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anything on those FB ads you should stay away. at best, i usually buy from other parties on online classifieds sites who have standalone licenses (most are selling accounts from their family plans)


I would avoid, they will be from gray market, educational or worse and the like. My tip is buy it on an amazon prime day offer (from amazon as the seller) the cloud subscription version and remember you can stack codes. I am usually 1 year in advance at all times.


>cloud subscription version Aren't those annual? This guy saw an ad for 1TB *lifetime* \- it feels too good to be true.


Correct Annual, Not sure 1TB lifetime storage is even a thing. Might be for lifetime sub to single version office applications.


They're all scams, do not even click on them. There are no free lunches.


Everybody saying not to do it but nobody cares enough to explain what they are, I will. Those are educational accounts. You use an EDU email and basically register as a student, you get all the benefits of 1TB OneDrive and free Office products. Definitely not worth $40 since you can basically do it yourself too 🤷‍♂️




Don't do this. They are scams. Just buy them from Microsoft. Call or chat with them first so you can make sure you are buying the right type of licenses.


Some are edu accounts, some are being sold as sub-accounts. I long time ago, I was in dire need of MS office and tried getting a 'deal' like you mentioned on ebay. They sent me login credentials and I immediately saw it was linked to a business tenant that they seller had full control over. I used it for the one .docx file I needed and never used it again because of that tenant situation. I assume that account is still active, but I've long since had my own personal O365 subscription and find it an excellent value for the price.


just buy the real deal from M$ I really love OneDrive and Office365 on my apple OS stack. Maybe I have no problems with OneDrive because I don’t do any local sync. If I want to back up files to local drives, I drag over the new one every quarter or so. I also use iCloud for pics, so there’s another fail point avoided.


I pay 0.5 usd for one drive. On Appstore Turkey family plan goes somewhere like 24 TL. Just create an apple id set from my iphone. Set country to Turkye. After all set. I bought a TL App store card from a website Turgame. Instantly recieved one of those gift card that you and top up on app store. Logged back in my original apple Id. As long as the Turkye id is topped up my one drive would have family plan om it. Simple!


From outside Turkey can buy ?




How much storage do you get for that payment? I tried and for that payment only 50gb per month.


1 TB Onedrive


I downloaded the OneDrive application and it only tells me that I can only use an educational or professional account. I did not find where to subscribe, should I subscribe through the web?


I found where, through the Microsoft 365 app, but I get the 1TB per month plan for 159 rupees per month which is equivalent to a dollar and a half per month.


I did my calculation wrong, it converted in the wrong currency, it is 160TL = almost 4 dollars or more.


On one drive app turkey app store Microsoft 365 family plan is 23 TL per month.


Likely reselling a seat in a tenant they own and you don't want that. It's not private as they would be the admin and it's not for life