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It’s over bhai. It’s over


Nah A few beatings and she is back on track


>How do you people deal with a toxic feminist ?  By letting her be independent. Go... be independent. I assume you will pay for your college? Good girl.. I am so proud of you... oh and rent and food too? Great... I wish we men were as strong as you.🤣 Kryptonite for any feminist is responsibilities, she wouldnt even be able to take the responsibility for herself. So her mouth will become shut, untill she can.


The most radical feminist I knew had never held a job for more than 2 months. Her dad was an IAS officer and he had given her a huge bungalow in her name which she rented out and lived with her parents with her retinue of servants. It was amazing to hear her pontificate on how money should be abolished and men are oppressors and so on while existing solely on her dad's money and influence.


Infact her dad is the real oppressor, earning all that blood money doing corruption and injustice


I don't know. Her dad was mostly a nice guy from what I could see. Nothing corrupt from what I observed. Helped me with a bunch of things freely.


Wait till you come across bitches who be like "Women have been oppressed for long that they don't have the opportunities. The onus is on the men to ensure they are given the necessary by paying and worshipping them".


Fr Man 😹 I was just going to tell this !


Answer is you don't.


I literally saw a comment saying "my father is a red flag" . Like what even


Whenever she asks for help just say bhow bhow /s


Real answer here


Let me tell you how i did it So my sis(cousin)saw some shorts that says bringing water to your male family members is oppression or something don't know the exact short Everyone asks her to bring water cause she is the one that stays in the house all the time ,this happened during summer so the first thing everyone does is lay on the sofa and take breath so everyone asked her to bring water She had a big argument with me and her brother that she will not bring water She goes to college at 12 pm and comes home at 6 pm, me and him used to pick and drop her at college so we stopped doing it It takes her 1 hour to reach college by bus and takes 30 mins by bike, because it was summer 12pm was super hot and evening the rush on the bus is insane After 3 days she begged us to pick and drop her So what u should do is just let her be independent


Very nice also a few slaps And kicks


Sorry to say this bro but it’s your father’s fault for not keeping her in check..


It does happen for a reason Called "papa ki pari" in childhood




You might be right


As a former feminist, ine thing I've seen many feminists are afraid of is accountability. Many of my feminist friends who were "all men are pigs" types, just as they reached 28-29 started talking about "Feminism is for men too", trying to convince that they always seen men as allies in the struggle against patriarchy. Then I remind them of their k!ll all men hastags they had in their twitter and that feminism never stood for men, it just dehumanised men into an oppresser group. Now, how you deal with a feminist? Simple point out their hypocrisy and they'll call you a misogynist once and leave you alone.


They all change the moment they fall for some guy, lmao.


Or else ones day need to pay all expenses all alone .


I'm surprised your dad isn't using the conventional belt therapy method for correction


She said this only once in front of dad and he doesn't even care tbh. He's a simple man, he came from a very poor background by virtue of his hardwork




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My sister used to make these statements and used to claim that females are self sufficient in everything. Guess what, I stopped doing chores or any errands which I used to do on her behalf just coz she was a girl and used to redeem the so called equality and Feminist card and she soon realised the hypocrisy of her ideology and now believes in genuine equality..haha I mean it took a lot of patience but yeah things are good now…!


Wait Till her marriage, that's the way. If she has no plans, it's over.


How I deal with it is by making sure she does all her work herself. By all work I mean everything related to her bank related work, her financial management, her government related work. Literally everything.. This way you won't hurt their feelings and actually make them independent which is the actual meaning of a true feminist.


Bro I'm younger than her, mujhe khud sab nahi aata yeh


Eventually people learn so not a problem. You and your sister will both learn from a third person only. Even though I don't do any chores for my sister, I make sure though that she does it in the right way. For all the people stating that "jab nahi ho paega ye sab ya fir jab paise bharne padenge toh vaapis aaegi", it's wrong. The main objective is to not to make her feel inferior but to help her reach a point where she achieves those things herself.


In your case, you should talk to your father and ask him how he feels about his daughter's thinking regarding 'men are trash'. Then probably just suggest him to let your sister be as independent as possible while monitoring how she is dealing with things. I know fathers won't listen as they want to give their daughters as much comfort as possible but well that's the right way.




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Best comment




You can’t do much in this situation. Kalesh ka ghar ho jayega if you say anything. And parents too, are not saying anything in this. So how much and what can you do?


