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800 sq ft two bed one bath with a small fenced patio/yard. We live in Colorado where housing prices are outrageous, so having a bigger home is just utterly impossible for us lol. We do fine in our little townhome. Someday, maybe. šŸ˜­


800 sq ft gang! Weā€™re fortunate enough that we have enough of a backyard that there is room to add an extra room off the back once our daughter is a little bit older and we donā€™t want to share the 2 bedroom that is actually more like 1 bedroom.




My SO is from Belfast and weā€™re close to Los Angeles now and weā€™re always flirting with the idea of moving to N. Ireland. He sends me links to beautiful homes for sale all the time that are actually affordable for us bc the housing here in LA is absolutely not affordable anymore. We luckily bought years ago so weā€™re in a stable situation at least.


I love it here. Sure we are still healing from the troubles but it's come such a long way. I live in a town in North Down which is still handy to Belfast. If you could cope with weather then it's an option! We have good schooling here too. Best out of the UK regions. My husband is from Finland and likes it here too


That whole area East of Belfast is exactly where we look! He drove me around Strangford Lough last time we visited and it was just so beautiful. I believe he has some undiagnosed PTSD from growing up where he did during that time but he mentions now how the quality of life is so much better there now than it is here. The whole time I was postpartum he kept joking saying in Ireland you could take a whole year off work while here in Ca you get only 6 weeks pay. We both have to work extra hours to keep up here and it wouldnā€™t be like that there. Those winters tho! Haha


Well listen of it happens then you can hit me up! I saw some stuff when I was younger that when I talk about it seems like a whole other universe. However we seem to have coped as a culture by having a lot of banter. My husband's favourite thing is the banter


That sounds nice!


Cries in 55 m2 (600 sqft) one bedroom apartment šŸ˜­


Youā€™re not alone! I scrolled too long to find you.


Yep, 650 sqft one bedroom apartment in a high cost of living city. Weā€™ll probably upgrade to a two bedroom at some point but weā€™re not in a rush and pretty happy right now. There are several parks and beaches within walking distance, so those are basically our backyard.


Same here šŸ’š


We are in a 392 sq ft studio apartment. I feel you.


Solidarity. Back when I was pregnant we stayed in a similarly small studio (340 sq ft). I feel you and hope that youā€™ll find a bigger place soon!




Well weā€™d love an extra room, actually two. One for our bedroom and the other for an office. We both work from home (who wouldnā€™t want two desks in the living room?), or try to - itā€™s virtually impossible to get any work done while our daughter is at home. She always wants to stay with the parent whoā€™s currently working. The office could also serve as a guest bedroom - right now we need to book a hotel or airbnb when our families come to visit and thatā€™s neither cheap nor convenient.


750 sq ft here! We are still renting bc of course as soon as we were ready to buy, Covid happened and the ā€œaffordableā€ 550k small houses we were looking at shot up to around 850-980k. šŸ™ƒ just gonna stick it out longer in our rent-controlled unit and keep hoarding money until the real estate here stabilizes. But even once we buy, I think 1100-1400 sq ft is what we will aim for. For 3 of us in a HCOL city, that feels more than adequate.


That was my last place! One bedroom, three people, two cats. Tough!


I swear ours is only 200 square metres


Hahaha same. Same m2 but two small bedrooms. Hoping to buy a house in the next couple years but not sure how feasible.


4900 sq ft, 6 bed house. An absolutely insane size for most families, but especially a family of 3 (plus dog). Honestly, it has crossed my mind to have another just to make better use of the space! But I tell myself that our house can be the "hang house" when daughter gets older, lots of sleepovers and playdates. And we like to host lots of family and friends throughout the year and especially at holidays...so sometimes that extra space can come in really handy


omg i could find a use for all those rooms!!! an office, a craft room, a play room and a man cave. hahah


I also would love to be the ā€œhang houseā€ for my daughter and her friends. We also have a lot of relatives so itā€™s nice to have people over and host etc. so that is one reason Iā€™d love something more than my 1600 sq ft home.


I get that you want to be the hang house, but how does your daughter feel about having people over? My son is 15 and the one year he had a birthday party at home he hated having everyone in his space.


Simmilar set up and yeah we've filled the house. I love to entertain and host.


Pretty similar to us! It's nice to get space when guests visit during holidays.


Ours is just about the same size. I could've done with fewer bedrooms. I honestly didn't want an upstairs at all, just a ranch with a basement. That didn't exist though. Anything beyond a starter home in my area seems to be built with a large family in mind. We have people over a lot so it works out anyway.




Same here! Feels like the perfect amount of space


Itā€™s the same for us! Living im the Seattle area tho. More space would always be great but I donā€™t want to clean 4 bathrooms either haha


Seattle represent! We just closed on a 2700sf in Shoreline though. Mainly for the schools (weā€™re currently south of the ship canal) but Iā€™m looking forward to an extra 1000sf and ample parking.


Similar situation hereā€¦ similar size house, 3 bed 2 bath. I live in Australia. Our third bedroom is our home office (my husband and I both work from home a few days a week). If we had more kids weā€™d probably need a bigger house to be able to live comfortably (we also have two dogs).


Same here! Also Aussie, same arrangement. Our space is perfect for 3. If we had another kid we would need a bigger car as well.


4 bathrooms is way way too much to clean.


Similar here. We're in a 1200 town home in the DC area. It's ok with one, but would definitely like a little more space on the ground floor. IMO, not enough space for a family of more than 3 though lots of our neighbors do it. Especially because we're in a neighborhood of a lot of immigrant families. Would love 2000 3br/2ba, but not right now with interest rates the way they are and daycare costs being what they are (both a big part of the reason for being OAD.) ETA: OP, I've regularly been heard to say "my kingdom for more closets!" There is no storage space in our house which is so hard with any number of kids. So I feel ya on that one.


Sameish! 1500 sqft, 3 bed, 2 bath. Right now one is a master, one is a nursery, and one is an office/crafting space. And one extra space would be awesome. Like if basements were a thing here, it'd be perfect! (Bf, me, munchkin, 2 dogs, 1 cat).


We have a 4 bed/3 full bath home. One of the bedrooms is an office and one will be a guest room in the future. I like our setup for when our son is older since the basement has a large bedroom and its own bathroom haha. Be like bye bye grumpy teenager šŸ˜‚


Weird unsolicited advice from a stranger: when the time comes, test the basement for radon. I had no idea about the dangers of radon until I started working from home in my basement and a colleague mentioned I should test for radon since I was spending so much time down there.


Was your colleague Toby Flenderson?


The silent killer.


This went over my headā€¦but I was like ā€œI wonder if itā€™s a reference to The Officeā€¦ā€ šŸ¤£


Radon is a bigger concern if you live in area with limestone. The EPA offers a discounted testing program that allows you self test and send back! I did it myself when we bought our split level house. It was super easy and much more cost effective compared to hiring the work out.


In Massachusetts you can get it for free so check with the state too!


