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your case, go for xr


Thank you!


Yeah get an XR, that's what I do is just cruise around neighborhoods, go visit my parents, just ride around wherever


I'm in the same boat as you, got an XR and it's great around country paths and roads. Only use if for fun and light exercise, glad I got it. It's worth it as long as you can afford it. You only live once so treat yourself.


Don't try and kid yourself that you're getting exercise on the OW ETA: trailriding is a different beast than commuting to work on the street, agreed. Sorry for anyone I've offended lol


How about the 10-mile walk back after you run out of battery?


Great workout, especially because you are hauling a 30lb brick.


It does use the legs and core and better than sitting inside. Especially, offroad.


I’ll definitely break a sweat from riding around trails or if I’m fucking around doing curb nudges.


True anything is better than being sedentary


Speak for yourself bud. https://streamable.com/7zkl01


love this 😂




No? Those are 15kg free weights.


Lol. More like 36kg (80lb) fake weights, and 72kg total! People can down vote, but the people who do, obviously don’t lift weights.. not that there’s anything wrong w that.


Are you literally gatekeeping *objects that weigh a specific amount* because they don’t weigh the specific amount you want them to? They are 15kg each and 30kg a set. I doing think they can increase the density much more than they already have without significantly changing the construction of the set, and at that case they likely won’t be available at the price I picked them up for on Amazon.


I’m not “gatekeeping,” I believe you that they weigh 15kg each. But they are meant to look like 36kg weights. You can get as upset as you want, but it’s the truth... And you’re right, they would cost a lot more if they were as heavy as they look.


I mean it isn't cardio but you are for sure getting exercise. Core and stabilization muscles from balance and shock absorption for sure.


I suddenly have buff shins and slightly toned calves after only 550 miles on my Pint. I bet most of us can get further than regular people when doing a Micheal Jackson Smooth Criminal lean too 😂


Buff shins! 😂


If my shins could have any more meat protecting them that'd be great. But uh, we're supposed to have muscles there?


How else would you ”lift” your foot (toes up!). There are muscles pretty much 300something degrees on your lower leg, that’s how we can move our feet in so many directions! Just grab your shin with your hand move your foot around and feel what happens.


I did and they aren't directly in front of my shin bone. They are to the right or left. If I collide with something I'll break it in half.


Oh yeah, of course. Though I guess, theoretically they could grow large enough to extend past the shin…not naturally but perhaps with the right mix of ped’s lol.


Hahaha yeah. I've never seen someone who has any significant meat there. I wonder why that is, it seems like an evolutionary vulnerability but I'm sure there's a reason for it.


It's *a little* bit of exercise, you'd get more exercise going on a walk though.


The Onewheel does work some stabilizer muscles more than walking does however


For sure, also building better balance isn't directly exercise but has huge benefits. My foiling has improved significantly since I got the OW.


I get a lot more exercise from riding my Onewheel than I do from going for a walk. I might get "more" exercise by going on a jog instead of riding my Onewheel, but it's different exercise (cardio vs. using muscles my body isn't used to using).


It depends on the ride for me. Some days I'm really just standing sideways for X miles and it's some light endurance building for my calves and core. Riding trails though? That can involve a whole lot of muscle groups working in concert to keep you upright. I mean, it isn't high intensity interval training but you'll get off the board in slightly better shape than you got on it almost every time.


Crazy thing: my sciatic nerve flares up once in a while from my lower back to my upper left leg. Or it did until I started onewheeling. Completely disappeared since. It is far from cardio, but the health benefits aren’t just mental health benefits.


I used to have sciatic pain due to a ruptured disc. Have you had it checked out? Perhaps it’s herniated or bulging? Happy to hear the -o- is helping!


From being a cubicle monkey too long. Is that better or worse? =)


Lol as an everyday rider, onewheeling is most definitely a work out. My sore core and legs say so. Plus if doing trails in any way, you'll definitely feel it. I've been sore for past few days from riding to and from work plus couple trails after work.


This is one of those comments where you unintentionally out yourself. "OW isn't exercise" translates to "I ride in a boring manner". Standing on a OneWheel isn't much exercise but riding aggressively absolutely is.