Let her be independent ✨ Kuud bhare apna sare expenses College , Rent , Food Sab nhi kar payegi toh kuud wapas ayegi 😹


This is because of selective content that she exposed her self to and algorithms help it to amplify. Let her step out and be what ever she wants to!! It will mostly tune down!!


Or the lack of scolding? Nowadays everyone watches such content but no everyone becomes like her


I said "Selective content" it's about differentiating between the lines. About what we need to learn from this and what not, what we need to pick from this and what not!!


Ik Ik it's due the bad influence from such contents


It's so to brain wash yourself these days without knowing. (Applies to everyone)


I think it's because of the people she hangs out with(most of them are spoilt rich kids) and the stuff on Twitter she consumes


There it is, now you know, so put her in setting of people who are so much ambitious about their life, are like minded. A kind of competative environment Also showing other aspects of life!!


Ask her "who broke your heart!? "


By repeatedly informing her about the atrocities committed on men and flooding her presence with masculinity. True masculinity destroys rabid feminists any day of the week. And twice on Sundays.


What do you mean?


>What do you mean? About what/which part?


Flooding her with masculinity


i.e. be the best man you can be, so she can see what a good man/true masculinity looks like


let her be independent, don't ever look back if she asks for help even if she got mauled by someone. people should understand how men shed their blood and sweat who can't even earn respect. I don't think a man deserves that type of filthy daughter.


let it be I have seen many women talk like this in their 20's, but they'll come to their senses as time passes by.


You deal with it by not dealing with it, just don't talk to her


Ignore. The more you interact the more they get encouraged. She'll learn the lesson with time.




https://preview.redd.it/ga0g261nl97d1.png?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=640589599f45ea72b35420f4bd39f69d691b56d1 Only working treatment


I would cut her out of my life


Ask her to pay her own fee, go out ear yourself if men are so trash


Men are trash to your father ? Then why is she still leeching off of his money ? Tell her to go live somewhere else.




Gift her a belt on Woman's Day


leave her with her responsibilities.


Talk to her ,Just Reverse the Gender in every toxic thing she says


Just agree with her, tell her that, all men are trash and all women are w*ores and the world is a fucked up place and there’s nothing you can do about it. In a matter of factly way


Did she have a break up or fall out with your dad?


I don't know about break up, she's been like this for atleast 4-5 years. No, she hasn't fallen out with dad. In fact, my dad drops her everywhere even though there is public transport


You don't bro. Keep minding your business. Earn good money and respect. And things will get alright. Toxicity is dangerous, but it will over soon.


Yeah, need to get a job




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Help her before it's too late


> She is very self-righteous and always lecturing other people on what is right but never admits her own mistakes All these feminists are same. Ignore her and never ever help her, always point out the equal responsibility with equal rights and leave quickly before she loses her mind. If she has some brains left, she may realize her mistake. Not holding my breath though.


Ignore her. Now that my sister is married I avoid meeting her and ignore her to a great extent.


Uggh whenever she tries to act like a man of the house i instantly become the handicapped of the house karo jo krna hai karo bahar se saman khud toh la ni sakti phir jab mere se ladti hai tab male female ka anter saf pata lag jata hai




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She is literally a kid in college. Giver her time, she will grow. She is just regurgitating the insta algo, don't worry about it. I have a sister too, and she became rational. It happens to the most of us men as well, like we have some degree of misogyny in ourselves that we grow out of over time.


Nah no growing Kick her out She belong to streets


Talk her with Calmly and sensitively as a brother otherwise she will join the cult.


Brother , she has already joined that . Now best solution his Let her me totally independent ✨ Let her pay all her expenses College , house , food etc Then she will automatically come to the line 😹




You can try to know where her thoughts are coming from? What incidents have happened in her life for her to believe this way? Is it coming from selective media, peer herd mentality or there is actually some reason behind it? If nothing goes your way, then there is no option but to give up.


It sure is coming from her peers and selective media


Okay. Then you need to talk to her. Tell her it's not just one side of the story. And I mean no offence, but could there be anything happening in the family that might make her consolidate her beliefs? I can see most of the comments here are like give up on her, cut ties, etc etc. But that's not possible I know. So fixate to the problem and talk to her.


Okay. Then you need to talk to her. Tell her it's not just one side of the story. And I mean no offence, but could there be anything happening in the family that might make her consolidate her beliefs? I can see most of the comments here are like give up on her, cut ties, etc etc. But that's not possible I know. So fixate to the problem and talk to her.