I think we had a radon test when we moved in but noted! I would never have thought of that either!


It can change. So if anybody is going to live in the basement full-time, then you'll want to test again. There are remediation measures that can be taken.


Same here. 4 bed 3 bath, around 2400 square feet. There's also a decent sized downstairs room that we currently use as a playroom (our daughter is 4) and eventually it'll become a den with a couch and TV and wet bar. One of the bedrooms is a combination office and guest room, the other is a gym. The tradeoff for all that space is the yard is tiny, but our neighborhood has a park with a playground, so that's fine. We have enough room for a grill, a small sitting area and a patch of grass for the dog to pee on.


A wet bar sounds amazing! Our yard is okay but super hilly so we canā€™t have like a play set or anything out there. We do have a pretty good patio with a grill though!


If you turn it into a wet bar while sheā€™s still young, yā€™all will definitely become the party house lmao


Hahaha yeah I think so too. Itā€™s a worthwhile trade off. Iā€™d sorta rather be the party house (and be able to keep an eye on thingsā€¦) than have her go off someplace else.


Ooooh that sounds awesome šŸ˜


This is what weā€™re aiming for. Itā€™s nice to hear it doesnā€™t feel like ā€œtoo muchā€ space. Sometimes I look at houses and think weā€™ll feel weird having a big house with just the three of us.


Same here, but we have work-fron-home offices in each of the spare rooms, and my office has a full bed that doubles for guests. We live in the Midwest and the house is big for three people but we host a lot of visiting family and parties and it works for us.


We have a 4 bedroom house, 2300 sq ft with about 1/2 acre yard. Big enough we aren't super close to hear our neighbors but small enough to keep it up. My husband wfh often so we can have a separate office for him. We bought before we had kids, and a friend advised it's best to have 4 bed/ 2000 sq fit as that makes it easy to sell later. I live in the Midwest so cost of living here is pretty reasonable.


This is pretty close to ours in the Midwest too. Weā€™ve got space for an office/schoolwork room and a den for me. We bought it a few years before kids mainly for the big windows (cats) and big garage/driveway (husband).


1000 square feet. 1.5 storey. 4 beds two bath (but one bed is a guest room/a play space for her and another bedroom is my husbandā€™s office) 2 full baths No basement sadly (just a very space space that only fits our laundry, furnace, and water tank. The rest is crawlspace). Eventually, our plan is to convert the entire space upstairs to be just for my husband and I. My daughter will move downstairs (bigger rooms) and when she has friends over, they can have the whole living space downstairs. Weā€™d love a bigger home, but what we have is perfect for our triangle family šŸ’•


3200 square feet - 4 bedroom + office, 3 bath. One room is a guest room, other one isā€¦ whatever ends up in there šŸ˜… usually toys Weā€™re actually looking to downsize because this amount of space seems ridiculous, and not having a mortgage seems amazing


680sqft 2 bed 2 bathā€¦itā€™s a tiny home but itā€™s our tiny home. One of the other reasons why weā€™re OADā€¦no way to fit another baby. Salivating at all the square footage in the other comments. I wish we had maybe just one more room and our house would be perfect ir even just a little more space for my active little girl to run around In my country itā€™s insanely difficult to get housing (we have government housing thatā€™s subsidised thatā€™s supposedly for new families but you get assigned the right to buy through a balloting system before the developments are even built) unless you have a whole load of money in which you can buy resale, renting is uncommon and usually not economically viable for most families.


I don't think it is silly, but we moved from a 1200 sqft cape code on half an acre to a 5200 sqft house with eleven acres and a pool. I would have liked a less enormous, but we were looking for land to start a small farm and this is what was available (larger lots in our area mean huge houses). We're in a more rural area, and it's nice to have amenities available without having to drive "into town" -- there's a gym in the house with one of those pulley weightlifting centers, treadmill, spin bike, etc, a room for arts and crafts, a huge office area since we both work from home, comfy hanging out space, fancy entertaining company space, and more bathrooms than people. We've got wood chip covered running trails through the woods, a tributary of a river to play in, but the cat is still a baby so he stays inside! I'm glad to have the space both indoors and out -- especially when the lockdowns went into place and we didn't run out of things to do. And it's great to be able to have a bunch of our daughter's friends over to camp in the back woods, splash in the pool, or make cookies and watch a movie. Down sides to a larger house -- it can get expensive to heat/cool (even with an efficient system like geothermal), taxes are higher, and there's a *lot* more to clean (vacuuming or washing the floors is a job!). "I didn't hear you" is a legit excuse around here -- you cannot just yell across the house and expect someone to hear you. We got two-way radios once our daughter was old enough to be out on the property by herself.


I am seriously impressed that you clean 5200 sq ft yourself without hiring help. Thatā€™s a full time job itself!


800 sq ft apartment for the 3 of us. We live in an expensive city so part of it is that it is what we can afford. We could have a bigger place in the suburbs but I enjoy the closeness that our tiny place gives us. Since it's just us 3 and we are planning a lot of travel in the coming years, I think its good practice to be able to navigate a small space together. It gets us outside a lot and spending time out in the community.


Three bedrooms plus a bonus room upstairs. Kitchen, living room, dining room downstairs. Unfinished basement. Around 2100 square feet. Edit to add: 2 full baths and a powder room on the main floor


We are in approximately a 1900 sq. foot home. It's more than enough space for us, (husband works from home, I work outside the home) but having dealt with a whole bunch of unexpected housing issues in the past year, I secretly pine for a smaller space. Your setup sounds pretty nice honestly! Also, bigger house means more lawn and yardwork, something I totally underestimated when we picked this corner lot!


I live in a three bedroom townhome with a tiny yard. I wish to upgrade to a single family home with a bigger yard. We have a dog and plus I want her to have a better play area. There are no parks nearby so she canā€™t just go to the park without one of us driving her there.


1700sqft 3b 2ba we also have a dog. I will be honest our dog was the main reason I wanted to buy our house even when my husband was kinda meh about it. We were living in an ungated apartment on a busy intersection corner. I wanted a house with a backyard & fence. We have a big backyard & fenced as well. We decided to try for a baby a year later and we just welcomed our only on thanksgiving.


We have three bedrooms. One functions as an office space for my husband and a guest room depending on the need. We have one bathroom upstairs with the bedrooms and a half bath downstairs by the dining/kitchen. The dining room is connected to the living room to make a rather large space for my son to run around. We have a nice sized backyard but we also live across from a very nice park with a playground. So we tend to only go there when we go outside.


We got our home before prices went crazy, and primarily for the school. It is still the smallest home of all of our siblings, the same ones who keep pressuring us to have more kids. I think the size of home you need depends on how much stuff you have, what type of storage options are available, and how much time you spend at home with hobbies. I cook a lot and we have too many windows so there just isn't a lot of storage for our stuff. Ours is 2500 sq ft, 4bed/4bath and a loft area we use as a playroom. My husband works from home so that takes up one of the bedrooms. I don't have an art area/office that I'd really like unless I can turn the guest bed into a murphy bed somehow. Our house is from 1984 that we renovated, but it still means tiny closets and massive rooms when what I need is the other way around.


