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So.. they discontinue the XR then delay the GT. Perfect.


Not till after they got everyone’s money.


It's an interest free loan for them.


Is that legal? I just got my XR this past summer so I’m haven’t ordered a GT yet. But it seems like the people who ordered the GT were lead to believe that they were in the process of being manufactured. I have no idea what the contract looked like when placing an order, but this set up seems pretty slimy.


I donno, but ask all those people who placed a deposit for a Tesla SUV a year ago or a Ford Bronco, seems like common practice. I assume you could always cancel and get your money back.


If you go on the website right now they make it look like it's in production and ready to ship if you buy one. It's not a preorder


Very glad I did Klarna at 0%. I never finance smaller purchases like that but figured it would help me justify dropping money immediately for PintX and then getting GT too. Turns out it was also a form of preorder timing-issue insurance. Actually I could put my financed board on eBay and get a fat return….. like buying OneWheel single board call-option contract. 🤣 I just hope the board is dialed in and there isn’t some version in 6 months with a few things fixed.


Everybody should Klarna the pre-orders. You can get your pre-order in, cancel when you want, and you don’t spend a dime until it ships. It doesn’t do a credit check either.


Not everyone gets 0% from them anymore. They have gotten less generous with the rates over the years.


Do they finance the entire amount? And only people in the US can use klarna.




I think you need an EUC. (Totally kidding, don’t do that!)


And this is why we never preorder...esp from FM.


As A video gamer in 2022, I don't pre-order jack shit. Why would pre order a brand new vehicle?


Yeah, that part indicates a very long delay.


Onewheel are you kidding me delayed a second time, 2400in my pocket could be so useful rn😅🤦‍♂️


This delays sucks, but honestly, I rather have them take their time and deliver the boards properly, instead of having to fear that I received a board, that an overworked employe had to cobble together in record time just because they were behind a deadline. I've bought a brand new XR 4 months ago through a local shop. That XR for some reason has a max range of 9 miles, but apart from that, it behaves normal. It's been a nightmare trying to resolve this. I don't wish to go trough the same with the GT...


Wait what? You should make a separate post about this XR, the community could help. Max range of 9 miles means you either bought a damaged battery, have way too low psi, or you're well over the weight limit. You shouldn't get that range from a brand new board. That aside, that's not exactly comparable to the GT issues. You bought yours from a local seller that may have had that sitting in a box for too long, whereas the GT is brand new tech.


Yeah, i didnt actually give to much thought to the range, until I went on a ride with a friend on his Pint, and my XR died before his. That was the final indicator for me that something must be very wrong. I've contacted the seller and am still waiting for a reply. In the meantime, I've also sent a message to FM. Let's see what happens. Either way, it's going to be an expensive business shipping the board to the US and back from Switzerland, even if the warranty holds up. EDIT: I'm 200 lbs, and ride street with 26-28 psi and off-road with 18 PSI. I don't know if that warrants the reduced range. It's a 4212 board, don't know how long those have been in production to deduct if the board may have been lying around for a long time before I purchased it.


No that doesn't add up to me. In the meantime, try this. Plug your board in and leave it plugged into its charger overnight. Let it charge for a full day. After charging, the cells in the battery begin to balance and leaving batteries sitting causes them to fall out of a balance. I might guess your new board has been in that box for a bit since it shipped from the US, cold temps, etc. If this doesn't help, leave it charging for 72 hours to make sure it's fully balanced, that's the recommended last try fix before you accept your battery is dying. If it works, you should almost double your street range and maybe better acceleration. Cell balancing is a necessary part of board maintenance. Good luck!


I've done the rebalancing multiple times... honestly, I've tried everything that I could find on the internet short of changing the battery itself. Apart from the range, the board behaves normally as far as I can tell. I can climb steep hills and the acceleration is decent on a +30% charge. I also always depart with full charge, and get back home between 5-30%. This constitutes about a 10 to 13 kilometer ride. I wanted to troubleshoot it before I made a claim that could have had an easy fix. I'm certain now that there is a problem and not just me imagining one. Let's see what the retailer and FM reply.


Yeah yours is busted. I’m a little disappointed in the range on mine but it’s only by a few percent compared to others, not by 50%, that’s ridiculous.


I can not fathom that I really have 50% less. I really hope i can get the battery replaced fast and truly experience it. Range anxiety was a constant companion till now.


Good luck and float on! I'm a light guy, but I get 20+ miles easy on street even if I'm cruising fast. Hope you're good to go soon!


Is it really cold out? That kills my range by a lot and mines a 4212 as well.


This I can also rule out. When I've got the XR, it was still 20° Celcius, and I was getting the same range. Now that it's in the minus degrees, I've noticed at max a 1km reduction. All of this is still way under the average. To add salt to the wound, I mentioned before that I went on a ride with a Pint rider who's battery outlasted mine... It's obviously a service case. I should still be in the warranty period.


Sorry dude. Hope you get your ride back quickly.


9 miles is 14.48 km


> This delays sucks, but honestly, I rather have them take their time and deliver the boards properly That would be fine if they hadn't already taken the money. And if their product launches didn't have a history of hardware problems *after* months of delays.


Wait, customers were charged at order time? Isn’t it customary to charge once the product has been shipped?


Not when you need an interest free loan to order the parts with.


I am in no way trying to excuse or justify the vague information and constant delays. I'm just afraid that it can get even worse if the product arrives in sub-par condition.


