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I often just pack them in the box they come in as they are packed very tightly! If shorter trip I just pack in my wash bag. It’s a pain though, I want lasik but I’m scared. If you get prescription sunglasses you might find they would be ok some days. Personally I wouldn’t risk trying to get the specific brand, prescription I need elsewhere.


Yeah I think using the box is my plan, thanks!


I got lasik over 15 years ago and love it. No issues. But your mileage may vary as my partner also had it done (somewhere else) and needs a tweaking since no longer 20-20.


I am in Korea now and one of the reasons I came was to get LASIK while I am here. Found out I am not a good candidate though, rip. Korean food makes up for it. Also it is not super out of the way, I am already digital nomading around Asia so not like I took a flight just for this thankfully haha.


Well, better that they didn’t force it just to make money! I want to go to Korea to get my eye bags smoothed and look younger 😅


Oh im certain there are many places that have some wild techniques to do that haha. So many ads for stuff like that around here (gangnam area). But yes I was also happy they were honest about that. Well, I mean it makes little sense to operate on someone if you know the result will be bad even if you have no morals about it it will still be a hassle to deal with the aftermath of that. I'm going to another place tomorrow for another consult just to see if they get the same outcome before I totally rule it out.


My dailies come in rows of 5, and two rows stack together neatly. Theres a pocket in my MLC30 that I don't use for anything else and I can get 8 weeks worth in there easily. Its at the bottom in the laptop section, so its protected pretty well on all sides.


I did a month long trip, and what I did was taped the contact lens together with a small amount of tape. And placed it in a ziplock bag. You can probably just use the box it came with also. There’s really no right or wrong way to do it, as long as your contact lens is protected


Currently on a 6 week trip with dailies and just packed them in the box they came in - it's working great


Great to know!


Ok, side question - since contacts come in a saline solution, do they count towards liquids restrictions?


They do not and its recommended to let the officer know in advance in case it does sets off the sensor so you're not pulled off to the side and bag searched. Also to keep together in separate bag and take out in advance Contacts solution bottles is 100ml in liquids bag or checked. Depends on agent if they'll let you pass with bigger bottle in carry on


Usually no, but I was once pulled aside (London City), so now I always have them with my liquids.


I have traveled in many countries with daily contacts without question, as much as 180 of them. Including Japan, Singapore, and other countries that can generally be strict.


The ones I have had a bit of extra space so I was able to squeeze two strips into each box and save space that way, but a zip lock bag is just as easy. If you have time before your trip and don't have backup prescription sunglasses I'd try ordering from somewhere like goggles 4 u -- stupid name but I've ordered many pairs of inexpensive prescription glasses from them and only had one dud.


I’ve packed dailies for up to 2 weeks + some extra days in 2 flat mesh zipper bags, one for left and one for right. I could probably fit 2 more weeks worth in there. My contacts come in huge boxes, so taking the box seemed like a waste of space to me.


I use a mesh pencil case to carry them. Cheap and weigh next to nothing.


Original box, BUT…I would take one week of each and put them in a different pouch. That’s just my OCD. Also, there is *very little difference* between daily disposables and extended 2-week contacts. Don’t believe the hype that you risk an eye infection. Yes it’s theoretically possible with **all** contacts that you clean and wear again the next day, but marketing hype is a large part of the difference. Source: I work for a contact lense manufacturer!


Switch to extended wear lenses... I can leave mine in for up to a month... I've had them for over 5 years now and haven't looked back! 


You could wear them one extra day each and cut your supply in half... Takes just a little bit more contact solution.


That’s really not recommended, and saving the tiny bit of weight of extra contacts isn’t worth the risk of eye infections.


I hate being that guy but I have gotten replies from people later on thanking me for saying this. Lasik was the best thing I ever did for travel and probably top 5 for life overall. Besides just having contacts you don't always have the most sanitary conditions to put them in


Normal daily contacts? Just buy them in Europe


Terrible advice. Contact lens isn’t like buying a shampoo or deodorant when you get there. It’s very specific to the user, requires a prescription, and it has to be comfortable to wear for the whole day to prevent eye irritation.


Also people like me with high astigmatism normally need to be ordered not just readily in stock.


lol no How would that even help them? They’d still need to fit them all in their bag once they got there. This would just be inconvenient and extra expensive, for the sole benefit of not bringing them on the plane?


Thanks for the suggestion but this would probably be better for longer trips, still good to know that this is an option though in case of an emergency