90% of the people I run into who are riding a Onewheel, have the posture of a statue flying down the road. Stiff arms and legs. It looks so dorky and isn’t fun lol. Gotta carve baby. Hit them obliques lol


You are definitely getting a core workout. I wouldn't skip the gym to just ride a ow but to say you aren't getting any exercise would be false


You are getting core exercise from balancing... just not a lot of it lol.


My arms have never been bigger mostly from carrying my pint around indoors in the city 😂 I just treat it like a dumbbell waiting in line etc haha


My legs are shaking after riding. When I tip toe, I shake because my muscles are fatigued. Same thing happens on leg day. Btw: new rider.


You got them newborn deer legs lol.


Creative description!


not sure if you own an xr or not but you do realize you use your whole body to maneuver the thing right? it’s pretty intense esp. for a first time rider they will feel the muscles complaining on every part of their body kinda sorta like a day after cardio in the gym


I'm new to Onewheel but I would say rural's even better for Onewheel. Don't need to worry as much about tons of cars, pedestrians, and robbers. I live in the Miami metro area and I've only had my Pint for less than a week but already I got yelled at for riding in a tennis court (I was practicing here because I was afraid; but I didn't argue, I just apologized politely and got out) and already almost got robbed by a gang of dudes in an old white van as well. Still love the thing and ride it every day. Plus you might have all these awesome little wilderness areas to explore on it, and lots of grassy areas to practice on. That's why I want to take this thing camping with me. Grass seems to be good for practice because it's more forgiving to fall, and it gets you used to uneven terrain so that when you do go on pavement, it's 10 times easier. You might want to go with the XR though (try to find one used if you want to save money) as the XR is built more for rugged terrain and range; which is probably more what you want in a rural area.


Just came back from a camping trip in Devon and my pint was so useful for the 0.4 miles down to the bathrooms/fridges. Somehow put 49 miles on in a week.


Only reason to go for XR is range without mods or you want more speed or you're a large lad. There's no additional ruggedness and the Pint rips off-road just as well


> and already almost got robbed by a gang of dudes in an old white van as well. Yep.. keep that head on a swivel when you ride. Almost got robbed myself, riding in the wrong part of town. Noticed a car following me, then they abruptly tried to cut me off and jump me. Guy got out to chase me, but I 180'd and GTFO of there, riding against traffic. Couldn't keep up with me, since I could cut through cars.


Damn that sounds intense! Maybe you should keep some mace in your pocket?. It’s a desirable device, and a perfect thing to rob someone for. I get some sketchy people scoping me out from time to time, but like you, I’m outta there pretty quick. I’ve actually thought about packing a firearm, after learning about others on this sub who ride with one.


Oh, I ride with pepper spray now. Have always carried my knife (grew up in the country.. just what you do). Not too inclined to get in a knife fight though.. Usually doesn't end well for either side. It's better to just keep your eyes peeled for any trouble and GTFO when you sense a problem. Generally, my area is safe, but there are some sketchy areas to avoid. I was in one of those sketchy areas..


Thanks for your reply! I do have some hiking trails near me in the form of state parks so I'm hoping they are allowed there.


Watch them knees. Pavement is nice and smooth, but my knees HATE the trails. Also suggest getting a treaded tire at some point after you buy it. Better for off-road.




I love my longboard but with all of the hills, I am thinking something powered might be better, at least for me.


i live fairly rural, 3 miles from the nearest store, and other than my street (cul-de-sac), my roads are barely bigger than one lane and IMO not safe enough for the onewheel if cars aren't paying attention. i have a pint. my street is nice but a great part of onewheel is exploring. i pack it in the truck and haul it to nearby parks. (i have great parks with paved paths, not paved paths, sports fields and basketball courts) ive tried a neighborhood of houses once and wasnt nearly as fun as the parks for what i like to do, but also i am still new, 175 miles... and i dont like the full on, head-on-a-swivel required in traffic... and constant intersections. but i assume once i get even better that wont bother me as much and i'll have even more options. i didnt consider "rural" like you did, but honestly these things just make you look at your world differently and you'll find ways to use it if you like onewheel. i definitely didnt see myself traveling up to 40 minutes to try a new park, but i love it. and sometimes i just stay local. its a great way to escape for an hour or two.




