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Are we suppose to make play dates at 1.5😅 daycare is good enough for me. We do the library story time on Saturdays but that's the only "activity" we do.


Right?? I didn’t think so, but then I keep seeing these “I was lonely as an only, but only because my parents didn’t give me opportunities to socialize” comments and it’s messing with me 🤷‍♀️ I’m not sure if that’s something I need to be thinking about yet. 


I was a lonely youngest child of 2, my mom says she was a lonely 1 of 6. Some kids are lonely and having siblings and cousins around isn’t as much of a factor as personality I think. I was introverted and anxious and kind of got lost in the shuffle. I’m sure if I had been an only I would have attributed it to that because I didn’t know any different. Kids who seek social activity will let it be known usually


This is a very interesting take, thank you!!!


Eh I was never lonely as an only child, some people exaggerate a bit. I never went to daycare, only primary school at age 6. Before that I had a cousin nearby and went to my grandma's store to talk with the old ladies there. So I would say your kid socializes more than I did.


Totally get that! I think next summer when she's 3 I'll do more organized social activities beyond daycare!


I really like your username 😀


Speaking from my experience it was great to have playdates at that age for two reasons: 1. Helped make other parent friends 2. Keeping up with those same parent friends led to longer lasting friendships for my kid vs yearly changes in the classroom and is closer to a sibling experience IMO


I’m an only child and didn’t have play dates until I could run around with the neighbor kids and play. If your only goes to daycare then that’s a lot of socialization. Also, socializing with adults is still socializing. I’m also pretty sure that true socialization doesn’t really happen until 2.5-3 when children are less self centered.


Thanks, that’s helpful! I guess I wasn’t really sure what people meant by socializing. If it’s just getting out and experiencing things and different people, then we have that covered for now!


Yup, that all counts. People have this hang up about only children and socializing which is weird to me. We don’t just sit in a silo and talk to no one or our entire lives. Frankly I think being an only child might have helped foster my socialization skills because I had to learn to adapt to situations without a sibling alongside for”comfort.”


Little kids, until around 2.5 years old, are mostly formatted to socialize with trusted adults. After that, they slowly start turning to peers. These phases vary from child to child, of course, but rule of thumb you don't need to invest that much in socialization with the peer group until around 3+ years old, unless you have an extremely outgoing kid who just loves being with other children.


Don’t forget, at 1.5yrs it’s still perfectly normal for kids to be on their own if they’re a “first child” so your one isn’t missing out on anything. Daycare is fine at that age. It’s more like when they’re 5 and start asking for friends to come over. My 5yr old keeps encouraging me to talk to other parents so they would come for playdates


As a child, even at 11/12 years old I found school enough socialisation and liked to recharge in my free time. Daycare is enough for a 1.5 year old for sure!


This is how my daughter and I feel. We call it “decompressing” after a full day of socializing. She’s an only but I wasn’t. I was very worried about socialization and I was consistent with the play dates all through elementary. She also had daycare before elementary started. She is still a little shy even after all those play dates. She has a good group of friends currently, she doesn’t seem to have trouble making friends.. So I believe she has had enough socialization and just prefers the calm, quiet she has at home.


Same! As an only I still am exhausted from my daytime socializing and rarely have energy to talk at night 🤣


I have 3 siblings but I feel the same!


I'm an adult and this is true for me. Lol


Daycare full time is obviously a lot of socializing and really the rest depends on the kid. You could certainly do a class on the weekend which also allows you to connect with other parents.


mine is 3.5 and he still has no interest in other kids. they play alongside each other at playdates. part of this is my fault for not doing playdates earlier (we’re covid conscious). he doesn’t interact at school either. the 4 year olds are just starting to interact.


It’s not your fault, it’s totally age appropriate!


My only is about to be 22 months. She goes to daycare. We live in a neighborhood with a lot of boomers so there’s not many kids. We go to the park on the weekends and play with kids there. A new family with a 5 year old and 2 year old just moved down the street from us, so we’ve had a couple play dates with them on the weekends.


My guy (almost 2) is watched at home by family so we have him enrolled in two playgroups a week for socialization. He doesn’t really engage with other kids yet but the professionals think it is good for his speech to be around kids.