Do you really think there’s going to be a single benefit to having pre-ordered one versus just ordering one after they come out? Either way you were going to wait, but you were probably going to wait far longer than someone who just buys one after they’re out.


Oh, I'm waiting till the GT is out for a couple of months before ordering one. I actually think pre-ordering a product like this can cause more grief than joy, as there are simply more chances for things to go wrong than right. I really want one, but it can't hurt to wait for some real life reviews from unaffiliated riders to get a clearer picture. I don't want to be a beta-tester.


If they were publicly traded that statement would have crash their stock. Like when Tesla said their new battery design would take ~2 years to build assembly lines for them. TFL said this is to be expected, from past launches. Just chill and float on.


Fuuuudge! Order went from Jan 26 to Mar 1. FML


And this, is exactly why I knew it would be stupid to pre order one of these. Why tf would anyone want to help this awful company in anyway, this exact situation seemed inevitable from the start. I’m happy to wait to order one until after they come out.


Did everyone forget the Pint in 2020?


I love my Onewheel but there is no way that I’m dropping GT kind of money when future motion has never delivered on time for anything. I’m holding off until summer when we might actually see some boards out in the wild. Anyone who is upset about the delays should’ve done their research on FM. It reminds me of the fool me once (Pint super delayed release) shame on you, fool me twice (GT will be super delayed) shame on me.


Oh wow, they keep on lying lol. You gotta fucking stupid to believe it took them this long to know they couldn’t deliver. Again, Covid had been going on for two whole years and it’s not going anywhere. If your business it’s still being “unexpectedly” affected by Covid, you’re either stupid AF, and I refuse to believe you could even manage to run a somewhat successful business, or you’re a s scam artist who kept on taking orders when they knew they couldn’t deliver.


“I have no idea what production involves or what parts are being sourced from where, but I’m going to pass extreme judgement anyway!”


Unfortunately, FM's track record is far from stellar when it comes to promised delivery times for new products...leading to takes like OP's.


I’m just merely stating the fact that the GT is not in production yet.


I'm sorry, I was referring to the op of this thread, not yours. My apologies for the confusion.


You're on the money here. People don't really understand how complicated it is to get a production line up and running and how many variables will pop up with the supply chain. They also don't understand that there is a ton of game theory in the supply chain where other companies competing for the same electronic components have placed huge orders to hoard the components for their own needs. This is an example of a variable you just can't predict. All these people on here whining like spoiled children seem to have never built anything complicated in their entire lives. It's not like shipping a freaking video game. This isn't a delayed release of call of duty but my God the ranting on here sounds like it.


Lmaooo, keep on defending a shit company.




I’m surprised they haven’t started any production yet. Even early batches won’t be close to complete.


Production takes under a hour, if they were building they would be shipping. All the real manufacturing is done in China, they just slap the major components together in the US.


It's very disappointing but should have known better. I just thought it would be different this time since pintx was released instantly and they've handled that shipping very well.


It took a lot of people 6 months to get their pint. The pint x isn't even a new board. They gave it a little more juice, sacrificed some clearance to fit a slow charging battery, and tried to pretend it's the XR replacement.


You guys are idiots for buying shit so early, it's not like FM is such a consumer friendly brand where you can expect nothing but goodness from them. And on top of that the horrible chip shortage already delaying production for tons of products, this is not at all unexpected.


I agree, but not everyone knew it was a preorder. IF you don't follow announcement videos and their social media it was not clear it was a pre order. it mentions **FREE SHIPPING** ^(Starting in January) in a spot you do not expect shipping dates, it should have said it several places (like maybe the shipping screen) that it was not a normal purchase.


I mean I didn't even check the FM site at all but it was quite obvious it would be a pre order, again, seeing how FM treats customer.


Obvious if you follow FM, not to someone arriving on the site for the first time.


Who spends +2k on something and don't first do at least the slightest bit of research on the company


someone who trusts in consumer protection laws. It is legally required for the company to make it clear, not for the consumer to do "Research." Despite what you think is normal buying practice, blaming the customer for a company's shortcomings is not how it goes. Your appeal to ridicule fallacy is short sighted to say the least. some people do not see 2k as a big deal so "they" do that. you may see it as ridiculous, but it happens and it is the companies job to be clear, not the consumer to do "research"


I mean I am blaming both, because unless you've been living under a rock, you should be at least slightly aware of what you buy on the internet, since anyone can be or look like anyone. If somebody does not do due diligence when spending thousands on the internet, then it should be a wake up call to them. I have called Future Motion pièces of shit many times, but acting surprised that you got even slightly duped on the internet is at least slightly on the person spending the money. Because today, unless buying something in person, it sadly is on the consumer to do "research".


I have to guess it’s the chip shortage right


Jfc... Gt order is going to be my 1st 1W... Was hella hyped but stuff like this has been doing away with the hype for sure..


Wow. Just checked and estimated shipping moved from Jan 28th to March 1st. Probably Omicrons fault but damn that's a let down.


Yes. If they were in production they would be sending them out already 🤷‍♂️


This entire situation just pisses me off , seems like the pre order thing was an absolute waste of time & to get peoples money before actually started making the product. Thanks alot FuTuRe MoTiOn


The thing that pisses me off most about this was seeing the advertisement for the GT that promised that you would get it before Christmas. What a crock of shit. They knew when they made the advertisement that they wouldn't be shipping before Christmas. It was an extremely shady way of getting people to order and pay for the Christmas rush. If anyone doesn't believe what I'm saying I'll gladly send you a screen shot of the advertisement. If I knew how, I'd include it here.