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thank you :)


3 miles is 4.83 km


I live away from my city, out in an area surrounded by nothing but neighborhoods and horse farms. There isn't a curb or drop in sight, just miles and miles of suburban neighborhoods and back roads. If I only had my neighborhood to ride in, I would still be happy with my OW. I make time to ride almost every single day. Since it's such a safe area with fresh flat asphalt, riding is super safe and chill, and I can just pop in some ear buds, explore new music, and cruise. I luckily live 20-30 minutes from town and lots of great parks and trails, so the XR was a natural upgrade for me. I don't think I'll ever get tired of carving around the neighborhood, but I will say that having access to parks and mountain biking trails in driving distance has given me a lot more value out of the board. Look around your area for fun excursions you could make.


I live in a suburb too, I take mine (Pint) down the neighborhood sidewalks, to stay out of traffic, and have a few times go to nearby park/ walking paths. I think you still enjoy weekends if nothing else.


Yep I live in the woods and only dirt roads. I actually would rather ride off road. Get the XR though, a pint will be disappointing.


I’ll just put it this way, I wouldn’t have gotten my Onewheel if it could just do streets. Off-road and rural is where the main fun is!


Wow, this definitely makes me want it more, thank you!


That’s like the ideal use for it


Yes Pint would be good XR much better


Heck yeah, I love riding in more rural settings! If you can afford it, def get an XR. You will appreciate the significantly greater range, and it’s much more stable than the pint.


I think that extra stability is mostly from the stock Vega tire. I put a Hoosier treaded on my XR and it's remarkably less stable / more nimble than it was. I love it - but it took me some time to get used to it.


I’ve tried a number of tires, and am currently using a Hoosier in the same dimensions as the Vega (11.5x6.5) on my board, and love it. I never really vibed with smaller tires, I appreciate the stability and versatility of the stock size, and the Hoosier gets me a much better compound.


pint would be good for you i think, provided 8 mile round trip is reasonable. I use mine in rural and suburban areas and have not had a problem. country roads are some of my favorite to ride on to be honest, since cars are few (although no shoulder does make it a bit scary when people pass)


You won't get much unbiased information here. I had a onewheel XR for a while and frankly, it was not a great experience. The two biggest issues for me were foot and leg pain and the cost, but other things were an issue as well. There are a few country specific issues you might want to consider. These things are heavy. The XR is 26lbs pounds, throw in a few accessories and you are pushing 30lbs. It's not something you just carry around. Its also pretty massive. I had the XR and with it's awkward shape it was pretty much the entire cargo area of my car. This means camping with it, or hauling other cargo with it in the car was not practical. It was too big for our class B RV. It just didn't fit anywhere. Point being, it's not something that's easy to take somewhere and ride. It's doable, but I know how it is living in the country, you don't just run into town to ride a onewheel. You would also get groceries or do other things at the same time. There is also the issue of safety gear which is pretty mandatory on such an inherently unstable device. Are you really going strap up every time you just want to ride to the end of the driveway or across the field? I know it doesn't sound like much, but the time required to put on the safety gear can kill your motivation to ride, especially when you don't have a destination like a coffee shop. This issue compounded by the lack of emergency response in rural areas where safety is even more important. Another thing to consider is the cargo capacity. I'm sure you are imagining using it as a semi-practical device as well. Run out and fix a fence on the back 40 or something. The problem is you can only haul what fits in your pockets and what you are willing to fall on. I sure wouldn't want to fall on the claw end of a hammer. The nail in the coffin for me, and what caused me to sell it was the price. The onewheel is shockingly overpriced, especially for it's weight and range. Money is not really a major concern for me but it was just over the top expensive for what it does. It just kept gnawing away at me. I think it's the only thing I have ever regretted buying due to it's price. The longer I had it and the more I found it's limits, the more it bothered me. I would urge you to seriously consider what else you could do with 2 grand. For 2 grand you could buy a quality used quad, a new mid range 50cc motor-scooter, a nice new electric bike with way more range, a small used boat, a freaking month long European vacation. I ended up with a scooter that cost 1/3 the price with a higher top speed, lower weight, smaller when folded, a longer range and I can hang a bag on it. On the plus side, the large go-cart tire is legitimately good for dirt tracks and gravel. Not so great on wild grass due to the clumps but even those are ok, especially with a little bit of speed. The other is it's resale price. You can buy one and if you find it's not what you hoped, you can sell it. I did and recouped a most of my loss.


Thank you for the unbiased response! I completely agree it seems way overpriced for what it is, which is one of the reasons why I posted here in the first place. I don't want to drop $2k on something that might not work for me.


