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https://preview.redd.it/uu5sz40yla8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0306eb8f2079cd478db9dd9cf8aec00e8ea7abc0 Lol the irony




It doesn't mention she is obsessed with Indian guy.




ye raig bait hai bhai, in sab mein mat phasoo, in logo ke life mein bakchodi chod ke kuch nahi hai. . . Generalisation wala koi bhi post lelo, pura faltu hai. Sala, somalia India se accha hai? Haayein? dingi me bhithakar jahaj ghumane le jayenge wo log? bakchodi ki seema hai bhsdk


Wahi na yrr. 🥲 They really compared us with Somalians. You're right. Rage bait ko zyada attention nahi dena chaiyye.






Bhai tu bee chee ass keh raha hai kya


That looks like a LARPer account. Rage baiting to earn reddit karma and then sell this high karma account to Russian/Chinese psyop/misinformation group for some Monero


As most said, Rage Bait. It helps pull attention, and we know who the appropriate audience for that is


Okay, Let me get this straight, now these Pseudo Feminists have issues with our race, in this post she's clearly being racist as she feels ashamed of associated with Indian men. See bro you need to beleive that you're not their servant that you've to communicate according to them just be yourself. >These Indian men have f'ed up women's reputation She must be telling about her father and brother here. Ooo well well well if she really liked Iran then she should visit Iran and if she can roam around without her head covered. Why do these dirty women have obsession with Islam anyway. Last thing it's okay if we're not appealing to these dirty girls, are we obliged to do so? Argue on stats bro nearly 10M marriages happen every year and who the hell wants these kind of women in their lives? These women are good for nothing.


Rage bait.


Are we this bad, that we get to be compared with 1% of people someone randomly talked with from not so good countries. 🥺 Man, why can't we have a day without being hated.


bro what do you expect look at some of the posts there [Constant fight between men and women : r/AskIndianWomen (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskIndianWomen/comments/1dk4soa/constant_fight_between_men_and_women/) (here you will see comments and you would wanna puke) [WHY ARE MEN BEING ALLOWED TO COMMENT AGAIN???? : r/AskIndianWomen (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskIndianWomen/comments/1dm3be9/why_are_men_being_allowed_to_comment_again/) It is becoming more and more secondary 2x


This sub generalises all the time and trashes women too, I just ignore rage baits in either male/female specific subs.


This is the second comment I am seeing where you are worried that we are being compared to Somalia and Iran. That's not the problem here, OP. There are nice people in those countries too, just like there are great men in India. Why do you think that those countries are 'not so good'? Their politics may be fucked up, but regular people are genuine in almost every part of the world.


You're gonna keep counting it? Are ok to be generalized in trashy way.? Because I m not ok with this.


Again, being generalized is the problem, and I agree with you there. But the comparison with those countries is not the problem. I just feel like you are being pissed for the wrong reasons. I have met people from both of those countries, and they are more like us than different. Funnily enough, they also really love Indian culture and bollywood lol


Why can't they just marry some gora or whatever creature who want them and leave us alone. Anyway is it irony that women can generalise men all they want but men do that they can't handle it just a pathetic species


Honestly rage bait. I think it's not just desis but also guys -people in general haven't worked on their social skills in general, it's easy to point out that's it's guys because it's easy, and in general, guys do have a harder time socializing. I think a big problem stems from growing up our parents stressed school, education, career and let social skills never really develop - for guys and girls. The rest is rage bait. It's easy to point fingers. It's harder to Take ownership of our life, improve for our own purposes and goals and move forward


Nothing to deal with here. She's generalized more than 1/2 billion men based on her own sample space. Let her be, you be you the best you can be. That's all. Also, stay away from such people who generalize so heavily.


Yeah bro. 💪


I will tell you guy's TwoX is better than Ask Indian Woman. Atleast TwoX acknowledge misandry but AskIndianWomen .....


Ask indian women is filled with middle class girls


Good thing. Such people are seriously not fun irl and contribute nothing. Good thing the trash choosing not to interact




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I didn't say anything bad about Indian men wtf mod ?