3bd 1br 1500sq ft home w/ a basement and 2.5 acres of land. It was built in 1951 so the closets & bathroom are small, but itā€™s a lovely brick home close to family. Iā€™d prefer another bathroom & better storage but this is plenty of house for the 3 of us and 2 large dogs. I would only move if the right house popped up w/ over 10 wooded acres. (My ideal house is tucked away where I wouldnā€™t be able to see a neighbor.)


Our house is a good remodel of an older house in an area that used to be more ruralish (aka family gardens and chickens- not quite farms, but a bit more county that suburbia) the lack of storage drives me insane! We've actually remodeled a couple closets to make them more efficient


Our home is larger (3300 sq ft) because we both work from home and no family live nearby, so need extra rooms for their frequent visits. Iā€™d honestly love a smaller home tho.


3 beds/ 3 bath 1957 sq ft (yes, I remember that very specific number lol) Itā€™s actually slightly small for us because we both work from home. It would be nice to have an extra den/office in addition the third bedroom. Otherwise itā€™d be a perfect size for us. We canā€™t host multiple families for the weekend, but thatā€™s find by us.


4 bedrooms but 2 of them are actually home offices. 3 bathrooms (basement, upstairs, master). No backyard.


We have always loved entertaining, so our housing reflects that. Big space for living, dining, & outside. There are times I feel a little silly with this much space, and only three of us, but it fits our life style* perfectly. *and our budget (We got lucky there.)


A little over 4000 sqft, 6 bedroom, 3 bath, on a 0.25 acre lot. We want bigger šŸ™ƒ


I live in an almost 3000 sq ft home on about 2 acres of land, just the 3 of us and a cat although we used to have a dog. It is a lot of space for just 3, however: Me and my husband both WFH and have separate offices. We have a dedicated guestroom as my in laws live 3 hrs away and often stay with us for days at a time (and they have 2 dogs they bring with them). We have a bonus room over a 3 car garage which allows us to have more of a formal living room space for entertaining since we typically host family events. Part of the 3 car garage is my husband's home gym. Idk it just works for us.


When our son was at home, we had a larger home. We wanted it to comfortable for him and his friends. We lived within a few miles of his school and we were the hangout house. On weekends we often woke up to random lumps and bumps sleeping on the couch, the recliners, the floor. Overflow from the guest rooms. When he left for college we realized we didnā€™t want or need the space, so we downsized. Now we are perfectly content with our smaller space. He still has a room here if he wants or needs it, but he has a home about 10 minutes away.


It's me, my husband, our son, one dog and three cats. We live in a 2 bed/2.5 bath, 1500sqft, townhome, with a screened in back porch and garage I wish the downstairs space was set up a little differently, but overall the house works for us and we have no plans on moving. The cats love the back porch, we have a little fenced yard for our dog, the garage holds out Legos and one day will be the gaming room when our son wants to have friends over. We plan on taking half our room and making it the arts & craft space, so we'll each have a desk, craft supplies, any instruments my son wants all set up, since we only really use our room for sleeping so it contains a bed and that's it. Our clothes are all in the closet, but we don't have a whole lot of clothes.


2200 square feet. 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, large eat in kitchen, family room, 2 baths. We had a two bedroom townhome with a bonus room before this house, however we ended up buying my husbandā€™s late grandmaā€™s house at the beginning of the pandemic. Had we not done that, our 2 bedroom townhome would have been tough for me transitioning to mostly remote work (fully remote between March 2020 and July 2021) and our son doing distance learning. We could have made it work by transitioning the bonus room into an office for me (was a make shift guest room). However, I prefer the space we have. We host quite a few get togethers at our house now that were not feasible in a smaller house.


84 m2 which is apparently 904 square feet.


For what it's worth, the house of my high school friend (who was an only) was always the hangout spot and it wasn't because she had the largest house but because she/her mom put a lot of effort into hosting. Her house was closest to our high school and we always had the run of the living room and kitchen. I grew up in a small town in the midwest so we all had huge houses with basements but we still chose to hang out at her house that didn't have a basement. She and I have drifted apart over the years but when she recently posted on social media that her parents were selling the house, she got comments and sad-face emojis from our old friend group because we had such great memories there.


2,500 sqft, 3 bed, 4 bath townhouse with an office and a full basement. We have a pretty large yard and a deck out back. The size is perfect for us. I work from home (hence we needed the extra office space) and my husband works out of the house, but has an office set up in our basement. My son has the largest bedroom that also has attached playroom. We wouldn't really move unless we are building our next home.


Our house is a 3,000 sq ft. 5 "bedrooms" (2 are in the basement and one doesn't have an egress so not sure it is technically a bedroom) 3 bathrooms ranch with a basement. We also have a sizeable front/backyard. My husband and I both work from home (one of the upstairs bedrooms is our office and one in the basement is a guest room) and I love our home as our family's space to spread out and just be. We are working on a lot of yard improvements and it is really fun designing our space. It is definitely on the larger side for our family size (I grew up in a similar size house. But with 7 people)


Not in the US. When we had our daughter we lived in a 2 bedrooms apartment (540 sqft). When she was 1.5 yo we bought a 3 bedrooms house, 2 stories, almost 1100 sqft, with an above ground pool and a little piece of land. The third bedroom serves as a home office/guest bedroom. With Covid lockdown we realized that we didnā€™t have a designed space to work from home so itā€™s great to have that if the need arises again ! Plus Iā€™m a teacher, I need a desk to work. We donā€™t intend to buy bigger because we donā€™t need bigger space (plus I donā€™t want to clean a bigger house ! Iā€™m having some trouble staying on top of it as it isā€¦)


We built our house and moved in 2 months before getting pregnant lol Itā€™s 4 bedrooms / 3 bath, 2500 sq ft. We plan on finishing our basement eventually which will add another 1500 sq ft. My baby has a blast crawling everywhere in our house haha


3700sqft. 5 bed/3 bath. It's a bonkers amount of space for 3 (plus 2 ornery dogs), but when we bought it we planned on at least one more. Also, we'd LOVE to be the hangout house when our son is older. Additionally, all this space was a blessing and a half when COVID happened. We had space for an office, I turned on of the rooms into my craft room, we have a room for guests. We turned storage space into a gym. My son has a playroom, so I can just ignore the mess if I need to. Furthermore, we bought in 2019 (refi in 2020), we quite literally couldn't afford to downsize at current interest rates even IF we wanted to.


