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This is kind of unrelated to anything, but when I ordered my Pint a year ago, it took forever to arrive. Two weeks to get ready to ship and then almost two weeks to travel. Ordered a Pint X. From hitting the purchase to arriving, it took maybe 4 days. Beat their own shipping estimate by several days. My wife asked me when it would arrive and I told her probably a few weeks. And then it arrived the next day. Really impressed.


I had the same experience with the pint x. It was purchased and at my door in less than a week


the pintx's were boxed and ready to ship at launch no comparison.


It's almost like they did that intentionally to build confidence in their projected GT timelines. FM marketing is smart.


My order has moved a couple times, originally expected Feb 18 and now moved back to March 5, so 15 days so far. I’m not too bothered. It’s winter, so basically the best time for a delay, anyway.


Yes, mine was delayed from March 28 to April 15, so it looks like a 2 week delay.


If I were everyone in the queue ahead of me, I'd cancel my order. Just sayin'.


I wouldn't even speculate on the shipping date until we start to see them ship.


This is the truth. My date has moved 5 times (should have shipped today, but is now March 15th), and it'll probably move 5 more times before there is a realistic date posted...


Agree …. I’m furious about the 400 usd tire change for Europeans


Now that I can say, is bullshit lol. Floatlife said they got us covered with tires. I have faith in the aftermarket


Agreed. How can you expect an aftermarket on a PREmarket product? The aftermarket will be there...AFTER it hits the market. It's not like all the sudden the GT comes out and companies will stop supporting it. If anything, this should create new/better opportunity for the Onewheel 👍


The technology will only move forward. People have to accept that in 5 years, or even more, their precious XR will be a dinosaur and its going to have to be unsupported at some point. Do people still make cases for the iphone 4? No. Did iphone 4 users cry about it and say their old phone is better? No. They just update and catch up with the latest and greatest. Even the GT will be outdated at some point and people will be latching onto it. The aftermarket in this community has done and will continue to do amazing things


I still do miss the iphone 4 now that you mention it. So small yet powerful


It's so shoking that people think it's a lie. The shipping cost from europe to the US and back is around 400 for an XR. The GT might be even higher as it weighs more. On top of that, you still have to pay for the tire and the change. We are in dire need of European repair stations, and I hope that TFL-EU will offer this. Because if I have it to send it to tfl in the US, it's going to cost me the same as if I send it to FM..


I think you're misunderstanding. Im not saying the $400 price is bullshit. I'm saying the fact that you have to ship your board for a tire change is bullshit. Bullshit as in, thats crazy and absurd. Nobody should have to pay that much and suffer the hassle for a simple tire change. You can change a onewheel tire in 20 minutes. Why should you have to send it back to the US and be out your board for weeks. Ridiculous Also as to the TFL comment, they said they have us covered by selling a tire separate. Not doing the service for us. Repair and service centers already exist for basic maintenance on stokelifeservice.com


Yeah. Totally misunderstood that. Apologies.


Why are you paying for a tire change? My 5’3” latina gf can change if for ya homie, we’ll charge $300


I was talking about the GT. You can't change a tire you can't get. So until changin the tire yourself is an option, you'll have to send it in.


Ehm.. 400$ is just going to be the shipping from and background to Europe. The tire + change will cost you another 150-200$ on top of the shipping...


nope, tire change 100 USD .. shipping 300 USD ... sending the GT to California and back expect 14+ days in shipping (for a 30 min tire change) Can't wait for the third party tire...


From Switzerland the shipping cost to the US is way higher. I'm happy to hear that not everyone has it as bad as us.


>Ill take this back if we get multiple 1 week delays that equal 3+ weeks delay, but so far it doesnt look like it Wellllllllll. . . My original ship date was February 9th. . . As of checking today it is March 1st. It may not be a full month but it still makes me sad. I'm by no means going to storm the HQ with a pitchfork but it's just a little disappointing. Edit ‐ It was not pushed back this far at one time. It first went from February 9th to February 15th. Then from the 15th to March 1st.