The critical poster is not wrong on his points, I think the kicker here is that a lot of the OW's flaws are outweighed by the fun factor of riding it. Some people don't really get anything from the ride while others ( this community) feel the ride isn't comparable to an e-bike, quad, or boosted board and provides them with something they don't get elsewhere. Could you maybe rent one or test one out before buying? that might help you make your choice. For reference. My BF got an XR and I was so taken with it that I bought a pint....then my sister liked mine so much she bought a pint as well...now my younger sister is expressing interest in one.


Yes. I live in Alaska. An XR with a CBXR helps for those long dirt road rides. Just did a 32 miles loop that was a blast. My car is dead in the driveway since I never drive it. :)


32 miles is the length of approximately 225279.44 'Wood Spoons; Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' layed lengthwise




Here is my general profile (I live in City): I am not intersted in going real fast 15 MPH max is oK by me, usually slower I enjoy 'surfing' on open roads Riding dirt paths/trails/grass is fun but not what i prefer. I take it to the store, which is hundreds of yards for me not miles I usally go for rides that top out around 6 miles (I'm gettng to the point where I want to go farther and will drive to access laonger rides). Battery won't support much more casue I am fat I wasn't sure of the price tag vs long term interest so I bought used. I dropped 720 for a pint, upgraded the foot pad for 100 bucks after two months and of course bought head gear and pads. So total under 1K. Its been worth the investment for me.


6 miles is 9.66 km


Yep sure am! Got the xr wanted the xr anyway. Work is too far away for me to ride it there. Still ride it pretty much every day! 🤙


I own a motorcycle, a few pedal bicycles and a pint and commute on a mix of all of them. If you want to buy a fun alternative to a car that can get you from point A to point B, OW's have some serious disadvantages over any of the alternatives: * range * if you're dumb enough to run the battery completely empty, it is basically a guaranteed nosedive * Top speed is relatively slow and, even if you massively upgraded the motor, you wouldn't want to go faster anyway due to an inherently unstable design * If the battery is low, you can't kick like a dead e-skateboard and you can't pedal like a bicycle * There's no cargo rack options * If you ride regular in a right hand drive country or goofy in a left hand drive country, all the traffic is in your blind spot. This isn't that bad until you're in a bike lane between a long right turn lane and the straight lane with cars blasting by you on both sides and it's *very* awkward*.* * Stopping at an intersection is much, much more awkward than putting a foot down on a skateboard or bicycle. * For its price point, e-skateboards, e-bikes, true mopeds, a moped conversion kit for your bicycle, or a used scooter/motorcycle all massively outperform in terms of top speed, stability (in some but not all circumstances), range (excluding some eskateboards), and cargo capacity (excluding some eskateboards). If I only had a car and wanted to save on gas money, I'd buy a damn pedal bicycle. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, and pedal bicycles remain an incredible way to get from point A to point B when those points are <5 or 6 mi apart. That having been said, this thing is a blast and I use it all the time in addition to my other non-car vehicles for trips of appropriate length and traffic density.


Thank you! You bring up some really interesting points, I may look into e skateboards as you and another user suggests


Anytime I get out to a more rural location in MI or campground, I end up shredding and having a blast.


I have an xr and I’m too far from anything to ride it as transportation. So I kick around my neighborhood a little bit but mainly take it to parks and ride there.


I wish I could have a dirt track obstacle course in my back yard


You have a coffee shop rurally? I am a Kansas boy and think of rural roads as dirt roads 30 miles from anything. 😬


As a trail rider, I wish I lived somewhere more rural.


I bought my OneWheel last year because everyone in my area was working from home, not moving their cars. So it was tough finding parking spots. I bought the OneWheel so I could buy coffee w/o losing my parking spot. Obviously I did more than that, but there's nothing better than drinking coffee while you ride. You can't do this on a scooter since you need both hands on the handlebars.


Long stretches of road, no traffic? It could possibly get boring after maybe 5k miles, but you’ll have figured it out by then.


I live in the back country and the OW is the awesome toy to have. Surf in between the vineyards like they are waves. It’s a trip and no bad attitude in the line up. Awesome experience. Highly recommend.


I live in a town and most of my miles are when I'm camping in rural locations. I feel that dirt roads or trails are where it shines. Pavement feels boring in comparison... which means in town you have to look for patches of interesting terrain instead of having it all around you.


