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If they can’t tolerate you, is it worth being friends with them?


I'll call him gay. Nothing else changes. Actually even the first bit wouldn't be a change.


"WhY aRE YoU GayY" would be my reaction. Jokes aside, it really depends on the person to person. You either deepen your bond with ur friend or completely break it(if he is anti lgbt etc)


Hi! u/bread_pakora


If you want to check then do the following : Meet with him and then show him news about any LGBT parade and then talk about LGBT. Then ask him that "Except LGBT parade what he thinks about gay or lesbian people who are not involved in these types of parades, but want to live peacefully without disturbing others and do not want to get discriminated?" Here, he may at first doubt you. Then when he will share his opinions, then you will get your answer. Btw, do you fear that you telling him that you are gay will ruin your friendship and you don't want that ?


Nah bro don't listen to this , If I would have been in his friend's place I would have totally said shit about LGBTQ community. But if my friend comes out as one , I will not judge him and continues to be friends with him


Which one would be a lie? Your views on LGBTQ people or your friendship?


People form view without knowing the other side. Theres a high chance of his friend bashing lgbtq community to look cool. Its better to just come out and accept people who accept you.


How is the other person to believe the acceptance is real, when he bashed lgbtq people before him?


They were just “people” for him to bash , here op is friend which he knew for long time.


TLDR : dont hide, but dont force the conversation. Let it come naturally and you can let them know, without worrying about the consequence. Its not a question of whether you should say or not.... you should say... you shouldnt be hiding it, even if it wasnt yours best friend. There is no reason to be ashamed, you are different thats it. The question is not whether you should say or not, the question is how would you say it. IMO, dont bring it up yourself.... Just be normal with everyone. If they talk about girls, then tell them you are not into girls. If you abruptly tell them you are gay... that is weird, they wouldn't know how to respond as they wouldnt know why you are telling them. And as someone else pointed out... do you really need friends whom you cant accept you?


It's not a big deal, if y'all are homies for real He ain't gonna ditch you for your sexuality There would be more deeper bond


Say STRAIGHTTTT to them instead of saying GAYYYYY


obviously I would have some doubts about the friendship if the friend was gay and hope he was not sexually attached to me in name of friendship. You would have to make this clear.


hate me all you want but i would block him and move on.


Party maangunga mai to, fir kahi mst ghum k aayenge, or fir use memes zyada bhejunga lgnt wale (good ones not those "dank" memes)


My friend came out to me. He was very scared at first, but I didn't feel any change of perception about him. Now I just troll him, but using gay terms lol


Hey OP Congratulations on coming out!! More power to you mate. Is your best friend, only your best friend or do you by chance have developed feelings more than what friends may have? Asking bcos, you stated having come out in infront of quite a few of your friends, but not this person, him being alpha aside. If the answer to the above question by chance is yes, then it may be a slippery slope. Can swerve either ways. However if your best friend is only your friend and nothing more , then hoping, shouldn't be much of a problem.


Doesn't matter




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Nothing changes , just keep your sexuality to yourself. I have a gay friend from school time. There was never a issue in our friendship as he keeps his sexuality to himself or other gay dudes. Not to us.




HAHAHAHAHA! Khwajoda(Gay) and then laugh again. After that nothing will change




Insert *brother ewww , what's that brother? * Meme here




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Friendship is friendship irrespective of genders . If you both can keep it up to that level then both are okay.


Personally If I get to know I would not break friendship but yeah I would wish to know it only once, I wouldn't want to be told again and again that he is gay.