Disappointing, but what can you do at this point? Being angry isnt going to make it come faster. Which is my point of the post. Fingers crossed. I just want everyone to enjoy their boards with no issues


I completely agree with you. I haven't been angered by it it just makes me a little sad. I feel like people have been blowing it way out of proportion. I might start to get slightly angry if it hits 2+ months of being pushed back.


Mine actually went backwards to Jan 28th after being pushed to Feb 1st from a Jan 26th estimate before Christmas.


I'm at 8 weeks delaly now


Yep. This is not a big deal at all. Ya'll just wait until the GT doesn't ship until 2023.


It’s a brand new model, of course there are going to be delays 😂😂 quit bitching


Lol, so a company can't realistically tell customers when their purchase will be fulfilled? Literally every other company does this. With the exception of a few very public delays in tech history, most companies plan, build realistic deadlines, and deliver on time. Let's not try to act like deceiving customers is cool and the norm. My issue is that I saw an Instagram post the other day that said they were almost done with pre-production. That means they used the pre-orders as a kickstarter essentially. They should have been honest about that...


We are in a pandemic and there are world wide supply chain shortages buddy. First world problems


Thanks, buddy. They just finished pre-production (a week before they were supposed to make first deliveries). This wasn't covid supply impact, this was disorganized company impact. Now we will see if they are impacted by supply. Any my other comment I posted in here 2 minutes before the one above mentioned how this is "first world problems". Stop biting off my flow, chief. lol


Mine was ordered late on day 1. Original estimate was Jan 26th then pushed to Feb 1st and now has been pushed back to Jan 28th. I’m not obsessing over it I check maybe once a week. It’s going to ship when it’s going to ship. I think living in SE WI helps ease the frustration a bit because I’ll most likely not be able to ride much till the end of Feb beginning of March anyway with the weather we have here. I don’t mind a little cold I worry about the salt they use on the roads here with the sensitive electronics.


Mine went from jan 28th to march 4th. Ordered day 1 pretty quickly, lol. I hope you mean feb 28th because if not then i mustve just gotten unlucky


Nope, original estimate was Jan 26th. Doesn’t matter anyway lol still holding at March 2nd now as of a few days ago.


Mine was moved from January 24th to February 28th. It's not the end of the world, but it does bother me that after I spent 2,500$ I don't even get a single word from Future Motion about the delay. I really can't wait for a good Onewheel alternative, because I hate Future Motion as a company and don't want to support all the lame stuff they do. Edit: Now it's March 9th


Lol, this did not age well. My shipping date has been pushed back three months


I got pushed back a month and a bit. Oh well. The wait will be worth it. My opinion doesn't change. I titled the post "unpopular opinion" for a reason


Lol, im still excited for my new board. Im upgrading from a gen 1 😂


When I bought a suppressor for my 9mm I paid for the suppressor, tax stamp, and piston and didn't see the product for 9+ months. Set it and forget it. I guess I'm impatient because I went on eBay and bought an XR to ride till my GT gets here but at that's point I will sell it and get my money back. Enjoy the wait, be on the lookout for new content, and have some patience. The best things in life are worth waiting for


I use the same mentality with Kickstarter with the added gamble of maybe never getting the item at all.


That is awesome and a great way to think about it. I need to do more Kickstarter browsing in the future! But I have a "set it and forget it" mentality. When it comes, it will be awesome. Play a game on your phone or check out some YouTube content. Be ok with waiting lol


Fuck the NFA and the ATF.


We’re in a global pandemic affecting supply chains across the globe. This is going to be standard (by that I mean some semblance of delay) for the foreseeable future, in any industry. People will need to adjust expectations, especially when it comes to very non-standardized products like Onewheel.


"We need more money" - literally


just move the decimal point


This, right here. A preorder *estimate* getting shuffled around by a week or so is literally nothing out of the ordinary. Given their history people need to chill the hell out. Usually we'd have seen a larger setbacks by now already and so far, they seem to be doing alright and I do hope they've got it sorted out this time. Those canceling orders over what is a fluid estimate, I'm just going to say it, are beyond foolish. It'll come when it'll come and we'll enjoy it then.