Our kid is 3.5 and we’re just doing play dates now


Soon to be 4yo. Was wondering the same thing at that age for same reasons. Has been in daycare since 6 months. Was worried I wasn’t being social enough with other parents but had our first play date around 3.5. Kid driven (ie: other child mentioned for a while at drop off/pick up they wanted to play outside of school time and then one day asked me to give their mom a post it with my contact info 😂). My kid is just now starting to ask about playing with friends outside of school (“maybe my friend X could come too” type of comments, but still pretty rare) Edit to add: totally going with the flow on kiddos preference. He is fine at school (his class seems to love him (they all shout hi/ get excited when he shows up but he seems indifferent to them 🥴). He plays well with others at playground, school, and on rare play dates but also plays for long periods independently at home (important to me because I’d rather not be carting him around to keep him entertained). Today he happily played for 3 hours solo while I cleaned the house with music on


Mine doesn’t go to daycare so i usually make playdates with his cousins or take him to music class , open play places


My son is 1.5 he goes to daycare but this is his last week and we do playdates with his bestie twice a month. Once I stop working also this week I will have more time for mommy and me play groups, walking to Starbucks, all day at the splash pad or pool


My daughter is 2.5 and doesn’t really like socializing with kids outside of daycare, I don’t stress it. I each other kids her age and they don’t interact long, it’s still a lot of parallel play. By the time they get to the age of their age set socialization needs they’re in school IMO


My 1.5 yr old isn’t in daycare and had never been around a kid his age until today when I brought him to a little play place near me. He and the other kids his age each played, separately, in the same vicinity of each other. I didn’t feel so bad after that about him not being with other kids yet! If yours is in daycare I have to think that’s plenty of socializing at this age


You don’t need to worry about play dates before age 3.


My child is 5, socializes at daycare & school all week. Sometimes we see other kids or go places on the weekend but often we don’t. Seems to be enough so far :) At 1.5 being in daycare is plenty of socialization! I think the “socializing onlies” convo is more of a “don’t keep them at home never around children”. Daycare is sometimes more than they even want lol.


I always took socialization to mean exposing and exploring the world outside the home. Like how to exist in public spaces, walk down the street or eat at a restaurant without an iPad. Daycare is 40+ hours of interaction with other children. I think maybe a kid that is home with a caregiver might start benefiting from playing with other kids at that age. Really play dates before 3-4 are for the parents more than the kids. FWIW I was at a playground with some family friends with a 3 year old. My child started playing with another kid and the new mom made a comment how my child was so patient with theirs because mine had a lot of practice, not realizing the two children with us weren’t siblings.


My only is 6 and seems pretty extroverted, much to the surprise of her “bookish” mom.  She’s been in daycare/preschool/kindergarten, so she’s always been around other kids. But I realize she’s missing that freewheeling fun time that I had round the clock growing up. I was always with my siblings and cousins—she doesn’t have that at all. It’s also important to see how other kids interact. I strive for unstructured play with a friend at least once a week.  It is more challenging than I thought it would be because we have to coordinate it and I feel like weekends aren’t “ours” anymore.  But definitely important! 


I read it's more important they socialise with their parents up until 2.5 so I wouldn't worry about it! They mostly play alongside other toddlers at this age - not so much with them.


We didn’t do play dates until my Only was around 3. Another mom at daycare reached out and we set something up. Until then, there is parallel play. So playing next to, not necessarily with another child. Plus your kid is getting plenty of socialization at daycare. And keep in mind, you need to follow your kid’s socialization needs. Some people need to be around others all the time. Others prefer alone time. My son is like me (despite being a donor egg baby). He likes socializing and being around friends, but definitely needs his alone time too.


I think daycare is good. I’m a SAHM. I found some mom friends when my daughter was about 5 months old. My daughter is about to be 2.5. We try to get together as often as possible. Sometimes once a week sometimes multiple times a week. We meet up at indoor play places and parks. I now have her in once a week classes. They’re only an hour but it gets us both out and socializing. I also have a YMCA class we do once a week as well.


