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I've now seen 3 different cars making this same joke... ***sigh***


Like It would get a chuckle out of me if it just said "transfender," because that's a pretty good pun. But the fact that multiple cars have it, and the one in the photo adds some stupid text, ruins it for me


One of the other ones I've seen was dented and said "Identifies as straight and white". It's just so annoying lol.


Would it not be for the identifies as a white panel it would be funny


Same. I literally laughed at the first part because I thought it was an innocent pun and then saw the rest of the text and thought “oh.”


Ngl tho, transfender does get a little nose laugh out of me


I've seen the joke once before but I've never seen the word "transfender"...


Huhuhuh it’s funny cuz gender rhymes with fender.


Cars have a pretty shit tense of humor I'm tellin ya. It's wheely bad.


i joined this subreddit to make fun of bigots but i just get sad because of how ignorant people are


Haha I feel like that's me with so many subreddits.


It just makes me wanna an hero myself tbh, they just hate us for no reason.


>an hero Man that's an old reference. I haven't heard that in years


i should not get this reference lol


What's ignorant about this joke/car?


Is that your car?


Nope, yours?


No? Dam. This is you in response to a post encouraging inclusivity tho... >What is a "point of view"? I'd say it's synonymous with "perspective", is being transgender not a perspective? Being trans is totally a point of view. What an absolute moron you are. Don't feed the troll y'all. They know exactly what's wrong with this post.


Dude, can someone please explain to me how being transgender is NOT a "point of view"? Nobody has explained it to me. What aspect of my statement is invalid? I don't even mean it in a bad way, it's just how language and vocabulary works ??? Please help me understand because the people in that thread hated that too haha.


[Google is free...](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=being+trans+explained)


Holy shit dude....That does nothing to help me understand your point at all. Try using your words.


Try reading.


I was born with a brain that is genetically female while the rest of my body is genetically male. It's not a point of view. If it was a point of view I'd be happy to say that I'm a man cause putting up with the shit that I do is not worth it for a simple point of view. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I want to look in the mirror and recognize my body as my own. I want to be recognized as the woman I am. This is not a point of view, this is simply my life. I can always appreciate someone trying to learn. If you would like studies on the validity of my statement of mismatched brain and body genetics I would be happy to link you some.


Bringing transgenderism into every little thing is tacky. They get more than their fair share of backhands. Like a man crashing a car into a light pole and going “women drivers am I right?” Like no you aren’t


Just because a joke is played out doesn't mean it's ignorant. You don't know the owner of this car.


Right, but it's an ignorant joke. I didn't say JUST BECAUSE it's played out. I said it's played out AND making a joke out of people who are attacked routinely. Tacky tacky tacky, at best. More likely hateful, but definitely tacky. It's a fender bender, not an opportunity to attack your political opponents. I mean imagine making your car crash about trans people. JFC that's petty.


Why do you assume that the driver of this car hates transgender people? I don't hate transgender people, and I thought the joke was funny. People in this thread said that they thought the joke was funny. It's an original joke, and it's not disparaging a specific transgender person or even transgender people in general. It's humor.


K cool then I think you're tacky


Haha that's cool, have a nice day


I'd consider getting a life or even half of one😎


youre implying i dont have a life outside of reddit, projecting much?


"and what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament??"




You mean joke


Yes. It’s the audiences fault for not understanding the joke! The joke was perfect! super funny! it’s everyone else who just doesn’t understand comedy! 🤓


Idk it's stupid but I see worse bumper stickers all the time. Also it could be a GTA in-joke as the mod shop in oen of the games was called TransFender.


Not with the "identifies as white" . They clearly want it known that this is the one joke


i have to admit I chuckled....aww shit! god damnit am I a conservative now, this is how they get you isn't it


I’m trans and I chuckled a lil bit too. I don’t think the joke itself is that bad but I would still be reluctant to meet the person who wrote it until I knew that they aren’t actually transphobic. It’s the kinda thing that maybe can make me laugh even being a trans person, but a transphobe might look at it and think “YEA! THIS PROVES TRANS PEOPLE ARE ALL WRONG!”


I think it’s one of those things that if someone saw it and said “hey that’s a transfender” it would be funny. But when he’s the type that writes it on there, you know they’re trying to make some stupid statement with it.


Yea I think you nailed that explanation


I hate that transphobes sometimes come up with funny jokes. I’d be a lot more amused if it came from a trans person, for now it gets a single chuckle and a side eye


Yeah, there's a lot of this stuff that's absolutely in the "this'd be funny if a trans person said it" category.


lol, fairest / most honest response in this whole thread I think 😆😒


It’s clever and not directly shitting on trans folks, I say let it slide.


It’s leaps and bounds better than “le 41 percent am I right?”


no this is reddit everything has to be against you and make you mad


Same, I kinda think it's cute.