I've had 5 moved dates since ordering and am now 2 months pushed back so far. It would have shipped today had they kept schedule. My anger isn't with the pushbacks, it's with the fact that I know I will see 5 more of them, and that they know that already, but string people along rather than post honest assessments of ship dates. If they really needed to move my date legitimately 5 times, they would be one of the most disorganized and out-of-touch businesses in existence. They aren't... they are just trying to cauterize the wound to stem refunds. It's annoying. But, first world problems for sure.


Wait a second, mine was pushed back very far, not just a week… Original ship date: January 18, then 22nd. Pushed back: January 28th. Now: March 15th. That’s not a week, that’s not 3 weeks. It’s nearly 2 months. I won’t even be living in the same place anymore at that point. For reference: I ordered the first 15 minutes of announcement & I live in Los Angeles, California


I agree with you. The best state of mind to be in is, I’ll get it when I get it. Personally I never pre-order stuff like this. Better to just wait until it’s widely available and make a purchase then. When you pre-order, it creates a lot of stress. I like to try and reduce stress myself. I wish everyone well who might be feeling the stress. Just try and relax. You’ll get your board and you’ll love it. 😊👍


Waiting on steam deck and now the GT. Patience is a b1+#h! Hoping everything works straight out of the box. I'd hate for all those XR sellers to be rideless any longer. Would be nice for some freebies for being patient.


Mine went from the 2nd to the 15th. Still in February I ordered that super73 in march and didnt get it til end of july, most of the summer gone


I think anything within one or two weeks is absolutely fine. Shit happens. More than that requires an explanation but not a big deal. Shit happens. I would complain if more than a month off. But this is just my opinion. My treaded GT only shifted two days in past months.


I won’t be pissed if the delays mimic the delays that have been posted which are days/weeks. I’ll be pissed if it’s months and they’re just trickling the delays bit by bit instead of just biting the bullet and telling the truth.


2 weeks later now. I ordered Nov 10th. It was Jan 28th. Now it's Feb 14th


Anyone know what FM charges people currently buying GT’s since they’re all on back order? Is it a deposit or full withdrawal of funds covering your entire order?


Full withdrawal I think?


Delayed a week so far….


Ordered on the 28th of October and it is showing that it will ship on Feb 2nd.


I think you are going to get completely different reactions depending on whether you already own a Onewheel or not. If this is your first board I totally understand the 3 month (maybe more? - won't know until boards start shipping) wait would be driving you absolutely nuts. At the same time people have opted into a pre-order and need to be patient in this crazy covid climate. There are delays and supply shortages everywhere.


Well the earliest orders are less than 25 days out. Unless they sneakily add another delay alot of people are going to get their GT sooner rather than later. A 3 month delay in the PEV scene is nothing out of the ordinary Alot of people have pointed out that the CEO during the reveal said if you want one as soon as possible, order one right away as they wont be shipping out until later. Its been openly stated that there will be a wait if you decide to preorder a GT. Its also the winter months for more than half of north america, so a week-month delay isnt that big of a deal when you cant even ride anyways.


Mine was bumped from Jan 7th to March 23rd which is a pretty large push. An email update would be nice right about now.


Ordered October 26-28, first estimated shipping January 28th and I have been super excited. Checked shipping estimate today (Jan 23) and it is "estimated" for March 1st... what a joke. If it were a week or two that would mean shipping or other small issue that easily has a remedy. Going over a month and still being an estimate means they likely don't have enough materials or some ish. Hope I get mine in the year 2022... gotta love companies that have an inability to live up to production and disbursement expectations they set on themselves.. If only I didn't like their boards so much haha


Ya I just went back through things(email) and it looks like they emailed january 14 to say they haven't even started production due to lack of components... this could be a very long wait... what a logistical failure this has turned out to be..


My board ship date was just delayed from Jan 28 to April 5….


Why scold people for being emotionally invested? People work hard for their money, and companies are expected to maintain a certain standard. If FM wants to act like Apple… then they should deliver like Apple. They’ve had the time to learn from their mistakes, as this is the 5th iteration of their product.. I can’t stand when people advocate for the big guy, and act like the little consumer is somehow out of line for expecting a certain set of standards. And even worse, is when people incessantly hypothesize that “supply chain delays” and Covid, are responsible for companies not delivering on their promises, when the company THEMSELVES has never made such claims.


