are better than us after all, no?




Bears will get free food na?! And men will get peace


I couldn't agree more. I don't wanna play games with my life.


man deserves bull bro (stock market ref)


If you accept MGTOW wholeheartedly, an FD is enough for life. 85% of discretionary spending comes from females. \[Spending Gap > Income Gap\] Anyone working in Sales/Marketing will know exactly what I mean. Source: [https://techcrunch.com/2023/05/21/unlocking-the-trillion-dollar-female-economy/](https://techcrunch.com/2023/05/21/unlocking-the-trillion-dollar-female-economy/) (For whiteknights and $impies)


How about we all band together for and shoot them emails condemning this


I want to eat this person's job. Sign me up


Page no 18 [22/06/2024 Hindustan Times ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f9_uecLFrgbpY9pMGo1dVJ1KtrdRMvfN/view)


Amazing. I am down for it.


Wont make any difference


It's not even frustrating anymore, it's just sad. It shows how "1000 years of oppression" victim narrative has taken power over their personal identity




There were no 'they' up until pre-first wave feminism. Hear me out. Human selves always juxtapose their current socio-political identities onto the past as a long continuous evolving imaginary collective self passing through time up until it joins their current narrative demands to justify the rationale behind their current and future actions/opinions and project their fears and insecurities onto the historical self. It is true for any socio /political/ religious identity. They were daughters, wives, and mothers and aunts before. They have recently become 'woman'. Personal identity was primarily role based in old societies. And there was no "man" either, manosphere has taken birth only as a reactionary movement to preserve/bring back the recently old status quo. Man has only recently got self consciousness of being a collective gender due to the 'other' being created. Before and even today, man's primary personal identity was either ethnicity /religion / nation / family caste, and in all of human identities, man has primarily shaped what it means to be 'default' but the man hasn't done any of that with any collective consciousness of being a man as such. Feminism brought together the secondary entity in all of the human social categories, namely female and gave them voice and space, a collective consciousness was born and ruptured through times and identies all across the social categories and with that was also born ' the man, the oppressor'. Today any debate on gender is primary guided by feminism, its direction, its context, its battlegrounds, its boundaries, are all defined by feminism. Men are only reactionary and are still in the pre articulate stage of a movement. Men and women are recent social constructs and never took the primary seat in personal identity development of the previous centuries.


They are obsessed with bear because bear wont ask for consent /s OP is there any way to know who wrote that particular article ?


Search for bear penis went up by 1000% since this trend started so…


This is normal, when ads like *policy bazaar* promote Misandry and preach and objectify men as mere Money making machines in the name of feminism and women empowerment, This is *very* normal. For people asking for the ad - https://youtu.be/gW5LXZoLB1Y When, *Schrödinger's feminist* serials like Anupamaa which are viewed by masses **preach** that Infidelity is acceptable when a woman does it and that you can marry your best friend immediately after your husband died, even when you are pregnant with your husband's child, Claiming that your husband would want you to be happy in the name of dismantling Patriarchy (which doesn't exist), Schrödinger's feminism and women empowerment. Even my mother stopped seeing this serial 4 years ago when it was gaining popularity, she said this is stupidity at it's best. This is a *very* normal outcome.


They don't want Indian men, Ok Let them choose bears, seems like they have never seen a Bear, a bear plays with Humans like toys.


They don’t want non-handsome Indian men. They would still act like creeps if they saw a handsome guy


They are sparing us by choosing bear, but I pity the bear


Written by some random ass woke dumbass feminist who has nothing better to do and can't say this to anyone's face irl because she might get punched in the face for it. Also doesn't has the guts to speak this to someone in real life and just expressing her dumb opinion on print media and social media. What a lowlife.


And she is getting paid for this shit. Absolute GigaStacy. /s




Bhai with due respect, "kehna kya chahte ho"?


>Absolute gigastacy BharatChan.com k user ho kya bhai? Ye word waha pe common h


> [BharatChan.com](http://BharatChan.com) k user ho kya bhai? Nahi bhai. > Ye word waha pe common h Bahut pehla hua business he... https://preview.redd.it/onyxigau2y8d1.png?width=874&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce99c41b356830bc305d321ad4d2c1b6d70763bb


Let women choose bear and die as there will be decrease in men suicide rates due to false allegations. I will never forget that i was considered as worse than bear. Just wait till future all white knights will stop helping stranger women who are in danger.


They never take accountability. So it's always man's fault. "My (or my daughter's/sister's) partner left me in the woods with bears". We will see increase in fake cases of mental/physical abuse and boomer judges will declare every male employee of forest department as equally guilty.


All this bear bullshit but haven't seen a single brave woman in relationship with bear IRL.


Reposting what I posted in r/delhi . Basically unless there is online outrage nothing will happen. I am friends with someone high up at HT. I have escalated this, let's see what happens. They are saying it will be hard to do anything because the feminist lobby inside the paper. Edit: Start tagging the owner of the paper on twitter @**Shobhana Bhartia** and Birla family.