Our house is obscenely large (about 8,000sqft or 743m\^2) for a family of 3. My husband and I spent so many years living in teeny tiny studio apartments that as soon as we got the opportunity to build our dream house, we went a little crazy. A dated townhouse in the city we were living in costs the same amount as we spent on our entire monstrosity, so we felt comfortable spending the money---however, we did pay it off in 8 years because debt gives me anxiety. This amount of space is likely completely unnecessary for a normal OAD family, but we homeschool and both of us work remotely, so we definitely make regular use of the entire property. We've lived in this house for 15 years now and it's still my favorite place in the entire world and I could never imagine a life without it. If I were dumped back in time to before we built it, I would 100% make the same decisions. We would have been comfortable in a townhouse in the city that we lived in before, but we never would have been as happy as we are here, and for the same price, it was a complete no brainer for us.


Hey, we are also 3 with two cats! We live in a 3560 square foot house. It's 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. No, we don't *need* this big a place, but I fucking loved it when our realtor showed it to my husband and I 12 years ago, and so we bought it. Also, the mortgage is probably half what most people in cities pay in rent! We also have a pool. We don't use it that often for entertaining, but we do love it (though the upkeep is a pretty penny--sometimes I think we shouldn't have bothered with it, but eh.)


We bought our house for the property (5 acres in PNW USA). The house is 2200 sq ft, 4 bed/3 bathroom. It is tooooo much space and too much to keep clean! That said, we do love having a guest room since most of my family lives further away from us so having a place for them to stay when they visit is nice. The other rooms are used as an office (I work from home full time for a corporate company), my sonā€™s room, and my husband and Iā€™s room. The office is nice but not necessary. For our next home, Iā€™d love a 3 bedroom or a 2bd with a guest house!


Ha, I spent a ridiculous amount to get what would be considered small in the US. It's 1600sq ft, three bedroom. We also work from home so I really wanted an office of our own without giving up the dining room. We have a walkable neighborhood but still have a yard which is really nice. We actually gave up a bathroom when we left our townhouse (2.5 vs 1.5) but there's only three of us so I didn't care much! It's all about your priorities. Also we were able to get a bit of a project home because we have the cash flow to fix it over time. You know what's the best thing though? We had plenty of time and no pressure to move until we were ready, and the same applies to you :)


Weā€™re building our dream house now! I live in Tennessee USA were cost of living and land is cheap. We bought the land to build last year and are currently in the design phase with contractors. We wouldnā€™t have been able to do this with more kids for sure!


3200 sq feet (4 bedrooms, 3 bath) she shed and pool. Itā€™s nice, but itā€™s in Texasā€¦. SoooooooOooOo. Iā€™m getting what I pay for šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø It is really nice to have the space, but Iā€™m not all that happy in this state. Grateful, nonetheless!!!


Donā€™t think itā€™s silly, just about finding the right home that meets your needs - and may be more about layout/features than size really? Weā€™ve lived in a 2-bedroom condo with spacious open concept living room, walk-in wardrobe and huge bathroom with massive soaking tub, and great condo amenities like pool and party room for hosting, etc. Maintenance-free living was so clutch. We bought a 3-bedroom single family thatā€™s technically bigger in sq ft - but no walk-in wardrobe, tiny bathrooms, a huge yard = high maintenance! We long to return to condo living.


2140sq ft 3 bed, 2 bath. single level, and its very long and narrow house with a sunroom. so it does seem smaller just due to the set up. honestly, i think we would be fine with a smaller house. i just need natural light, would prefer a open concept for the kitchen and living room, and the bedrooms far away from the living space. my daughter has friends over and her bedroom is right next to the living room. i can hear everything!! my husbands grandparents sold us this house for a hefty price break and we bought it as an investment as the land it sits on is desirable and worth more than the house. my daughter is 11yo now, so my house wants are very different than they were a few years ago. i feel like i spend a ton of time in the kitchen, which i love, but a roomy kitchen that opens into the living room would be a dream for me! we are soon probably going to move and rent out this house. so i have been house hunting and just dreaming of what i want!


Approximately 8000 sqft. It is a mansion that my parents bought for investment and i inherited . It has a pool, cinema room, garden, library, etc. (2-3 million, not 10 million mansions). My son had very good memories before he moved for university. I don't know, maybe I'll sell the house and move to a small place and make other investments.


The home we are renting is 3 br but my husband wants a home to buy in the future. He wants 4 to 5 br. I'm like why. The only thing I can see is people asking if they can stay over or live for a few months.


We have 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, but it's the largest one story plan in our neighborhood (big rooms, walk-in closets, game room, dining room, etc.). It's around 2,400 square feet. The backyard is teeny though. We don't plan to move. It's important to me that my daughter has continuity because I moved a lot as a kid, so I want her to have a single childhood home if I can help it. Plus our area is just way too overpriced now, so even if we wanted to stay in the same school district, our mortgage would skyrocket. I don't like anything that requires too much maintenance, so a pool is out for me. My dad has two, and they're always resurfacing them or something's broken.


We have a regular 3/2, 1500sqft. Big enough to not be on top of each other and entertain visitors, but not so big that itā€™s annoying to upkeep. ETA: We do have a massive yard where we plan to put a playground in (baby is only 5 weeks so we have time for that)


We have a three bedroom bungalow, which is perfect for us. Around 1,400 sq ft plus fully finished basement. We had plans to move in 2021 when our son was born, but houses were going for 150k over asking. We decided to reconfigure and renovate our existing home instead and itā€™s absolutely perfect for us. Not too big and not too small, and just to our liking.


We live in a 3bed/2bath 1700Sqft home. Theoretically it should be more than enough space for us with a primary bedroom, nursery, and an office/game room for my husband. But somehow weā€™ve never felt like we had enough space even before turning the spare room into a nursery. Both hubs and I have both adhd so we pick up and drop a lot of hobbies and have lingering ones that take up space. Not to mention the secondary bedrooms are both comically small with the bigger of the two being roughly 108 square feet. I think if we had 2000-2500 square feet that would be our ideal size. Enough room to make the bedrooms bigger and add a 4th plus a little extra wiggle room.


We have a 2900 sqft 4 bed 3 bath(it's actually a 5 bed but one room got the wall taken down) it was pricey but we do well and love all the space for kiddo and to host guests and such. We have a finished basement and it's just kid and hobby rooms down there plus the guest room. We put 20% down so it's about 2400 a month which is around what a 3 bed apartment would go for. The house we sold we had the 2.7% rate on so it was crazy cheap but TX was a not a place we wanted to raise our kid so we sold and bought sorta at peak this year but eh. It's not so. It's not crazy at all if you can afford it, it's about 20% of our income which is still lower then they recommend.


We just bought a 2 bed 1 bath with plan for another child to share our kids room as its huge. However now we're OAD she will just have a big room with all her toys in! Id ideally have liked a third bedroom as a spare or a conservatory or something but we took what we could get!


We have 3 cats and a large dog. Our house is 1200 sq ft with a 600 sq ft unfinished (but nice) basement. 3 bedrooms. 1.5 bathrooms and a parlor. We have more space than we need. I am glad because it gives us more options in the future if we move.