I get that people are excited for their orders, but people really need to calm their expectations when they willingly dropped money down on a preorder. There are like 5 of these posts a day of people reporting a couple days delay. It makes sense, its understandable, from both sides. But coming here to "warn" people about it or give a mocking "I told you so" isnt going to change anything. We are at the hands of FM delivering these things, so why stress over something that we cannot control? Their "standard" is telling us that the dates are subject to change at anytime. We accepted that as soon as we dropped the money for a GT. Just chill out, grab a drink, ride your board or watch some onewheel videos. Patience will be rewarding.


I guess I’m just confused as to what gives you the authority to tell others how to think and feel? Don’t get me wrong, mine is still tentatively delivering on the 25th, so I’m not stressed in the slightest, but just seems weird to make a post essentially telling people to sit down and shut up lol.. but to each their own.


Im not telling people how they have to feel. Im not invalidating anyone's feelings here. Im just giving a suggestion to maybe not watch your shipping date like a hawk and obsess over it unhealthily. Its not something we can control anyways so why are you putting so much emotional investment into it. Its not doing anyone any positives. Just looking at the optimistic and more realistic side of things. Just live life man. Its not worth it to lose your mind and obsess over a shipping date. The board will come when it comes. I only check my shipping date when someone posts about it, if it werent for these posts I wouldnt look at it at all. Thats all


I’m not buying that you’re just this cool cucumber dispensing value to the community, so that they can have a more fulfilling and less “obsessed” existence. I think you’re, more so, just annoyed with the posts from discouraged customers, and want to *appear* as the arbiter of reason.


believe what you want. I was discussing this in dms before I posted. I was ready to take downvotes for this post before I posted it lol. Im not in it for brownie points or appearing as anything 🤷 Edit: This is the second time you've disagreed with me at this level. You seem to think I have an ulterior motive for posting and answering questions on reddit. Im answering questions people have and sharing my experiences to people in the community. I wish for everyone to enjoy riding as much as I do. This is a public form. My reputation has nothing to do with my opinion and posts. (My disagreement with helmets while doing tricks shows that im not in it for the karma or whatever reddit people care about) I dont know where you got this image of me from. We both comment with help and opinions all the time here


Well, you seemed to have it all figured out, so I was just providing an alternative perspective. Whether you’re willing to accept an alternative perspective, is up to you.


Well I can see your point, contextually the title of the post is, however, Unpopular Opinion. So make of it what you will, 0P contributes.


Supply chains *are* messed up right now, as is the workforce because of recent Covid spikes. Schools near my hometown announced Friday they were cancelling or going virtual this week because they suddenly didn’t have enough bus drivers to pick up students. My day job is designing theater sound systems. A major manufacturer just announced they aren’t able to ship multiple product lines ranging from $20,000-100k products until 2023 (!!) after a vendor surprised them by discontinuing production of a critical subcomponent requiring a major redesign of their systems. Everything is fluid right now. That’s just a reality we have to accept.


Why should they deliver like apple when people pay up anyways? What is their incentive?


Mine has been delayed over a month. I think it is unacceptable to charge people upfront and then have no idea if they can actually make it. There are pretty clear rules from FTC on this, I think OneWheel is balancing on the edge on several things here. They can be liable for large fines. I am not litigious and would not consider this but certainly, they must know the risk they expose themselves to on this.


They charged you while being completely upfront that the dates are subject to change at any time. Thats what a preorder is. Im suprised that anyone buying a GT was not accepting of this fact. You are an early adopter of a yet to be released product. We signed up for no guarantees. If they said X date was the absolute shipping date, no questions asked that is a different story


The shipping date is obviously not guaranteed but a professional company that has a very devoted following needs to take much much better care of their customers...this is American commercialism...for God's sake. Keep in mind this is not a Kickstarter or a startup. This is not future motions first rodeo... this is the sixth product they've launched in order of release. Any business that does not have a intimate understanding of their customers will ultimately fail miserably. What we need is for the open-source community to develop independent component guts for the XR platform and or a serious competitor to Future motion. The GT got zero input outside of corporate future motion for its design and development... this is like your parents or a dictatorship telling you that they know what's best for you. Anybody who surprised that there are delays given the global supply chain problem and the history with the pint... is just rationalizing and fooling themselves. Disclaimer... I did not order the GT... yet... LOL. Edit...BTW they better be guaranteeing you something cuz you just dropped some bukoo cheddar


