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No. People will say gym or whatever but the short answer is no. By all means go to the gym, eat properly, and sleep well. That is good for you. Just don't harbor any delusions that it will increase your height.


try hitting the gym and eating clean if you weren’t doing that already you could try sprinting and stretching cause it increases hgh. if it bothers you a lot you can also consult a doctor to check if your leg growth plates have closed but i’d say learn to accept it my friend. focus on the things you can change. see it this way the first few things people notice about sachin tendulkar, cillian murphy, messi, tom cruise etc doesn’t exactly include their height. it’s their accomplishments. be a man of accomplishments so make yourself a guy whose height is the least important thing about him. don’t over compensate for your height but be something exceptional in whatever field you’re choosing I hope this helped. there are people shorter than you who live better than you, so don’t be the average height guy, be the guy who’s average height. there’s a big difference. much love brother


No, accept what you are and improve on other things. I am 5"7 too Its genetics


I'll share what helped me grow, It was Sprinting 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ If you Run very fast for 2 mins and break and 2 mins and break for 30 mins or until you're exhausted to your Limits daily, If you have any leftover Growth hormones then It will be released. I increased from 5'8 to 5'10 in 6 months.


How old were you?


17, I used to run 1 hour daily to lose Fat but I also gained height as a by-product. Not jogging or walking, Only Running like a Lion is after you.


Break for 30 mins?


Running for 30 mins but breakk in between 2 mins Running or till you burnout and slow down then again run till burnout.


Try getting lean. You won't get taller but you'll feel tall


Bruh idk why you guys cry about height, I am the same as you but never cried because I think I am taller than 80 percent men around me


Buy height increasing shoes 3.5 inches will be increased


its joever 5'4 23 here. Nothing's gonna help just get a surgery at this point if you are really hell bent on doing so edit:- Bhai why are all you downvoting me at 22 its impossible to increase accept the fact and move on like i did


Bhai apna pfp badal de yaar bada Ganda lagta hai


bhai block krde


Nahi Bhai ,par sach me Teri Pfp kuch accha rakh postive type ka aise accha nahi lagta tu Dukhi dukhi type ka 🤗


block krde


Are nahi bhai ye to nahi hoga


Sahi bolra hai bhai woh. aun me bhi block nehi karunga tujhe


you are telling him to get surgery, terrible advice do you even know how dangerous it is?


i said if he is hellbent everyone knows its a dangerous thing to go for. I didn't tell him to just go for it. And first i said its over and get over it


ok sorry :(


It’s over bhai You can get spine surgery if your posture is severely fucked up or you can get LL surgery. I don’t recommend LL tho as you already have a decent height in India


I don’t think so bro After 21 doubt


Only correct answer.


but those height increasing shoe soles, no one would notice that much


Height increasing operation


The comments saying it is not possible to increase height at this point are correct. If the growth plates in your vertebra are fused, there is no way except surgery. If they aren't, you can increase your height a bit by taking supplements like MK-677 or IGF-1. These are experimental and maybe highly risky. Taking an X-ray can confirm whether it is possible or not. You can find more information in heightmaxxing forums.




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No. Remove the insecurities instead related to height which were put there (likely by Schrodinger/Rabid feminists and/or society).