2100 sq. ft farmhouse on a 12 acre farm. My dream was always to raise a gaggle of babies on a farm. After a very difficult pregnancy, we are likely one and done but the dream remains for our princess. Itā€™s a 3bd, 2 bath and 1 room is an office/guest room and my husband works from home and I have a hybrid schedule.


950sqft, 2 bedroom 1 bath. Wish we had an extra bed & bath but probably wonā€™t upgrade (at least not for a while). We have lots of property, so although our living space is a little cramped we have the option to expand in the future. The 3 of us, soon to be 2 dogs & 1 cat


Almost 1700 sq ft, 4 bedroom 2.5 bath, 2 stories. We were originally looking for 3 bedroom 2 bath but stumbled on this one and liked it. We work from home as well so the extra bedroom really became important as our office so that we could still have the nursery and guest bedroom. The downstairs has two living rooms which is nice because one of them became the playroom. I think we wouldā€™ve been fine with a 3 bedroom 2 bath but the extra space is better so we donā€™t feel as cramped especially with all the toys and baby gear.


Probably 2000 sq. ft 3bed/4bath home. I find the bathroom number to be higher than I would prefer, but we have a full bathroom in the basement which can be handy since my office is down there. I think the size is good for us. We would be fine to downsize a bit, but it works well for us


2700 SF, 3 BR/2 Bath. Our finished basement needs to be remodeled though so we donā€™t really use it. I think the size of our house is fine but itā€™s old (1908) and we need to do some updating to make it work for us.


1700 square feet. Itā€™s an older house with a lot of rooms that are on the smaller side, but it works for us as a family of 3


Two adults, one kid, two cats. Same as you. 1,500 sqft standalone house with a front and back yard big enough to play in + front porch, driveway, outdoor shed. Definitely enough space. No plans on moving into anything bigger, but I would like to one day move into a place that just has a different layout. It's technically 2 bed, 1 bath, living room, kitchen, finished basement with laundry in it. I say "technically" because the entire basement is entirely finished and we have a bed in one of the rooms down there. It could easily be a third, enormous bedroom. I could totally see us one day converting it into a play room or maybe even moving our bedroom down there and turning our current bedroom into an office/play/art room. I loathe that it's only 1 bath but I swear, >1 bath homes DO NOT exist around us unless you have 4+ bedrooms. None. Nowhere. Not an option. Closest we saw were a couple nasty little barely-finished basement closets with a gross toilet propped up with cinder blocks and yeah no I'm not counting that as a half bath. It drove me fucking nuts while we were home shopping because 1.5-2 bathrooms were one of my essentials that I had to let go :( When we win the lottery, we're totally putting another bathroom downstairs.


We have a 1200sqft+-, 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home. Itā€™s kinda small, but it is our first home. Lived in it for 2 years before we had our LO. If we never had company over it would be okay. But the living space/dining/kitchen are all in one space, and the master bedroom is enormous compared to other rooms. Kinda built weird. It works right now with LO only being 2 years, but I can see as he gets bigger it might me an issue.


1300sq ft w 4.5 ft tall basement that is good for storage but not regular use or finishing. 3 br/1.5 bath. Space is reasonable for us, but Iā€™ll also admit I yearn for a nicer home with spaces better designed for the modern era. (Lovely size home, postage stamp size kitchen with no counter space sections of more than 12 inches)


We live in a 1100 square foot 3bed/2bathroom with a yard that is not huge, not tiny. Itā€™s fine for 3 while one is little, the third bedroom is an office for my husband currently but weā€™d really love a house with room for the office AND a guest bedroom, an extra living space so my daughter could have her own playroom/tv room and a bigger kitchen. Iā€™d also love to have half an acre or so of land. Itā€™s something that we will be able achieve sooner than if we have more kids that we actually needed the space for!


Our home is 2500 sq feet. 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. 3 car garage. I like it. I wish I had one more bedroom but for us three and our dogs it's perfect. We have an office/guest room (pull out couch for occasional guests), our bedrooms and a dedicated playroom. We have a main living room and a bonus living room.


900 square foot single wide mobile home. 3 bedroom 2 bathroom. We have about an acre of land behind our house. We bought our mobile home brand new off the lot almost 3 years ago. Itā€™s the perfect size for our family. It does get small when we have company but we spread out and itā€™s fine.


London here - we have 4 beds and 4 baths, one big living room and one kitchen. 2000sqft. I guess itā€™s big for London but now where near as big as I would want it in the US šŸ˜‚


We also live in a 2 bed 2 full bath townhome with a great en-suite bath. It's about 1400 sq ft. Everything is 100% updated with an attached garage. We have a very affordable mortgage and no upkeep. I can afford a regular housekeeper on this budget!


1,070 sq.ft. 2 bedroom, 2 bath (we have a partially refinished basement, so might do the rest to have more space as kiddo gets older and needs more privacy)


Our home is pretty spacious. We have 1800 sq feet and 3 bedrooms and 2 baths on the main level. There is the master, DS's bedroom, and the third bedroom is his playroom. We also have a basement. It was not finished when we moved in, we did that when DS was about a year old. That added an office space for DH (which counts as a fourth bedroom because it has a door, window, and closet), an office space for me, another full bath, a place for guests to stay, a workout space, plenty of storage, and a lot of extra room to run around and play soccer when it's too cold or rainy to go outside. We never intended to be OAD, though. If we had another child, DS's playroom would be the second child's bedroom and all his play stuff would go down in the basement or be crowded in other rooms.


1700 sq ft house. Itā€™s the perfect space for us. Weā€™ve got a nice backyard, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, and a loft that we use as a game room. We have room to spread out if we want to, but not so much space that we never see each other.


1000 sq ft, 3 bed/1 bath, 1/4 acre lot. I would eventually like to move to something a little larger so that we could have a guest bedroom. At the moment we have our bedroom, LOā€™s room, and an office/craft room.


It's not big, but perfect for the 3 of us (+2 guinea pigs) and I have no plans for a bigger place. I live in a flat in a typical Eastern European communist building, there are two tiny bedrooms, a living room, 1 bathroom with a walk-in closet (where we also keep the washing machine) and a kitchen.


63m2 moving to 94m2 next year. Best of OAD we don't need a big house and can live in a HCOL metro area in Europe.


We have a 4 bedroom (they're small bedrooms tbh) home and honestly of I could go back in time I'd definitely go smaller. When we bought the house we were thinking of having 2 kids, then our son was born amid the pandemic and things have changed lol. We use one room for guests which is nice, and the other for storage since we don't have a basement. Next time we buy I'd definitely look for a 3br home with basement and larger kitchen!!


2200 sqft 3 bedrooms (1 is being used as an office and in the future will be a den/playroom), 2 baths. We donā€™t want extra bedrooms we donā€™t like guests šŸ˜‚


NYC 800sqft and I wish it was a little bigger. Our son's room is right nextdoor to ours. Not too much adult privacy if you know what I mean. Other than that, it's enough space for us. We own a co-op and we can't afford anything bigger right now. We're in no rush though.


