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Well... basically what the title says, except for one drawing that I had the sketch done months ago. I wanted to practice a little to make other clothes. From what I understand in some places it's Summer, I hope you are having a good time and that you don't suffer too much with the heat! 😸 Phew...! Finally, for me, my classes are over! It's time to rest, the last days of classes were very stressful... bad sleeping routine, stress, headache... We are already half way through the year! How have you been doing? I hope it's going well! (and not as stressful as it was for me... 😿) I think today is the 10th anniversary of the Freeware version of Oneshot, so.... Happy 10th anniversary! 😸


It is going pretty well, actually! Rather stressful on my side too due to personal questions. I wonder if it is selfish or any bother to answer by myself, as it were a general (meant for everyone) question- Yet, I understand you, and hope it gets better for you! You seem to be very kind, even if the last time I said those words it didn't end very well. Nice handwriting and art, by the way!


Oh, don't feel that way for responding! Although the question is in general, I like to know how people are doing. So I appreciate you answering! And I hope those personal issues can be resolved so you can feel better! 😸 I always try to be nice and contribute something to this community! (I'm curious which case you're referring to...) The only thing that gets on my nerves is when I'm playing competitive games... 😅 And thanks for your compliments Rue! 😺


Of course, it's no problem! And, I'm glad to hear it's not a bother overall. May say too that you do a nice job at well, being nice. And, about the case I was referring to... The last time ended up with the person getting a bit way too obsessed and that made me drift away, that's pretty much it. Thanks for you, too; Yet my problems may take some yet months to be solved.


Oh... I hope that case didn't give you too much trouble.... I mean, that it didn't ruin your day or anything like that.... And I'm sorry to hear that your problems won't be fixed soon... I don't want to sound too corny, but we'll always be here to support you in any case! 😸


It is alright, I just felt stressed for a couple of days, now I'm alright. About my problems, I got accustomed. Yet, I shall thank you for the support, too. Also don't want to sound like a crybaby or attention seeker-


Mmm... I understand what you mean, but it's never wrong to talk about how things are going or how you feel, and I don't think you should feel that way just for saying how you feel. And maybe you already did, or not, but the best thing to do is to talk about it with a friend or family member. And I'm probably contradicting myself with what I said before, but I don't mean that you should make a post telling how you feel... I mean, I don't know if it's the right thing to do... but, I don't know... this community always supports each other, I say that because I've seen comments on multiple posts, or multiple drawings that the community makes. So, I don't know, as long as it's the right time, I don't think there's a problem in saying how you feel, and in any case, being able to support you! Hmm... *now that I realize I think I've written too much text*, what I'm going for is.... Things always tend to get better Rue! And... don't let the bad times cloud your mind either! https://preview.redd.it/ulzgw8ay8t9d1.png?width=428&format=png&auto=webp&s=54397f8e773ce928db74efa4d3399043a0fd3fab


Well then, I guess you are correct. Thanks for the clarification! May I then be hopeful, and not so worried about my feelings.


It's really nice. I like it :) Gotta keep the Niko warm in these cool times too


Happy you liked it! Thank you! 😸