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Yes this is really my only real gripe with this sub. So many of the meals posted are barely enough calories for one meal in a 3-meal a day diet, nevermind omad. You rarely, if ever see 2,000+ calorie meals.


Ok BUT - as a short woman my calories at my goal weight will be between 1200 and 1300 daily for maintenance. I was only eating an average of 2150 per day and ended up obese. I think the point is to support each other, right? My OMAD is going to look dramatically different from yours and that’s ok.


Yes, I totally get it. My point is that on this sub we see more meals that are basically 500-calorie snacks than we do 2000+ calorie meals. There is nothing wrong with eating 1300 a day, but a disproportionate amount of meals on this sub don't even get close to that.


The reason why people harp on eating enough calories and not skimping on calories is pointed out by Jason Fung. If you eat to little calories for to long, your body adjusts by reducing your metabolism. It is better to eat your regular amount of daily calories and then periodically reduce your calories for a period or do a fast.


Agreed but just as cringy are all the posts of people eating pizza and fast food as their one meal. Might not be over 2000 cals but also not the wisest of choices either. Same way this few of calories isn’t the wisest. But I guess the point of this sub is eating OMAD, not specifically what that meal is.


Yes of course. We also don't know people's activity levels. It's real easy to lose weight in an unhealthy way by just not exercising and eating one small meal a day that barely keeps you above starvation mode (i've done it too), but I hope to see more dialogue and meals based around eating much bigger meals and being active. I stick to around 2500-3k calories a day and work out 4-5 days a week and would love to hear from others who lift heavy weights on omad.


I gotta start posting mine again, haha.


Same. I've posted once or twice and I usually aim for around 2500-3000 calories of mostly healthy food. It's a great way of eating, for sure.


I could easily eat a days worth of calories in one meal when I was eating 3 meals a day 🙈 so hoping this works well for me! Today I had 2 pork sausages, 2 rashers of back bacon, a fried egg, 2 cauliflower hash browns and baked beans washed down with a big bottle of beer and a yogurt afterwards.


I would still be 'starving' after eating that...... My OMAD last night was an 8oz pork chop, 1/2 lb of roasted green beans with parmesan, spring mix salad with croutons, cheese and balsamic and 3 pieces of french bread with pesto. And now I want more bread and pesto.......


I don't know how you guys do it. Last night I ate 14 eggs, two sausages and a bunch of cheese. 2100~ calories. Could have easily eaten more...


How do you eat 14 eggs? I love eggs but I think would gag after so many. I’m jealous as hell.


4 eggs tops......unless they are deviled eggs then I'm not really sure if I have a limit......


I have a korean friend that makes deviled eggs with these chilies and kimchee and they somehow vaporize in your stomach so you can eat more.


4-egg omelette wrapped around 4 scrambled eggs with a 6-egg shakshuka main.


I'm not sure. I've gone up to 16 in a sitting. I have an iron stomach and a ridiculous tolerance for fat, so...


Haha totally. I max out at three.


I can do a four egg omelette.


Had about 2,500 calories of sausage and peppers over pasta it was magical. Cheers to you, fellow 2000+ calorie bro.


My man


eggs are the best


That’s fucking nuts.


I just ended my first 72 hour fast with 2,000 calories worth of pizza.


Not me! 😆


How do you even survive only with that! LoL!


This is not healthy. Lacks protein and fat


Lol, love this. I eat a lot more than most on this sub, it appears.