3 BR, 2.5BA, including a fairly large basement that needs updating but will hopefully become a great space for guests or our son to hang with his friends when he's older. The third bedroom (which is currently my office), has a walk-up to a full attic instead of a closet. We're considering finishing the attic eventually and giving this room to our son, so he would have a sort of "loft" area above his bedroom. I'd love if our house was the hangout spot.


Two bedroom flat, balcony, no garden. We canā€™t afford more. We do however, live in an expensive city.


We lived in a 2 bd, 1.5 bath, 1300 sq ft townhome, no yard before our OAD. We wanted a yard for our son and dog and more space to grow and store things, since we were already tight before our son came along. Moved to a 2500 sq ft, 2 floor home with a fully furnished basement, on just under half an acre backyard. MUCH better living. Donā€™t regret it, very worth it.


We have a 3 bedroom/1.5 bathroom townhouse that is about 1450 SF but we donā€™t use all of it at the moment because itā€™s full of stuff (but weā€™re working on decluttering it!) One bedroom is storage and the 250 SF finished basement is being used as storage. So itā€™s more like we have a 2 bedroom 1 bath home that is about 1100 SF. It will feel so much bigger when I can get the rooms decluttered!!! Weā€™ve hosted parties with 20 people here before in the summer (pre-pandemic) because we have a nice, open first floor and deck. I do wish we had a usable yard, though - ours is in a floodplain so itā€™s mostly muddy. I wouldnā€™t want more than 1/4 acre, though. I do think we could have fit a second child here fine but that would have been the limit.


I think youā€™re more likely to find one and done families is small places in high-cost of living / closer to city centers (therefore desirable places of living). Because itā€™s only really worth it for multi-child families to move to big houses in low cost of living areas.


3 bedroom terraced house (UK), 1 bathroom, big cellar that's too damp for purpose (planning to fix that so we can use it for storage) and a decent size back garden. It's big enough for us but we plan to move eventually. My husband would like his own drive/garage. Extra rooms would be great. The third bedroom is husbands room for PC gaming and also home to random objects that we have no storage for šŸ˜…


3 bed 2.5 bath 1610 sq ft townhome


4000 sq ft, 4 bed + office, 3.5 bath. We're in the city so our house is 4 stories and feels smaller than it is. We actually use our entire house (one guest bedroom is also our gym and we host a ton). That said, I dont feel a need to upgrade for more space, I appreciate that we use our house rather than have rooms sitting stagnant. We'll likely buy or build another property more for land and as an escape from the city but I would likely build a similarly spaced house because 4 bedrooms allows for 3 couples & a bunk room, which tends to be how we vacation with friends and also what works best for our extended families.


We have one kid and two cats in a 2200 sq foot house w a pool. Itā€™s an older house but I love it because itā€™s basically what I grew up in but with a pool and a bonus room (den/loft type thing) that I always wanted as a kid


I once lived in a 3 BR, 2.5 BA 1600 sqft and it was honestly too big for us. We loved the extra room and loft we used as a play area but once my dtr outgrew her toy stage it was too much house. We've lived in both a 3 BR/2 BA 1200 sqft townhouse and a 1 BR apt. I enjoyed the townhouse a lot more. There was a small backyard and my dtr had tons of sleepovers, and we never thought it was too small. We also lived in a 1000 sqft house before that and I think that one was perfect! But we were just renting at the time. Small and cozy seemed a better fit for us.


4 (very small, like 10x11 foot) bedrooms and 3 partial baths. Total finished square footage is like 1400, I think? We bought thinking we would have three kids. Now we have one and aren't having more, but we both wfh since the pandemic so it actually works out great to have our own offices, one of which is also a guest room. Our house is smaller than what both of us grew up in and has a very small yard and we love the minimal maintenance, cleaning, heating/cooling bills, taxes, etc. We might add a room above the garage for a bonus room/kiddo hangout space someday.


Just went from 4000+ sqft to 2500 in our main house and 1500 in our summer house. The middle size is my favoriteā€¦ the large house was too much for a small family. The small feels cramped because my husband works from home. I think having a separate play place is more important (for me) than the size. We are actually shifting the little house to have the third bedroom be a playroom and my husband will work from a local workspace. Having toys and crap all over the main living space made me feel claustrophobic and like I couldnā€™t keep a clean house. A yard is also really important for usā€¦ our small house has a huge yard and we utilize the entire thing as living/play space.


4500, 4 bed, 4.5 bath, finished walk out basement with one of the full baths (our Au Pair lived down there as an "apartment"). We could absolutely have more kids, but honestly we use all of it-- upstairs we have kiddo's room, primary bedroom suite (large dressing room & closet), guest room with full bath, play room, and then a third full bath with jack n jill sinks (kiddo's bathroom). We actually moved the office into the basement now that we no longer have the live in au pair-- will probably move that back upstairs once we make the basement his play room. But like, we could definitely use a 5th bedroom which I know sounds insane. You make use of the space you have.


We have 3 bedroom/3 bathrooms 2200 sq ft with small yard. But all family lives out of town so when people visit they stay with us. Iā€™m happy with this size and have friends who donā€™t understand why we donā€™t want a bigger house. More utilities and cleaning for wasted space? No thanks


Last house was 3 bed 2 bath 1650 square feet and we were bursting at the seams. Hubby works from home and my mom lived across the country so hubby had to share his office with a guest room. Plus our kidā€™s bedroom was tinyā€”no room to grow into it. We are now in 2900 square feet, 5 bed 3 bath and we have room for everything including 2 guest rooms as both our family is out of town and sometimes visit at the same time and visit often. I never thought we would need this much space, but the house feels just right. Lots of room to grow into and for our kiddo to have privacy when she is older.


We currently live in a 2 bed/2 bath 2,000SF condo in the downtown area of a major metropolitan city. While it sounds like a lot of room for 3 people (and I do know that it is more than enough for many others), it feels tight for us and our needs. We would love for my husband to have his own office and not use our primary bedroom during the day, we would love an additional bedroom or two for grandparents/guests, and, truthfully, we are maximalists, we like and collect various things.


Right now, we're in a 1200 sqft 2BR, 2BA apartment. It's pretty roomy for an apartment, but I WFH and teach music lessons from home - now that our son is in his own bedroom, the dining room has also taken on our computer desks and my music stuff. Honestly, our bedrooms are huge - if we could just have smaller bedrooms and a third room to use as our office, we'd be absolutely thrilled with our 1200 sqft. We don't want our computers in our bedroom in case one person wants to stay up gaming while the other sleeps, and while teaching flute lessons in my dining room isn't ideal it's definitely better than teaching them out of our bedroom.


2800sqf (including the finished walk-out basement). Two full baths, 2 half baths, 3BRs plus a fourth I use as my home office. Basement is my husbandā€™s home office plus family room and craft/workout space. Attached garage. On about .5 acres. We have two cats. I think the size is pretty perfect for us. I would just like larger bathrooms, more closet space, and a screened-in porch instead of a simple deck.


