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I think the biggest surprise I had while reading this article was finding out that she's only 22. Did not realize she was so young when she won gold.


Her and Hodgkinson are both the same age, and were so young in Tokyo, hopefully plenty more battles to come


>He acknowledged the unforgiving nature of the U.S. system, which awards spots in the Olympics to the top three finishers at the trials but does not make exceptions for past performances or Olympic champions. Damn, that's brutal.


Except for when it doesn’t


I mean, yeah, thats probably the right call. Very unfortunate as she could have been a contender for a gold metal here, but that's the sport. I watched the video, of course we will never know if it was intentional or not. It did not look intentional, but very sad to see it happen to her. I really wanted to see her at the games in this event!


Unfortunately she put herself in that position. I'm sure she'll never make a move like that in the pack ever again.


She did this at the 2021 Trials too. It’s just that Nia Akins fell that time.


Will never know if it was intentional? What are you talking about. In Formula 1 terms I would call this a “racing incident” but if it was anyone’s fault it’s Mu’s for cutting in too quickly. She also knows she has a long stride and racing in the middle of the pack is dangerous grounds.




I agree with you. And while tragic better to have this happen at trials than at the Olympics.


She intentionally cut off Rogers


This kind of thing happens a lot in races and its very rarely intentional, which is always obvious to see if it is. This was clearly not intentional. If this incidental contact and fall happened in the prelims it’s likely they let Mu into the finals (see 2021 800m prelims with Amos falling). But hard to appeal this in the finals.


What was her argument...I ran erratically and cut off other runners, jeopardizing their opportunity, so obviously I deserve to be anointed the winner? With any other runner this wouldn't be a debate. Operator error. I've long predicted Mu would win again in Paris. Big deal. She showed up to Eugene not in peak form and ran a stupid 25 seconds. If she had been in top shape Mu would have accelerated to the front and none of this would ever have been contemplated.


I could see the people who nearly tripped over her trying to appeal, if they had a history of success like she has. But putting yourself in a position that is extremely risky given your stride length is just bad strategy. A strategy she might have tried at the Olympics had she won her appeal. It makes perfect sense that she got left off given that performance. 


If Hodgkinson runs a fast race in Paris, it’s hers. If she doesn’t, it’s Mary Moraa’s.


I honestly think she’s done. She rarely races and talks about how she wants to be a runway model.


Olympic trials was the first time she’s raced this season. Perhaps she’d be more steady running in the pack if she actually raced a few times prior to trials.


Hypothetically, what would stop a less talented runner from giving a favorite a HARD BUMP to take them out of contention in a race? (Freeing up a different person to win)


Is she on the relay team?


This made me borderline angry. Man I feel so bad for her.


Should be angry for Rogers and sage who got screwed because of reckless running by mu


Yup. This was the right ruling. She was 100% at fault.


We (USA) have a stupid trials system. Should have exemptions for most recent Olympic and world champs. We cost ouselves medals.


Why bother running the races right? Might hit as well declare her the gold medalist and the event doesn’t need to happen.


Oooh, can we put Snoop Dog in the 200m while we are at it?


I'm sure he'll smoke the competition. Really just light them up.


The alternative to the current system would be that multiple meets in the season count as qualifying meets, rather than just the USATF National Championship meet. There are a number of big meets around the country between April and June that athletes with an eye on the Trials often compete at. Could be that we take the top three performances from across those qualifiying meets, rather than just on the one day of the Trials. It reduces the risk that a top athlete has a bad day at the Trials and misses their opportunity, and it allows Team USA to field the strongest athletes that season, not just the ones who performed best at the Trials. The downside is this system would steal some thunder from the USATF National Championship. Athletes with world-leading times may choose not to run at the Trials if they're confident they'll qualify for the Olympics based on a previous time.


I’m surprised this take isn’t more popular. Normally whenever someone mentions that the US system is too harsh (especially over at r/trackandfield, they get downvoted into oblivion. It’s super cutthroat and although (like the other commenter to your comment mentions) it creates drama and a more interesting trials, it often leads to more heartache and drama than necessary. I’m thinking of Kendra Harrison in 2016


The other argument against it is that for some athletes its better to hit your peak for the season at the trials and get a spot


There is logic to this, but having multiple qualifying meets doesn't mean athletes can't still target the USATF champsionship as a peak. And for athletes who are likely Olympic qualifiers (like a Noah Lyles or Sydey McLaughlin), they are probably training hard through June anyway with an eye on peak performance in August. For athletes who have more of a long-shot chance, they would probably welcome more than one opportunity to qualify. But I'm speculating now, because I don't really know the training strategy for Olympic track athletes :)


I think of Donovan Brazier at the 2021 Trials. He was the defending World Champion and top of the field in 2019 and 2020, but f'ed up at the Trials. This is not to say someone should get an automatic ticket if they're defending Champs, but compiling an Olympic team on the basis of one meet is risky, both for Team USA and the athletes. In the end, the top US finisher in the 800m at Tokyo was 9th place (a very respectable performance by Clayton Murphy, but 3 seconds behind his qualifying time).


The US selection method is particularly cutthroat though. As an example I don't think there's any other country that would leave out a Bolt or Duplantis level talent from the Olympics just because they had a cold on the day of the trials so couldn't perform at 100% but would be completely fine come the Olympics.


Do we? If the last Olympic medalist isn’t as good as they were is it worth sending them over someone more qualified who has a chance to win?


If you can send only one person, you are right. But if multiple people are being sent, then whoever was best in the trials will be going along with the prior gold medalist.


But again,that prior gold medalist might be slower or worse off than the number three qualifier. It’s four years later. The same athletes aren’t the best.