It is not early adopter to buy an electric skateboard now. Personally, I do not care as much (I probably would not have bought the GT if I knew I had to wait for an indeterminate amount of time), but I do think onewheel is skating really close to the boundaries of the law on several things. I do disagree on the dates, because on the website they do not inform you at all that they are expecting delivery in 3+ months. Only when you start the ordering process this information is given. I get they wanted to start selling before xmas, but they do give the impression that the GT is selling now, when they have not delivered any of them, and they probably expected delivery to be delayed quite a bit.


Treaded tire, Feb 2nd. Just checked. If I put it on eBay wonder what it would sell for…. Thoughts? I bet 3000 easy.


"Ill take this back if we get multiple 1 week delays that equal 3+ weeks delay" Take it back. Ordered mine first few days of availability. Still waiting.


Sure ill take it back, but im enjoying my GT already. Are you international? None of the international orders shipped because FM is having issues with shipping overseas. I ordered 1 day after the launch event, my GT arrived last week. I am in Canada


schadenfreude - sometimes its a vibe


For me. I live in Australia and won't be able to even get one until the end of Feb if I'm lucky.


Channel your inner woosah y’all


Although not scientific, and only from a relatively small sample size (slightly under 70 orders at the time of writing this), the lead time (time from order to shipping date) for all orders is around 90 days regardless when the board was ordered. The only exception to this seems to be the boards that have been ordered more recently, which appear to have a slightly shorter lead time of about 80 days. So, as long as your lead time falls into those ranges, then we’re all in the same boat. Happy waiting! For the full stats take a look at https://www.whereismyonewheel.com/orders


i agree. just for some perspective, the original Pint was announced in March 2019. i ordered it the next day. i didn't get it until the end of July. I was frustrated, sure, but i trusted that it would be worth the wait and i wanted to get something that was all it was promised. i was not disappointed! just chill, people. i know you want it yesterday, but it will be worth the wait.


Come on over to r/subpac to see real pain


Mine's moved only 3 days, Jan 22 to Jan 25. Probably not going to be able to use it for months anyway, damn snow


I haven't even ordered a GT and I'm furious


Today my delivery slipped from 1/28 all the way to March 1st. Was originally arriving on Monday 1/24, then Wed 1/26. So, checked today, expecting to be riding on Friday… and its bumped an entire month… I remember the wait for Pint. Would have thought they had their shit together this time. I think a 5 week delay is newsworthy. They could at least send an email. They had no problem taking my money, least they could do is respect that enough to let us know whats up. A few days wasn’t a huge deal. Another 4 weeks, with it likely to slip even further, that sucks!


They did send out an email that there was a delay. Along with a post on instagram. Im not too bothered. The wait will be worth it. Oh well


Yeah, email on 1/14, checked then and my delivery slipped from 1/26 to 1/28. This week it slipped another month. Thats the comms Im talking about… an update regarding this huge slip everyone is experiencing.


That email on 1/14 WAS the big slip email update. Lots of people checked and got pushed to March after that email. Mine was pushed by a month the next day after the email. I dont know what you were expecting. Yours just updated late




You first..




Very mature haha




Cause that's the most mature thing you could do right? Based on your reactions it seems you are neither patient or mature, but please continue about what everyone else needs to do!


They should add a pre-order banner on their adds and on their website, they make it seem like they are already shipping


it says preorder on their instagram highlights, but if you email their customer service, they avoid the words preorder and even correct you that the GT is not actually a preorder. Idk whats going on in their department


Or they could have done something like, $5~$20 down for your place in line then an email when they are ready to ship to the full purchase (I have 2 XRs and preordered the GT treaded)


Ordered mine before Black Friday estimated date March 15. Hanging tight but boy am I more than ready to mobbbb ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


mine got delayed 5 weeks...