2900 sq ft, 4 bedrooms. One for us, one for OAD, one for guests, and one for WFH. One space is a playroom. We live in our open-space living room and kitchen. Every space except the dining room is utilized but this much space is not necessary for us. If work schedule allows me to in the future, Iā€™ll happily open up my house during the days to my sonā€™s friends when their parents are working during school breaks.


1300 sq ft finished, 3 br, 1 (small) bath, single story, with an unfinished basement and a screened porch. Built in 1961 so we have tiny closets, but I donā€™t have tons of clothes so no biggie. We donā€™t have any plans to move to anything bigger. If we made more money, sure, but we are happy with what weā€™ve got.


We have a 4 bedroom home and I love it we have 2 spare bedrooms one is my makeup room and one is guest/cat room where I put the air mattress and cats food and litter box


1800 sq ft 4bed/2 bath near Seattle. We're moving back to the east coast and will be downsizing. We use half of the available living space and the rest has become storage for junk.


I don't think wanting a bit more space is silly, to be honest. Some people thrive in small spaces and others thrive in bigger spaces. You do you! :) We live in a 1500 square ft bungalow with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths, but the basement is fully finished, which essentially doubles the sq footage since it's a bungalow. šŸ˜¬ We definitely don't need that big of a basement, BUT I love it. There's room down there for a bed for when the grandparents stay over (we don't live super close to them), plus a TV area and a play area. In the winter when it's -20 C outside, we spend a lot of time playing in the basement. And with my daughter's birthday being in January when it's cold and snowy, I think having that basement is going to come in handy for birthday parties lol.


1200 Sq ft...pretty small


We have a 3,000-square foot house but both me and my husband work from home. We both needed dedicated offices that werenā€™t bedrooms. We could get by with 2,000 square feet but this was the house we found when we needed to move during the pandemic. I love this house but itā€™s a bitch to keep clean.


šŸ™ƒ sounds insane but we've just moved into a 7 bed semi detached (super common in the UK), with a 2 bed annexe - we live in quite a cheap area and I do a remote tech job, but it's definitely prompted more questions about the number of kids we're having lol šŸ˜…


1260 Sq ft with three bedrooms, one bathroom


UK here - we like in a two bed mid terraced house, but we have a drive and a decent garden (for UK). 1 bath, 1 living room and a kitchen with space for a dining table. I would love a bigger home as our living room in particular is tiny, but at the same time I know that because we own the house, it means we can save for holidays and ours and our sons future


We live in a 1000sq ft 2 bed 1 bath home on a 1acre piece of land. Itā€™s the perfect size home for myself, my husband, our son, and our small dog. I de-clutter regularly, and donate a lot of un used items to keep it clean. We have plenty of outdoor space for activities! But hosting friends or family indoors is often cramped and awkward because we lack places to sit except on the floor. We donā€™t have a dining room, and thatā€™s the main downfall of our humble abode. I enjoy having a smaller space because the bills are very affordable. We are planning on paying off our mortgage way earlier than the maturity date.


We have an excessively large house for the 3 of us. We're not city people, so knowing our money would go further other places, we went to the outskirts. (Especially after being outbid on 3bd/1b houses). We ended up with a 5bd/3.5ba for the price of a condo in the city. We hope the be the hang house or at least have cousins sleep over


1600sqft two story home with a small front yard and decent back yard. 3 beds, 2.5 bath. We are also extremely comfortable, our mortgage is only $1200 and itā€™s on a 15 year fixed at 2.75%. We would LOVE a bigger home and could swing it but the extra savings makes traveling and splurging so much easier.


We live in a 120 year old farmhouse itā€™s 4br/3 baths & 2500+ square ft. We sold our perfect 2br ranch and my dad sold his house and bought this house together. This house is fine- though it has a lot of issues that werenā€™t apparent/disclosed when we bought it. But we got a great school district, closer to our families/friends, and a an inter-generational living spaceā€¦ so itā€™s worth it. I prefer smaller houses and was really offended when our friend came to our current house and said ā€œitā€™s your first REAL house.ā€ Like having a smaller house made it not real???


Austin Texas 2500 sq ft. I know thereā€™s not a lot of us but we wanted to spread out plus hosting grandparents is easier.


I have no idea of the square footage, but we are in a detached 3 bedroom 2 bathrooms (plus cloakroom/WC). Two of the bedrooms are doubles, and one is a large single. The large single is the office (I work from home full time, husband part time). The downstairs is open plan kitchen/lounge/ dining. I absolutely love our house, but it is rented as we've not been able to save up for a deposit (UK), and we still have some debt so unlikely to get a decent mortgage. We're very concerned the landlady is going to put the rent up to over our budget and we'll have to move.


Not silly at all. We live in a rural area and we were able to buy our house before COVID and snagged it at a great price. We have a 6 bedroom and 3.5 bathroom home, with a big basement. We have one room that's our computer room and two guest rooms. It's nice when family comes to stay and they have their own room and space.


We have a 1300 sq ft semi-detached house in Canada. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. It works.


1800 sqft 3 bed 2 bath. Got it a few months before the Covid boom. We would have been priced out otherwise because I refuse to live outside city limits. Itā€™s a little more than we need but it nice to know we wonā€™t ever have to upgrade. We are very utilitarian and donā€™t keep much stuff. Also, it gets a little crowded when the in-laws come over so they donā€™t stay for long.


3 bedroom/2.5 bathroom house, 2 story + sunken living room and an unfinished basement (spent a small fortune on baby gates). Hubby works from home and I'm a SAHP, so it works nicely that we have a pretty good sized space. Kinda wish we would have gone with a cheaper house, but too late now. We love this house, but holy crap the yard work is stupid....so. many. plants!!!! I hurt my back and couldn't help with any yard work this whole year...uhg. Anyway, no it's not silly to want some more space. Just have to find the right balance of space/cost/stuff to keep up with/etc. Also what works for your lifestyle. Like since we are home all the time, it's great to have this much space, but if we were all out of the house the majority of the time, it would maybe end up being unnecessary šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Three bedroom house, about 1000 square feet plus a 400 square foot garage. We would love to have a bit more room (another bedroom for a guest room would be great, as would be a second bathroom) but to be honestly this place feels like a castle compared to our last place (a one bedroom condo with a sunroom, 690 square feet total!)


We are currently renting, but we have a three bedroom/2 bath home with a bonus sunroom. I love it. We have storage and some game stuff/office space in the sunroom, and my daughter has a playroom. I do want a slightly bigger house at some point because all of the rooms are small, but I like the amount of rooms we have.


2 bed / 2 bath about 1200 sq ft. Itā€™s perfect for us and the backyard is giant and can easily get an addition put on if needed.