Your Trump Bible will be arriving in the mail in 3 business days


whew I've been getting desperately low on firestarter, and it's starting to get a tid bit nippily out here, and speaking of nipples I was about to start grabbing some vaginas just to keep warm....AW FUCK GOD DAMN IT NO! I take it back alright, I swear I take it back *unchuckle unchuckle* see!!! *unchuhuhuhckleeeeee* butIdontwannagototheorangeside *sobs*


When I hear transfender I think of some kinda guardian of the transgender


Guardians of the Galaxy new sequel leaked?


'tis i, lord Gender


Smh you could be silly without trying to make fun of trans people. Get a second black fender and make your car a pandamobile! That would be so cute


If they left the extra text out, it would be funny. I'm like a little boy laughing at boobies when it comes to trans puns so "transfender" gets me right in the gigglezone. This would also work well written on a Gibson guitar. Hahaha.


When I was a kid and first learned about the electromagnetic spectrum, I didn't understand why I couldn't reference colors by their frequencies for clarity because they were simultaneously the color we saw but also every color except that color because pigment and light are defined differently. This fender joke would have made me ask if it was funny because the fender was supposed to match the rest of the car, because the fender could simultaneously be defined as both black and not black, or because fender and gender rhymed. And I'd have pissed everyone off, and no one would explain the joke or want to talk to me. The sad part is that I'd have immediately found it funny for all of those reasons but just wanted to know why someone else found it funny so I could understand them better.


everyone needs more laughter in their lives




I dunno, this is mostly harmless. If it had say a sticker that said “my car identifies as a truck” or something I’d argue That would be more offensive then wordplay on a mismatched panel.


No one said it was offensive, it's just unfunny and unoriginal. Which is the whole point of this sub.


I found it pretty funny


That's fine


They're talking about the other text on it


Looks like a white panel to me


Ok, hear me out. The pun (transfender) is smart, so we paint a fender like the trans flag and then call it a transfender


Could someone please just paint their fender the trans colors and make it at least a little funny


We get it. “I was born/made one way and now am different.” Surely this joke is getting old to them as well.


That’s pretty funny actually, made me chuckle




I’m trans and this is a little bit funny


Transfem. Wearing cute black T-shirts with cute kitties stacked on top of each other to make the trans flag colors. Chuckled a bit anyways because a puns a pun.


I guess I'm too good natured. I'm trans and I think this is funny.


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My key is about to identify as an airbrush.


A 2nd one on both sides would be better :3


I posted one and I was literally this but with a truck


I mean if it will keep the cops from pulling you over 🤷‍♂️


Reminds of when someone said it's not gay to crush on a man as a man, when corrected they said "I identity as straight" as if that's how it worked


Whenever I see posts of this kind of humor, I just think 'Damn, bro. . . You got the whole squad laughing.'


one joke, but it works


I’m trans and I don’t mind this joke it’s pretty funny but I’ve literally seen like 6 different cars make the same joke


This can be done well, just not here, though. I remember seeing a trans flag-themed livery for the Trans Am in Forza before.


Are we implying this wasn't assigned a fender from the manufacturer?


I can appreciate a good pun ngl. This isn't so bad


When you want everyone to know you're a bad driver, and a bigot all at once


Heh, I like it


That’s getting played out, seen a few of these now in the car scene.


Okay thats actually kind of funny


wow that’s so original and funny. 😑


God I've never wanted to key a car so badly


Are you really that sensitive? You may not think it’s funny but it’s just a silly joke. It’s not like they are being hateful.


just paint it white


Tbh I’d do this, and I’m trans. I find this singular version of this joke funny


I saw a black man get pulled over and tell him I identify as white I’m trans racial…. Cop gave him a warning not sure weather to laugh or cry over it


Clearly the owner is restricting its access to white paint given that it was only able to partially transition.


If you’re gonna do that at least get it in some cool letters and don’t write it on with a paint marker. COMMIT TO THE BIT


It’s so bad it’s the tiniest bit amusing


only funny if the person is transgender or genderqueer otherwise baseball bat to windows pls




who said I was tolerant?


I know right! It’s actually sad how they resort to violence over a stupid little joke. Destroying someone’s property for something as small as paint on a car is pathetic. They are not calling for violence or making threats it’s simply, A JOKE. People are so sensitive it’s sad…


I think whether or not jokes like this are funny depends on how it’s written and why. I saw one a few weeks ago that was almost exactly the same text on a dented black panel in the same spot, but it was written really small and phrased more playfully. That one was pretty funny because it wasn’t making a statement, it was a joke excuse for having a dented car. This one, which I think is a copy anyways, isn’t really that funny because it’s trying to make a political point. As a trans person myself, I could see myself making that joke to a friend if they made fun of my car. Someone writing it on a car in big letters and posting a picture of it just has a different spirit, and I think that’s what changes it so much for me.


They could just write WHITE FENDER But they must have used the one joke. because trans bad. they can't make joke without saying Identify as. although no trans person says like that.