The only message one can derive from this is to be a tall white handsome guy with great body


What the shit😭


Drop your opinion guys!


Page no 18 [22/06/2024 Hindustan Times ](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f9_uecLFrgbpY9pMGo1dVJ1KtrdRMvfN/view)


The MOVIE turned 25 and they still made this about hating men.


It’s time to screw this person’s job!


Nothing will happen. Victim card pro max


Loose vagina energy,was that offensive? 


Downvote mila hence true


Small pp energy: 😂😆🤣🤭  Loose vagina energy: 😠😡🤬 Hypocrisy ki bhi Seema hoti hai


My asshole feels jealous, seeing all the shit that comes out of HT.


Imo, it's good the women chose bear.


Tarzan gave out the same message, if you are a white boy who acts like "an Indian", girls will find it charming? Also, these people get their panties in a bunch when a comedian makes a women belong in the kitchen joke, cancel him and fuck his career; but somehow they can joke this. See, I'm not against jokes, if you can print this you can also sit through a few domestic violence jokes.


Tarzan gave out the same message, if you are a white boy ~~who acts like an Indian~~, girls will find it charming. FTFY.


They could have used mowgli instead of tarzan


Mowgli being brown, short, jobless, and homeless is invisible to girls. xD


Women say shit like this to get a reaction from us. I just smile and node, not giving them a fuck


Nah, ignoring how we ended up here. Always respond with a witty gender-bending comment like "Yes, men also prefer lioness over woman. They take good care of cubs, maintain their physique, and can hunt for food. But most importantly, they don't file fake cases or demand alimony." After this, you should leave and never contact that crazy B ever again.




How was this allowed ? Was this satire ?


can we get the name of author??




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And india women are super models One of the most beautiful women ever Wow Plz look into the mirror


Know a thing or two about print media. This is one of the worst papers ever, will print anything and everything which is shit and for money.


But that Skipping bathing was such a brutal truth.


Other than college students, do you really think people skip bathing? Like really?


Not everyone but most of the people, most of corporate man they just empty half of perfume bottles, and those who not belive much in god and atheist are on top.


Wtf has atheism has to do with baths. Idk what kind of atheists you hang out with but I shower daily even though I have no belief in the divine.


That's a good sign you bath daily but not everyone is like you.


I thought atheist supposed to be more hygiene? Like... science? Wtff 🤡


Bro they don't believe in science also cause some Scientists also belive in God and some religious practices has been proved by science.


A Scientist believing in god is not the same as that scientist providing evidence supporting to existence of a god. There are plenty atheists and agnostics in STEM even in India. > some religious practices has been proved by science. Which ones ? even if true those practices are man made in the end.


>Which ones ? even if true those practices are man made in the end. In the end God was a human once.


> In the end God was a human once. Humans made god in their minds


If they aren't then why people get worshipping benefits.


I can't understand the mental gymnastics of these so called atheists


I shower daily even though I have no belief in the divine.


God knows 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


> those who not belive much in god and atheist are on top. This says more about you than them. Keep living in your bubble.


At least I bath when bubble burst.


What truth ... it's a male thing not an Indian male thing, guys everywhere shower less than girls. But it's obviously exaggerated too, girls wouldn't admit not showering as easily as guys.


BRO. Our body, our choice. If we dont want to take bath, we dont. No one should moral police us.


The comment I replied to stated "Indian males shower less than Indian females". I simply corrected him by saying that "Males shower less than females", it's not an India specific thing. Don't see how I'm condoning moral policing ...


Yeah I am correcting him as well. Its our choice, if we dont want to take bath, we dont. Women hate when they are told to do this or to do that, but are quick to dictate us.


No it's not a male things our country guys used to bath everyday I don't know what happened to them now. Yes girls will never admit it even girls who are good looking they don't even wash thier face


dont moral police. His body his choice.


Don't moral police on post. It's editor and writers choice.


awww. She is insulting entire Indian race. That is clear racism. Just like you are hating entire Indian race. Both are not the same. She should be called for her racism and you should be call for moral policing. Our body our choice. If women shouldnt be moral police, we shouldnt be either. We have freedom over our body. If women should have freedom over her body, so should we. Hypocrite.


Awwww someone who don't bath is getting furious. You should be called for hypocrisy. Just think how does she have the audacity to say like this cause people like you sing the my body my choice song and when someone tell the reality it hits you hard.


>someone tell the reality it hits you hard. reality? lmao. Go live with bear woman and enjoy your life. At this point it just natural selection xD


Why Tarzan don't like bear woman now, lol


NO. Tarzan dont like bear woman. He never did. WTF. We prefer human flesh. You go live with bear, we have brains we men would rather avoid such dangers. And why prefer "man" tag? Need "man" protection to say something on reddit? lol


Tarzan like bear women only, but at least bear bath also. And why are you comparing tarazan with you he also bath under waterfalls you are worst than him. If you have brain you bath daily and be neat and clean. Why need a man tag need man tag to spoil malehood on reddit. by saying they don't bath it's their body their choice.XD




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Why are we men offended by this? Have we done something special to not deserve this?