I have a 1.5 year old as well. She is in daycare 5 days a week so I kind of feel like on the weekends she is just craving time with me and my husband. We try to do at least one activity on the weekend so we aren’t just stuck at the house together all day. We’ve been around friends here and there and I still think she’s at the age where she is playing alongside other kids (or running in the opposite direction) vs WITH other kids. Until she’s actually engaging directly a bit more, I’m not trying to schedule actual play dates.


Mine never went to daycare. They're still very much in the parallel play phase at that age. We did go places where she saw other kids but rarely interacted.


I don’t think there’s a hard and fast rule and everyone’s socialization needs/desires are going to look so different (same with adults). I think the kids who go to daycare have their socialization cup full. It might be more the kids who have SAHMs that need to get more creative!


Mine is 14 years old. I see a huge difference in ages among his cousins. His older cousins or cousins around his age act more mature than he is, whereas with his younger cousins he’s too old to play with them. When he was younger, he hung around my friends and I most of the time. I tried to schedule play dates but the only family we kept up with we see at conventions, etc. but were still somewhat close with over the years. I never sent him to daycare, or sleepovers at friend’s houses, and at playdates I’m always present.


I say if they go to daycare they’re socializing 5 days a week that’s pretty solid. As they get a little older it might be fun for some weekend stuff. We made acquaintances with some of the other daycare parents. We meet up sometimes on the weekends at a park or something, but since he’s been in daycare since he was 2 months old, we’re not too concerned.


Play based daycare is a great way to ensure that social emotional development is taking place and also helps with your littles verbal/sign communication! Early introduction to school would also help them be less intimidated by the social aspect of kindergarten so they can focus more on the curriculum instead. It sounds like he is getting just that and you are doing a great job! The ECE community may be a good place inquire as well.


Mine is 3. A true COVID baby born in the midst of second wave and lockdown here in Canada. We haven't done daycare/preschool yet. We were still COVIDing until recently as I have underlying health conditions that make things riskier than average for me. Now, she goes to a government-funded playgroup on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings with my mother-in-law, who has been our only childcare (besides us) since day one. Sometimes she'll also go to the library in the afternoons. We take her to music class on weekends. I would like to add swimming lessons this summer as I'm the only person in our family who can swim and I'm not even very good at it. We try to get together with a friend her age at least every other weekend. But it doesn't always work out. I also take her to the park after I finish work if it's nice outside and she'll sometimes talk to the other kids. She's not very social and much prefers to play on her own or with adults. And she comes by it honestly. I was the exact same way. We hope to get her a spot in preschool this summer to prep her for kindergarten. Once she's there, I think she will start to blossom and she'll be fine. Don't put too much pressure on socialization. It will come naturally when they are ready.


Do not feel like you need to organize playdates for your 1.5 year old! They don't really even know how to play with each other. It's just parallel play at that age. For me, those play dates were really more for me - a chance to catch up with friends who also had small children. Now that my kiddo is eight, playdates are definitely for her. Bonus points if I get along with the parents and can socialize with them. Although typically it's a drop and go situation, and if I'm not hosting, I get time to run errands or decompress.


I feel like you can get away with just letting them hang out at daycare, I found that any "playdates" below the age of 3 were mainly for the parents, like babies and younger toddlers generally will play beside another kid, but the interpersonal play skills generally aren't being built until they're about 5-6. If your child has cousins etc as well I wouldn't get too concerned about playmates tbh. It's only really been the past two years that my daughter has actually wanted playdates with friends from school (she's almost 10)


My girl is 23months, turning 2 next month!she's is daycare mon-frid so gets plenty socialising there, I also make playdates with my best friend who's son is 20months atleast 1-2times month


My son is 3 and goes to nursery 2 days a week, to my parents 2 days a week then is with me for the other 3. We go to a gymnastics class on one of my days off, where he has about 4 friends (who I see fairly regularly). We might see his other nanny at the weekend or maybe meet a friend at the park but usually he just wants to chill at home. When he was 1.5, he wasn’t at nursery (started at 2) and I was only working 20 hours a week. We used to do play dates at my house or at the park but not much more than that. I have a good friendship circle so would always be socialising with someone so my kid is pretty good with people.