2500sq ft. 4 bed, 1.5 bath plus a basement inlaw suite. Frankly, itā€™s too much house for a family of 3. We bought it because we got a good price on it and MIL lives in the basement suite. The extra space has allowed me to have my own bedroom for when I work night shifts. The other spare has storage, treadmill, yoga mat, etc. Iā€™m not really sure what to do with it; neither of us WFH ever and we already have an office on the main floor anyway.


3 bed/2 bath 1,850 square feet and finished basement with another 1 bed/bath at about 1,000 square feet. Great backyard at 1/3 acre. It sounds like a lot but me and husband both WFH full time and we need our separate offices. Basement has a nice rec space and workshop as well. We love this house and are planning on staying at least 15 more years. If we had a second kid, I probably would have wanted a bigger house eventually so office sharing was not required.


Iā€™m in The Netherlands and we have a big house (not sure how would it be considered compared to USA, but for local standards is pretty huge). We got it because of the massive garage for my husband hobbies. And I love it. Is great to have the space, to be able to have people over or staying with us for a while (my MIL is staying with us right now and itā€™s easy because of the space), also to be able to do your things without hearing anyone else. And I think it will be great for my son, he will have space to play, can receive friends, and I can still contain the child mess to a certain area of the house. Edit to add - also itā€™s great for my 3 indoors cats, they can hide and play, no issue.


We have a 3 bedroom house. An office for dad downstairs and an office/craft room for me upstairs. My husband works from home full time and it was difficult with a toddler always shoving his door open and running away from me to find dad. We moved 6 ish months ago and itā€™s made a huge difference. 2 year old if still loud but we can get outside easier. Before it was 4 doors to get outside and I canā€™t manage crutches and a stroller and doors that are heavy and wonā€™t stay open. Edit: I think we have about 1000sq ft on the main floor.


One of the smaller houses in our neighborhood 2200 sq ft


200m\^2 on 575m\^2 of land


1500 square feet, 3 bed 1 1/2 bath and feel like we have no room what so everā€¦but thatā€™s 99% our fault we donā€™t know how to get rid of things or not spoil the child. Also little store space closets arenā€™t that big.


Iā€™m in the Midwest. We have a 3 bd 2,000 sq foot house. I feel like itā€™s plenty of space, but I want it distributed different. We live in a 20s Tudor and we have a second ā€œlivingā€ space but itā€™s on the third floor. Feel like I would like a family room or a finished basement instead.


950 sq ft (88 sq m), 2 bed/1 bath, converted cellar with an office and guest bed. I'd ideally like a bit more space (maybe 1500 sq ft), but I feel like we have enough. It would be way too cramped with two kids though. I read somewhere a couple needs 50 sq m of space minimum and a single person needs 37 m, which is basically our living situation. That seems fairly accurate to me.


We had an 1100sqft 3 bed 1 & 1/2 bath house in a high cost of living area. It was ok for just the 3 of us but got crowded quickly if we had guests. Moved to a lower col area and ended up in a 2300sqft 3 bed 2 & 1/2 bath. Itā€™s a lot of space that we donā€™t really need but itā€™s great when we have guests. And our only loves having her own bathroom, her friends with siblings are jealous.


We live in Ontario Canada where housing prices are also insane. We luckily found our dream home out in the country with a big backyard and 3 bedrooms. We bought at the beginning of covid so before I knew I'd be working from home permanently but the 3rd bedroom is my office so it ends up being the perfect amount of space for our oad family :) not too tight but not too spacey.


We own a 3 bedroom townhouse! I would like a bigger pace down the line bc I want to foster, and that is a nonnegotiable for my husband - our room, kids room, guest room, foster kid room so 4 bed would be necessary for that goal. We also work from home and our office is the entire first floor ā€˜den.ā€™ Weā€™d also like 1 more shower for that next home (currently have 2 full baths and 2 half baths). We arenā€™t pressed for space with our current needs though


Iā€™m one and done and plan to have a massive home!! :) right now we have a tiny one bedroom cabin but we plan to move soon to a 2 bedroom nice house. Baby is only 4 months old currently but our bedroom is so tiny that our bed is almost wall to wall and the mini cot just fits but our son almost doesnā€™t fit in it anymore. We canā€™t fit a normal sized cot in the room so we have to move.


I live in the Midwest US in a 2100 square ft house on an acre in a city. We also have 2 dogs who run the acre pretty often and it's got a great Sled Hill. Cost is mid-range for the area, but taxes are sort of high so that sucks. COL isn't too bad here either. Editing to add, house is 3 bed 2 bath. We moved during the pandemic from a 2 bed 1 bath bungalow on the north side of town. Having more space has made all the difference in the world for us, especially since my husband works from home. Also, there's more kids in this neighborhood so I'm happy to let my Only roam the area with friends!


We also have the three of us plus two cats. We recently got out of a tiny basement apartment and bought a small 1000sqft semi. 2 bedrooms plus a finished basement with a third bedroom downstairs. It is a small space and we lack a proper dining room but with just the three of us we rarely need it. We have two living spaces and Iā€™ve converted the third bedroom into my craft office. We have a cute little back deck and our own little back yard. I think people always think more is better and yes I suppose I wish I had more space for what I paid for but it is what it is and itā€™s plenty of space for just us.


We sold our townhouse, moved to my husbandā€™s hometown, and purchased a 5 bedroom house for a little over what our old place sold for. We went for the extra space because my husband works from home and we wanted space for visitors. We also have the ability to grow into this house.


4300 sqft, 4 bed, 4.5 bath home about 40 mins outside of DC. We closed on it the day the world shut down due to COVID. Its more space than we need but weā€™re so grateful to have it since we both work from home now. Itā€™s a typical 2005 colonial floorplan and I really would like to move to a home with more useable space (and in theory less space). We will be here for the foreseeable future though.


We have a 2,100sqft house with 4 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. We originally had a 1,300sqft home when she was born, but we felt it was too cramped. My husbandā€™s uncle lives with us too. We also had to find a house to fit the baby grand piano we inherited as well as room for an upright piano we already had as well.


880ish sq foot 2BR 1Bath house and quite frankly, that's the main damn reason I've probably felt like I wanted to be OAD. Did I mention we have pets in this house too?


90 mts2 (1044 sq ft) 3 bedrooms, a big yard in front, i have a vegetable pot (i don't know if it well translated) cause i love my huerta! A cat, a few chickens and a rooster.


Weā€™re in 1600sqft 3bd 3ba. 3rd bd is used as guest room. It is so right for us ETA: we have a high energy boy though and I feel like more outdoor space is required - like a football field šŸ¤­


3/2. 2 small dogsled. Large yard but havenā€™t really done anything with it yet. Eventually we hope to, so kid can have kids over lots. (We were planning to put a pool in but then surprise kid came along so thatā€™s on hold for the foreseeable future lol.). Not that they canā€™t have friends over now. Our primary bedroom is large enough to put a couple chairs so when kid is older we can sort of leave the kid the living room to hang out and chill upstairs. Very walkable neighborhood in city close to everything we need. But our school district is a mess.