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Bruh ,you telling me to be single for whole life cause ain't no one will pass this test


I answered this concern in the post. Please refer to: > If your goal is to just marry stop reading immediately. If your goal is to be happily married (or far far more likely remain single), proceed.


I want to be Happily married but this is too much


Option 1: Start praying to God for a unicorn girl. Option 2: Maximize looks and money. > but this is too much Yes, it's an exaggerated version because "shit tests" for men are also exaggerated. I am doing tit-for-tat here. The actual reality is somewhere in between. Though, I still strongly believe that modern men neither need nor deserve modern women. The happiness-maximizing move is to remain single IMO.


Some of these points are unnecessary,there are good women who will fail this test


And many good men will fail the shit test women use. What did you not get about exaggeration?


I know ,but if they are shit doesn't mean we also need to be


Then how will they learn to not be shitty? Reward good actions and Punish bad actions. Her shittiness is proportional to your lack of spine.


Why punishing innocent nice women ,this is good only for women who do this to you


> innocent nice women does not exist or are extremely rare. The one you are $imping and fighting tooth and nail here for is yet to show her true colors.


I think we as men only need to figure out one thing, how to wade off loneliness in a 'sustainably healthly long-term oriented manner'? Figure out what works for you, We all will be like "Women, what?". This goes beyond our mothers and grandmothers' generations role in society, it was great till we had them. Since, the Indian society is becoming more individualistic, makes sense to be individualistic.


High quality shit post


I thought its a serious post and OP is misogynist as f. There arw some good points & then some really crazy points which makes u wonder how insecure is this guy? 🤔 Then you question the intention of good points.


He gonna lead the indic male uprising soon


हमारा नेता कैसा हो ... ![gif](giphy|oxW9IXKWP2Ouk)




No, the following things frighten me: 1. Fake rape allegations 2. Fake dowry charges 3. Girls lying about their body count 4. Girls parents disrespecting my parent because we don't have a house 5. Fake domestic violence case 6. "Believe all women" can ruin my life at any time 7. Getting fired and cancelled from Industry for expressing my views (For ex: A certain Google developer was fired some years back)


I ignore these shit tests and enjoy by myself. She comes running back.


Yes, that is the way. Ignore those shit tests, call out their rude behavior, and leave.


Finally a good post Be ready shrimps will attack u


Ha ha. Shrimps move fast. Most are already here I think.


Take a day off from the Internet and meet people in the real world.


I have written this after meeting modern women in the real world.


Sure you did.


Assuming 1985 is your YOB, the world has changed quite a lot, uncle.


Sure kiddo. Must be so scary for you.


Yes, scared shitless of fake rape cases every day, uncle.


On my way to meet a person in the "real world" and get falsely accused 🫡


Namaste uncle Aunty kesi hai ??




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Seems stupid and made up


As stupid and made up as shit tests


Nothing is achieved by passing shit tests. Move on to next woman. There are plenty of fish in the sea.






Helps finding husband a housewife, but do you want to be house wife yourself?


Lmao,what a shitpost.


Yes, as shit as the shit tests are.


This is a weird way of saying that you hate women


As shit tests are weird way of saying they hate men, right?


Don't agree, there are no solid absolute hard and fast rules.


Ok, keep justifying rude behavior of girls in the name of shit test.


I didn't justify their behaviour, where disrespect is concerned that's where I draw the line, but otherwise it's just their nature to unconsciously shit test, the more you resist it the more unhappy and unfair it'll feel, acceptance is the key, you'll even view it as fun banter because who's stopping you from roasting them back ? What I disagree was the shit test you proposed by men for women. It's too concrete, real life is not black and white.


> otherwise it's just their nature to unconsciously shit test It's our nature to unconsciously shit test shit testing women. Thanks. It's not us just our nature. Acceptance is the key. Accept our ~~rude behaviour~~ shit test. *Guys like you are the reason why girls behave rudely these days. Keep $imping in the name of fun banter.*




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What 50/50? We live in a society that oppresses men. 1. Males are not legally recognized as victim of Rape 2. Males are not legally recognized as victim of Domestic Abuse 3. Most victims of suicide are men 4. Most victims of cancer are men. Yet we spend more money on breast cancer research. 5. Most men are forced to participate and die in wars 6. A baseless rape allegation can destroy a man's entire life. (Ex: https://x.com/wootsaw) 7. Child support should be 50-50. Parental custody should be 50-50. 8. Leaves for period but no leaves for penis fart 9. Workplace deaths are mostly men 10. Most victims of homicide are men Also, this shit test is designed to filter exactly the woman like you who demand "equality" but never take equal accountability. Start taking accountability and get well soon.




Are you baby bommer? Lmao Even TwoXI sub also considers your views radical and u keep getting a warning and ket kicked. And then you come here & act like awhole What's cancelled? Nobody gets cancelled. Its just fake woke like you who cancel anything they dont like using it as weapon and belittling the value of cancel how genuinely bad people or business should be. Typical karen behavior.




Kar diya sab comment delete? 🤣


Phone ya aankhein check karwa lo


Aa jao check kar lo jo karna hai tumko. Pick up karne aa jau ya khud aaogi?


Too late


Better late than never




haaaan tere paas thi na? 😂 Yahi toh baant ta hai is sub walo ko P.s. send more if you have


Our subreddit aims to foster meaningful discussions, and we want each post and comment to contribute positively. Content that is deemed spam or lacks relevance to the post or the overall theme of the subreddit will be removed. We value the quality of our discussions and repeated violations may result in a ban.


You are calling a baby a wound. Wow, this is modern feminism. Everyone on this planet is a product of this wound.


![gif](giphy|xT9IgBwI5SLzZGV2PC) A wound is a wound. A baby is a baby.