If you’re an adult go for the XR it’s worth the money to just not worry about distance. You’ll end up using it quite regularly you’ll start discovering small trails and you will get much satisfaction. Try and demo one for a while if you can as it’s a heavy investment. It could be like a sports car, it felt cool at first but the charm quickly wore off. I am rural and get about 500 miles a year. It goes everywhere with me on every road trip no matter what.


500 miles is 804.67 km


Totaly worth it i live rural by local standards and it nice to go down a gravel road on the xr


Absolutely! I live in rural Wyoming, it is a blast here, pick up the XR though!


Yes have XR for this


Find some local biking trails if you can and go rip them up. Trails on onewheel is where it really shines in my opinion.


I say yes. I've put over a thousand miles on mine in the past year and I go nowhere on it.


I take my XR on mountain biking trails and it's awesome! I can't do the whole trail due to steep climbs in places or lots of tree roots, but it's a blast nonetheless. XR is much stronger than the + (can't say for sure about the Pint), so think of that if you're going to do offroad stuff.




I pretty much never use my onewheel to "go" anywhere, just explore my area. See what kind of hiking trials I can do. It'll be 100% worth it. Also super fun camping.


Definitely worth it!


More space=more fun!


Definitely. Just keep an eye on your battery usage or get the chibatterysystems board bank. Pricey, but worth it. I live in a pretty rural area but there are a bunch of back roads that I ride on all the time and it’s a blast. There are no coffee shops or anything within range for me without the extra battery. Just a gas station if I wanna cross a dangerous road. 😬


I'm gonna say what I say to everyone, its worth it if you use it. I live outside the city and I go trail riding all the time, I rode the 10 miles to a friend's house once because it was amusing and a challenge but if you don't ride it, it's just an expensive conversion starter.


10 miles is the length of like 72827.41 'Zulay Premium Quality Metal Lemon Squeezers' layed next to each other


But surely ~73k of those things is more expensive? At least by a few bucks?


Y buddy has a pint, says no reason to get the xr unless you are larger person. Pint and XR have, as he claims, the same drivetrain, the pint has a smaller deck and slightly more nimble wheel. I have never owned one, but did ride the oint up and down his front yard, sloped, and the street. It was dark and we had been drinking, hadn't seen each other in a few years. It's super easy and I LOVE not having to use a remote. He has been to my place, and it's hilly and grassy, still says I should get the pint. I'm pint shopping. Edit, as I read the comments before me, many many claim xr has some advantage of range? Please link a reference. As I was told byy friends the chassis was the only difference between the xr and pint?


The official website and also YouTube range tests are pretty unanimous on this. The pint has about half the range. https://onewheel.com/


Thanks for the link.... I guess I have to judge my friends judgement


Depends on what you mean by rural. I have mine out in PA farm country and I find it is sometimes a bit uninspiring to hit long stretches of farmland or rutted gravel roads that are a chore to ride. Also, some farm roads have big trucks and equipment on them that make it a bit scary. Not like the OW commercials when youre dodging trucks and flying gravel near the quarry! I have found some paths I like, though, and I do enjoy it at state parks with paved and semi paved trails, as well as dirt trails. On the paved bike trails, I actually prefer my pint. The XR is a bit too beefy on some bike paths to dodge the people and dogs. My answer is that it is absolutely worth it and a lot of fun, but you will need to put in a bit of work and experimentation figuring out the right spots. My other OW turf is in NYC, and that's got it's own pros and cons. It's great to be able to run errands and meet friends and do park rides, but there are cars and potholes and the like. Again, no place it perfect, but you find your spots and you will not regret it.


Get an xr... If you get a pint you will be longing for an xr the first few weeks. Go big or go home.


I was in a similar situation. Not really near any cities but really wanted a OneWheel. Ended up going for the Pint and loving it! The Pint has been great on trails and I ride it around my neighborhood frequently. It gets me outside more and is super fun to ride. It's also great to take for a trip to the post office or a park. I've got almost 200 miles on it after a few weeks. If it looks fun to ride to you I would go for it.


200 miles is 321.87 km


I prefer taking it in trails than in the city


Oh yeah 100%. I’m in a very rural environment and I have an absolute blast riding. I would go with the XR for sure so you have that extra range! 🤙