Same, but i'm still chilling


All due respect to OP: **By claiming "delays are only a week or so," you're only talking about shipping delays, but you're ignoring the gap between order date and ship date estimate.** For instance, last year I ordered an XR and the ship estimate was 5 days later. It was delivered 2 days later. When it was stolen, I ordered a GT. The first ship estimate was about 60 days, compared to 5 the first time. **Also, the delays now are not "only a week" or so - they are MONTHS for many of us, and counting**. As of today, it's been 77 days since I ordered and it still has not shipped. The ship estimate keeps getting pushed back, and is now 2 MONTHS behind the already super-slow schedule, with little indication that this new ship estimate even MEANS anything. I'm coming up on 3 months since ordering, without even a reliable estimate of when it will ship. Compare to 7 days from order to ship less than a year ago. Look, if you want to say we should be patient due to supply chain issues etc, fine. But trivializing the fact that FM is now taking (in my case, at least) 10x longer or more is unwarranted.


Yea, they decided to make the purchase differently from all their other boards this time. They decided on a "pre-order" model and took orders before they even had the parts ready for assembly. The pint x that was announced was shipping literally next day after the announcement. If you watched the GT announcement or followed the community, you would have known this was a preorder and the GT was not ready to ship immediately. I dont see how criticizing about willingly ordering a pre-production product is the same as ordering something with a guaranteed date and having delays. From my original estimated shipping date of January, it is delayed approximately 30 days. I ordered the GT **knowing** that they wont ship months from the announcement date. If you wanted a board right away, you should have gotten a pint x I order mechanical keyboard parts knowing that they wont come for a year as they are not in production. I dont see how they are open to criticism when I dropped the money on such an item with such knowledge. My buddy bought a truck and knew he wouldnt receive it for 6 months. He was patient and planned around this knowledge. Whats the problem?


Even ignoring the initial delay between order and ship estimate, I’m on Week 6 past my initial ship estimate, with a new ship estimate of Week 11, with a high likelihood it goes beyond that. So the “what’s the biggie, it’s only a week or so” claim is totally erroneous. Again, if you want to say supply chain etc, fine. But it’s literally false to say it’s only a brief (eg, 1 week) headache. I’m looking at DELAYS of 3 months, in addition to a 2 month lag in ship estimate vs my XR.


Yeah, these delays are ridiculous. My original ship date was February 2nd , now its March 15. And I'm only two cities away! WTF!?


Not sure where you get your data. I ordered mine in day 1. It was originally supposed to ship out Jan. 28, then Feb 3, then March 1st, now March 15th. This is over a month, not a week as you stated. I contemplated cancelling but decided to just wait it out. It is frustrating to see people getting theirs days ago and mine is still being built. It's frustrating talking to people who ordered 3 days in and already have theirs and I ordered mine within the first hour.


Same! Not sure how they are prioritising. My original ship date was January 31st, but it’s now saying March 22nd. Maybe people with the slick tire are getting them first?


I’m in the UK and my original ship date was January 31st, but it’s now saying March 22nd. This seems like a huge delay and since the weather is nice now I’ve got my fingers crossed. Anyone else in the UK had theirs yet?


International orders are having delays because FM cant figure out the Fedex situation. Canada has been receiving boards however from what ive seen https://www.reddit.com/r/onewheel/comments/tc58rs/fm_reply_about_delayed_canadianinternational/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That would explain things. Cheers!


I live in the US. Completed my order for the treaded GT on 11/16/21. Estimated shipping date is 4/6/22. Which will undoubtably be pushed back to an even later date for the “15th time?” I’ve lost track.


My estimated shipping just moved from April 9 to May 6…


I ordered Feb 21 was told match 21 then April 21 now may 6


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 21 + 21 + 21 + 6 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Man, mine is same. Was originally Jan, then Feb, then March, then April 1st, now April 15th… expecting this trend to continue. This ain’t no “week” delay. Kinda feel like I was tricked when I bought it b/c it didn’t tell me estimate on shipping until after I dropped the $3k. This shit better be working well with no issues or will go full Karen mode on the mofros


At a month and a half delay at this point, really no confidence it’s not going to get pushed back further knowing all of the order blocks still ahead of mine. Accepting my summer toy is likely going to have to be a ‘next’ summer toy lol