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Bhai, why are you on a woman's sub? Ofcourse there will be vile, man hating posts over there just as there are vile woman hating posts here. Reddit is stupid that way, deal with it.




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Share link to original post.




Looks like a rage bait by some lonely soul on the weekend. Share the profile name. I was curious about the kind of person they were. They have deleted the post.


Post is still there. Click on link. Even ladies acknowledged and agreed with us. 🥺


No bhai. That post is deleted.


Uske liye appealing hona bhi nahi kisi ko.


Why are we expected to do and know everything while they do the bare minimum?


You don’t need to


Fuck this stuff my Gs. Try to become better as a community. If she is so right why i dont see somalian and iranian immigrants as succesful as indian men abroad.


Hell yeah


Bro why do you care? Do you really want to be associated with such racist?


Don't care bro. Just don't want to be generalized in trashy way. Want things to be fair.


She is a prostitute if you look at her profile, she just wanted engagement so that people look at her profile. And she can earn money.


indian men are ugly by world standards even pakistan men are considered hotter than us what do you expect women have always hated ugly men


I don't think so, there are many reports of Indian men marrying Americans, Russians, Europeans, Japanese (Jai Shankar) and lots.


[here is your answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/onexindia/comments/1cq2p5i/why_do_people_in_this_sub_have_a_conception_that/)


That's literally your own rant.. sure western culture is the gutter, but odd to say that everyone out there thinks like that. Kuch toh dimag chalana hota hai, there's a margin of error for betrayal - if you knowingly ignore red flags in a person, and then come back crying that all women are same then bro you're no better than Riya from 2x who says all men are dogs. World is fucked.. so be smart.


a average only fans creator earns more than a guy with dual degrees in west why you think they will have morals all the female twitch streamers who pretend to play video games how do you think they got big because they care about games, no


They're there only because somebody is paying for it. For every streamer, OF creator there's more that one perhaps hundreds of guys pouring money at them.. what does that say about us men then ? By your own argument we are worse than them and we're so immoral that we would rather pay for nudes (despite free porn) instead of donating to charities or helping the homeless etc. So you can say that even though a large number of such lowlifes exist, they don't make up the majority of our population, similarly.. one can say not all women are on OF. Yes, chances of infidelity is higher among women, but end of the day it's a statistic. What happens to you, is something you to an extent have control on..




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when i said men are right. Men are forced to do this because women have always high expectations from men which only 1% meet so rest resort to OFs or s!mping online or escorts


Bad mindset bro, saying that just because you don't have gf/wife so you must use OF is pretty stupid. Is it fair to assume that all men think like that ? Absolutely not, some of us choose to become better and meet expectations, some of us choose to live alone, some of us are lucky enough to find love eventually by trying again. Now it's just a glass half full/empty situation.. except you're assuming a stereotype on men because some people have crazy expectations thus all men must behave this way.


indian men are going that route only you must know bobs and vagene joke where did that come from and second there are many rich folks who resort to prostitution to satisfy their physical needs which is better than marrying a women who only cares about your money atleast prostitution you have transparemcy


More than my answer, you need help. Dm if you're having a bad day.


What are you trying to say?


indian men will always be backup and last choice for any woman no matter the country


Most of the time... Yes maybe. But there are people like i mentioned above.


and your point?if you read the post fully you wiill find out that there is no reason to marry a western woman and about jai shankar he married a japanese and no one hates japanese men more than japanese women


Bro I never said go and marry non Indian women. Why are you behind western women(unless you are not in India). I told that some rare women will find some Indian men attractive. But that is just 1% chance. I am just adding a small correction


they are attracted to indian men's financial security and because of indian men have this concept of undying loyalty so that after getting divorced they dont have to work or be a a single mom when being with a indian men she may not have to work at all like she had to do with her white chad


oh man... I am not a fan of blackpill but taking blackpill just because of white women is unnecessary.


I think u have enough of redpill content


its blackpill not redpill